May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

236th Sitting 21/12/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

We kept the crystal cluster in the room that Patrick had brought along for the Mercury Experiment which had been charged by the Scole Experiment Spirit Team back in the 1990s.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.25pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Liz also asked the question...

'I would like to know whether it is necessary now to use ectoplasm in order to engender the physical phenomena that many mediums have been used to in the past or whether it's going to be possible or preferential to develop other forms of energetic work and whether you are able to make use of our energies in the future without using ectoplasm which has often proved dangerous in the literature, in our understanding of the people we know, has proved a health risk. We feel very much that you in spirit wouldn't want to do anything that will actually have a negative effect on our health and our well-being in our physical lives. So, we would like some elucidation of the methods of producing physical phenomena and also the rationale behind the various types of physical phenomena that have been shown in various groups which often involve instruments being played and lights and entertainment, but I feel that there is also a form of physical phenomena where spirit actually clothes itself in a physical form that's recognisable and that feels to me as though that can serve a useful purpose to a bereaved person. So, I would just like to know the type of physical phenomena that is worth aiming for and that you would want to produce?' 

About 30 seconds later I was being controlled and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend, welcome to you'

'Yes, once again we gather in your room, we build together, we focus our thoughts into your physical world to bring words, to bring answers, to bring information, to bring triggers to your own thoughts, your own developing thoughts that you hold so dear for your thoughts are your own, are what guide the development of your own character. We too have thoughts and we too can share thoughts with you. A thought shared is a stepping stone to further knowledge, further understanding. You already have your own understanding and your own knowledge yet that spark within you is always pushing you for more, pushing you forward to further understanding, wanting to learn, wanting to broaden your mind, broaden your understanding for you feel there is so much more to be uncovered, to be unlocked, to be presented to you through that living consciousness that supports your life, your physical life and your spiritual life. Thank you once again for bringing a question, for formulating a question for us. This question regards the formation of physical mediumship, physical mediumship which has been a part of your world since your world began. Various forms of physical mediumship have been demonstrated, various forms of mediumship have been kept locked in the privacy of the home circle. Your world is a physical world and those who live in a physical world, they know there is more, they know there is more than just a physical world starting with birth and ending with death yet they need to be convinced, they need to have evidence. Evidence comes in many ways but evidence has to be experienced before it becomes a personal truth. The production of physical phenomena is not entirely dependent on what you would call a physical medium for there are times when it is necessary to break the rules, the rules that govern your physical world. We are aware of each and everybody who walks your world. We are aware of the possibilities that exist within those people, the potential of those people, the potential to grow up, to become love. Sometimes it is required for them to witness what you would call physical phenomena, they may see a deceased loved one standing at the foot of their bed, they may indeed have conversations with a materialised deceased loved one in their home, not within the séance room for not everybody has the interest to go searching for evidence via mediumship. These people need to be shown that there is more, there is more than what they perceive as physical, they need to understand that there is a greater reality, a greater reality working with them and we can give them that evidence, we can introduce into your world phenomena for them as one individual. The phenomena of the séance room is something which has developed. Physical phenomena has developed from raps, intelligent raps, knockings that were recognised, that were communicated with. This developed into voices, independent voices. This developed into materialisations that could be seen and heard and recognised. The beliefs of those who developed mediumship over 100 years ago, those beliefs brought about the phenomena of ectoplasm for it was understood that to get physical materialisations then they had to be produced in a physical way. When the world is observed as a physical world and that belief is held dear then the belief will produce something which can be explained in a physical way. The idea of ectoplasm being produced from within the physical body was enough to satisfy the beliefs, satisfy the curiosity of those who sat for the development of physical phenomena and materialisations. If you can clear your mind of these beliefs, if you can understand the illusion of the physical world, if you can understand how you sense what you experience there would be no need for ectoplasm, there would be no connection to the materialisation and the physical medium. You are not your physical body, you are not in your physical body, you are merely experiencing being in a physical body. You are consciousness, you are living consciousness experiencing a physical life yet you are not a part of that physical life. That physical life is for you a self-made reality and in a self-made reality you can create whatever you wish. You can create the phenomena that you desire'

Liz... 'So what you're saying is, instead of you being part of a physical reality, physical reality is a part of you'

'It is a creation, a self-made creation'

Liz... 'We are not in physical reality; physical reality is in us... whatever we are'

'It is projected into your consciousness but you have the power to alter that projection. We wish no harm to anybody who enters this room. We merely wish to educate and we will educate, we will allow you to create for yourself a true picture of reality as you see it, as you experience it, as you understand it. The understanding of your world will change, will be modified. Those who study your world are beginning to understand, are beginning to see, are beginning to realise the illusion of your world. A time is coming when the majority will move away from materialistic thinking and begin to see the world for what it is. Many will hold onto their beliefs but their beliefs will have to crumble as the youth of your world become the adult population of your world. New ideas are growing, the technology of your world brings with it new ideas, new trains of thought. The science of your world will be turned on its head and the religions will see how they have strayed from their origins. You are all working towards creating love within your world. You all are growing tired of the negativities, the fighting. You ask yourself why are we fighting, why do we argue, why can we not live with one another in harmony enjoying this wonderful world created by us to be enjoyed by us? Love one another, help one another, enjoy life as life was meant to be. Thank you my dear friend, please replay your music for a while'

Liz... 'I will thank you friend, thanks for your answers'

Liz turned the music up.

About 40 minutes later she turned it down again as another communication started.

'Small steps, small steps... there is no need to make radical changes to the way you run your circle on a Tuesday evening. There is no need to radically change the way you sit. You will find that in time things will settle down, things will begin to work as one. The purpose of a circle is to raise the vibrations, raise the thinking vibrations of those who sit until a point is reached where you will all meet as one and you will all experience as one. We are with you each time that you sit and we can help, we can calm the vibrations in your room. We can connect the thoughts of all who sit creating one powerful thought. When you sit with love in your heart you can do no more than create for yourself a loving vibration and that loving vibration is what is required for we too reach out to you with love. We wish you to make use of all your abilities, all that you possess within yourselves can be combined together. A new member has joined bringing new ideas, new ways of thinking, yet those differences can be overcome when you sit with love, when you sit with a joint purpose to seek higher knowledge, higher understanding, when you sit for the benefit of others, when you sit to heal your world. Create your own world for that brief moment in time that you sit in this room. Think of this room as your world, all of you think of this room as your world, as how you would like to see your world, as how you would like your world to become. We can work with you when your minds work as one for the greater good. You do not need to make the changes, we can make the changes, we can alter the way you work, we can alter the way you perceive, the way you perceive us, the way you perceive those who you love, who have gone before, who have passed over. Each week as you sit you build up a stronger link to yourself, your true self. That is what you require for you have then taken yourself out of your physical world, opened up possibilities to connect with all things, all of life. There is so much more to be enjoyed, so much more to be understood. You have already begun to open up and you now have a greater opportunity to go further, work with one another, help one another, heal one another. You all play your part and you all see your world in your own way. Sitting in circle creates a larger part, a combined part. As you sit together the strength is increased and you reach out further. We look forward to working with you all and we look forward to the potential when it is released into your room. Do not worry, understand that what you do is felt by many and you have the power to heal your world each time you sit. Thank you my dear friend. As always we give to you a piece of our love. Take it with you during your period of holiday and celebration. Use that love to bring joy to all who share in your celebrations. We will be with you and we will return once again when you return to your room in your physical circles. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'


Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after about one minute.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...