May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

96th Sitting 12/05/2014

We sat and set the room up as usual.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm then turned out the red light and put the music on.

After five minutes Liz reported lots of swimming lights in the room.
She felt touches in her hair and an occlusion, a darker area as if somebody was in her aura.

Another five minutes later and a noise like hissing started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator.
I must have been moving around quite a bit as you can hear my chair creaking on the recording.
As always the communication took a while to stabilize…

‘Hello… Good evening… Hello… Practice, practice… talk… People gathered around the room, all come into your room…’

Liz… ‘Everybody working on the project’

‘It all is coming together yes, all have their job to do, each have a job to do, each allotted a job, a piece, a part of the work that we do. They all are combine… Look, look around, look around, yes it is a good, good atmosphere, a good atmosphere for us to work in… We work and we can… ‘

(Became incoherent as if the connection was lost)

‘George, George, George…’

Liz… ‘George… welcome George’

(This could be George who spoke on 17/02/2014)

‘George, George… Very good, very good, very good time to communicate yes… Ah yes… very good time yes good time… It build, it build you see so I have to pick the time when energy has built in this cabinet. It is… it envelope the energy, it contains the energy and when the energy has built in the cabinet we are able to approach, immerse into the energy cloud that is hovering in front of us’

Liz… ‘How does the cabinet itself help to create this environment?’

‘We have to work with physical energies as well as what we bring into the room so we are, we need two separate atmospheres, environments. There is the environment of the cabinet and the environment of the room, the outer environment, two environments. A physical barrier is provided by you, by erecting this cabinet. That is something which we can use as an energy barrier, that we can contain a certain atmosphere, a condensed atmosphere within the walls of the cabinet. That allows us, for communication, to bring ourselves into this energy. The rest of the room still contains a part of this environment but in the cabinet…’

Liz… ‘It’s focused…’

‘…it is condensed. We are able to work within this environment in the cabinet, yes’

Liz… ‘Do other environment factors help, for example it’s nearly a full moon, does that make any difference?’

‘When we deal with the physical, physical universe that we intermingle with then every aspect of that physical universe will have an effect. There are many factors which we have to work with but at the same time a larger quantity of energy is created in this environment in the cabinet which is unaffected by outside interference. It is as if we have created our own universe within this cabinet and beyond the cabinet to the corners of your room. Then beyond that is where interference will happen. A small percentage will penetrate within your room and a smaller percentage will interfere with the cabinet but by keeping these boundaries within where we work we are able to eliminate most of outside interference. So we have built for ourselves an environment for us to work’

‘Liz… ‘A filter?’

‘Yes a filter. We filter out those energies which could interfere, so yes what you say partially is correct but at the same time we have this filter that will keep out most of what would otherwise interfere…’

(Possibly a change of communicator at this point)

‘…there still, there still exists many thoughts in the atmosphere. This is more of a concern to us when we draw close, the thought. Thoughts are not physical but thoughts are very much a part of your universe, your physical universe, so they can cause a barrier for us. Many thoughts, many confused thoughts which exist in your physical universe, they can cause us… they can cause a wall that we have to negotiate, a barrier’

Liz… ‘Is the room here basically a thought free zone or less of an obstacle because it’s empty of thoughts?’

‘Thoughts can still interpenetrate your room. Thoughts do not, are not restricted by physical barriers. Thoughts are more of a spiritual nature. They are the make-up of our own universe, of our own conditions. They are not physical but we can still work with this, we are used to this, this is what we are part of. You are all part of a thought; thought is what you are truly created from. The physical is a temporary box that contains your experience. Your thoughts travel beyond that experience, that box, that physical box which you find yourself in, which you feel you are a part of, yet it is only a temporary environment for you. You are able to step out of that box, you do step out of that box, a part of you is already outside of that box existing in an atmosphere of thought, of mind, your mind is not a part of a physical universe, a physical box, a restriction, for mind is unrestricted once you have found that key to open your box… Yes, interesting words but they are all we can use. If we could just talk in… or if we could communicate with feeling…’

Liz… ‘With pure thought’

‘Thoughts, feelings yes, these would be understandable but for now it is a question of words. Words that vibrate the physical atmosphere and what you use in your daily life to become understood’

Liz… ‘Yes, quite a magical process’

‘They are also the one thing that can cause misunderstanding, for it is your thought that you try to relay but you have to clothe the thought with words, with physical words and those words have to be interpreted by the person or the people who you are communicating with, they do not always…’

Liz… ‘Coincide…’

‘…read your words as you would wish. If they could read your thoughts then it would be a clearer message to them. How much more peaceful would your world be if everybody could understand the thoughts of others, they could understand the feelings of others as they talk to somebody they could feel that person’s reaction, they would know how they were affecting that person. Maybe then they would not talk in the way that they do. A time will come when the vibration of your earth will reach that point where words will become unnecessary. This would be a place of peace; there would be no separation between the worlds. That would be the time we are all working towards’

Liz… ‘Yes and I guess what we are doing here is the beginning, to try and achieve this understanding’

‘Yes you are all working towards this. It is a slow process but by working towards it you are evolving your consciousness which in turn evolves the greater consciousness that surrounds, that penetrates. This is what, this is your purpose. This is everybody’s purpose’

Liz… ‘Yes, and we’re emerging from the very dense region of this slowed down physical vibration. Emerging into a more universal and more rarefied atmosphere and bringing that experience back. We could let go of all those props that we’ve had to use to make words, to define ourselves, we can lose our definition… Shall I put the music back on now…?’

