May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

234th Sitting 07/12/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, put the music on and extinguished the light.

Liz also asked a question at the end of the prayer...

'This question is to do with pain, one of the forms of suffering in the Earth plane, in humanity. Physical pain which is something that people are very afraid of and causes a great deal of stress and distress. Is it possible that there are ways in which we can lose the effect of pain on us so that we are not so traumatised by it. With emotional pain it seems that we can lessen the effect but physical pain is more difficult for us. So any advice or help or understanding you could give us as to the reason why physical pain is such a burden for us and makes life so miserable for so many people would be wonderful'

About two minutes later I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Good time once again to come and join you, join you in conversation, answer your questions, try to give you an answer that will satisfy your curiosity yet still leave room for you to ponder the question, build up for yourself a satisfactory answer. As always we are assisting you in your building up of understanding, gathering of information, putting it in the correct boxes, allowing yourself to develop an understanding that for you fits in your way of thinking, in your way of observing your world. You ask about physical pain, physical pain that is experienced whilst you live in your physical world, that physical world that has built up around you, that has given you a sense of life, a sense of freedom, a sense of detachment. You no longer need the attachment to your larger self for you have given yourself the opportunity to spread your wings in a world of physical matter, a world alien to you yet recognised by you for you have done this before, you have built up memory. The passing of time allows you to ponder on the greater questions, questions that you have always wanted to ask yet you felt afraid to ask. When you begin to ask yourself questions you find those answers yet those answers do not seem clear to you, there is always something else that needs to be answered. This evening you ask about pain, something which you have experienced, something which you imagine is experienced by others yet you cannot share their experience you can only feel their experience based on your own real experience. Physical pain comes in many forms, physical pain can be accepted or rejected. Physical pain will not alter how you feel. Your experience of physical pain creates a strong image, an image that is ugly, an image that repels, for you associate pain with unpleasant feeling. The strength of that pain is governed by you, by association to the picture it creates in your mind. You have built up resistance to pain as you live your life yet you have created in your mind memories of past pain. The thought of pain triggers off in your mind those memories. Use the power of your mind to alleviate pain, physical pain. All on your side can do this, all on your side can control physical pain. You have all been doing this throughout your life, you have all been lessening the effect of pain but your belief that pain creates an ugly feeling will reinforce that pain to continue to damage the picture in your mind. Turn pain into pleasure, do not allow your own mind to be controlled, you have full control of how you feel. The mind is a delicate piece of equipment and it will respond to your thoughts. Do not let it respond to your beliefs... Does this answer your question?'

Liz... 'Partly...'

'Would you like to add to your question?'

Liz... 'I guess there's a useful function of pain to enable the human being to realise that something is happening which is causing possible damage to the body, to the physical being, like burning from a fire, scalding or undue stress on a particular part of the body so that they can do something about that but sometimes there is pain from long term disease like in arthritis or cancer that is very difficult to do anything about. There are drugs and analgesics but some people live with a high level of pain. Is that pain actually constantly there to remind them that they need to change in some way, that they need to do something about their life to improve their physical condition?'

'The pain that is experienced due to disease, due to injury is caused by belief, is a combination of belief and the physical rules that govern your world yet you can change, you can change your thinking, you can change yourself, you can let go of that belief and you will no longer feel that pain'

Liz... 'What is the belief that can be let go of?'

'Throughout your life you are constantly experiencing your physical world and seeing your physical world as a physical world. You believe yourself to be in a physical world, that is what your physical senses tell you yet you can also be in a non-physical world. In a non-physical world you can also experience a physical world. You do not need to be totally immersed in a physical world to live in a physical world. Stop believing in the reality of a physical world'

Liz... 'Is pain experienced in the non-physical world?'

'Pain is a physical experience...'

Liz... 'Okay, do animals experience pain in the same way?'

'The animal kingdom does not share the beliefs of the human race yet they too have their own beliefs. Pain is accepted in the animal world. Pain is not recognised in the same way as you would recognise pain yet it is accepted. It is felt but it is felt purely as a warning. All consciousness when operating within the physical limits of your world will experience pain but that consciousness is also operating in the non-physical world. Only one part is experiencing physical pain, try to see yourself as a whole being'

Liz... 'Is there any value, is there any teaching purpose to pain, physical pain?'

'The value of pain is to teach each person how to rid themselves of beliefs, beliefs that prevent them from widening their perception, widening their mind, widening their outlook, embracing all of life not just one narrow pathway'

Liz... 'How does pain teach that?'

