May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

173rd Sitting 19/02/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

I didn’t lose consciousness this week as I recall hearing each tune but I still seemed to be in an altered state.

About 15 minutes after the start Liz reported cotton wool like shapes moving around the room.

50 minutes after the start I began to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

Liz… ‘Welcome friend’

‘Welcome, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you’

‘To welcome, a new time to speak again with you, we always look forward to our opportunities in coming forward and speaking’

Liz… ‘So do we’

‘There is so much that we wish to bring through to you each week, we have a long list of subjects to cover, to break apart and give to you those points of interest which will give you that trigger which will make you think, which will make you consider other possibilities that are available to you. There are stories to be told and as we draw closer we settle on a story that will most interest you for we can feel how you react to each word as it comes through and we know that it will generate thoughts in your mind, ideas in your mind. We can present pictures to you as our words are heard for your mind is conditioned to put pictures to what you hear. You all have the ability to paint for yourself pictures representing the imagination for it is the imagination that we can most easily work with. We try to set it in motion; we try to ignite the imagination in all who hear these words, ignite it in a way that will give to you a platform on which to receive the words that we give to you for imagination can be built upon. Once the imagination has been stirred it will branch out, you will see pictures and ideas immerging. Some will be from your own mind while others can be of our own doing. Imagine a key and feel how it allows your mind to explore for you associate so much with the picture of a key. It can mean so much for you and that will create new pictures in your mind for your imagination has been aroused, you are looking into new ideas, you are looking into new possibilities. Each possibility is compared. See the picture that emerges; see how the key fits in with that what surrounds, that what supports, that what is put in place for a key on its own is merely a start. What do you associate with a key?’

Liz… ‘Opening, unlocking… A gateway, a doorway into a new understanding, into a secret room’

‘Then allow that gateway to open, hold it open, what do you feel is becoming a picture in your mind?’

Liz… ‘It’s a great space, a garden’

‘Imagine yourself in that space, venture forth and explore. What are the feelings that come to you when you are set free in this space?’

Liz… ‘I want to stay there… A place of potential, nothing seems to be fixed’

‘For you have entered into a condition, a condition that is unfamiliar yet at the same time you feel a dim recognition for where you are. You will feel that you have been there before yet this place holds no time, there are no constraints, nothing is holding you, you are free to travel, free to expand. You are unaware of the passage of time. Look up and see the stars for they are not distant they are within your reach. Reach out and grab hold of a shining star. Hold it in front of you, feel the energy that that star gives to you. Watch it expand and fill your vision with light. Become one with that star, allow yourself to shine bright for you are a part of everything, every thought, every picture that you can imagine is a part of you. There is nothing that you cannot touch, there is nothing that you cannot be, there is nothing that you cannot achieve, there is nothing that you cannot know.  When we observe your world we see the inadequacies of those who walk in a self-created fog unable to perceive all that is there, unable to reach out to all that surrounds them. Each person has the ability to do so much more’

Liz… ‘A question I would like to ask is why a great deal of our pleasure comes from our attachment to physical objects, to people or objects or other creations like a tree. A tree trunk is so solid and other people feel solid, other human beings and animals and the Earth and flowers and grass and trees it’s the sensations, the actual perception through the senses, forms such a solid and delightful picture and the sense of touch especially makes things feel solid and real and that a great deal of our appreciation of the physical and our identification with it comes from this and the attachments we form are very solid and very real and we cling to them and to be severed from these attachments, to break these attachments when people go away, when trees are chopped down, when houses disappear, when any of these things happen creates great trauma, great sense of loss and separation but if this is really a very transitory state for us and not at all what we think, not solid at all, why is it that we’re tricked, our senses trick us into this illusion of solidity and make us attached?’