‘It would, it would be… You would be so kind, yes, as to play your music thank you…’

Liz put the music back on…

All was all quiet for the next 40 minutes then some lip-smacking/sucking noises started from the cabinet.

Just before the communication began Liz had been struggling to keep from going off into a dream state. She kept jerking awake again.
She said the atmosphere was very dark and dense in the room.

Liz turned off the music and encouraged the communication.
A lot of noise was being made but very few understandable words.
Then with a lot of effort these words came through…

‘Enable… Simple… Virtuosity… Fable… Story… Story called virtuosity…’

Liz… ‘You’re trying to get the right words through’

‘Take a turn; hold it tight in your hand… He hold it tight, and it work its way into a more receptive… Learn to grow words for… words, words… degree, degree… well, well, well… ‘

Liz… ‘I can hear you’re trying hard... Easy to lose the thread... Keep holding the thread…’

‘Second word, second turn, twisting, twisty way…’

The communication faded out and Liz put the music back on…

15 minutes later more noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communicator who seemed to be struggling again to get words through clearly…

‘The sky, the sky, ever-changing picture… Stars above, stars above, clouds, clouds, the cloud offer protection from the sun… Hello, hello…’

Liz… ‘It sounds as if it’s a little more difficult to hold onto the signal. It keeps breaking off doesn’t it?’

After some incoherence the communication seemed to stabilize…

‘So yes… way up above… we all coming down now… settle down’

Liz… ‘You’re settling down…’

‘We have been very busy, very busy tonight, so let us in, look around…’

Liz… ‘You’ve been working hard, practicing, trying out…’

‘So many things, so many things to do but it is a good time, a good time now, for we now reach our end of our session. Yes, good, good, so now we reach the end of our session, so now we move, time for us to go, to step back for it is that time again. We have been working, working and mingling and experimenting and building but it is a good time… now we…’

Liz… ‘Good, it’s felt very dense in the room as though there was a lot of pressure from you…’

‘Good, yes you will notice, you will notice each week as we build up our connection those vibrations in the room will affect you’

Liz… ‘Yes, they were pushing me into the dream world’

‘You will, yes, you will experience a shift, a shift in your awareness but it is okay to let go, allow yourself to experience a new vibration that will be brought to you. It is no problem for us, you can immerse yourself in that vibration as it draws close and you will feel that pulling, that pulling towards the next vibration, the next picture, the next reality which lays so close. We are able, we are able to allow you to peel away, peel away that which separates you from our vibration’

Liz… ‘So I shouldn’t fight it?’

‘No, do not fight, do not fight, if it feels good then allow, allow yourself. It is not a problem for we will work with this. So just allow when that comes. Now we have to, have to draw back, have to realign your own picture and allow you to reconnect with your physical vibration once again for that is what you need to experience each day. But you still are able to journey beyond when you feel you have control, when you feel you are in control, in the driving seat and you will take yourself into other vibrations, other realities but always with a clear mind, a clear thought, a clear understanding of your destination. Do not just…’

Liz… ‘Drift…’

‘Do not just drift unaware of where you are. Try to build up a map. Try to build up a recognition each time you step out of what to you is familiar right now. Do not go too far just a step at a time then return, remember that feeling then when you do it again you will find it will be familiar as the surroundings are familiar to you now those stepping stones will each become a familiar place for you and you will build on the next stone, the next feeling and you will come back with a memory which you can build on the next time you go’

Liz… ‘Right, slow and sure’

‘Yes that is the only way, the correct way. Do not expect too much in one time, in one go, take it slow. Everything is meant to be experienced in a slow repetitive way until you build up that pattern, that picture, that map which you will, it will become a part of your experience and you will never forget for it will draw itself on the back of your mind and that will be for you to keep and it will be a reference for you so thank you, thank you once again for the energies you have provided. We have made good use of them and we now draw back. We give you as always that piece of our love which you can take out into your world and if you wish you can take it to the next world as you build up those stones, those stepping stones and you will find it will illuminate your pathway. So treat it, treat it well, treat it slow and you will find your way thank you, thank you and good night. Play one tune, one tune and we will make our way, thank you’

Liz… ‘Good night friend, thank you, our love and blessings with you’

Liz played one more tune.

This week the session had lasted exactly two hours.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Afterwards Liz said that when the communicator said… ‘Enable… Simple… Virtuosity…’ It felt that they were trying to get exact words through, get the communication spot on.
To her the word ‘virtuosity’ means ‘when the music plays the person’
She felt that was what they were trying to do so that the words were not being filtered by me but I was just an instrument and they were getting exactly the right words through, that’s what she felt was behind it.
At the moment they’re working through clouds…

I still remain aware during our sessions and feel I sometimes add to the communications but I found it interesting listening to the recording this week as the answer to Liz’s question about environmental factors like a full moon making any difference is not the answer I would have given. Also the communication in Audio Clip 2 seemed to come through in a different way; I felt I wasn’t a part of it. I’ve heard of the word virtuosity but it wasn’t until Liz talked about it that I realized what it meant so it could well be that they are working on another way of communicating at the moment…