May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

170th Sitting 29/01/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Liz sensed a golden light building up in the room.

I lost consciousness about 15 minutes after the opening prayer and woke up 30 minutes later.
I started to be controlled two minutes after waking up.
Liz turned down the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in.

‘Good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Place your thoughts at the heart of each developing situation as it presents itself to you. Time brings forward opportunities as you live your life, as you travel a linear pathway. The clock ticks, the calendar is marked off, you become older, you watch as the passage of time unfolds. You feel you are not in control yet what you think, what you take from the situations and opportunities is what creates that what is brought forward, that what is worked towards. You see future events as happenings that have not occurred, situations that have not happened yet you are creating them, you are setting up your own situation by the way you think, by the way you interpret that what is presented to you each day. Use this to your advantage for you can create your own happenings, your own situations’

Liz… ‘This does seem to be very true and I’ve noticed this as it works in my life. I’ve watched things that I’ve imagined, that I’ve envisaged, potential creative situations and I’ve slowly watched them years later as they’re come into being and it often amazes me’

‘There is much in your mind now that you feel would take miracles to achieve yet you are already working towards that achievement, you are putting in place by your own thoughts and your own interpretations, putting in place land marks that will indeed present themselves. Always take care on how you think, on how you interpret, allow your mind to explore, allow your awareness to widen, to seep into each possibility that is presented to you. Do not make foolish decisions, guard your thoughts, reach for the highest, do not let the negative actions and thoughts of others sway your own decisions. Think with a positive mind, explore with an open mind, do not cast doubt on your own abilities for each and every one of you has the ability to change the world, change the physical atmosphere for the good or for the bad. As understanding unfolds and is grasped more will look for the good, look for the good in all situations and create opportunities that will enhance the loving thoughts as they are produced’

Liz… ‘Friend, with that in mind I would like to ask your advice. I’ve been asked by someone whether they might use this dedicated space, this room in darkness in order to practise a spiritual technique for opening up to the greater awareness and self, the no self, an egoless state and I’m wondering whether allowing somebody else to use this space for their own spiritual practise would be advisable or whether it would interfere with the work we are doing here as a dedicated space or whether it might enhance it?’

‘This space has been created by loving minds who have been inspired by spiritual thoughts. Your friend also is looking at expanding the spirituality in their mind, they are trying to eliminate the darker thoughts, the darker thoughts that create the obstacles which hold you back, prevent you all from lightening up the physical vibration. All work that is done that will ultimately bring love into your world is welcomed by us and we see no reason why it should not be encouraged and this space made use of for the development of spirituality’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for that support’

‘We encourage all development of this kind and we are pleased that the space you have created can be used, can be more widely used. Each individual when they make the decision to raise their spiritual vibration, engage with their spiritual awareness, has to find the best conditions in which to enhance the development of spiritual awareness. If a darkened séance room will help them then this space can and will be used’

Liz… ‘Thank you’

‘Over time as the spiritual awareness is developed it will be found that a dedicated space and a darkened atmosphere will no longer be necessary. All development moves forward, each person evolves and a new environment will be seeked and will be found. We can see a time when more individuals will seek to develop their spiritual awareness in whatever conditions they feel at ease with. The light within the physical vibration is a powerful energy, an energy that is felt by all and a desire to strengthen that energy resides in the minds of all who take up physical bodies in a physical world. Your world is making great advances in the use of technology by a greater number of people. You have your World Wide Web, a wonderful tool for the bringing together over vast distances people who normally would never have communicated. Information is able to spread, is able to reach the homes of those who tune into your World Wide Web. We can see how this will work, how it will spread the understandings that will spark the curiosity in each mind that is connected. Never before has such a huge opportunity been available to so many. A time will come when nothing can be hidden. A time will come when each individual will have a greater choice. Each event will be seen for its merits and its failures’

Liz… ‘It almost seems as if the Internet has become, is like an externalisation of the subconscious mind of humanity, everything that’s contained there, all the knowledge and understanding and the feelings and emotions seem to find their way out. They are mirrored in all the information and communication that goes on in the Internet. The dark stuff and the high enlightened spiritual stuff it’s all there’

‘A coming together of each mind, each individual mind and a realisation as to how connected you all are and how connected we all are. More questions will be asked and the answers will be found. More questions will come from the answers that are found. More will be shared. Those who fight to supress the greater knowledge will find themselves unable to work in the way they once enjoyed for their power will be taken from them’

Liz… ‘You’re referring to freedom of information’

‘Each person will have an equal opportunity to explore for themselves and create their own interpretation untainted by those who seek to control, those who feel the power in the ability to control, they will have to give way and become one with all the residents of your physical world. Once the secrets that are held in your physical world, once they break free, once they become available then greater understanding will find an easier path into the minds of each individual. Greater understanding that will help to open the eyes and the minds of many and allow them to see the benefits of working with the light in your world’

Liz… ‘Yes it seems to be true nowadays that more and more ordinary people are becoming aware of how power has been concentrated in the hands of the few and that withholding information and of truth has allowed the few to get away with controlling and limiting the resources for the many. I think more and more people have become aware of that and that awareness has made them ordinary people braver in appropriating truth for themselves, seeking it for themselves not just being content with the myths and the illusions that they’ve been fed, things that they’ve been told, it’s making them question more the grounds and the basis of the reality that has been presented to them. It seems that novelists and writers who write fiction in their accounts of how the world is run and behaves have come very close to the truth, portraying things in such a way that people begin to see that this fiction is actually representative of how things are’

