May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

162nd Sitting 22/10/2015

Following advice given last week I was back in the cabinet again.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer waking up about an hour later.

Liz also dropped of a few times.

I started to be controlled about 10 minutes after waking up.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘To follow the correct sequence of events will enable us to combine our energies with energies that are already in the room. We have dipped ourselves into the energies of your room and opened up a channel of communication that you can benefit from. We all join hands, we all experience the same effect that is generated by the combination of the physical atmosphere and the thoughts that we bring from the world of spirit. A page is written, the words are put down to create a new story, a new train of information that we hope will provide a glimpse for you into the life, the greater life, the life that you are a part of now enabling you to understand and recognise that you are a part of the greater life. You have had your awareness turned down, turned down and restricted to the senses, the physical senses within which you operate yet you still feel that surrounding force which gives you the feeling that you are more, that you have more to experience than what is offered to you via the senses, the physical senses that you work with. The force is felt by all on your side, some ignore the force, some find it becomes a part of their life, they find they can understand the force. The force of the greater life is what motivates you forwards, what motivates you to explore your world, to uncover that what takes from your sight the true meaning of life. You observe the wonders of your world and you can feel inside of yourself that these wonders were created by a power greater than what you recognise as yourself’

Liz… ‘That’s very true’

‘You have built up a recognition of yourself as you journey your life in a physical world but you have forgotten the true power behind that self, the self that you perceive. Some on your side have recognised the power, they have seen how the power can drive them forward. They can tap into that power, engage with the power, the creative power. They can step out of those physical senses, recognise them for what they are, use their imagination and build for themselves a new way of living, a new way of understanding. Look beyond what your eyes reveal to you, see the possibilities, understand how you can create, create a more harmonious life for yourself and for others’

Liz… ‘It seems to me that in order to do that, to truly grasp the full power of the creative force and to work with it we have to overcome fear as it seems the force that creates all the negativity in our world, all the hatred, the wars, fighting and aggression stems from fear. But how did that fear arise and how can one truly overcome that fear. It seems to have been such a generative force in our world, in our minds’

‘Fear… fear has been brought about by the actions of all, the actions and the reactions of each person to the next person. The illusion that you are all separate individuals has caused you all to manufacture a fear for yourself, a fear for your existence due to the misunderstanding that you will not die. Each individual when they see them self as a separate entity, they see no connection, they fear for their own life, they try to protect them self, they cling onto the idea of survival, survival in a physical world. They look for a way to manipulate the world around them so as to make themselves feel more comfortable and protected in a world which to them appears as a dangerous world, a world with much to fear for they feel other separate entities will be a threat to them, a threat to their survival in this world. This is what builds up fears in the minds of men, fears that become so strong that they become permanent, a permanent part of the structure of the minds of men’

Liz… ‘So how did that fear originate, what triggered the fear that people should fear other people because the initial experience of a child that is born is nurturing from the mother, from the family, so other people should appear as supportive rather than threatening’

‘There is always a balance in your world’

Liz… ‘I suppose we see it written into the animal kingdom, a territorial-ness that there is fighting for ecological niches, for territory’

‘Your world is built with love and love is felt. There is love and there is fear. The love from the mother to the child is the initial feeling but as that child grows and mingles with the other people of your world it will sense the attitudes, the feelings of others. It will pick up the fears of others yet the love of your world is always there, this is why we say to you look for the good in all things’

Liz… ‘What was the purpose of the fear?’

