May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

160th Sitting 08/10/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After about three minutes Liz reported light shapes moving around the room, she said it was a bit like looking at light through water.
She then saw pin-prick lights.

Liz picked up a spicy/soapy smell in the room.

I lost consciousness about 10mins after the opening prayer and woke up about 40 minutes later.

A strange noise came out on the recording about the time I woke up.

Liz reported a cool breeze in the room a few seconds after the noise.

I felt something on my neck below my left ear. It felt like something trickling down.

Noises started in the cabinet as I became controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘To put all of the energies into one combined point of concentration…’

Liz… ‘A focus point’

‘…is a step for us to come in at that point, we watch the development of the physical vibration that settles into this one point and we align our input over the point that has been built upon taking many stairs of fruition. Through continued development there will come a time when we can let go, let go of the physical restraints, the physical barriers that are constantly in place. There is an effort that we have put forward to bring a more settled combination of thoughts which become words, which become heard. There is order in this, a structure built up, placed in the middle of the thoughts until the thoughts can grasp the physical structure make themselves felt and heard through the physical apparatus of the medium. There comes a time when the passage of thought clears a pathway through the intricate structure of physical matter, forges through and sets up a pattern, a pattern that has been taken from our impression of what is required and we can see the effect, the resultant communication. Working on this is our focus at this time, working on achieving a more settled understandable voice reflecting the thoughts that we can bring forward and engaging with you in conversation for each sound can bring forth further thought, each sound will generate a vibration through the pattern lighting up the thoughts that are placed one by one into that pattern allowing the structure to produce the voice. There is always a build-up of expectation in the structure, expectation of what will be said, which we can hold aside and not allow it to colour the words that are produced but we need to rely on the mind of the medium to process the thoughts that we offer forward. Over time and continued development the thoughts will be presented in their purest form, no expectation will tarnish the resultant words; a clear passage will be found’

Liz… ‘How far are we towards that goal at the moment?’

‘Each week we are forever getting closer to a purer link, we have already achieved many words free from expectation, we can see how we have achieved this and we can work on repeating, repeating the formula until it becomes a familiar formula throughout the structure, the physical structure of the medium. Once a familiar formula has been achieved, has been recognised, then the words will be pure, will be true. We cannot put a time but we do rejoice in that the information that has been put forward in the words is based on the thoughts that we put forward. It is good that you can analyse the words that have come through each week, look at those words, decided for yourself if the words are useful to your own, beneficial to your understanding. We strive to bring you something new, something which you have not considered thinking about when you have spent time looking into the mysteries that surround you. Take from the words what resonates with your own thinkings. Always build up a picture in your own mind as you listen to the words. Always question information that does not paint an understandable picture in your mind. We will always answer each question to the best of our abilities using what we have achieved so far. There is much development going on during the period that we speak to you, many minds are looking beyond the words, seeing the pictures that are produced’

Liz… ‘I’d like to ask a question about rebirthing. It seems as if groups of people who’ve been attached or who’ve worked together before in previous lifetimes, after they die come back again into the Earth plane and meet up either in families or connections so that they interact again and work through things, is that the case?’

‘If it is seen that a group working together in the physical reality is beneficial then that group will indeed take themselves once again through a life in the physical world. The minds of the group will be seen as a beneficial team. They will be seen as a group effort; they will all be in harmony with one another and will work as one. There will not necessarily be the recognition whilst the minds are placed in the physical world, the recognition will come after, after they have exhausted the physical experiences and re-grouped. The time to look back at the physical life will be the time when all members of that group, of that team will recognise the work they have done. Some minds work best as an individual walking through the physical world, others work best when combined with the harmonious minds that work with them’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it feels as if there are people that we come into close contact with, sometimes just briefly and sometimes for prolonged periods and those people feel very familiar or the circumstances of meeting up feel almost as though they’re destined at some point to have met up, have that connection’

‘Part of you is recognising the thoughts that were setup before you came into the physical world. The strands of connection are felt, are recognised. Your physical mind will try to confuse this but inside you will know. Those inner feelings should be nurtured, should be developed. Develop yourself to operate on your inner feelings and you will see a larger picture, you will understand a larger picture, you will understand a true picture. The team of minds that work together always come together. Circumstances will be put in place to enable them all to share experiences whether it is for a lifetime or a brief moment but the sharing of experience is what strengthens the bond of that team. The purpose of a team is to be able to reach out to other minds, other weaker minds that have not had the benefit of developing in a physical world. They may be new to a physical world and the group will be able to help them. They will mingle with the minds of the weak, use their combined force to strengthen those minds’

Liz… ‘Can that work take many lifetimes?’

