May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Double Cabinet Christmas Seance 23/12/2012

We had our Christmas Seance on Sunday 23/12/2012 with both the Mercury Light and Mercury Star Circles together. Both Syann and myself sat in cabinets each end of the room!!!

Just after 5.00pm we all met at the ‘Garage’ for the start of our Christmas Séance.

I’d got there an hour earlier with our old cabinet and the green chair and got the room set up with a cabinet each end of the room.

We’d had some advice from Chris Di Nucci’s spirit friend ‘FC’ who’d suggested we have the glass dome in the centre of the room and that both mediums sit in the same conditions. I don’t use arm restraints so we didn’t use them this time on Syann.

I put out both trumpets placing them in front of each cabinet and I put the glass dome on it’s table in the centre with a few toys on the floor below it.
I had a feeling Syann would make a few changes when she arrived and sure enough she wanted the glass dome at ground level…

Syann used the usual cabinet in it's usual place...

...and up the far end of the room I used our old cabinet which I'd dusted off and repaired for the evening

I'd decorated the trumpets and placed the glass dome in the centre of the circle on it's table...

...Syann preferred it at floor level

Offerings to the gods and the card that 'found' Syann in Brighton... just like that!!!

As we all made our way from upstairs down to the garage we noticed a white feather on the carpet outside the entrance to the garage. It’s possible someone had brought it in on their shoe but none of us had noticed it earlier and it certainly got our attention.

Syann and I both sat with the cabinets closed and FC further advised that once the opening prayer had been said we sit in silence with the red light on for about one minute while the energies settle then put on the music and turn out the light.

Syann sat in the usual cabinet with Tasha to her right, followed by Liz, me directly opposite in the old cabinet and Travis on the other side of the room to Syann’s left.

Travis had been promoted to circle leader for the night and was also in charge of the red light and music which included a few extra Christmas songs. Liz had control of the other red light and the closing music.

Travis opened in prayer at 5.45pm.
After the one minute settling down period he activated Syann’s mp3 player. Not the easiest of tasks as it’s so small and ‘Little One’ came through Syann to ask if he was managing alright just as he hit the right button and the music began… phew.
Then Travis turned out the red light.

After about five minutes a few noises came from my cabinet.
It sounded a bit like ‘Little One’ at first then the familiar ‘All here… all in room’
Followed by… ‘Both teams in room’

Tasha drifted off into trance and continued to drift in and out of it throughout the evening.
When Tasha came back she commented on how light the room now looked.
She was starting to get cold round the legs and felt she had been given some healing while in trance. She said she now felt great.

Liz could sense something to her right, between her and my cabinet.
She was seeing blobby shapes around the room and Travis was seeing blue.

Tasha now thought the room looked darker.
A few minutes later she drifted off into trance again.

Liz saw a spark of light near Travis, then a clear flash to the left of him.
She started to see lots of lights flashing around the room making her dizzy.
Travis was seeing a lot of blue in the room.
Liz also saw blue but only in the area of Syann’s cabinet.

Then Liz began to see green and yellow energy in the room.
Travis confirmed seeing green but not yellow.
Liz saw the green/yellow energy build up as an arch across the room linking both cabinets.
She later told me it had reminded her of an angular arch bridge which tied up with something a communicator mentioned later in the sitting.

Tasha came back and she was very cold.
Liz was now seeing blobby shapes moving around the room and saw a flash at ground level near Travis.
Tasha felt a vibration under her foot.

A few voice noises started from my cabinet.
The voice was quiet. It appeared to be Tob (from the Mercury Circle) sounding like him at first then morphing into different voices.
Tasha drifted off again.

‘Is Tob… is Tob… eh Tob…’

Travis… ‘Hello Tob, how are you?’

‘Good, good, good… eh good, I good… good to be through this way and work again, work, work, work… We work on voice, we work on communication. So far we have now come through this way, it will be perfected. The voice. For we have all our different personalities to come through but it will take a time for each to… to bring each of ourselves through in a different way. So for now we are able to speak like this in a more general way for we can get close to the energy of the link’

Travis… ‘Is that both links or one link?’

‘An interesting question... Each link has own energy surrounding the vessel… also a joined energy which we are able to utilize. Each link can connect. This way we are able to use both energies simultaneously. This is of a great benefit for us at this time. It help both teams to… each team can take a piece of the energy from other team to produce more voice and phenomena so we work together in this way’

Liz… ‘Is this the best way of working, with two cabinets?’

‘It is another way to work, not the best way, all work is of benefit however you sit. We have own circle for each team which will develop in it’s own way but a combined work… a combined communication opportunity as this, will also benefit each team so there is no preferred way to sit. Each time we do sit we make the most of the opportunity to come forward in this way’

Travis… ‘Understood’

‘Did you see the bridge between each link form?’

