May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

217th Sitting 01/06/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.00pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Five minutes later I was starting to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Welcome, good evening friend'

'Good to come back and speak once again and engage with conversation with you. We all join together, we all come as one and we all enjoy the time spent in the physical atmosphere, the atmosphere that holds you together, that holds you in place, restricts your passage into what you perceive to be other realities yet you know that you can break free, you can travel, you can widen your experience of life. For life is not restricted to the day to day tasks in a physical world, life is far greater than that, life holds your attention yet you do not see all that is happening around you. There is a wealth of information waiting to be unlocked yet your mind feels itself held to a physical world. Prepare yourself for a new adventure, listen to what is said to you, watch how you conduct your life, observe how you react to the words that come to you, there is much... There is a ripple, a ripple in your world that you can tune in to. You can take yourself away from your world and connect to the ripple that is always with you. You can allow yourself to be guided by the ripple, the ripple that expands. Let yourself go and join that expanding ripple for you are at the centre, you have held yourself at the centre yet you can expand in all directions. Follow the ripple as it touches dimensions beyond your physical thought, watch as the pictures unfold, watch as the ripple touches points of information, as the ripple touches situations beyond your thought. Watch as the ripple wakes up your mind from the sleep of physical existence. Take just a small step away from the centre of the ripple and you will confirm your suspicions, you will release that energy within yourself that is constantly working its way out of the fixed reality that you find yourself in. You have an abundance of energy, that energy wishes to express itself, wishes to move into new areas of thought. Only you hold it firm within yourself. Open your eyes and see the pictures forming for they will help you, they will help you see that you are greater than you imagine. Work with those pictures, work with the words that you hear. Be confident, never doubt yourself and never be afraid to make mistakes. Build up evidence for yourself in your own experiences... Is this understandable to you?'

Liz... 'Yes... but we need to know. Evidence is useful in increasing our confidence in our own abilities to really receive clear messages and so evidence is very useful in confirming that we are making real contact and really using our energies wisely, not deluding ourselves'

'The fear of delusion is what holds you back. Never fear that you are wasting your time. Never fear that what you do is contradicting that what has built you to what you are now, for what you are now is ready to expand and in expanding you will venture into situations that at first will cause confusion. That confusion is a natural reception to your mind. Do not be put off, do not be put off when you do not gather true evidence for you need to work with yourself. Allow your mind to expand. Do not expect to receive evidence just allow what comes to come. You are expanding into uncharted territory, you cannot know what to expect. Do not spoil the trip by giving yourself expectations. Take each experience as it comes and allow your mind to perceive that experience'

Liz... 'It's very easy though to get into habits. If you are learning to play a musical instrument for example but you are not given a good technique or your technique that you have learnt is poor but you carry on because no one corrects you or no one helps you to perfect your technique and so you never become a very good player, you become a pretty second rate player that does not bring a great deal of joy to other people listening to you and that is a real concern that if we are developing habits that are not optimising our potential and our performance and our ability as vehicles to communicate with spirit and get clear and evidential meaningful information through but we may just be deluding ourselves'

'You will be guided towards the correct technique for you. There are many forces wanting you to succeed but there is little that can be done without your input for it is for you to learn, to learn and to master a technique. You will be helped but you will feel, you will feel that it is your efforts that is arriving at the correct technique. There will be times when you will fail, you will feel that you are not achieving that what you have set out to do. This is a natural part of progression, a natural consequence of opening yourself to energies that you have yet to experience. Each time you sit there will be one spark of confirmation given to you. Look out for that spark and feel how it affects the way you think and the views you have on life. That spark will eventually develop into a flame and you will see the flame and you will feel the power of the flame. The flame flickers as the breezes pass by yet the flame will not go out, the flame is always there and the flame is inside of yourself. Build that flame into a fire and rejoice in the light that it emits each time that you sit. Feel the warmth and the light and the love. Step gently, observe everything, bring back experience and build for yourself a technique that will pierce the veil that you have built up around yourself'

Liz turned the music back up.

The control withdrew and I felt myself come back. 
I sat thinking about the communication particularly what was said about techniques then had the sensation of sitting in what appeared to be a large brick-built chimney. There was an opening at the top and I felt that I could make each brick disappear with my mind. I tried this and found it easy to make each brick disappear starting at the top and working my way down. It seemed to get harder the lower I went but soon the chimney was gone. I felt myself venturing out of my seat and as I moved away it felt like my body had disappeared. Then I found myself travelling in a small boat towards a lady I knew who had died last year called Sue. She now looked younger and free from the illness she had had. We seemed to be talking telepathically and I asked her to try and send a few words to Liz. We decided on 'Suzy Creamcheese' which was a name I used to call her. I can't remember what happened after that.

Liz reported a feeling like something was touching her head.

I started to be controlled again and Liz turned down the music.

The voice sounded different to the first...

'There has always been interest in the phenomena of mediumship, yes there has always been an interest and there has always been those who have doubted the phenomena of mediumship, those who have not witnessed this wonderful work, this wonderful phenomena, for they need to experience it for themselves. Only then will they take it into their minds that it is a true phenomena, a true part of their experience. Those who have in the past experienced this phenomena, they have tried to convey the feelings that they felt when they took part in these wonderful circles of friends and they have tried to relay the impression that it had on their knowledge of life after death. It convinced them that there was indeed continuous life after the physical world yet they were unable to convince others, unable to put that experience into the minds of others for experience has to be felt by the individual. Experience has to be had by each individual before a true knowledge is ingrained on the mind of that individual. There will always be an interest and there will always be many theories put forward to explain the phenomena of mediumship. Doubt in the minds of those who have their own beliefs, strongly held beliefs, beliefs that can only be dissolved when they themselves have an experience that satisfies their own mind. There is much to experience in your world yet many turn away from that what is freely available to them. They want to hold on to their own beliefs for they feel comfortable. They feel uncomfortable when their own view of your world is altered. There are many ways of approaching this and there are many who work to dissolve beliefs in those who will not take the time to experience for themselves true mediumship, true contact, true communication. There are many truths that make up the minds of individuals. Nobody is wrong, nobody is right, everybody is guided by experience when the time is right. Do not judge those who hold firm to their materialistic beliefs, they are playing an important role in your world. You all have your important part to play. Play your part well and the rest will fall into place around you, thank you... We as always send to you that love that we freely give to everybody, every spark of life. Take our love out into your world, cast it up to the sky and let it settle where it is most needed right now. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all'

Liz put the music back on and I came back after a couple of minutes.

We then sat quietly for about five minutes.

I sensed a cool breeze on my knees.

Liz got an image of circus vehicles trailing past Stonehenge.
Then she got an image of margarine.
She had an image of Donald Duck.
Then a sense of a name with a double F at the beginning.

I told Liz about the experience I had and how I had asked Sue to send Liz the name Suzy Creamcheese.

Liz said she had been surprised to get the image of margarine out of the blue and that it was more of a concept of margarine. She interpreted it as margarine but it could equally have been interpreted as creamcheese.

Another interesting thing was that the name Suzy Creamcheese had come from an album by Frank Zappa called Freak Out. Both the name of the artist and the album began with the letter F which could explain Liz getting a name with a double F at the beginning?

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...