May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

161st Sitting 15/10/2015

We have been thinking about changing the way we sit and experimented with my chair outside the cabinet this week but still sat in full blackout.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost consciousness about 10 mins after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later.
I remember feeling a pulsing/vibrating feeling going up and down my throat when I woke up which lasted a few seconds.
About the same time Liz reported a juddering sensation going through her.

After another 20 minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent.

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘It is a good time now for us to come and explain the situation, explain the conditions that are required to develop a clear channel of communication, understandable to the ears of all who inhabit your world. Nothing is done to confuse for we wish to approach with a simple mind, a simple thought yet a thought that will set in motion in the minds of many, set in motion their own thoughts that will clothe their understandings. We do not merely dish out answers, for answers are to be worked towards by each individual, yet we can provide the tool, the tools to be inserted into the mind of each individual to enable a wider understanding. The conditions of your room are part of the make-up of the physical vibration that we can align our own energies, our own field of thought. Much can be done in any situation yet at this time, at this stage of development we would prefer to return to within the cabinet for it is the familiar setup that we can engage with at this time'

Liz… ‘Okay friends that’s clear’

‘This is not to say that in the future… we will be able to discard the cabinet, we will be able to discard the blackout conditions but for now as we strengthen the communication each week the conditions would be preferable to stay the same’

Liz… ‘Okay friend thank you for letting us know’

‘We appreciate your experimentation for it is all experimentation from both sides of life. You learn from experimentation, we all learn from experimentation’

Liz… ‘How about with the Tuesday group, with the Mercury Experiment group, is it better to use the cabinet or to go back to our previous formation around the table?’

‘The Mercury Experiment group is yet to find the optimum setup, the best setup for the energies that we wish to use. We wish you to rely on your own feelings as you sit in your Mercury Experiment. We wish you to feel how the setup affects the way you work. We are concentrating on taking you into a deeper altered state of mind so that we can eliminate your fears of self-creating the message. We wish you to let go of those thoughts, allow the words to come through. Take away any expectation as to what will come through. Allow mistakes to be made for they will be built upon, they will form a learning for you and for us. So as for the setup of your room in the Mercury Experiment, do what makes you feel most comfortable. If you wish to sit in the cabinet then do so’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘We wish the table to remain in the room at all times. The dome is to be placed on the table during the Mercury Experiment and placed aside for this session as you do now. The dome is used for the development of your own mediumship. Experiment with the music you use in the Mercury Experiment, find what most puts you at ease’

Liz… ‘Right will do’

‘The music for this session will remain. We have been able to work with this music and we wish to continue’

Liz… ‘Understood’

‘Have you any questions on your mind?’

Liz… ‘Someone has asked a question… and the question is concerning what happens after death to someone who has behaved very badly in their life, who has been very unethical, who’s done terrible things, things that harm other people, have caused great harm, maybe killed people deliberately. What happens to such a person after death?’

‘The person has to first come to their own realisation that what they have done has caused hurt to others in your world. Such a person may not realise the hurt they have caused. All who walk your world are at times hurting other people without realising yet some will go out of their way to cause harm, to disrupt, to disrupt the harmony of the physical world. Understand what has caused these people to want to disrupt the harmony of your world. They too may have been harmed; they may have been subjected to the negativities of your world. When they leave the physical world they will be subjected to a period of healing, they will find themselves in a place of healing. They will be given time to understand the results of the actions they have brought about. They will be given the opportunity to return to your physical world in a condition that they will set up for themselves, a condition where they can work with love, work at helping those others who they will recognise as making the mistakes they have made. They will put themselves in a situation where they will meet these people and help these people. There is not right or wrong in your world, there is only learning, gaining experience, opening the mind, developing the mind. You have created for yourself a world which sees right and wrong in all situations. Do not look for the wrong in a situation, look for the opportunity in a situation, grasp the opportunity and you will learn, you will not have to face the realisation that you have harmed one another; you have disrupted the harmony of a loving physical world. There is no punishment in the world that lies beyond the physical, for that too is filled with love and understanding. Each person no matter what they have done is met with love and understanding and allowed to think through their own life, their own experiences. They will feel again the experiences that they have had for themselves and they will feel the pains that have been felt by those who they have upset by their actions. They will be given the opportunity to understand the feelings, understand what motivated them to cause the feelings. Every mind on your world is a precious mind. We wish to see it grow, we wish to see it flourish and we understand the difficulties associated with living in a physical world with so many differing minds that work together. No one mind has an advantage over another, you are all working in the same reality, the same physical atmosphere, yet some have grown, some contain understandings, understandings that help them see their pathway illuminated in front of them while others struggle in the darkness of life. We wish those who live in the darkness to open their eyes. We do not want to push them back into a yet more darker place’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘As we have said before, there is nothing to fear at the moment of death, what you understand as death. It is a joyous time, a time to understand, a time to reach out beyond the limitations of physical life but only when that mind is ready. Many will find themselves in a world similar to what you experience now but they still have the opportunity to grow, to expand their minds in whatever direction they feel the interest for. Each human mind finds its own interest. When an interest is found then one hundred percent effort is put into that interest and this will take them into that place that most suits them and is most beneficial for their continued development and growth. Feel, feel how much more you benefit when you are engaging in what interests you. There are times when you are pushed into doing things which go against the interests of your mind and you will struggle to find the motivation inside of you to work at the tasks you have set yourself up to do. Yet when you do what interests your mind it is not so much a task as a pleasurable experience’

Liz… ‘So does that mean one should avoid doing things that seem very difficult and cumbersome and just do those things that are easy and pleasurable?’    

