May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

97th Sitting 19/05/2014

We had the room set-up and sat as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

A few minutes later Liz got the sense of two sisters, like a dream sequence. She was listening to them speaking, there had been some competition between them, a rivalry and they were quarrelling.
Liz didn’t verbalise this at the time to prevent it influencing me in any way.

Liz reported tingling on her scalp and the feeling of a band around her eyes.

Then she became aware of a clear image of Elvis Presley. It was just his face and she spoke to him in her head saying if he wanted to communicate he should do it through the medium.
It’s possible that this was a friend of Liz’s from many years ago who was a big fan of Elvis.
Again Liz didn’t verbalise any of this at the time.

A few noises started from the cabinet.
This was 20 minutes after Liz had opened.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

They seemed to be taking a while tuning in before a few words started to come through…

‘Circle, circle… Good evening… It is a good time, let us come more through, it all come together, look around, we all look around, we all observe you, ha, ha, we are working, working…’

Liz… ‘So many are drawn here now?’

‘Yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Some are working, some are observing’

‘George, George…’

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome George’

‘Circle, circle… Anama… a name… Vehicle, vehicle of communication, adjust, hello, hello, all good...’

Liz… ‘You’re adjusting the vehicle of communication’

‘Yes, yes… take it slow… Vehicle, feel our way into the vehicle, George, George’

Liz… ‘Hello George’

‘Table, table… Stable, stabilise, hello, hello’

Liz… ‘Managing to stabilise’

The communicator faded out, and then some whispering started…

Liz… ‘Hello… Who have we got here now? …that’s a very delicate tone’

‘Sister, sister… is Trudy, Trudy… is simple, simile, simulation, throughout our time, throughout our time a symbol, a symbol of simple… A symbol of a very great work, a great work that was performed on this place. A symbol of our work, our work we have achieved together’

Liz… ‘What symbol is this?’

‘It was performed in the way of a great performance. A performance, a performance was achieved’

Liz… ‘A performance’

‘It was achieved, achieved in this place. Way time. Able for us to come for… Yes, yes we did achieve a great more… It was a great time for us. It was a great time a great time. Well I do know, I do know that I can create once again a similar, a similar version of our great time’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘Holy, holy… Yes, yes, but where…’

Liz… ‘You’re talking about a performance’

‘Yes it was…’

Liz… ‘What sort of performance was it?’

‘A virtuoso performance, a virtuoso performance…’

Liz… ‘A virtuoso performance’

‘Yes, there spread out before us in a way, can I see, can I see… Here for all to see, here for all to see’

Liz… ‘What sort of performance was it, what form did it take?’

‘Yes it… People came around, they came from afar and they witnessed, they witnessed the sound, the sound of voice, the sound of voices of those who they recognised…’

Liz… ‘I see, it was a spiritualist performance’

‘A gathering of like minds in harmony, building together, the force so strong that we were able to gather together people who had gone, who had passed and they were able to announce to the crowd with their evidential communication. This was received by the people who had gathered. It was a time when this was so much more appreciated by everybody…’

Liz… ‘When was this, can you say?’

’19, 19, 1930 to 1940, 1930, 1940, yes that was the time, that was the time, it was a time before the war, before the war broke out’

Liz… ‘Before the second world war’

‘It was at that time’

Liz… ‘Can you say whereabouts this was held?’

‘Yes, in the city, the city, London. Yes it was the city of London… It is a time now when this will return. We are all working on bringing this back into your room’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘It will… There are many, there are many thoughts in place at this time which will direct physical movement. They will impinge on those who are lined up to take this on. There will be more who will come into this circle bringing with them, each will have a specific gift that will build a combined atmosphere, a combined energy which will allow these things once again to proceed’

Liz… ‘Right and a virtuoso performance’

‘Yes that is what we call… that is what we built, that is what we did in our time and now we will withdraw, please play your music once again, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for that wonderful optimistic message’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt very hot after the communication.

Later Liz reported that she was hot.

About 25 minutes after the last communication some more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘Investigation, investigate, new world to investigate… It all look similar, it all look so much the same, preparation for what is to come. We all at first, at first it were, it appears so similar, so familiar to us and we can stay. We can stay in that familiar surrounding for as long as we feel comfortable and when we feel that urge to expand we can allow ourselves to spread our awareness further, further afield touching those outer limits. The outer limit will be broken and allow us to seep out into unfamiliar territory but it is a, it is interesting, it is exploring that which we, that what we are not so familiar with’

Liz… ‘Have you explored that?’

‘I have, I have gone into this area, this state of mind but I had my friend with me who had himself ventured into this place before me. No one goes alone’

Liz… ‘So you had help?’