‘You have made a choice, you have sent a portion of what you perceive as yourself, you have made that decision to immerse yourself in a reality, a physical reality knowing that you will become not only a part of that reality but you will become overwhelmed by the reality that you find yourself a part of and it will draw you in, it will become the prime attention of your focus for you will forget your true self, you will feel broken from your true self and that one fragment will reform into what for you is an illusion, an illusion generated by the senses, the physical senses. A tree will become a tree, a wall will become a wall, until you can reconnect with that what placed you inside of your physical world. You will find you will recognise the feelings, you will see a tree as a feeling for you will take from that tree, you will allow the tree to work on your feelings and trigger your imagination. Your physical senses are what hold you to the physical world yet you are also free to explore beyond your physical world’

Liz… ‘So presumably while we are in this physical world the logical assumption is that we are here to explore this physical world’

‘An assumption that has been made, an assumption that has built up since the moment you opened your eyes in your physical world, an assumption that has strengthened as you interacted in your physical world. An assumption that is weakened as you open your eyes beyond the physical world. You have a choice for there is much benefit to be had living a life in a physical world reacting only to the physical surroundings that you have for you can still do much, you can learn and you can teach. The physical world is a wonderful place to live and to learn, to put into play your core being, that what drives you, that what motivates you. You can use that to interact with all that is physical, all that is solid, all that you grow attached to yet at the same time you all have a feeling that there is more to life’

Liz… ‘I think that’s triggered by the fact that the strong attachments we have get broken, we have to let go of them and that we know that our physical life comes to an end. I think those facts, they’re like the openings, the open doorways into other understandings, because that leads to a sense of unsatisfactoriness’

‘You see decay in all that is presented to you yet a part of you holds onto the understanding of everlasting life’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s the feeling that there is something more than just the physical, something goes on and then of course there are glimpses of these other realities but dreams and the other realities can seem very hazy, very insecure in comparison with the solidity of the physical’

‘When you are in a dream, when you are engaged in the unfolding of a story in a dream, then your focus has let go of the solid physical and has begun to explore a new way of interpreting, a new way of seeing, a new way of feeling’

Liz… ‘But much of the time the dream world or the dreams that I’ve had are very weak and insubstantial in comparison with the physical. They lack the vitality, they seem insipid a lot of them in comparison but I guess that’s because my consciousness isn’t fully focused in that dream reality’

‘It is only focused when you are taking part in that dream yet when you return, when you awaken to your physical world you look back on that dream and you will put a new interpretation on that dream for it is not possible to fully understand the structure of a dream when viewed from your physical reality’

Liz… ‘The dream world has the quality of… it’s similar to watching television or films but that they lack that… I suppose one is an observer whereas when you come back to the physical reality it’s like you’re completely, just much more real, much more present, it’s a different quality. If you’ve been watching films and television they can be very absorbing, fascinating but then you switch off the television and you step outside into the garden, into the open sky, into the road, into the street whatever and it has a presence, a dimensionality that the film or the television doesn’t have’

‘Your physical reality has a recognisable feel for it is what you are plugged into at this point yet when you think back to the dreams that you have had you are observing them from your physical reality, you are not in the dream, you are no longer in that dream reality. Only when you wake up in your dream can you begin to understand the conditions of that reality’

Liz… ‘Ah I guess that’s where lucid dreaming comes in, that experience of a heightened awareness in dreams when you actually do wake up in a dream’

‘That is what it is called yes’

Liz… ‘So I suppose by comparison we can be lucid in our daily life’

‘You are always lucid in your physical reality but lucidity in a dream reality can be only temporary and once you have let go of that dream and reconnected with your physical world then that dream can only be a dream’

Liz… ‘So when we let go of the physical, when we finally die, when we’re forced to let go of our incarnation in this physical reality presumably we have a new experience of lucidity in this more spiritual, this other reality, we wake up in another reality, is that how it is… or we begin to wake up in another reality since we haven’t got the physical to return to’

‘You will begin to remember, you will begin to remember fully the true state, the true state of mind where you belong and your physical world will then be the dream that will fade and die. You will become lucid to all that you have achieved, all that you have earnt for yourself, all that you had once before and all you have achieved in your physical lifetime. It will combine and you will see in clarity how you have benefited, how you have added to the greater consciousness’

Liz… ‘From the point of view of a soul who is in the non-physical reality, in the spirit world, the spiritual reality, is it as if those other souls who are still immersed in the physical reality, is it as if they are asleep. The question I’m asking is to the one who has died but who is now lucid, fully lucid and engaged in the spiritual reality, does it seem as if those dear ones, those souls to which it’s connected but who are still living and immersed in the physical reality, does it seem as if they are asleep?’

