May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

159th Sitting 01/10/2015

The room was setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer, tuned out the light and put the music on.

After two minutes Liz reported a silvery/blue shape in front of her.

About 45 minutes later she felt a creeping sensation going through her hair on the left side towards the cabinet. It was a kind of electrical feeling.

I had dropped off just after the opening prayer and remember coming back as the penultimate tune was playing and Liz was letting the spirit team know that now was the time to communicate if they wished to do so.
I then felt myself being controlled and when Liz heard the noises starting up in the cabinet she turned off the music.

She welcomed the communication as it settled in and became coherent…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening… welcome’

‘…Step aside and look at the very essence of the work that you have achieved so far, step back and observe the pathway you have trod and examine each turn, each twist as you set forth on your unique pathway. Take from what you can see, take that and fit it into your current way of thinking, observe your current state of being and see how it has developed for each day you are gathering more information and placing it aside, forging forward in a never ending battle always striving for what is at the heart of existence taking yourself on a journey that has no limit or boundary for there cannot be any limits or boundaries on a journey taken with an open heart, an open mind and a sense of recognition for each time you see the opening of your state of mind it will give you a glimpse of a true picture that you discovered before you came into the physical world. Take a moment to unravel the mysteries that you have given yourself for it is very simple, a simple task to rediscover that what you already know. Do not overcomplicate your own train of thought for simplicity is the key to unlocking that picture. Very many who seek the answers will complicate their mind, they will feel it has to be a difficult task, a task which they have to work on all their life, nothing else matters yet that what really matters is to live your life in a physical world in a way that is simple and uncomplicated. There is nothing mysterious that is hidden from your view; you have it there in front of you. Enjoy each day; strive to do good in your life, strive to understand your fellow man, take from those who you meet a clear picture of their own lives, a clear understanding of their feelings, for you are all connected, you can all feel each other, the music of connectivity with one another is a beautiful sound but let go of that music and the sound will be a discord, it will not vibrate in harmony until you regain that connection, that ability to feel one another. Let the music of your world be a harmonious beautiful tune that plays in the hearts of all you meet, all of humanity’

Liz… ‘What about when somebody leaves the physical plane, when someone dies, someone close to you like my father, someone dies who doesn’t really want to leave and let go of the people they are connected with and still leave someone like my mother behind. Is he still going to connect with my mother, is he going to remain in a form that he can still connect with my mother, will he wait for her, is that connection still there?’

‘The connection is always in place and can always be felt. You mother can feel that connection, all who knew your father still have the connection’

Liz… ‘And what about my father, will he still retain his identity, his form while he still has us to whom he’s connected?’

‘The form is only created by those who remember your father. He himself has moved on, has discovered his true self’

Liz… ‘But will he still be relating to those he’s left behind, will he still be there for them, will he still be waiting for my mother to join him?’

‘The personality will indeed still be there but the personality is a temporal vibration’

Liz… ‘Will he hold onto that?’

‘When the physical life has been left, has finished for the personality that played the part, played its part in the physical world, that part is no longer required for the consciousness that found its awareness in the character that was played. The consciousness itself, the consciousness of all who are currently playing that part in the physical world is a larger consciousness than you can imagine. The connection of the characters in your world is but a temporary layer for there are many layers on the conscious awareness of an individuality. The individuality is gaining experiences, living lives in realities that provide a backdrop that can be fixed onto for a time. Once that time has been exhausted there is no need to cling onto the awareness layer that has been lived but all has been saved, all that has been achieved has been saved and can be re-enacted to a personality that requires to see those who were a part of the physical life that they have led, that they do lead. Try to understand who you are in your totality. Drop the part you play, see beyond yourself as a physical being. You cannot touch the makeup of your mind yet you can feel the essence of yourself. There is no easy way to explain but you can find for yourself a place where you can understand the greater part of yourself. It is not in a distant part of your universe for it is you; it is all that you are, all that you have felt’

Liz… ‘In a séance when a medium is receiving messages from discarnate individuals, people who’ve died, for their relatives. Are these the actual communications from a personality that’s still intact, that’s still there, that’s trying to communicate with those people that have been left behind?’

‘There are many ways in which a communication can be brought into the physical world. The source of the communication is not always what it appears to be. Much depends on the understanding of those who will receive that communication; a fine balance has to be achieved so as not to confuse the mind of those who wish to receive the communications. Many on your side do not recognise the makeup of themselves. They are putting their own understanding on the message they receive. They are not looking beyond the message, they are seeing the message at its basic level yet all messages from the world of spirit to the world of physical matter contain in them many layers, many truths, many messages within the one message. Develop yourself first and then you will truly understand the message. Understand the meaning of individuality, look beyond the character of an individual. See the driving force behind the character, recognise that as the individual. What do you think drives you?’