‘As the human mind develops in a physical atmosphere many challenges are brought upon the mind, challenges designed to open up the mind. There are many ways to bring obstacles and difficulties into the life, the physical life. Much can be learnt from the exposure to fear in a world of love. Many benefit from the exposure to fear, it allows the mind to think for itself, to make those important choices that enable it to grow. The choices that are based on fear will bring that mind down, will cloud the mind yet the mind will recognise the love in your world, it will question itself. A time will come when the physical mind becomes tired, tired of continued repetition. It will crave for a new outlook, a new sense of being, an expanded outlook. When the mind is ready to look for new opportunities then the love of your world will seep in, will create ideas in that mind and when the opportunities are seen and the choices have to be made then the choices will be done with love and the effects will be felt. There is a passion that is felt by each mind as it journeys through the atmosphere of a physical world, a passion which stimulates the creative power within that mind. Each situation is approached from a new angle and is seen in a new light. The opportunities are there. Slowly each mind takes itself closer to the power that it has brought into your world, the power that has always been there which will light up the sight of that individual person, allow it to see the connections with the next person, allow it to feel the harmony of your world at work in a natural way, allow it to recognise that there is no fear, no fear in a world of love but for that fear that it creates for itself. Once the recognition has been made, that the fear was self-created, then there is no difficulty in letting go of the fears. Fear is an important part of your world all the time that each mind is capable of creating fear. When the human mind has taken that next step then a time will come when fear will be unnecessary. There is much to learn in a world of love yet the time has not yet come when the benefit of fear is no longer a part of the physical world. The weaker minds in your world need your help, need your thoughts of love and understanding. Help each other, do not judge, do not punish, do not create more fear in your world. Take the weak of mind by the hand and help them up… Picture a world where fear does not exist. Picture a world where fear does not form a part of the structure of that world. Each mind is constantly evolving yet without fear will that mind be able to evolve? A time will come when the world of physical matter will become illuminated in all respects, in all points. The world you live in now will be seen as a dim reflection, a distant memory. A cloud will form and the energies of your world will be attracted to that cloud. That cloud will begin to form structures within itself as it uses the energies that are sent to it. The structure will represent each mind in your physical world, a representation of how you are now, a memory, a memory of each individual mind at this point of time and the cloud will go on to develop itself in a way that cannot be understood by the minds that make it up, by the minds that support the structure of that cloud. It will form a new reality, a physical reality for those who wake up in it, who wake up in the form that it has created for itself. The form will build into a new world, a new world of opportunities, a new world of experiences’

Liz… ‘Where does this cloud come from?’

‘The cloud has been built up by each mind as it journeys through the true life, the one experience that enables the feeling, the true feeling to be felt. There is no easy answer, there is no easy explanation, yet to understand in the physical sense then the awareness requires greater breadth, wider, deeper thinking. Take yourself out of your physical world, hold up your hands and touch that what surrounds you, touch that what is you, understand what is you, feel the love that is you. You have created your own cloud yet you are all one. The cloud is not an individual creation, it is a joint creation perceived as individual until you can reach out of yourself. If you do not understand then take one step back, allow your mind to catch-up with the feeling it is engaged with before you step forward once again. Create your own picture in your own mind but know that it is a joint effort. Take yourself on your own journey but know you are one of many on that same journey. The cloud exists in the imagination of the one mind that you all connect to, that you all are a part of and can share in that imagination. Your imagination is our imagination, confuse the two and you will lose your grip on understanding what you truly are. We can see what you can see, we can feel what you touch, we can hear the sounds that resonate in your ears. There is no separation, there is no distant place, we have never left, you have never left, all is one yet there are many avenues, many roads, many countries, many divisions, many barriers. Do not confine yourself in your own compartment, keep the door ajar until you can break down the walls, taste the true life that surrounds you and make it a part of your world. When the cloud has reached sufficient size then the rain will fall and each individual droplet will be received as a separate mind until it hits the sea, the mighty oceans of life. Where then is that one droplet? For it has become lost to the sight of those who believe they are individuals yet the droplet itself has discovered that it is part of something greater, something far more powerful. The power of the oceans of your world are what drive you all. Watch the destruction that the oceans of your world can bring about but also observe the beauty in the still waters of your world. Do not make ripples, allow the surface to remain a perfect mirror then you will see the true life reflected in that mirror…  Thank you my dear friend, we hope we have given you once again food for thought’

Liz… ‘Indeed you have’

‘Each week we build up for you a continuation of a growing picture. Our aim is to reach the minds of many and to help lift the weaker minds of your world closer to a time when fear can be eliminated. Please take from us a piece of our love to take out into your world, spread it around, lighten the minds of all who you meet, thank you, good evening to you, may God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Good night, God bless you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

I was feeling back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz had experienced pulling sensations from her again during the communications mainly from her solar plexus area and she had got very hot at times.
The feeling gradually left her as the communicators withdrew.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…