‘It seems as if they are dreaming’

Liz… ‘Yes, they are in a sleep and dreaming and it’s hard to rouse them’

‘The greater part of them would seem to be asleep from their point of view yet the greater part is very much awake. Try not to…’

Liz… ‘Would it be true to say that the soul that has departed, that is in the afterlife, in the spirit world is actually part of their greater self and it’s this that makes the strong connection, the sense of connection?’

‘Try not to separate these things for you are confusing your thoughts in separating the different states of mind, of one conscious mind, that one conscious mind which is eager to explore all possibilities, all states of mind. A physical reality is one way of exploring, of bringing back information, new information which can be used to generate creative thought. You see yourself as an individual yet you are a part of a greater self, a part that has been dipped into a new experience, a new opportunity for growth’

Liz… ‘It’s very hard as a limited being, as we perceive ourselves to be a limited being, to understand the radiance and the creativity of the whole, ‘the all that is’ We can get glimmerings of it but it’s so beyond our comprehension in our boundaried realities to understand the ‘All’ even the concept of ‘All’ is impossible because by the nature of concept there’s a boundary, it has an edge, it’s contained in something else, our experience in our limited reality in which our consciousness exists at present is one of boundaries, things within things within things, enclosed systems within systems infolded in something larger, contained. So even when we try to comprehend the ‘All’ it still has an edge, a form, a shape, a boundary but logically we know that’s impossible because it can’t be all if it has boundaries, it means there’s something beyond’

‘You are creating for yourself pictures of physical distance. You are creating unnecessary confusion for yourself’

Liz… ‘This doesn’t feel like confusion, this feels like thinking’

‘Slowly, slowly you will begin to understand but there is always a starting point in your mind. You will find you will let go of the physical pictures that you create and you will see beyond into a space that has no limits’

Liz… ‘No shape, no form, the formless. You use the term understanding and yet understanding, the nature of the word you are standing under, rather than entering into, becoming. That’s what’s difficult for us to do I think. Especially while being in the physical to actually let go and enter into the formless. I guess it’s a bit like someone standing on a rock in the middle of the ocean and then diving into the sea because at the moment we have to come back to the rock’

‘You feel safe on the rock as you feel safe with your physical structure that surrounds you. You have built before yourself a fear of letting go for the physical world is your safe home at this time. It is your comfortable place and you do not want to lose that comfortable safe feeling that you associate with the physical world that you see around you yet you are already living in a world beyond the physical. You are no different to us only your focus is different’

Liz… I guess when you consider sea water flows through our veins, that we have the sea in us, we’re made of all things that are in the sea and actually there’s a delight in diving into the sea, just this sense of loyalty to this rock that there must be some reason why we need to come back to the rock but in actual fact the sea is calling to us all the time. We have this connection with the sea, with these deeper areas and our blood calls out to the sea because we know it’s where we belong, where we come from. So it’s as if part of us knows that we belong to the sea, that we have this sense of loyalty to the rock and it’s a hard choice that we’ve made. We have to stick with it, somehow we’ve dragged our self out onto that rock which is a pretty difficult thing to do and we’ve got some business there on the rock but there’s an innate knowledge that at some point we will return to the sea. It’s so much easier in the sea, quite difficult living on the rock’

‘You have created for yourself this rock and the sea that surrounds it. When you sit in your meditations bring this picture to your mind and expand on this picture. Take yourself away from the rock and feel how this affects the way you think, explore the sea, explore all that holds the sea and expand your awareness. Do this in your meditations and it will help with your understanding. It will help you to appreciate the non-physical world that you are a part of… We have reached the end of our session with you this evening, we hope we have built for you something to think about, something on which to expand your ideas for you have said much that interests us and allows us into your own way of thinking. It is always as interesting for us when we come to speak for we get an idea of how restrictive the world of physical matter can be, how it can drag you into a place where you cannot appreciate the true feelings that are building up inside of you yet you are slowly realizing and opening up new pathways to explore and expand your awareness. We give to you a piece of our love to help you with your explorations, widening your own understandings and awareness. Thank you my dear friend may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…