‘Yes we all have help; we all have an experienced person who will guide us into this place. It is not recommended to journey alone for it will become a confused place’

Liz… ‘But you return to the familiar dimensions in-between times?’

‘Well, once we have experienced that which is available, once we have allowed that experience to build up a picture in our mind we no longer desire to return. We can see that we are more than what we thought we were. We have expanded, we have grown, we have reached a point where we can see beyond what we thought was possible. There are so many areas of perception which we can interlock, we can venture into and this brings forward more perception for us’

Liz… ‘What makes you want to come back to communicate with the physical dimension?’

‘We remember what it was like. We know for we have that in our memory, what it was like to be restricted by your physical vibration. We can see how it will help you to investigate, to gain that knowledge, that experience. We cannot give you the experience but we can give you a glimpse of our own experience. We have this feeling that we want to share, we want to give. The further we travel towards the light that feeling of sharing is stronger, pressing on us. We feel pleasure in sharing what we learn along our own journey but we can only give you that what inspires you to reach out and journey as we have done’

Liz… ‘I see, I understand yes’

‘There are no limits to you, you have your own limits but we want to unlock those limits, we want you to realise that there is so much more, so much more to be investigated by you but at the same time you need to keep a level mind in your own vibration. Do not jump out too fast for you will only come back with confusion. There are ways for everybody to expand their mind but as always a slow cautious way is the best way for everyone’

Liz… ‘Slowly and surely’

‘You will always be helped by those who have moved ahead for they have this urge to help, to share their experience but you need yourself to let them help you. Give them your passion to rise up and they will willingly hold out their hand to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, thank you for that reassurance. It’s very necessary for us I guess to have that experience of help, of meeting helpers, otherwise it could feel as if we may be setting off on a wild goose chase and then we want to just forget all about it’

‘Yes, this is the confusion that you will get if you do not let those who have gone before, who have experience. Let them help, ask for help, they will help; they are helping themselves by helping you. It is a chain, a chain of wanting to give, to be of service’

Liz… ‘Whenever anyone sincerely asks for help, is somebody always drawn towards that person to help them?’

‘They are already there. They need that sincere question, that asking out, that reaching out before they can reach down and hold your hand. All experience has to start from within, from you. You need to give us; you need to give us that hand to hold onto by reaching out and asking for our help. Our hands are tied until we hear your voice, your words that will trigger off our help for you’

Liz… ‘Well that’s good to know, we want your help’

The communication faded and withdrew.
Liz put the music back on.

Liz felt like there was a butterfly or moth flying around in her hair and on her hand.

Lip-smacking noises started in the cabinet and Liz turned off the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend…’

After a bit of tuning in…

‘Yes, yes… Dear friend, we once again come to end of our session… We wish to, yes, next week, next week a modification to the circle. We would like you to keep your table in the room for next Monday. Keep table in the room but do not put anything on the table, but keep it in the centre of your circle. We wish you to stay where you are, where you sit at this time…’

Liz… ‘And use the cabinet?’

‘We still will use the cabinet but we want to experiment with the table in the room. It may be that in the future we will place some of the apparatus on the table but for now a bare table in the room would be sufficient for us to investigate and see what we can do. So yes that is our plan for next week’

Liz… ‘Okay, an empty table’

‘Yes thank you… So now we take our leave, we leave you with a piece of our love to take into your world and spread it around. We would like you to put music back on for the rest of this tune and we will take our leave. We have enjoyed our time with you once again and we look forward to continuing with the development of the Mercury Light Circle next week, next Monday with the table in place, thank you, good night’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication’

Liz put the music back on for the rest of the tune.

Just as the tune was nearing the end the CD started jumping so Liz turned it off.
Interestingly the CD started jumping just after I coughed which made Liz jump and come back as she was in a slightly altered state at the time.
She said the energy now felt very heavy in the room making her drift in and out of it but was feeling fine now.
I was also feeling okay and back with it.

The session had lasted just under two hours.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Before the last communication came through I’d been sensing that the team were going to ask about putting the table in the room for next week. It was almost like I could hear them discussing whether or not to use it, where they wanted Liz to sit and whether they wanted anything put on the table. This is the table we use in our Mercury Experiment sittings so at least we won’t have to keep disassembling it each week.

Liz later told me that her friend who was a fan of Elvis is called George so it's possible he did try to communicate at the beginning but Liz doesn't know if he has passed on or not. 

I’d felt lots of physical feelings in the cabinet, particularly over my head and the right side of my face.
At times it felt like I was slowly going in and out of a deeper state of trance but I still had an awareness throughout the sitting…