Liz… ‘Is that what it was? I saw like a bridge. It was yellowish and green’

‘Some of you would be able to perceive the energy between the two. It’s what we use. We have been building the bridge for a long time…’

Tasha came back saying she’d just seen a Napoleon era soldier in a dark uniform with a white front standing with his hand resting on my cabinet!!!

Liz felt footsteps on the floor and also felt like someone was pushing her chair from behind.

A communication started from Syann’s cabinet.
The voice sounded muffled and slurred.
Liz thought the voice was coming from a different location.
Then ‘Little One’ came through…

‘Hello… hello everybody’

Tasha… ‘You’re here!!! I didn’t think you were coming’

‘We’re all here’

Liz… ‘Is it difficult using the voice-box this evening?’

‘In some ways yes… We’ve been building it up’

Tasha… ‘Is that because there’s two vessels in cabinets? Because they’ve got different energies?’

‘Yes and no’

Liz… ‘Well you’re doing well, we can hear you’

‘We’ll try again in a minute, we’ve been working on other things’

Liz… ‘What things have they been working on?’


Tasha… ‘I want a cuddle before you go tonight’

‘I’ll try… I think they’re gonna have the light on soon… Travis’

Travis… ‘Hello, yes’

'You've got the light haven’t you?’

Travis… ‘I’m in charge of the light, the lot’

‘You’re very important tonight aren’t you, ha, ha, ha’

Travis… ‘That’s a change’

Liz… ‘Don’t let it go to his head’

‘Can you put the light on after this song please, just for one song’

Travis… ‘I will indeed’

When the tune ended Travis was struggling to find the red light switch. Liz offered to put the other red light on but Travis then found the switch just in time.

Clyde asked for the red light to be left on for the next tune which was the last of the evening.

Liz saw a line of light like string flash on and off in front of Syann’s cabinet.

As the last tune ended Clyde came through…

‘Good evening friends… Christmas greetings to you all my friends. We are to have a few weeks rest now I believe. We look forward to meeting again in your new year after you are rested and well. All the spirit teams extend their thanks to you all’

Travis… ‘Thank you very much. We thank them all and you for your help’

‘We’ve all worked hard this last year, donating energy, our travelling, our time and the giving of our love to these special meetings. All actions are noted and appreciated more than our world can express my friends. We will leave our friend’s team to close with a few words… and Travis we will ask you to close when they have finished… good evening friends’

All… ‘Good evening Clyde. Love to you all. Happy Christmas’

Attention switched to the other end of the room as a communicator took control of me. Again it sounded like Tob beginning the communication before the voice changed...

‘Eh Tob… eh… Thank you Clyde for kind words… ah, good evening. We appreciate all your efforts… We look forward to joining and mingling with you again soon. This time is a beneficial time for your world. The children of your world in anticipation of the day create a loving atmosphere which they send out into your world which we can use to help those who are not so fortunate, so happy, for there is also sadness in your world which we are well aware and can direct the happiness of the children to that, to ease their sadness. So enjoy your weeks of holiday. Come back refreshed for another year of communication, of phenomena, of sharing the two worlds together… bless you my friends’

All... 'Thank you'

Travis did the closing prayer then Liz put on the closing tunes.

I came back quite quickly and Syann returned soon after.

Syann felt she’d come back a couple of times during the evening. She remembered hearing some of our singing and had experienced some phenomena in the cabinet.
Something had been poking the side of her foot. She’d felt a hand over the back of her hand and felt something over her face.
She had felt movement coming out of her mouth brushing against her lip.
Clicks were heard to her right in the cabinet and she’d had conscious lucid dreams like she was in a removed space but had no idea how long they’d lasted.

The closing music was having the opposite effect on Tasha as she was drifting off and fighting to stay with it. We turned it off before we lost her!!!

For me it had been an interesting experiment. I felt I’d been aware throughout. At times it was as if the spirit control of me was stronger while at other times I felt much more aware. I’m not sure if this was because the teams were shifting their attention from one medium to the other throughout the evening.
My hands and arms were moving about and at one point it felt like the back of my hand was touched by something.
It was nice to have Tob communicate through me. He has done it once before when I sat with Dan in Polegate. Travis has spoken to Tob many times through Joan and afterwards he thought it was Tob talking throughout my communications despite the voice changes. I felt it was Tob initially then other communicators taking over but it is very difficult to tell for sure at this stage and at the end of the day ‘who’ does the communicating is not as important as what is said. With time and development all will eventually become clear I’m sure.

Once we were all back down to earth and had a cup of tea we headed out into Eastbourne town centre for an excellent Indian meal.
If you’re ever looking for a good Indian restaurant in Eastbourne we can all now recommend this place…

*******happy new year*******