Liz… ‘Well certainly a larger spirit, a life force, a consciousness which goes beyond a personality… But when I die might I hold onto that personality in which I chose to incarnate for the purpose of still being present for some people to whom I have an attachment or will those attachments just release?’

‘If it is your choice to hold onto your Earthly personality, yes you can, but your eyes will be open to many more possibilities, many more opportunities’

Liz… ‘So could it be that quite a few people do choose to hold onto their Earthly personality temporarily while they know that there are people that they’ve left behind who may need their presence still or who still crave their presence?’

‘They will understand that they do not need to hold onto their personality to do that, the personality is not a thing you need to keep hold of’

Liz… ‘But to the person who’s left behind that’s maybe the thing that’s recognisable?’

‘That person who is left behind, they can indeed connect to the personality, the character that was left behind. The words we have to use conjure up the thoughts of leaving behind yet you are not leaving anything, you are not leaving, you are merely shining brighter in the same place if you understand it as a place. You are expanding; you are opening doors that you did not know existed. Can you imagine yourself wanting to tie yourself to an outgrown character when all these opportunities are felt by you?’

Liz… ‘Sometimes it seems people who feel themselves to be left behind, abandoned, feel very disturbed by that, by the fact that somebody that they’ve loved has made a transition without them, has changed, they want to hold onto that familiar identity. To acknowledge that person has gone beyond is quite painful’

‘The pain is a temporary thing, a passing emotion but an experience that will help. The pain is part of the physical experience. Do not see pain as a negative emotion for pain can bring forward much positivity’

Liz… ‘There is a tendency though for people to resist pain, to feel that that’s something to get over, that it’s uncomfortable, they don’t want it’

‘All experience is beneficial, only the fears create the unnecessary vibration through each personality. Let go of fear and you can see how life really is but it is important to bring comfort to those who are suffering due to loss. Show them your compassion, show them your caring thoughts, help them to understand at their level of understanding. Do not jump in and explain what is too far over their heads’

Liz… ‘There is a common story which is told by many who wish to give an optimistic outlook to those who are afraid of not being reunited with their loved ones, that they will meet them again when they die, the familiar person will be there to greet them. Is that then just a useful construct to help that person face their own transition with more optimism or is there some truth in that they will perceive the newly fledged consciousness of the person that has already died but they will perceive that consciousness in the familiar form?’

‘Each individual will perceive according to their understanding at that point. They will indeed be reunited with those they have loved, those they do indeed love. No one is cast into a situation far removed from their own understanding. There is no benefit in confusing a mind that is fixed to the beliefs it has built for itself during its journey of life in a physical world. There is much that can be introduced to the mind to help it develop its understanding at a later date’

Liz… ‘So for somebody who has a limited understanding of how things are but has beliefs either that there is no continuity and they will never see anybody they’ve loved again or that they will see those that they’ve loved again… when they die will the greater consciousness then allow itself to be felt by them in terms that they can understand from the point of view of love. In other words it will present itself to them in the forms of those people that they have loved and they know have died’

‘Yes this is the answer’

Liz… ‘And for those who don’t have any belief or who believe that there is nothing, how will it be for them?’

‘Everybody has a belief, has many beliefs. Their beliefs will guide them, they will be reunited with characters that they knew who had similar beliefs to what they have now and they will have to face the fact that they are still aware yet their body has perished. They will fight with all their might, they will confuse themselves, they will not accept that they are still aware. This can go on for many of what you understand as years in a physical world. They will still meet up with characters, slowly they will have to understand, they can do no more than to understand. They will have to work out for themselves what is happening. A point will be reached where doubt in their mind will surface… Maybe they were wrong? Maybe their thoughts and their beliefs were wrong? Maybe there is indeed life after death? Once these thoughts have lit up a part of their mind then help can be given, help will flood into their mind, they will let go of those beliefs and they will rejoice in the knowledge that life has no end for them’

Liz… ‘So there must be quite a few people in that situation because we live in an age where a lot of people don’t have any beliefs or have beliefs of an end to life’

‘There are very few who totally deny the possibility of a continuous life’

Liz… ‘Meaning that for the majority of people who say that they don’t believe in anything it’s just that they have big doubts but they just don’t have a fixed belief in anything’

‘They haven’t had their own experience, once released from the physical form the evidence is there for them to accept or to deny’

Liz… ‘But you’re saying that very few people actually have a fixed belief that there is nothing, there is no continuity’

‘The idea of continuous life resonates throughout all. The acceptance of that idea is up to the individual’

Liz… ‘But for a lot of people the thought of the loss of personality is quite stressful’

‘You are all part of a physical world in which your personality is the prime focus of your existence. Expand that existence and the personality plays a smaller part’

Liz… ‘At the moment the majority of people are very attached to their ego or personality and the thought of dying, letting go of that is something that makes them hang on even when they’re not enjoying life’

‘They are so immersed in the physical world as an actor is immersed in the part they play. Once the play is over the actor resumes his true self until another play is played, is acted in. You can switch on your television sets and you can watch recordings, recordings that were made by personalities that lived in the physical world. They were acting, acting a part yet when you watch the screen of your television set do you think that the personality that played that part is aware that you have connected to the part they played as you yourself immerse yourself in the story that unfolds on your television set?’

