May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

148th Sitting 02/07/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I lost awareness just after the opening prayer then came back after about 40 minutes then drifted off again for about 15 minutes and came back just before the communication.
Liz remained awake at the start but did drop off for about 15 minutes coinciding with the last 15 minutes that I was off.

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer Liz reported a sensation of something encroaching on her right side.
It felt like a cloth move against her face and then she felt something pushing against her.

After another 20 minutes she reported a creeping crawling feeling on the left side of her head.
It felt itchy.

Just over an hour after the opening prayer a few noises started from the cabinet as I was controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Time to come, time to come and speak with you yes…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Time to energise the vocal cords, time to vibrate your atmosphere with sound, understandable sound for you all yes… Separate all thoughts of a confusing nature and bring understanding through. Bring another story to the fore then expand on that story until all avenues have been explored. For each day is a story, another story unfolds, a story that you walk and you create for yourself. As you create your own story you can look back, you can remember, you can feel, feel the emotion, colour the unfolding of the story, giving it the sensation of a reality for the story is not two dimensional, the story is multidimensional and it portrays for you a canvas which presents an opportunity for further learning, further experience, further discovery. Gather all your stories together and see how they have shaped your own reality. Take a piece of each story, that piece which resonates strongly and you will see how your character has been built and how the reality for you has developed. Each day you will add to your own reality and the way you understand your reality will be shaped by the character that is forming for you, for the spiritual part of you to work through, to work with. For there resides inside of you that motivating force which works with the character that has been formed in the reality you have created for yourself. This applies to all, all the characters that walk your world and they intermingle with each other and they put their own understandings, they share their own understandings with each other based on the stories and the realities they have built for themselves. Understandings between people in your world are sometimes difficult to build up; to come to an agreement on a joint understanding is something which has to be worked on. For it isn’t initially available, much work has to be done to achieve this and this work is beneficial, beneficial to your side, your physical world and also to the greater world that surrounds you. You are all constantly suiting your characters with one another, bringing to the table the understanding which you all believe to be the true understanding until you are faced with the differing views from each character that you meet and you realise that not all understandings can possibly be the true understanding yet they can contain elements which make up the true understanding. These elements will come together as you yourselves come together and discuss each subject which arises in your everyday conversations. As the elements are discovered, are recognised, they will blend, they will strengthen the character and the understanding of each individual as they blend together forging friendships among your fellow men. Forging groups of people who share the same interests for they have formed a friendship, a friendship based on the elements of understanding that vibrate between one another. You will recognise this, the motivating force that drives you will recognise this and a form of gelling will happen between those who form these friendships’

Liz… ‘Friend, how is it that that same binding together of people with a shared view or interest can also ossify or stultify. They can, because the friendship is based on a consensus view and vocabulary, it can make them quite ridged and closed to other beliefs and ways of operating. It can keep them slightly trapped in one way of seeing things and resistant to expanding or changing their views. Can this be a good thing still or is this just one of the dangers?’

‘The ways the friendships develop are based on a shared interest. Interests will expand but yes initially the interests will hold them together until the friendship, the overall friendship is a strong sound structure. Then that structure will expand and it will encompass other structures that have been built up in a similar way, a similar pattern. They will venture forth and allow themselves to mingle with other structures’

Liz... ‘Sometimes though there can be a very negative aspect to this and there’s fighting between groups. We’ve seen that in the world very commonly at present and in the past where groups have actually wared and fought over this, the shared ideals or ideas which they feel are very threatened by alternative or other ideals or ideas’

‘Just look at your world and see the negativities that exist and this is only natural. If your world was full of love then a different pattern would emerge as the structures grew and encompassed one another but the negativities of your world will affect the way the structures build and those within those structures who are weak of mind will allow the negativities in. Try to concentrate on the good, on the good that exists throughout your world for you and many others have a strong mind, a strongly developed mind which can see the dangers in the negative elements in your world, can recognise the negative elements in your world, recognise them for what they are, not for the… you will not see them as advantageous to your own development and to the development of the human race. Some people will be fooled by those negative elements and encourage them to bind with their own minds, their own thought processes which in turn will damage the structures they have built up in the friendships they have developed and ultimately the structures will crumble, will not survive, not survive for so very long. As the structure builds up based on love, as more and more minds are developed and strengthened, the negativities of your world will not be seen as such an advantage, as such an easy option to build friendships and groups. They will be seen for what they truly are, then they will slowly diminish, the lights of negativity will one by one be extinguished and as they, as their lights dim, the truths, the true understandings will rise to the surface and love will conquer all’

Liz… ‘I hope so…’

‘Know that this will happen… embed it in your mind that this is what will happen, for a time will come when the human spirit will move up and embrace the true understanding. It will be a rugged pathway, there is still much to do but as you build up on this it will help so much more. So much beyond your physical world will benefit as you all work your way upwards and onwards’ 

Liz… ‘So you’re suggesting, you’re saying that this progress towards the good, towards the beneficial unity is inevitable?’