'The necessary ingredient in a full life is the understanding that pain is self-created. Why would you create for yourself something which causes discomfort? Open your eyes and see the effects of pain on a narrow mind, on tunnelled vision. Step back from that tunnel and see the full picture, feel the full picture, live the full picture and show others how that full picture can be lived'

Liz... 'When a person is immersed in pain, is in that tunnel vision which pain can create because it can be all consuming. How can they open up into the larger picture?'

'Once caught in the feeling of pain, once caught up in that feeling it takes great strength, great strength to step back and understand why that pain is so great yet that strength can be mustered, that pain can be overcome. There is much to learn from pain but the strength of the mind needs to focus. Your physical world is a place of learning, you all have much learning to do. Slowly you will begin to understand and move on to greater things yet for now you are all struggling with the simple questions. A time will come when there will be no more pain, when the human race has raised its awareness, become a new way of living and a new way of learning. Each experience leads to new experiences. Evolution is a slow process but keep adding to that picture, allow it to grow, help one another and step out of your childhood... Please replay your music for a while and we will return with more answers for you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend'

Liz turned the music up.

After about 25 minutes another communication started and Liz turned down the music.

'It is true, it is true that very few people on your side have no fear of death, no fear, for most people in your world carry with them the fear, the fear of physical death, death of the physical body. They take that fear, they build on that fear throughout their life. Imagine a world where nobody had a fear of death, everybody accepted that the physical body would die yet they would go on, it was no fear for them. Can you imagine a world such as this? Now ask yourself a question. Would physical pain still be experienced if there was no fear of physical death? Does not physical pain reinforce the fear of death? The fear of losing your physical body, the fear of losing your life. For many life is associated with the physical body and physical pain reinforces the fear of death'

Liz... 'However, a child, a baby reacts to pain, toothache when the teeth are coming through they scream, they cry with pain, with trapped wind they cry, they scream with pain. You can see they have discomfort, they bend their knees and clench themselves. They don't know anything about death'

'The child has been brought into a world full of feeling, the feeling of physical pain. The child is reacting to the feelings of others using that feeling to build up within itself its own recognition of pain. The physical world has been created by the thoughts of all who have gone before'

Liz... 'Are you saying that a new born baby who is maybe crying with distress is being affected by the thoughts of others already?'

'The consciousness that follows the physical form, the new physical form is reacting to the consciousness of others within that physical world'

Liz... 'How is that making it react to its own discomfort?'

'You all affect one another whilst immersed in the physical reality. The young child has entered your world with no experience, no physical experience, it is at the mercy of the experience of others until it can separate itself from the joint consciousness within the physical world and build up its own reality, create its own reality. You are creating for the young child, the young child is learning from your thoughts, from your experiences. It is not merely having a physical experience; the young child is also having a non-physical experience within a physical world. The non-physical experience does not rely on physical sensation but on non-physical thought, living thought that permeates your world. The physical senses are secondary until the young child develops its own physical identity'

Liz... 'When a non-physical entity decides to incarnate, to take on physical form, does it remember, is it then aware that it may experience pain?'

'Before a non-physical entity connects to the physical world it will tune-in to the physical world it will observe the physical world, it may attach itself to another who is experiencing in the physical world yet that memory will no longer be a part of that physical being once immersed in the physical world'

Liz... 'Why doesn't the experience of pain put entities off choosing a physical incarnation?'

'Because the physical incarnation is seen as a learning opportunity. From outside of your physical world the perspective is far wider, it can be seen how growth must be had, must be experienced. It can see how one part of itself can gain so much more than the totality of itself in a non-physical world when that one part is allowed to journey through physical life once again. It is difficult for us to explain something which you cannot experience from where you are yet we can give you ideas. Imagine yourself as you are in this physical world wanting to better yourself. You may wish to immerse yourself in a learning programme, take yourself into a school knowing that what you are about to do can cause much pain, can cause much suffering but you know that it will increase your knowledge, increase your understanding, raise the vibration of your being which will in turn raise the vibration of your world creating a more loving environment. Pain is a necessary part of growing up. You only think if it as pain while you are where you are now. When you have grown you will understand the benefit of physical pain. Life is for learning, enjoy life, do not see it as a painful experience, see it as a joyous opportunity to raise the vibration of all that is life, all that is consciousness growing together, working towards that loving vibration, helping one another, reaching out a hand to those who struggle, bringing them also up to your level... Thank you my dear friend, we have once again reached that point where we will withdraw. Once again we have enjoyed our conversation with you and we hope that you can take from it something which will help you to better understand yourself and the world in which you live. Take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, spread it around, shine your light on all who you meet. They will recognise that light and it will help them too. Each light is another beacon that will spread out enriching your world. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight, God bless you and thank you friend'


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

I had remained awake throughout this week but felt quite dreamy and detached between the two communications.

Liz had had a strong sense of evergreen shrubs at some point during the session.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...