May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

194th Sitting 26/08/2016

Following advice from our last sitting I sat in front of the cabinet with the red light on.
I put the voice recorder on a chair between Liz and me.

We sat a bit later this week and Liz did the opening prayer at 9.15pm then put the music on…

I could feel myself starting to be controlled as Liz did the prayer.

Liz turned down the music as I began to make noises…

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend, good evening to you’

‘Tuning in, tuning in yes… Now, time to come through and speak once again to the world of physical matter, physical experience, physical life, for you have been blessed with a life in this wonderful world that you live, this wonderful world that reflects the very thoughts that make up your being, that make up your character, that form your character. We all join together to bring through words, words of understanding, words of encouragement, words of enlightenment. Turn towards the love of your world and you will truly see the true picture. Turn away from the love and you will find yourself trapped in confusion, trapped in an unnecessary state for you are free to tread the path of your choice, you are free to experience that what interests you and motivates you. There is little that can affect the way you walk your path yet you feel the presence of confusion every day. You question your own beliefs, your own judgements. This is the confusion reacting with your own thoughts, take away the confusion and your thoughts will become clear, you will see how your life can be lived in a pleasurable way, in a way that will help others, in a way that will inspire others for you have nothing to fear’

Liz… ‘How do you take away the confusion?’

‘By seeing the light, by seeing the love that exists in all situations. Do not let the negative forces force you to step back, to step down from your pathway. See the negativity melt as you watch the love before you, the natural love, the love that is always there. You can only help yourself in the way you perceive situations. Examine yourself, try to understand the way you do perceive situations, try to understand how you react to situations, you may notice errors in your own judgement, you will see how the fears within yourself have caused you to judge in the way that you have. Recognising this is the first step to dissolving that confusion, to bringing more light into your life and to give yourself the ability to reflect that light onto others. Light, natural light will always spread, will always be reflected, will always lighten the darkness. See darkness as an opportunity to develop your own light and lighten that darkness… Is this understandable to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Much can be learnt from the children of your world in the way they approach situations. They approach with laughter; they do not see the darkness for they have not built within themselves those fears. Watch the happiness of the children as they play, watch how they affect each other, feel the energy of a group of children playing, laughing, creating light. That can only bring a smile to the face of those who watch. They are creating the true love of your world, true love sees no darkness, true love cannot be affected by darkness… Please turn up your music for a while thank you’

Liz… ‘Certainly…’

Liz turned the music up then after about seven minutes another communication started and she turned it down again. The voice was different…

‘Time for us to come through…’

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘All come through in our way, in our own individual way… To live and learn and understand and comprehend all that is said is a very interesting concept for it is played back to us, each word that is uttered. We also understand the confusion that has built up in your life; in all of your lives you are feeling the impact of the thoughts of many for you are all connected, you all work as one yet you feel yourself as a separate individual being, cut off from everybody else, but the truth is that you are one evolving being composed of many parts, many connected parts all working as one, all playing their part in the one life, the one evolving life. You are tuned in to the thoughts of others; you cannot prevent the impact of the thoughts of others as you live your life, as you go about your daily life as an individual. Understand that you are all one and you will see how the confusion can build, how the resistance builds up as you strive to be an individual, as you strive to be one part of a growing, evolving whole. The animals of your world also share your life, they all add, they all play their part too. There is a natural balance throughout your world that holds you all together, that holds you all as one yet allows you to work as a separate part. Think of yourself as both a separate part and one evolving being. Watch your world as it evolves, as it pulls together each part, each connecting part and brings them together. See how all the parts work as one’

Liz… ‘What is the advantage in being a separate part, what is the benefit of being a separate part?’

‘Each part can develop in its own individual way; no one part is identical to the next. Each part has the ability to grow in its own way adding to the whole. As each part develops a train of events will be set in motion that will filter through the connections that will give further ideas to other individuals helping them to overcome their own difficulties. You all see yourselves as individuals, you all see yourselves working together, you all wish for the best. This is the benefit to the whole’

Liz… ‘But we also get some individuals who don’t want to cooperate and work for the whole, who are too wrapped in their own individuality’

‘They are still playing their part and the part they play can influence the minds of others, others will observe the actions of the negative elements and their observations will help them grow. Every individual has its part to play in the whole. Whether that individual goes in a negative direction or positive direction is not so important. What is important is the situations that that individual will create for others and the way those others choose to react to that situation. So the overall frequency of the combined individuals that make up the one whole is positive, is beneficial, is increasing the vibration of the whole. Many characters make up one story but it is the story that is seen not the individuals, not the individual characters, they make the story and the story moves on. You are all creating your own stories, groups of individuals get together, react with one another and another story is created, stories of life, life in a physical world. Each story will react with other stories, some stories will decrease the vibration yet most stories will be based on love and raise that vibration once again. Live your life in a positive way and you will be adding your part to that story… You may turn your music up once again thank you’

Liz… ‘Certainly’

Liz turned the music up again and after about 12 minutes she turned it down as another communication came through and took a few minutes to settle in…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend, welcome… come through’