‘Not inevitable but beneficial and the benefit will be recognised sooner rather than later. Nothing is set in stone, there are still many ways in which the human vibration can go but the probability is good, is great, is on the side of the loving vibration. We can see the direction it is heading and you can feel that direction within yourself. Do not dwell on the negativities but for each negativity see the good that has been created in the shadow of that negativity, as the negativity falls away encouraging results will follow’

Liz… ‘I suppose the very strong reaction of so many people in the world to the very negative and hostile belief systems of certain groups that are emerging at present is perhaps an indication and a strengthening of feeling towards the humane and the loving in religion’

‘Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. Look to the reactions of those who have suffered’

Liz… ‘And I guess an effect of evil is to arouse the good in people, a stronger sense of the good by contrast, almost as if it evokes from somebody being passive and sitting on a fence, to them becoming actively seeking the good in the face of evil’

‘The force that motivates you all will not tolerate a build-up of negativity, it will not rest under the influences of negativity. It will find a way to bring the light of love into that confusion that has been created. It will show the majority in your world how futile the effects of negativity can be when the love within them is the strength within them, the strength within their minds. They will understand the benefit of forgiveness for it will open up for them a channel of understanding far greater than the perceived benefits of negativities. A constant fighting will ensue, a battle will continue until the mind can become settled and in tune with the greater understanding that is always there, which will allow the mind to step back from the confusion it has built for itself. Step back and observe the confusion from a greater perspective for the greater understanding has taken hold of the mind and the mind can open, can open its spiritual eyes and see that negativity can only retard the growth that the mind truly seeks and the mind will not want to work with the negativity which will only retard that growth for the mind is always looking for the path of maximum growth. It is a natural process but a process that for many has been clouded by a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding that negativity is advantageous as a quick fix to increased growth. Solid growth will only come in slow steps with great effort. There is not an easy, instant way. Always step back if you feel you are being given an easy pathway. If you do not recognise the effort you have put in, step back, allow yourself to step back into that greater understanding, that motivating force, even if it means you feel you have made a retrograde step, you have stepped back from your path. For you are not stepping back from your path, you are stepping back onto your correct path, that pathway which you decided for yourself such a long time ago’

Liz… ‘That could mean letting go or separating from a group of friends that you have made’

‘Yes, for you all are receptive to temptation, temptation to a quick fix, an easy option but recognising the mistake of a temptation is a huge step for each person and they will begin to see the benefit of a fresh start, a fresh start on their correct pathway. The temptations of your world will lead you astray but the recognition that this has happened will make you stronger, will strengthen your mind, will bring you back into focus. Feel for those who have allowed themselves to follow those temptations, send them your love, send them your light, ask that they will understand and recognise the faults of the temptations they have grasped and you can help them too... Can you see the benefits of helping all on your side, can you see how you all exist as a joint vibration and you can see how that vibration can be… how it can grow when you all help each other. You see the mistakes that others have built for themselves and you help each other to recognise this. Each individual will grow and the overall combined human spirit will grow. You will all benefit from the help and the caring for each other. If you cannot physically care for one another you can care with your thoughts, you can help one another with your thoughts using your own experience. Think back how you have realised time and time again, realised that that temptation was not so beneficial and then see that in others and send your thoughts, your thoughts of love and understanding. Send them out to all who you recognise as being drawn in to the temptations of your world… thank you friend, thank you for listening, I hope you have built up more understanding and more to think about’

Liz… ‘Thank you for sharing your thoughts friend, thank you for your words of wisdom’

‘We will leave you now; we will leave you with a piece of our love for we too wish to share our understanding and our love for we too can see how you and all who share your understanding are also susceptible to the temptations. Perfection is being worked towards, perfection is never achieved. Continue to work towards and your life will lighten, your reality will become more beautiful and your fellow humans will bathe in the beautiful light that emanates from the centre of your being, goodnight my friend’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend’

‘May God bless you all until we meet again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

I was fully back with it after about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz had got very hot and felt pulling on her head towards the cabinet during some of the communication.
I felt cool.

I’d got some words in my head as I came back, something like… ‘A rainbow exists in all people; try to understand those rainbows…’

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…