May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

31st Sitting 07/01/2013

We were back for our first Mercury Light séance of 2013.

Earlier that day I had asked Syann if she’d had any more thoughts on us sitting in red light and a few minutes later I had a ‘Clyde inspired’ email suggesting we put the red light on after the first four tunes then to wait for further instructions from the cabinet.

I’d been feeling quite spaced out since about 6.00pm and my stomach was spinning. I had the feeling the team were very excited about tonight. That morning while I was half asleep I’d experienced something like a broom handle being pushed into my stomach which was a bit of a worry but at the same time I had the feeling it was okay so drifted back off to sleep. I’ve been told in the past by Clyde that they do work on me during sleep and I’ve sometimes woken up feeling stuff going on in my throat but I’d never experienced anything like that before!!!

We sat as usual with Dan and Liz up the far end while I was unrestrained in the closed cabinet.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and turned out the red light.
My stomach was still spinning and rumbling.

After ten minutes Liz reported seeing blue light in the centre of the room.
Dan saw it too saying it looked like a tower of light.
They both saw it bending to the right.
Liz said it looked layered and was forming an arch-way.
Dan agreed.
Then Liz said she could make out someone moving under it looking like a shadow.

Some voice noises and coughing started in the cabinet.

‘All, all… hello, hello… all here… hello, hello… all able to come through…’

Liz… ‘Who are we talking to now?’

‘Whole team… voice for all team’

Liz… ‘Is there one person who’s leading it?’

(voice changed)

‘I can come through on my own’

Liz… ‘Can you tell us who you are?’

‘I have name, I come through each time, each time we sit I come through. I have no name, no name but I will become more familiar with you in time’

Liz… ‘That’s good, we recognize your voice’

‘I will in time give you a name for you to know me by but now it is not possible to generalize a name… But be aware that I am always here and at forefront of conversation’

Liz/Dan… ‘Okay, very good’

Dan said there was now a lot of light in the room.
Liz saw it more near the trumpet and above the cabinet.

A couple of minutes after the last communicator had withdrawn Dan could hear a soft voice in the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.

The voice got louder…

‘Dear friends, we look forward to using red light, yes, after song, after this song, good, good, good…’

Dan… ‘Yes, we haven’t forgotten, ha, ha…’

‘No, no, I know you have not forgotten, I just wanted to say that we are looking forward to what you will see… We will instruct when you are to turn the red light off again, thank you’

Dan/Liz… ‘Okay, thank you’

Dan felt a chill round his legs.
He felt there was a lot of energy in the room.
Liz was seeing little flashes and lines of light.

Liz was aware of a blob of light which became a fog above the healing book to her right.
Dan thought the room had become darker.

The fourth tune came to an end and Liz put the red light on.

Liz thought the cabinet was looking wobbly/wavy.
Dan didn’t think so.
Then Liz said she could see a kaleidoscope like a spiral in front of the cabinet. It made her feel giddy.
Dan could also see the spiral.
Liz saw a moving blob about head height and moving light like clouds of cotton wool.

After about ten minutes of red light there were some noises from the cabinet…

‘Well, are you seeing phenomena from red light?’

Liz… ‘We’ve seen a spiral of light in the middle of the cabinet going right the way up and balls of light. Some light phenomena, nothing very clear, and some coming out into the room’

‘Keep the light for one more song then turn light off, thank you, very pleased that you are seeing something at this stage. We will try this again next time’

Liz… ‘Was that, seeing a spiral of light, was that… I suppose that’s a leading question isn’t it, whether what that was…’

‘All things what you are seeing are leading up to further phenomena in this room. It’s the beginnings. We are doing what we can with available energy but we are well aware that in future more energy will be available for greater phenomena’

Liz… ‘I sense a green light about two thirds of the way up the cabinet now… sort of heart shape’

‘We appreciate all your observations, thank you’

(The song ended)

Liz… ‘One more song after this?’

‘Now time, turn off now’

Dan… ‘Okay, we’re turning it off now’

‘Thank you’

Liz drifted off for a while and found herself being drawn into a tunnel.

I became very still and relaxed in the cabinet. I felt an increasing pressure on the top of my head which was making me feel even more spaced out but I still had an awareness of the music playing.