‘Indeed yes, it is a constant building up, lifetime after lifetime’

Liz… ‘Is it true that some individuals who over a period of lifetimes have strengthened their understanding, can actually focus their energies in one lifetime and achieve an enlightened understanding, can actually achieve the work of many lifetimes in one lifetime’

‘Each mind that is placed in the physical world contains within it the development of experiences and the development of that which lies behind the understanding of those experiences until a point is reached where experience becomes unnecessary for the further development of the mind. When that point is reached the mind becomes responsible for spreading understanding to many in your world. That mind can see the benefits of reaching out to many minds in a physical world, connecting to many minds in a physical world, helping those who are still struggling to understand in a way that is understandable to the thinking of the majority. Many minds are placed upon the Earth to teach, to show by example, to give those around, those who are attracted to that mind, give them an understanding to help them want to help others, want to spread their own understanding. Much effort is put into the growth of the mind, the mind is seen as an expanding understanding, the mind can develop and connect. Each child has the potential to teach. Each child is aware of its own abilities and limitations’

Liz… ‘Does our education system interfere with that?’

‘The physical world will interfere but a strong mind will see through that interference, a strong mind will cling onto the potential and use that potential to forge forward through the physical world’

Liz… ‘So it’s for a parent to observe and encourage and recognise the child’s own sense of direction its life should take’

‘An understanding parent is beneficial to the opening of the mind of the child. A parent who will recognise the potential in the child will nurture that mind of the child. Many choices are made before the birth of the child, many situations are setup, situations are put in place to hinder or help. It is not always wise to put in place an easy passage through the physical world. Growth is achieved by overcoming the difficulties of a physical life. No mind wishes to waste the opportunity of physical experience, much thought is put into the pathway before the birth into physical reality. Observe the people of your world with a larger picture in your mind and you may begin to understand the situations put in place by each mind before it placed itself in the physical world. Look at the people who struggle through life, look at the people perceived as deprived. Look at the people born into suffering, neglect and see what they have made of their life. There is so much to learn in observing your physical world and your fellow man. Take time to understand each person you meet. Recognise them as yourself; recognise yourself as a part of all who walk your world. Take a piece of yourself; insert it into the life of somebody else, walk their path, walk by their side. You will feel their thoughts, you will understand their motivations. The physical world has many opportunities, there is still much to discover. The human mind is still very young, the human mind has much to achieve, the growth has merely started…’

Liz… ‘An interesting idea’

‘The growth of the human mind has begun; the potential of the human mind is yet to be realized’

Liz… ‘Is there going to be a threshold beyond which all minds will achieve a further stage in development, are we approaching a threshold?’

‘A time will come when the human mind will see itself as one evolving picture. Much work is required from each individual mind before a point will be reached where a combination of minds will work as one. At first there will be many combinations of minds. Ultimately these will join and one clear mind will immerge. The journey has begun; the journey is unfolding for many as they open themselves up to the larger picture taking with them the weaker until the eyes of many will be open. You all play your part, you all add to the whole. You are all creating for yourself and each other opportunities to be taken, to be grasped. Look for the good in each other, look for what shines in each other, see the potential in each other. Do not hold onto that what brings you down; lay aside the negativities that are seen in each other for they will bring you down, look only for the good then you will lift each other up. There is much good in your world and it will strengthen, it will succeed in raising the thoughts of all. Time is a necessary part of the physical world but no measurement can be made on the development of the human mind, that is up to you. We cannot see the time it takes we can only see the clarity developing in the minds of all who live in the physical world. We can see the bright points and we can see the darker areas, we can see the evolving light shining through the dark clouds that surround the minds that inhabit your world. We feel the effort that is put forward by many to make those minds shine bright. There can only be growth for the physical world is a world of love. Love cannot be dimmed; love will always shine through the darkest of clouds, clouds created by the weak minds, by the confused minds. Those minds which can be helped, those minds which can be shown how to shine… Thank you my dear friend, we have once again come to that point where the energies of communication are dwindling. We wish now to withdraw. We wish you to think about the words that you have heard, decide for yourself if the words have helped your own understanding and are truly the words of spirit. We leave you with a piece of our love to help you with this. Take it into your world and share with those who you feel will most benefit from the love of spirit. May God bless you all, thank you for listening, thank you for creating the wonderful energies that we can share’  

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘Goodnight to you…’

Liz put the music back on.

I came back after about two minutes feeling fine.

Liz had dropped off briefly a few times during the session and came back each time feeling very present.

She had felt a strange shifting of energy during the communication. It felt uncomfortable at times as if her energy had got knotted somehow. She was feeling hot then cold then hot again. She just wanted to get up and stretch.
Afterwards she soon felt better.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…