May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

202nd Sitting 08/12/2016

We had two visitors this week, Debi and Brian who are both developing mediums.
Liz sat in her usual place opposite me, Debi sat to my right and Brian to my left.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I felt myself starting to be controlled as Liz was doing the opening prayer and the communication started just after she finished.

Liz turned the music down...

'Good evening, good evening...'

All... 'Good evening'

'Welcome, welcome to you all, thank you for coming, thank you for joining us this evening, we wish to bring forward the words that will help you with your own understandings as you explore, as you reach out to the outer limits of your own understandings. We can bring to you information that will blend with your own thoughts, your own understandings up to this point in time for you all have discovered, you all have found, you have found your own interpretation as to what lies beyond this your physical reality. We are all keen to give you the words that will impact on your minds, unlock those mysteries that sit within you for you have within yourself all the knowledge that you require, you just need that key to unlock that knowledge, set it free, allow it to expand your own awareness, send your thoughts into new directions, into new avenues for you have lived in this physical world and you have conditioned your thinking, thinking based on the surroundings that you live, based on the experiences you have in this physical reality yet those experiences are merely shadows of what really exists. Allow your mind to reach out each time you experience, look for what is not seen, hear what is unheard and touch that what cannot be touched for it is all there for you to experience, all there building up in your mind from within. Do not let the physical world cloud your thoughts for you are free, you have set yourself free, you have begun to think for yourself. There are many in your world who are beginning to understand, understand that what is inside of themselves. Look beyond your world, step out into a new vibration and you will be rewarded with sights and sounds beyond your dreams. Much has been written in your spiritual books, much has been observed and interpreted but you must go out and experience for yourself, use your own interpretations, build up experience, build up the foundations. Observe the passage of time, see how it holds you to your physical thoughts. Wake up from the dream and see the true landscape of your world, see what you have built for yourself. Each day of your life you add to that landscape. Make that landscape as beautiful as you can and when you wake up you will be rewarded... Please replay your music for a while and I will return, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend I will'

Liz turned the music up.

Brian was experiencing something resting against his inside left ankle. He thought it might be an animal of some kind.

Debi had drifted off and was making a few clicking noises with her mouth.

After about 15 minutes communication started through me again and Liz turned down the music...

'Yes, well well...'

Liz... 'Welcome back friend'

'Are you all comfortable with the energies of the room?'

Brian and Liz... 'Yes'

Debi was still out of it but was starting to come back.

'You may indeed find yourselves... You may feel the control of the spiritual world with you as you sit. Allow this to develop, we have no... this circle has no expectations, we sit as an open circle for all development and when the chance is given to us we will take that opportunity to bring forward words through any medium that we can find'

Brian... 'Thank you for that'

'We wish to help you all, we wish you all to work, to allow the words of spirit to reach the ears of many. There are so many in your world who will benefit from the words of spirit, the understandings that will help them to make their own minds, to develop their own minds... Now are there any questions you wish to ask?'

Brian... 'Debi has some but she's...'

Debi... 'I'm coming back'

'Are you with us again my dear?'

Debi... 'Slowly coming back'


Debi... 'That was very strong and beautiful thank you'

'You will feel yourself going in and out throughout the evening. While you are with us would you like to ask a question?'

Debi... 'Yes please... Why when I sit my mouth is opened wide, is there a reason for this?'

'We all work in different ways. As you develop your physical body will be worked on, we will see how the inspirations we bring forward effect the physical body, you will experience different movements, different feelings. This is all part of the development process, do not fight anything that happens for it happens for a reason, a reason which you may not fully understand at this time but as time moves forward you will begin to realise that what is happening to you is the start of development of voice. Just relax, try to feel the presence with you, let any feelings on your body register in your mind. Each medium works in a different way, the best way to learn is to sit for yourself, experience for yourself. We will work with you, you do not have to be guided by others in your physical world for you can guide yourself, you can experience the way we move close to you. Do not worry how this reacts on your physical body'

Debi... 'Okay, thank you... Could you explain to me about building a voice box, how does that work please?'

'The voice box... You as a physical body, as you know, possess your own voice box. There are many ways in which we can modify your own voice box. We can introduce energies that will cause your voice to change. This will be done for the benefit of those who listen to your words for there is really no reason for us to change your voice. Again expectations in the physical world have built up where by those who sit with mediums expect a change of voice yet this is not necessary, what is necessary is the truth of spirit to come through in those words, the words need no more dressing up for the words are pure. There are times where evidential communication does indeed require a recognisable voice, a voice of a loved one. In these situations it is indeed possible to recreate that voice with the modifications we can make to your own voice box. In the advanced stages of mediumship as I'm sure you are well aware, an ectoplasmic voice box can be constructed but you do not need to concern yourself with this at this stage, just allow the words to come through, we will do all the work. You have to just sit with a calm peaceful mind, be receptive to us and we will work with you'

Debi... 'Thank you very very much'

Liz... 'Can I ask a question?'

'Yes you may'

Liz... 'Is there any particular practice or exercise as a group we could do which would help to deepen our relaxation so that we are more receptive and our vibrational energy can become lighter and finer?'