Dan was seeing a few orbs in the room.
He felt some tickles in his hair and then something running down the side of his face.

Liz was very hot and felt prickles in her abdomen.
Dan was cold.

There were some more noises from the cabinet.
There was a high pitched voice and Liz encouraged it forward.
The voice changed. There were some incoherent words and then…

‘All around you is beauty. Even in darkness you will perceive beauty, it will allow your mind to create beauty in your room, uncluttered by your vision, your vision in light. You will perceive beauty from within, from within your own mind, your own self. You will create; you will build picture in your mind… Now look into the dark, what do you see?... Can you not see a vision of a landscape… green fields… trees… water… All these things are within you. All these things are inside of you, they can be found. You can find within yourself all these things and bring them out into your vision. It is a creation of yourself in our energy that we bring forward into the room. It enables you to create your own beauty in the room. It is close to how we can perceive these things. We have our own way of creating our own environments. When you are in our energy you too can do this. Each time you sit you will find it easier to bring forward your own beauty’

Dan had seen fields and a copse while the communicator was speaking.
Liz could see sloping rooftops covered in a green moss and she felt she was being inspired with imagery and poetry.

Another communication as the last two tunes played.

‘It all come to end now… Thank you for coming again to our little meeting which we all have here each week. We look forward to a new year building up each week. Thank you for patience and dedication… We leave now. We leave you with our love and we look forward to bringing it back next week when we sit again… thank you’

Liz/Dan ‘Thank you all’

Liz asked the spirit team to draw back as the last tune was now playing.

When it finished she checked that both Dan and I were back.
I still felt a bit light headed but was fully back by the time she had done the closing prayer.

It had been and excellent start to the new year…


On the 3rd of January I had a sit with Syann during which my 'old friend' answered a few questions about my development...

Me… ‘When I sit myself I’m always more or less aware still so I’m in a kind of light trance. Is that something that will be worked on in the future so I’ll be taken deeper or will the spirit team wish to work with me in that way?’

‘I believe they are working on your depth of consciousness too but as ever and as we have previously discussed this will take time’

Me… ‘So what’s the best thing for myself to do in those circumstances when I know that I am aware but they are working with me. Is there anything I should do or should I just leave it to the spirit team to work with me?’

‘Just leave it to your team… As soon as you affect your conscious mind into the proceedings you will block what they are trying to achieve whether you realize it or not… easier said than done isn’t it?’

Me… ‘Yes, that’s true. I suppose it’s just a case of keep on sitting and practicing and…’

‘That is absolutely correct… with time and patience’

Me… ‘I believe it was you who originally said that you think of it more as a joint communication, part myself and part the communicator and just allow that to happen and then eventually the communicator will take over completely’

‘That is correct, the level of consciousness that you achieve regardless of it’s depth will allow communications to come through even if the sub-conscious mind is affecting what is being said the essence of the communication will never the less be accurate’  

Me… ‘Sometimes I’ve found that when I’ve been sitting I get an idea in my head of what a communication is going to be and then in about half an hours’ time a communication will come through which will be very much on the subject that I’ve just had come though my head… can you explain what’s happening there?’

‘You must think of your mind as one of your television boxes my friend and you’ll receive the communication in and then the communication will be relayed out. Currently there may be a slight delay experienced in the communication that is produced’

Me… ‘Yes that makes sense’

‘As your team take more hold of your consciousness that delay will lessen so the communication will be instant and purer. The essence of the communication will always be pure. The exact nature of the communication may vary but the essence of what is being said will get through’

Me… ‘So the meaning will be from spirit but the actual words used… ‘

‘…may not necessarily be exactly what is being communicated through you’

Me… ‘Yes I suppose using words is something you have to become used to doing again when you talk like you are now’

‘That is right, and it is not only the words that we have to use, we have to lower the speed in which they are received’

Me… ‘What the speed they are received to the medium?’

‘That is right. Remember friend that our vibration is higher and faster than yours. We aim to lower ours and heighten yours so that we may meet in the middle… When that balance has been achieved there will be no delay in the communications being relayed through the medium’