May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

30th Sitting 18/12/2012

This week we sat on Tuesday as Dan was unable to make Monday and it gave Liz an extra day to get over her cold.

This was the 30th sitting for the Mercury Light Circle.

Liz opened at 8.30pm and put the music on while Dan put out the red light.

After ten minutes Liz told Dan she could see a small amount of light getting in at the edge of the curtain round the door frame.
Dan couldn’t see it as he was looking from a different angle.

I was aware of the conversation and felt concerned about the light getting in and was unable to get it out of my mind. I wanted to tell Liz to get up and move the curtain. Then a communicator took control saying more or less what I wanted to say.
It’s difficult for me to know if it’s me speaking or the communicator or a mixture of both? Possibly I started the communication which was taken over by the communicator?...

‘I do believe… is light coming in through curtain to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘Do you… are you able to adjust the curtain?’

Liz… ‘I can try’

‘Slow… slow movement towards curtain and see if you can adjust for you… be careful how you walk’

Liz… ‘Yeh, that’s good, that’s it thanks, that’s made a difference, that’s better’

‘Cannot… can you not see now the light come through’

Liz… ‘Yeh that’s better, that’s good, that’s blocked it now’

‘Because we do not want you distracted from our own light that we can produce for you’

Liz… ‘Yeh it was distracting, I thought I could see other lights but I couldn’t be sure that it wasn’t just… There’s a very feint light from the trumpet in the middle’

‘This is normal yes?’

Liz… ‘Yeh, okay that’s good… shall I turn the music up?’

‘Please put music up and increase energies once more thank you’

We hadn’t charged up the luminosity on the trumpet this week.
Liz could see it glowing lighter then darker intermittently.
Dan couldn’t see the luminosity at all.

Nothing else was reported by Liz or Dan in the room for the next 40 minutes.

It seemed to be all happening in the cabinet this week as my arms were being moved about most of the time and I was quietly mumbling away and could feel my face being manipulated.

I was aware of a bright light behind me that seemed to work it’s way round my sides becoming very bright in front of my closed eyes.
I’ve noticed this before when sitting in the Mercury Star Circle but this was more intense.

Then while two American Indian type tunes were playing I was aware of a very strong presence with me. It caused me to sit forwards and all the muscles in my body tensed up. I began to shake as a loud voice came from me almost knocking me off my seat! The strong sensation of the voice coming up and out of my mouth was no different to the sensation of being violently sick. It was a mixture of words and noises coming out, mainly incoherent.

Dan and Liz asked the communicator to be steady and take it easy.
Liz also felt a degree of control from an entity as the tunes were playing.

While the communicator was coming through me both Liz and Dan noticed a lot of light in front of the cabinet near the trumpet. Liz described it as like a flame from a fire and it actually made her feel hot while Dan said he remained ambient.

When the communicator withdrew they both noticed the room return to being dark.

A few minutes later it looked misty to Liz and Dan.
Liz was aware of a kind of distortion in the atmosphere between her and Dan.

Just before the last two tunes played a communicator came through…

‘I say thank you, you both, for continued attendance each week. We thank you for your energy and love. We appreciate the time that you spend with us. We look forward to continue development in your new year for we appreciate the time now come for you to have a holiday, a break, for your festival of light that you will celebrate with your family and we look forward to come back with you in new year…’

Liz and Dan… ‘You’re very welcome, we look forward to meeting up again…’

Liz then asked the Spirit Team to start drawing back as the last two tunes were playing.

I came slowly back, not feeling totally with it until the end of Liz’s closing prayer.
It looked white and misty in the cabinet.
Dan and Liz said it was dark in the room.
All three of us were now very cold.

Liz had the impression of a lady between her and Dan. She looked Victorian with her hair coiled around her head. Liz said she looked very happy and gave the name Catherine…

The following day while talking over the séance with Syann she said her gut feeling was that the light I saw come from behind me was one of my ‘guides’ moving in close and the reason why I see it in the MSC because they are working with me there as well.
She also received a ‘thought ball’ that for our next MLC sitting we need to set the red light low, rather than black out.
I too have been thinking about using red light but wasn’t sure if directions would be possible from the cabinet to Liz about when to turn it on or off. This week we did have directions to sort out the light coming through the curtain and turn up the music so I guess that answers my question…

Next sitting for the MLC will be in three weeks on Monday 7th January but before that we have a special Christmas séance on Sunday 23rd December with both Syann and me in our own cabinets each end of the room!

I guess it will be a Mercury Star Light Circle… should be interesting!