May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

172nd Sitting 12/02/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Last week we had a crackling sound on the recording during the time that the communication was coming through. I thought it may have been caused by my shaking legs which touch the front curtain and could affect the recorder which sits in a pocket on the side curtain so before we started I sat with my legs shaking as they do during the communication for about 30 seconds but no crackling came out on the recording. Also during the communication this week there was no crackling on the recording so we still don’t know why it happened last week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, put the music on and turned out the light.

After about 20 minutes Liz reported moving long clouds in the room like long strands of cotton wool.

A strange noise came out on the recording, it's about 8 seconds in on this clip...

I lost consciousness soon after the opening prayer and woke up about 45 minutes later.

After another five minutes I began to be controlled.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening to you’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you friend’

‘Take a step forward on your journey through your physical life, take each step one at a time, pass the point of no return, stand still, stand in the middle of your thoughts, of your ideas. Stand tall, look around, observe all that you have achieved and be thankful that you have given yourself this opportunity, this opportunity to explore. Explore well, leave no stone unturned for you will benefit from a thorough search, a thorough exploration as your life unfolds. Experience everything; take note of how you get to each place, to each situation, to each thought in your mind. Feel how the thoughts in your mind are built up, are birthed in your physical brain to undergo the process of elimination, elimination of unnecessary thoughts until the true pure thought is able to step forward and energise your mind. There is much that is brought forward in your mind from many sources. You cannot tell the source of each thought as it rises to the point of attention for you are dimly aware of the words that come to your mind as you act upon them but when you stop, when you seize that opportunity to bring forward that what has inspired you, you cannot tell from where that thought arose. Always question each thought as it occurs to your mind. Question the feelings that surround that thought, understand for yourself how that thought makes you feel and you will begin to uncover the answer to where that thought has made its way, where that thought originated, the source of that thought. Many ideas surround your mind waiting for the chance to penetrate into your thoughts ideas that have been set in motion by minds that have an interest in your physical life, minds that you shared ideas with before your physical life’

Liz… ‘Do some of those minds make themselves known by dropping names into my mind?’

‘The names are your interpretation of their foot print embedded in your mind. The names are your association to the physical. It is the practise to give a name to all that you regard as entities, as friends, as helpers, as guides. A name gives for you a means of recognition, recognition of what for you is a feeling, a feeling that gives you memory, a feeling that puts you in touch with a controlling entity, an entity that can feed you with words and ideas. Your physical mind is conditioned to accept information as coming from another living, thinking entity. Consider that entity as a combination of you, your extended mind and the physical world that you are a part of. Release that belief that a communication represents another entity. Take your awareness beyond the physical truths; spread your awareness until it reaches impossible situations, impossible imaginings. Create for yourself a story, a story which will be your own story, a story which will explain to you how ideas and communications can and do spread their wings. Dissect the pattern that you have built for yourself and break it apart for you are moving into a new understanding, a new way of thinking. Much work is done each night that you sleep, much is remembered yet much remains untouched by your physical mind waiting for the opportunity to grow, to send down roots and allow your understanding to flourish for a new world of experience waits patiently, a world that you are building for yourself, a world unique to you where you can visit and sample the fruits of your labour. A mask is removed and the eyes will see. Whispers surround you and they will be picked up, they will be heard. Spring time is a time for the new born, the new understandings will hatch, will begin to seep into your mind and your thoughts. Allow each thought to grow strong and take each thought into a new understanding, a new way of thinking’

Liz… ‘What is new about this new way of thinking?’

‘A time will come when you will see the difference in all things. All that you touch, all that you see and all that you hear will have a new understanding, will have a new perspective. As you approach each situation in your life a bridge will form in front of you, a bridge of connection, a bridge of understanding. You will begin to recognise a tightening up of the way you think, of the way you interpret’

Liz… ‘A tightening up?’