Liz… ‘No I guess they wouldn’t be aware of me personally but they would be aware that quite a lot of people are going to be taken in by their character’

‘They have memory of having played that part’

Liz… ‘I would think as well that they would have some sense of responsibility for having put forward that part knowing it was going to affect a number of people and leave resonances with a number of people, resonances and dissonances’

‘Resonances are left by each personality in the physical world, resonances that can be re-enacted, resonances that are held in the library of physical life that can be drawn upon, that can be looked up, recognised, dissected’

Liz… ‘In that analogy, you’re talking about an actor who’s created a character that plays a part but the audience, me and others are passively watching and getting caught up in the story that they’re passively watching, that’s different from when you’ve been actively participating in that play, you also have been a character in that screen play playing a part not a passive watcher. I guess that’s the difference isn’t it, there is a difference’

‘What is the watcher and what is the actor. The greater self plays the part, the part is set up with those characters who also play their part. The part that is played can be seen by many yet they only see that part, they do not see the conscious thought that directs that part. A character with no conscious direction is an empty character yet the recognition of that character is seeked by those who misunderstand the driving force behind that character. Do not confuse the character with the force that drives it. Take the character for what it is’

Liz… ‘So bearing in mind all of these things you’ve been saying it would appear that a lot of what we regard as mediumship where personalities come through is a limited understanding but sufficient for peoples limited understanding as it is… it’s only a partial truth of how things are’

‘It is a step… It is a way of presenting to the person receiving the message a step for them to climb for themselves and discover for themselves the greater truths. It is enabling them to understand that physical life is but a small part of a greater picture in a way that they will…’

Liz… ‘Accept’

‘Yes accept’

Liz… ‘So some of the constructs we have and there are many… when people have written about the various heavens or the various realms of afterlife, various stages, these are constructs that help people to understand, to try and comprehend something which is really just a partial representation of the truth’

‘It is a way to understand a non-physical existence with a physical mind, a mind that needs…’

Liz… ‘Clear conceptual frameworks’

‘Yes and to individualise everything, not to understand it as one but to understand it as a combination of individual aspects that make up something that is solid, that can be grasped by the physical mind’

Liz… ‘But we have had information through some mediums that a person when they die who needs to have that sense of a continuing familiar reality will actually have a mental construct of a world that is very like our physical world and it will almost seem as real as the physical world to them, houses, whatever is comfortable and familiar to them, even cups of tea’

‘Whatever is comfortable to their state of mind at that time will be given to them yes and these messages will be relayed to those on your physical world and it will bring comfort to them also. There is nothing to fear when the physical world is left. All will be taken care of in a natural way for it cannot happen in any other way for you have built up for yourself the next reality that you will step into, there is no need for beliefs, beliefs can and will be let go as the mind explores its new reality presented to them at the point of understanding that they have reached. This does not mean that each individual will find them self in a difficult place for there are no places there are only states of understanding which merge into one another, are constantly part of one another, there is no separation, there never has been separation’

Liz… ‘So a person with a rather limited understanding who still retains a lot of the identification with physical phenomena may find themselves sharing with others of a similar disposition a reality which to all intents and purposes is like the physical reality but somebody who has maybe developed a more far-reaching understanding of consciousness may find themselves moving towards a more rarefied plane not in some ways dissimilar to the physical’

‘They will find it easier to move on but they will still initially experience a familiar existence’

Liz… ‘Okay and for somebody who’s gone way beyond and has been absorbed into the larger consciousness system they might still chose or elect, they might still be able to join with those who are still maintaining a more physical framework in order to communicate with them’

‘If that is their wish yes but it is not necessary. The part of them that is recognised by those who have moved out of the physical world does not need the original motivating consciousness to be presented to that person. All is not as it seems yet all is done with love and for the benefit of each individual as they develop their understanding at their own pace. There is nothing to fear, there is much to be joyful for as you leave the physical plane and are shown the wonderful sights and are given that feeling that will build inside and blossom in the new conditions that are presented to you… Thank you my dear friend, we have discussed much this evening, we are grateful for your questions that have motivated the thoughts of many who stand by your side. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, lighten your world, understand your world, understand those who you meet as that love lightens their minds rebounding on all, all life, all physical life… Thank you, goodnight to you, may God bless you and fill you with love, good bye…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all…’

Liz put the music back on.

I came back quickly feeling fine and quite energised.
Before I sat I had been thinking about work and a busy few days coming up that I wasn’t looking forward to but afterwards I felt fine, very content and not bothered about it at all.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It had been a particularly long session this evening, we went in at 8.30pm and didn’t come out till 11.30pm.