‘The novelists were indeed inspired and opened up to the greater understandings. Many could see through the fabric of your physical world. They understood the patterns that held your physical world; they understood how that hold could be released’

Liz… ‘It takes courage it seems to step through the illusion of the mind into reality. To allow one’s self to experience things as they are rather than as we’ve been taught that they appear’

‘Courage drives out fear. Courage illuminates the pathway to the light of your world. Illuminates each situation giving the impression that the love within truly is the answer to further understandings. See how control has no hold on a mind that is free. Nothing can stop the advancement of a free thinking mind inspired by love for it can only grow stronger and brighter filling the hearts of all, inspiring others, teaching others, helping others, holding out a helping hand to those who have the courage to walk tall’

Liz… ‘…and to walk through the looking glass. I think one of the most difficult things and maybe one of the bravest is to strip away the illusion, to go back to first principles, to basics, to actually go back, to become naked, to let go of all the information, all the worldly knowledge and to re-establish ground zero. It’s a difficult thing, a humbling thing to do but sometimes circumstances force people to do that, to let go of everything and go back to square one because it’s like we grow up and the more we learn the more we act in the world, the more investment we have in our beliefs and everything that’s happening to us and to actually let go of that investment, to go back to square one and discover what was real in all this, what is real by admitting that it might all have been erroneous, mistaken, on a false premise takes an incredible amount of courage and I think sometimes that’s the only way for people to actually re-establish the connection with spirit. It’s a little bit like the saying in the bible… except you become as little children again you shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Almost as if you have to go back to square one to re-establish what was real at the beginning because so much that we’re given are red herrings and false leads that condition a reality that’s based on error’

‘You have all clothed yourself with beliefs as you walked through your physical pathways. Each step brings forth new beliefs until you are stifled with fear, unable to see, unable to hear, for you have built for yourself a prison cell. It does indeed take courage to break free from that prison cell and once again see the world through the eyes of a child stepping out into a new adventure unaffected by the negativities, seeing only good, seeing only light’

Liz… ‘It’s very true when you look into the eyes of a baby there’s that incredible openness, a wonderful sense of connection, uncontaminated, just love, trust. To get back to that is a wonderful thing. Every child faces a new opportunity, every baby that’s born a new opening, a new opportunity’

‘The physical world was initially designed to take each new born child on a journey of discovery, a journey of unlimited discovery, limited only by the physical structure that makes up your world’

Liz… ‘I guess those who betray that trust of the new born need to be forgiven that in their ignorance they failed’

‘Forgiveness is a powerful energy, an energy that can break down walls, walls created by beliefs’

Liz… ‘I guess we’ve had millennia of betrayal of the child’

‘The child still exists in each person. The child is merely hidden from the awareness. The child still has the ability in each individual to motivate, to bring forth awareness, to bring forth recognition of how life can be beyond the build-up of illusion. Illusion brought on by beliefs governed by fears’

Liz… ‘How wonderful to think that we can recapture that state, be reborn’

‘Years of illusion has brought upon the mind the belief that it is truly separate, unconnected to those who share the physical world. The connections are misunderstood. There is darkness and there is light and the misunderstandings create the illusion’

Liz… ‘I have to say in this room earlier tonight the darkness seemed very light. I was aware the darkness had a golden quality and was full of light which sounds paradoxical’

‘The physical world paints the picture that darkness can only be dissolved by light yet each individual can take a dark situation and see it for what it really is, for it is an illusion, it is a complication in the fabric of the physical world, a complication that can be resolved by loving thoughts, by elevated thoughts. Use your eyes to see the true beauty of love in each dark situation then watch the darkness dissolve. Nobody has to live with darkness in their life. Everybody has an equal opportunity to raise the vibration of your physical world and realise that nobody stands alone for you are all one. Nothing separates the human mind. Do not allow the illusion to build up in your mind, the illusion of separation. Spread the truth of connection and understand how your World Wide Web is truly spreading that truth of connection. Rejoice in the fact that a greater understanding will be shared by many as your years go by and help each other with your elevated thoughts and your loving minds, reaching out to the weaker, looking out to the stronger, to the strength that we can provide. The time is coming when wonderful opportunities will be seen by the majority but it is still up to each individual to grasp or deny those wonderful opportunities. Play your part, play your part well and the balance will favour the good, will favour the light, will allow the spiritual understanding to once again take hold and mould the minds, the minds that make up your world and the minds that will go on into greater worlds, greater opportunities, greater situations, ever expanding, fulfilling the mission that was started when your world was created and set in motion. The time when those who watch stepped back and allowed the free will of individual units to shape and reshape what had been created with love’


Liz… ‘I think we must have come to the end of our session now’

‘The time has come once again yes, the passage of time. We hope we have given to you more to think about, more to put into your world, your world of understanding limited by physical structures and journeys. We appreciate the time you give us to put words into your world and create for you understandings that will help you to free yourself from the beliefs and fears that govern so many. Please take from us a piece of our love, spread it around your physical world, watch as it lightens the hearts and minds of all who it touches. Recognise the power in love and work with love each day of your life. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep each and every one of you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

‘Goodnight to you, we will take a few moments to withdraw’

I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.
I had seen a lot of light during the communications and at one point it was almost like a camera flash in front of me.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…