'Again each individual is different, you all respond to different exercises but as a circle sits together a thread of connection is made, your minds become closer together. Over time you begin to work as one for you will sense the thoughts of others in your circle. When you sit you play your music. Your music is a vibration, a vibration that resonates your room. Your ears are picking up that vibration and your minds are responding to that vibration, it is bringing you all into one vibration'

Liz... 'So the music is helping to harmonise us'

'Yes it creates the harmony between you all. If you wish to exercise before you sit this is up to each individual. Some people will just walk into the room, sit down, and they will work with us. Others will need a time to relax, to take those daily thoughts away from their minds. Again this is up to each individual'

Liz... 'Thank you friend that's helpful'

'I think a short period of your music once again please, thank you'

Liz turned up the music.

One minute later Brian was controlled and started to speak so Liz turned the music down again...

'Welcome friends'

Liz and Debi... 'Welcome'

'We thank you for this opportunity. This is a new experience of course but all sittings are experimental as you know and are there to be enjoyed. Please carry on your music, thank you'

Liz... 'Okay, welcome to you'

Liz turned the music up and then down again ten minutes later as a communication started through me...

'Stepping stones, stepping stones... Stepping stones are laid out for you to use. Make good use, allow yourself to walk a pathway on each stone. Take one step at a time, do not worry that that stone will not support you for you yourself have created that stone. You and only you understand the strength of the stepping stone before you. Be courageous and walk onto each stone and see where it takes you. Do not be afraid, there is nothing to fear. Each stone will reveal for you a new meaning, something to learn, something to increase your own understanding. Walk with your head held high and you will experience that what awaits you'

Brian... 'That's very interesting friend because with my recent move the very thoughts I had were that I'm back on the stepping stones'

'Well there we are... There is much to learn. Take each opportunity as it comes to you. Make you choices well, make your choices with love for fear does not need to exist in the choices that you make. Make your choices with love and the stepping stones will grow stronger, you will find yourself elevated as you climb higher. Take away the fear and you will rise high like a bird in the sky observing your world from above, seeing the beautiful opportunities. Your world is full of opportunities... take them'

Brian... 'Yes indeed'

'Work at reducing your fears and beliefs for this is all that holds you back. You all on your world have built up your beliefs, you all on your world have restricted your own understandings. Fly above the confusions of your world and you will see your world as it truly is, as it has been created by yourself with loving thoughts creating a beautiful picture. Sweep away the fears and the love inside of you will blossom. Love is light and light can shine bright and illuminate the path ahead. Nothing is stopping you from igniting that love within, that light within, only your beliefs will work at dimming that light turning love into fear, turning clarity into confusion'

Brian... 'Yes wise words'

'Wise but also simple for simplicity is all you need in your life. Take away simplicity and confusion will rule your life. There is nothing difficult in your world except the difficulties your create for yourself. Create simplicity and the difficulties will go. Live a simple loving life and your light will be reflected on all who you meet and on each situation that comes your way'

Liz... 'Sometimes the goals we set ourselves or that seem to be part of our journey in life require quite complex skills and commitments and a degree of problem solving which seems to take away the simplicity'

'You have set these goals for yourself. You have created the conditions of these goals. Set yourself a simple goal. See it in front of you, feel it as you reach out, do not complicate it with what you perceive as necessary'

Liz... 'If one is to engage with the world in different ways for example in the field of science or in many endeavors then a whole panoply of skills and interactions quite complex takes place and there can be an underlying simplicity to it all, the ultimate goal but the means to achieving the ends sometimes are very complex'

'Because you are looking at the full picture made up of many individual connections. See each individual connection as a simple connection. Those simple connections go together to create what for you would appear to be complication. One simple connection on top of another simple connection. Can you see how it will build, how it will grow, how you yourself are creating a complication in a picture that should be a beautiful picture. You have muddled your picture, you have taken the beauty and replaced it with confusion yet the beauty was always there, the beauty was in front of you. See the simplicities inside of the confusion and work with that'

Liz... 'So is that to say that in every situation in life instead of jumping into the whole complexity, to approach things from a more simplistic and elemental point of view'

'Disassemble the situation as you see it until the component parts are visible to you and then you can work on each component part. You may see one weak link on one component part. That weak link can be repaired and the full situation will once again work in harmony, will appear as a beautiful picture in your mind'

Liz... 'Yes I have a sense as you're saying that of the difficulty of trying to knit with tangled yarn. I guess the first step is to untangle the yarn and to have a clear and unknotted thread and then you can weave the pattern, knit the garment elegantly'

'Use the simplest of tools, do not start with complications already in place'

Liz... 'Yes I guess that's what we do isn't it, we try to create with knotted and tangled threads or thoughts or assumptions and it creates mess'

'Step back from the full situation, allow yourself...'

Liz... 'Tease out the elements and clarify, thank you, yes'

'Well now my dear friends we have indeed reached the end of our session this evening. We hope you have enjoyed the session, we hope you have benefited from the session. We have enjoyed the energies you have brought into the room for each of you come with love in your hearts. We work with your lights and we combine your light to create a wonderful foundation on which we can work. You all see yourselves as individuals yet you are also very much a part of each other and a part of us. We are all connected, one evolving consciousness, growing, becoming love. As always we leave with you a piece of our love, take it out into your world, share it with all who you meet. Thank you my dear friends, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

All... 'Good night friend, God bless you all'



Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

Liz checked everyone else was okay.

Brian was fine.
Debi had been drifting in and out of it during the session and had felt very cold at times but was feeling fine now. She had sensed a young girl with her and felt it was a communicator who had spoken through Joan in the Mercury Circle. The girl had kept saying 'Mr Nick knows me' to Debi.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...