‘A clearer more pin-pointed focus on the information that is presented to you for it will no longer seem vague, loose, unorganised, you will see through that confusion, you will see through that mist that is clouding your sight, clouding your thought for you will have a tighter hold on reality, a tighter focus on that what is in front of you, that what you walk towards. Picture yourself in a place surrounded by sounds, sounds that confuse you, sounds that irritate you. Imagine you have a control box that you can operate and change those sounds. Rotate the knob and the sounds will change, you will reach a sound that is harmonious to the way you think, a sound that does not distract you, a sound that enables clearer thoughts, clearer understanding to enter your mind. You will then establish a connection, a connection to your greater self and all minds that share your life. (pause) You are never alone, you are never truly alone, you are always a part of a group, you are always a combination of minds. Each aspect of yourself forms each mind that surrounds yourself yet your focus is on one being, one life, one single awareness. Think of your achievements as joint achievements. Think of your thoughts as joint thoughts. Think of each picture that comes to your mind as a window out of the confusion where you can see the totality of your own self…’

There was a long pause.
Liz put the music back on.
I started to feel back with it and I told Liz I was back but we decided to play two more tunes and see if I became controlled again.
Liz felt very cold.
I was warm.
After about a minute I started to be controlled again and Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication…

‘We return… we return back to you for we have not finished, we have not finished our communications to you, we merely took a break, took a break from proceedings. We needed to realign our energies, they were getting very thick, intense. We have lightened the energy to come back to you and speak once again, speak to you’

Liz… ‘Welcome’

‘Do you have any questions on your mind from what was said at the beginning of our session to you?’

Liz… ‘Yes, a question about the source of communication and inspiration that sometimes I get names coming into my head that seem to connect with discarnate entities, people who have lived but have passed on’

‘How do you feel when you get the names in your mind?’

Liz… ‘The names just appear, sometimes without any particular feeling attached, but perhaps the feeling at the time when those names appear is one of a slightly elevated feeling, a connection to spirit in general’

‘For you are indeed picking up the thoughts that motivated the characters that you recognise, those characters that once walked your Earth that are now stored in the libraries that can be accessed by you, that will make themselves known to you when you least expect it for you are putting yourself in a frame of mind, a receptive frame of mind. Once that receptive frame of mind has been achieved then the memories of the characters that once walked your Earth will be able to impinge on your receptive mind. Sometimes they will be characters that have been in your thoughts but occasionally a character will make itself known to you, someone who has not been the attention of your thoughts for many years. When this happens pay particular attention to what is given to you, relax your mind further and allow thoughts to come through for this will give you evidential communication. It will give you something that will trigger an open pathway that you will look into and you will discover for yourself connections that you knew, that you recognised but you did not have these on your mind. There are also names which will come forward which form the clutter of your mind but they have to come through and they take with them that clutter, those confused thoughts and clear a passage for you to look through and see the true communications, they are clearing the way but it is important to recognise each thought and each name that comes through to you when you have put yourself into a receptive state of mind for each thought serves a purpose. It is not for you to analyse the thoughts as they come to you for your job is to give out those thoughts’

Liz… ‘Thank you, that’s very interesting what you said because the name that came into my head came in very clearly and it was followed by a feeling that I was driving along a clear road, a road that was clearing, a clear way which is almost just like what you said. The road was clearing as I was driving along it into a clear space. That was my image, that was my sensation’

‘Then you have answered your question and we have confirmed for you’

Liz… ‘Yes thank you’

‘You will often find after you have sat that you will be taken to situations that will remind you of the thoughts that have come through to you. These are clarifications to you that you have indeed received words beyond your own mind. You may be reading a book and you will come across something that reminds you of thoughts that came to your mind when you were in your receptive state. This is our way of giving you comfort, giving you your evidence, allowing you to feel good that you have achieved a strong link with your spiritual world… Now the time has come where we have reached the end of our session this evening, we have taken a step forward in the contact that we have through the mind of the link that we use. We have been able to bypass some of the complications, some of the frustrations and bring to you a clearer message. We will continue to work on this until we are satisfied that what you receive represents the words of spirit, the words of greater understandings in a way that is understandable not only to yourself but to those who also listen and read these words for it is important that the message is received by all who have the interest in uncovering the mysteries of your world and our world and all that surrounds, all that surrounds and is also within. Thank you my dear friend, take from us a piece of our love. Take it into your world and illuminate each person you meet so that they too in their own way can see beyond your physical world. May God bless and keep you all’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and God bless you too’

‘Goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Goodnight thank you’

Liz put the music on and I felt back with it in about two minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…