May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

95th Sitting 05/05/2014

We had the room set-up and sat as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About five minutes later Liz sensed the right half of her face was being overshadowed.

Another five minutes on and a few noises started from the cabinet, hissing/slurping sounds which got louder.
Liz paused the music and welcomed the communication.

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

There was a period of settling/tuning in before the words became more coherent…

‘It is a good evening… We walk all around the room… Come into your room, all come in… Mix amongst you all, come to say… Say hello in our way… All come to say hello in our way… Hello… So, adjust, fine tune, all coming together, all come together… Separate… Pure communication is what we aim for, we aim to bring pure communication from spirit to you, yes… Take it slow, variation in our way of achieving this, we have many, many ways in which we can come through which we can bring ourselves in from many angles, many different approaches, they are all available to us…’

Liz… ‘You’re still experimenting with different ones?’

‘We try everything, we can, we know there is a clear way through, we all experiment, we all look for the best way, the most beneficial way to work with you, yes…’

Liz… ‘So do I gather you still haven’t decided which is most beneficial?’

(It sounds like a communicator change at this point)

‘It is… it is not a case of deciding, it is adjustment. It is adjustment until we feel the impact is at its maximum. We can feel… we can feel when we have a clear communication so it is very much a case of trial and error at the moment. We have achieved in the past a good amount of clear communication but we need to stabilize that communication so that we can repeat the next time in the same way. At the moment there’s a fluctuation which is a part of our development. We find each time that we come through in this way we can stabilize things a little easier but as with all these things it is experimentation and the more we do it the more we can look back and we can see how we achieved a good clear communication the last time. Yes, it is, we find it all very interesting, so your patience once again has come into play for you will experience some good communication mixed with that which follows… There are obstacles and they will, they will get in our way and we sometimes feel we have come up against a wall but with a fine tune we can negotiate the wall and eventually we will have a clear passage each time we come through…’

(It sounded like another communicator was now coming through)

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘I died, I died, world is no more, the world, no papa, voices… Is working my way forward, is working my way forward into… Who can hear my voice? Who can hear… who can hear my voice?’

Liz… ‘I can hear your voice’

‘You can hear, you can hear me coming through this way?’

Liz… ‘Yes, you’re very clear’

‘Good, I did not think I had made it, I did not think I had come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the first time you’ve come through?’

‘Yes, I never have been able to, so far, come through in this way’

Liz… ‘Welcome’

‘I have tried, I have tried. Now I can feel, I can feel I am in your energy. It is a good feeling’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome; it’s good to hear you’

‘Well, well, I had so much to say, now I cannot find the words, the words, it is a difficult situation’

Liz… ‘I guess you’ll get used to it. Have you, when you were alive, were you part of communication groups like this?’

‘Did not believe, I did not believe that this was possible. I did, I did think about this, I did talk to people but I dismissed what they told me. I had a closed mind, I had decided, I had made up for myself my own opinions on this sort of subject. I had made up my own mind and I stuck rigidly to my own beliefs. It was not until the very last few hours of my time on your side that it became apparent to me that this was possible for I became closer to what you would call spirit at this time. I perceived people who I knew had moved on and I started to question my own belief, I questioned what I had, what I had thought, why I had, why had I been so certain in my thoughts and I remembered my conversation with others who had sat in these séances and I remembered what they had told me and for the first time I thought maybe, maybe there was some truth in this and this helped me for I saw, I saw people who I knew who had moved on and I reached out to them. I knew, I knew then that it was, it was as they had told me and I dropped for the first time those beliefs, those rigid beliefs that had kept me from opening my mind to other possibilities. At the last, those last few hours, they were so beneficial to me at that time and I allowed myself to move on and I was introduced to the wonders of the spiritual world. I knew then how foolish I had been for had I looked into the subject earlier I would have been so much better prepared, I would have passed so much more easily for I had a lot of fear in the last few weeks of my time. I knew I was about to be extinguished, I thought this was the end, it got to me, I was very scared. I had no answers for this but it was such a powerful vision towards the end when I saw my friends and my family, it opened up my mind in a flash and my memory became so much more, so much easily accessible to me. I saw my father, my papa and he embraced me and from that point onwards everything was so much easier for me’

Liz… ‘And do you feel now that you would like other people to know that… that you would like to correct the misapprehensions that other people have about the spirit world?’

‘If we can get this message through to others then I would feel, I would feel the mistake I made gave me this passion to spread the word now, let them know, let people know about this before they pass. They will not have to go through that fear that I went through. This was the lesson I learnt from all of this. So for me it was a learning, a vast learning at that point when I passed over. So yes I would like to in my own way bring a knowledge to those who do not believe, open their minds, give them something which will open their minds, a piece of evidence is what they need. It is what I would have got had I pursued what I thought was madness. I thought these people were crazy, I thought they were delusional, I thought I was superior to them. If I had had that piece of evidence, if I had gone along to their séances and I had experienced what they were experiencing at that time that would have been the spark of evidence that I needed’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful if you could provide us with some, with evidential information. That will actually help people to realize that the communication is from yourselves, somebody who has actually died but is still aware and conscious and wishes to inform’

‘Yes we are all, we are all working on this’

Liz… ‘It’s not easy to find what will constitute real evidence’

‘Each person has their own idea of what for them is evidence. Something which for you may seem trivial, for somebody else this could be the greatest message that they have received. It will open their mind; once their mind has been opened they will look into this subject. They will learn from others experiences for they have had that evidence. They know now that they will move on, they will not be extinguished, they will have a new life, a continuous life, a continuous ongoing experience… thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your communication. We look forward to hearing more from you’

‘Yes, I will return. For now continue your music thank you’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you, glad you were able to come through’

Liz put the music back on…

Liz said it had become light to her right but dark to her left.
She then felt a breeze over her face.
She got very cold.

More noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz paused the music. She welcomed and encouraged the communicator who wasn’t speaking clearly but some words got through as the communication got clearer…

‘…look out, guess who… hello, hello… guess who… colour, first word, seven, the number seven…  it was getting, fellow, baby, it was a baby… deep inside, excavation, looking into the past… yes we were able to uncover some of the mystery… it was able… step outside, take one time… very good, label, label everything, everything had to be labelled, it was my, I knew, I always insisted that we put labels on everything… no way would they be unidentified again, for once I did not, I forgot to label the things that we had found and they were muddled up together and we did not know, we did not know what they had come from… since that time I labelled everything’

Liz… ‘This was the work you were doing on earth? How long ago was this?’

‘Yes, yes earth memories, the time cannot, we can… no time, turn it around and it will be facing the correct picture, the correct picture, the correct image, the correct image when I rotate it, I can see, I can see those memories, those past effects, I have trod, I have trod the step, take it, one step… So familiar but it is a long reach for me to explain’

Liz… ‘It sounds like you were an archaeologist?’

‘Well, yes there were, well I do, well I do, I do remember, I do remember getting, finding things, they, I uncovered some things and they were, very gently I uncovered things…’

Liz… ‘Things from ancient civilizations?’

‘They were delicate pieces, delicate pieces, that I had found. I did not want to disturb too much. I wanted to keep them as they were, not to contaminate anything’

Liz… ‘Any particular country? Can you remember what region of the earth this was?’

‘Hot, hot, hot atmosphere, hot atmosphere, yes, dust, lots of dust, lots of dust in the atmosphere. Easy to misplace things, certain things that were important, they were important to me for I had the interest in this’

Liz… ‘It was important to you to be very fastidious and to label everything correctly’

‘Yes, but it was once that time that I forgot and then I did not know what I had found, I misplaced, I misplaced…’

Liz… ‘This is something you remember, does it trouble you still?’

‘It has an effect, it, I don’t quite, I can’t quite get my mind around why I keep thinking of this. Why should I keep thinking of this, it is a memory, it is a memory but it is coming, it is dominating my memory this one instance’

Liz… ‘Did it disturb you at the time? Were you very upset about this at the time?’

‘I was very upset about it at the time…’

Liz… ‘Did it lead to any problems with your colleagues?’

‘I just remember the labelling that I went, I do remember labelling, I cannot quite put my finger…’

Liz… ‘Can you give us any details of your name?’

‘So far… is not now… Fagan, Fagan…’

Liz… ‘Fagan?’

‘Fagan, Fagan…’

Liz… ‘Hello, are you still with us? Can you hold onto the link?’

‘Fading… still… confused…’

Liz… ‘Okay friend you’ve done very well. I guess you’ve run out of energy now for communicating. I’ll put the music on for a little bit’

Liz put the music back on…

(The next day I did a search on the computer for ‘Fagan’ and ‘archaeology’ and found the archaeologist Brian Fagan who has written many books on archaeology and was born in 1936 but he is still alive. It’s still interesting and evidential to me that the name came up in the communication as I know nothing about archaeology and certainly have no knowledge myself of Brian Fagan. In an earlier question Liz had talked about colleagues so it may be that he worked with him at some time. He tries to say some other words but at that point in the communication the energy was dropping. It sounds a bit like he was trying to say the names George, Joe and William but the only clear name was Fagan and he seemed determined to get that name out)

Liz was now getting hot.

Some more noises came from the cabinet and Liz paused the music again…

‘Simplify, simplify… Simplify, do not complicate, do not look for many pictures. Allow, allow the feeling to come through when you experiment with your picture. Do not think you will get another picture, a correct picture. You may tune into the feeling of the picture, remember the feeling, report the feeling you get from the picture. This is all that is required. You do not have to complicate with a series of images to illustrate what you have felt. These are your own interpretation you put on the meaning, the feeling that you have, that you have drawn from the image that has been presented to you. So do not complicate. You will find sometimes that only the feeling is presented to you. Let that feeling be experienced then leave it at that, that will help, that will help build and develop and you will find the more you do this the more that feeling will grow and eventually lead to a perfect, a pure image representing that which has been presented to you’

Liz… ‘I’ll try that, thank you’

‘Thoughts can come in many ways. Impressions can come in many ways. You just need to let them rebound, let them impinge on you and do not read too much into this. Let the feeling come first then the picture will come later. For now concentrate on the feeling, thank you… ‘

(The communicator was talking about our remote viewing experiments we do each week. We take it in turns to put a picture in the cabinet for the other to perceive from a distance and have had some good and some not so good results so far...)

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘So now, so now we reach once again the end of our time. Our session draws to an end, the time comes when we withdraw, we move back, we let go of the feelings that we have brought to you. We take them away; we leave you with that piece of our love for you to take out into your world once again. For each time we come amongst you we bring you our love. We mingle it with your love and create that loving energy that we can work with, work in and expand into each corner of your room. Take that piece, take it out and spread it once again. The light that shines from within you is the piece of our love and it will be seen and felt by all who are receptive, who are looking, who are asking, who are in need of a little piece of love right now. So we now, we now withdraw and we ask you to play one tune and we draw back, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friends, thank you for your communication and our love and blessings with you’

‘Thank you and good night’   

Liz played one tune then checked I was okay before doing the closing prayer, sending out healing and our closing down exercise.