‘Happy to be… happy to be able to come through now… it all comes together as we all come through in our own way, in our own individual way, each taking our turn, our turn at speaking to you once again through the medium of this voice, this voice that we can use in your world to share our thoughts, our understandings, enrich the atmosphere with words of encouragement, words that will help you with your own understandings, help you to better grasp your thinking. The way you understand is very much dependent on the character that you have built up for yourself yet you are receptive to new ideas. Allow new ideas to come to you; do not resist thoughts that will change your own way of thinking. There are many on your world that are stuck in their own ways of thinking, they will not allow the introduction of new ideas, they feel that they have built for themselves a comfortable way to think, a comfortable way to see the world, they do not wish this to be violated by fresh thought, fresh ideas. By doing this they are robbing themselves, they are not allowing themselves to expand their own minds. They have reached a point where they will not allow themselves to grow for they feel satisfied that they have achieved all that they have set out to achieve but there is always more, there are always more opportunities to be grasped and to be used to develop yourselves, to become more productive in the way that you think and to be more productive in the way that you can help others. Try to see the world through new eyes, move away from those familiar situations and taste a new slant on the world that you live within. Face up to the situations that you would normally ignore and see the benefits in those situations, see how they can change the way you think. The world will only change if you change yourself for the way you think is the way that you see the world. You have created for yourself your own picture of your own reality but that picture can be changed, that picture is not set in stone, it is an ever evolving picture. Many in your world prevent that picture from evolving by their own thoughts, their own state of mind that they will not change’

Liz… ‘Friend, we have a very definite block in our world with our way of thinking and that is concerning death. Most people can’t think beyond death, it’s as if we have a cut-off point. We know that we’re born and we know the process of being born and development of the physical body, we know the process of decay of the physical body but we have no idea what happens to this conscious entity that we find ourselves in while we’re inhabiting a body, we’ve no idea what happens to that conscious being when the body dies and many people think that it stops. Science has no way of informing us or of investigating this’

‘And why do you think that this is the way, why do you think that people do not have an understanding of what is in store for them when they have let go of their physical body’

Liz… ‘Because people aren’t able to converse with entities who are not in the physical body so they have no way of accessing information as to what happens when people depart from their physical body’

‘Each individual has within themselves a full knowledge and understanding of what will happen to them when they pass from the physical world’

Liz… ‘How do they access this knowledge, this information?’

‘They have built up for themselves by their own thinking, by their own self-made beliefs an impenetrable barrier that will hide this information from them yet they will still retain the feeling that this information gives to them. You cannot lose that feeling, each individual in a physical world has a feeling of how they will survive physical death even though they believe for themselves that physical death is the end of consciousness. This barrier will slowly crumble as individuals allow themselves to change the way they think, to change the way they approach the situations of your world. They do not need to converse with those from beyond your physical world for they are already in constant conversation with them even though they do not realise this’

Liz... ‘Is the answer then for people to trust their more intuitive processes, their own internal conscious states?’

‘This is one very good way yes; allow your thoughts to not be based purely on the physical senses. Allow yourself to become whole once again for the physical part of you is but one part. Allow your thoughts to seep into the other part of your being and it will open up a more fluent communication with what you believe to be beyond this physical reality’

Liz… ‘Is there a good pathway or system that people can follow to help them renew contact with that part of themselves’

‘There are many pathways and each individual will be suited to their own individual pathway. They have to recognise for themselves that they have stepped off their pathway, that they have surrounded themselves with the great illusion of physical life. They have shut off that window to the spiritual world yet that window remains ajar, there is communication coming to them, they have to learn to listen, they have to learn to accept, they have to learn to recognise, recognise their thoughts as being their own and as being part of their greater self that exists beyond the physical makeup of your world. There are many in your world who already understand this. Do not think that everybody walks blinded from the spiritual world. Those who claim that death is the end also have thoughts in their mind to cast doubt on their own beliefs. Do not take what you observe in others as the whole truth for there are many strands of understanding to each individual and all those strands make up their character. You only see that character you do not see the individual strands that are working behind the scenes. Your world is working as it should do at this stage in time. As more people recognise the spiritual worlds, the voices from within, then a new time will develop, a new world will develop and the minds of each individual will raise once again that vibration of your world. Step by step the physical world creates more understanding which seeps into the minds of all who leave this world with a little more understanding and bring that understanding when you re-join this world as another separate entity playing its part, affecting all the other entities, creating new stories. This really is a wonderful world, a world so full of opportunities and growth. Try not to miss a single opportunity for every opportunity adds its growth to your individual mind… Thank you my dear friend, this has been an interesting experiment. We wish you to sit in the same conditions next time that you meet and we will continue to work in this way. Each week will grow stronger; each week will open up fresh doors for us to bring through more understandings and information to help you better understand the world that you live and the greater world that you are also very much a part of. Continue to live your life in a positive way and you will see the benefits of your own thoughts on both yourself and on those who you meet. Take from us a piece of our love, spread it amongst all who you meet and use it to lighten the situations that are presented to you every day of your life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you all’

Liz turned the music back up and I felt back with it after about two minutes.

With the red light on Liz had noticed energy and an aura around me at times. She had seen some faces over mine, one like Queen Victoria and another like an African man. She also got a fleeting vision of a face next to mine and said it reminded her of the old spirit photographs where extras would appear close to the person being photographed.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…