‘Never avoid what comes to you but recognise the difficulty in this’

Liz… ‘A learning tool’

‘No opportunity is wasted, it is not easy to pursue your interests, it is the harmonious thoughts that make you feel at ease. You are still working, you are still working at learning, at discovering, at opening your mind but you are doing it at ease with the interest that you have set up in your mind. The interest that has been recognised by your mind’

Liz… ‘So if there is a choice to be made in activities the sensible choice would be to go for those things that feel delightful’

‘There are many more aspects to be considered in a choice of this kind. Look at the situation you are in. See how your choice affects those you are with. It is not always wise to take the easy option. The more you make choices with love the more you will find the worlds you have created for yourself will work with you, will present beneficial opportunities that you will feel at ease with. When you are struggling you will recognise yourself as not totally fitting into the pathway you have created for yourself. Step back and see what is causing your discomfort. Address the situation with love; do not allow the negativities of fear to cloud your mind, to cloud you judgment of each situation’

Liz… ‘So it maybe sometimes that in order to be of benefit to another person or to help someone who you love that you may need or find yourself doing things that aren’t so easy or aren’t so pleasurable and yet they will give pleasure to others’

‘You are helping each other; you are giving each other the opportunity to work towards the interests that guide you all through your life’

Liz… ‘I suppose the secret is to make that wanting to help and to facilitate someone else your interest and passion to create in your mind that as a desirable…’

‘That will come naturally to you as you work with love, as you look at each other and you will feel yourself wanting to help the harmony of your world by helping each other, you will see the benefit of this and you will see how your own life will open up before you, greater opportunities will be presented to you. You will see the benefits of working with love, with the love that makes up your world, use it to its most beneficial use. There are many mistakes to be made in the physical world but make them with love and they will crumble, they will not be seen as mistakes for you are helping each other. When you help each other you are helping yourself, you are understanding the connection, the connection of each mind in the physical world… Many stories have been told throughout the times, the times gone by. Stories of a greater world, stories of a greater being that looks down on your world. Those who have understood the connection of all minds and the expansion of the one mind have tried to put it into words that can be understood, they have seen the forces, the forces of light that not only surround your world but are within your world to be discovered by all. They have tried to understand how the light can be perceived in a world that generates darkness for they can see how the darkness blinds each individual mind as it lives its life, its physical life. They have seen the effect that darkness can have on an individual mind and they have wanted to explain the presence of the wonderful light that forms the very structure of your world. They need to give it a name, they need to explain in the form of a story their own experience yet the words are insufficient. All they have been able to do is select the best words that can create a story that they feel will help those who walk in darkness. Words can only penetrate so far into the minds of man, beyond words there are feelings, feelings generated by the experiences that are perceived. A time will come when perception will become clearer to many minds as the light shines brighter. Words will not be required, a greater understanding of feeling will come to many and an understanding of how to present the feeling without the use of words, for this is what has been sought since the creation of you world. Patterns were created throughout the structure of your world, patterns there to be understood when the time was right, when development of the human mind was at that stage where the patterns could be revealed and understood for what they are. Many minds have already seen the patterns, have perceived the patterns but no physical mind has yet been able to truly understand the patterns and put the feeling, the correct feeling to that pattern. Words are merely stepping stones to the true feelings of each mind. Begin to recognise those feelings as they come to your mind’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that feelings have not been fully perceived as feelings by people, that words have acted as a temporary bridge to bring feelings forward?’

‘The feelings, the true feelings are yet to be understood. Feelings have been felt but they are a weak representation of the true feelings. As the human mind develops then the feelings will grow stronger and will guide those minds through the physical atmosphere that has been setup’

Liz… ‘And words won’t be necessary?’

‘There will indeed become a time when words will be part of the history of your world. What you understand now as telepathy is already a part of your world but will become a greater part of your world. The human mind is getting closer to the next stage of evolution. Look for the changes in your world, look for the discoveries in the science of your world. Those who choose to explore areas of consciousness, conscious thoughts, the impact of consciousness on physical matter, the impact of consciousness on the minds that inhabit your world, that drive your world, that drive the physical matter. Much understanding has already been built up by those who work with consciousness, the understanding of consciousness. They have seen how consciousness creates and they have begun to understand the workings of the physical matter that makes up your world. As each mind discovers for itself we can then introduce further ideas and understanding into those minds for they have opened up, they have made themselves receptive to the ideas that were once dismissed as illusions, as imagination, for imagination is misunderstood by many. Many misunderstand the importance and the power of imagination in your physical world, for imagination is behind the creative forces that govern your world. Never cast aside imagination, allow it to grow, allow it to flourish, allow it to fill every pattern of your makeup and drive you forward. We can put pictures into your mind but you have to use your imagination to create a permanent image. Without imagination the pictures are invisible, they have no substance to cling to. You all have much to learn on the mechanics of imagination but you are all working towards discovering the effects of imagination on your world, how it helps your world and how it helps each individual to work towards the light of your world… Thankyou my dear friend, we have reached the end of our session this evening, we hope we have given you much to think upon’

Liz… ‘Food for thought, fuel for imagination’

‘Yes feed yourself well and return rejuvenated, take our love into your world and feed those who you meet. Restore the connections between each other and understand yourselves as one evolving mind in a world of learning opportunities. Goodnight to you, may God fill your mind with love, until we speak again, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I came back after two minutes.
My right hand was warm and my left hand was cold.

Liz had been feeling energy drawn from her during the last part of the communication.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…