May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

235th Sitting 14/12/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm and included the question...

'The question is to do with our prayer for healing for people who are dying and whether this prayer of attunement with spirit on their behalf can help them to find themselves in a better place when they pass to the other side. Whether it can be effective in the place that they find themselves in on the other side and whether those who maybe don't have any belief in an afterlife, a continuing existence, whether it can help them to a better place after they've died, whether it can help them to more quickly adjust than would otherwise the case. I would like to know how those healing prayers for people who are dying can actually affect the afterlife experience of those people and affect the level of consciousness they find themselves in?'

Liz then turned out the light and put the music on.

About five minutes later I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Welcome, good evening friend'

'We meet once again and we bring to you our words, bring to you our guidance, bring to you the answers that you look for, the answers that hover in front of you just out of reach for you live in a world made up of physical matter, you are encased in physical matter yet you also live in a non-physical world and that non-physical world penetrates into your life enabling you to get a glimpse of the realities beyond your reality. You ask the question about the power of healing on those who have passed from your world, those that are in the process of passing from your world into a new world as you see it, as you understand, yet the physical world and the spiritual world are one, you are already in the spiritual world. Your comprehension of your world is dependent on the life-force within your physical body. Once that life-force ceases to exist within the physical body your awareness of physical life begins to fade. The non-physical world is opened up to your consciousness, to your train of thought, it becomes the primary input into your senses. It is a natural process yet for you encased in physical matter you have to understand it as a movement from one place to another place. Whenever you send out the power of healing, whenever you have the intent behind that power of healing to reach an entity dear to you, that healing will be felt, that healing will be used in a way most beneficial to the person to whom it is sent. Never doubt that your healing is not reaching that person. There is no travelling for that healing, for that person is still with you, you have merely shifted awareness. When you send your thoughts of healing they are recognised by that person and they are recognised as love. All consciousness responds to love. There are indeed times when difficulties are created by the consciousness that has left the physical world. Strong beliefs within that consciousness may hold the awareness to the physical world yet that consciousness is not distressed it is merely clouded, its senses are clouded until the realisation comes that it is no longer dependent on physical life. Your thoughts of healing do indeed help in this situation. Healing is sent from many directions, healing is sent from the spiritual vibrations as well as the physical vibrations until the full realisation, the full awareness is achieved by the one who has passed to our side. There are those who will welcome that person, there are those who will be recognised by that person, they will take that person into new situations allowing the memories of physical life to fade as that person becomes more in tune with its greater self, its larger consciousness'

Liz... 'Does some memory of the Earth life, of the physical life remain or can be easily kindled?'

'Memory can be re-accessed... If the interest is there to remember, that memory is available. A physical life is a small portion of life. A physical life is remembered for the growth that it has achieved. That growth can be added to the greater self and that growth will be brought back when another physical life is begun'

Liz... 'Does it matter whether the person who is dying has asked for healing or not? Can we still send healing thoughts to a person who hasn't asked for it?'

'Your thoughts of healing will always be accepted. It does not need to be asked for to be received. Healing works in many ways. You are initiating the healing process by your thoughts, your thoughts reach out to that person or those people that you visualise. They will feel the effects of healing and you also will feel the effects of healing on yourself. Healing is a form of love, the more love you create the more you will benefit and the more you will appreciate the love in your world. Think of love as a white light shining between you and another and they in turn shine that light on many people, more living entities. There is no limit to the love you can create. Never doubt the power of love when you send out healing... I think we will play the music for a while and we will return'

Liz... 'Yes, thank you friend'

Liz put the music back on.

She turned it down again after about 30 minutes as another communication started...

'Welcome news, welcome news that you will have a new sitter for your Tuesday group'

Liz... 'Very welcome'

'Yes, this will indeed open up a new door to your group, your group that sits with the intentions of the Scole Experiment. You have sat for many years and you have built up within your room the conditions, the conditions that will help create the phenomena that was once enjoyed by the Scole Experiment. The Scole Experiment still lives, still is a part of your world, it continues to develop. You have enabled that development to once again bring to your world much needed answers, much needed awakenings. There is much change in your world and your world is heading towards more change from many directions. The production of phenomena, non-physical phenomena will help your world. You must all sit with an open mind, no expectations, forget what has gone before and allow a new chapter to begin. When you sit you will all become one, you will feel the connection. That connection will spread and new entities will join you, they will make themselves known'

Liz... 'Do you mean non-physical entities or physical entities?'

'Entities not from this world. Entities that will be understood, entities that will help you and guide you gently into this new chapter. You have done the ground work and you have attracted the attention of those who wish to work with you in an intelligent way, in an understandable way, in a beneficial way. All phenomena will have its meaning, it will build, it will create, it will allow a glimpse into the larger reality. The two circles will remain connected and will work with one another. We look forward to working with you all, thank you... The time has come once again for us to draw back from your circle. As always take from us a piece of our love, love that heals your world, love that heals all who you meet, love that will heal all who enter your mind. Light up your world, build that bridge, connect all realities for your world is bigger than you think. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you and thank you'


Liz put the music on.

I came back in about one minute.

The room felt like it was huge to me, and I felt like I was looking down a long straight road.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...