May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo Sit 25/05/2017

I had another solo sit this week but this time sat in Liz's séance room instead of in the spare room at my house.

I set the room up as usual, put the music on quietly and left the red light on dimly.

After an opening prayer I relaxed, sat back and waited to see what would happen.

Three minutes later I felt myself starting to be controlled and soon started to speak...

'Good evening, good evening... that is a good time now, we all come through and we all join hands, combine our energies into one creating, one condensed force. One condensed energy that will rise above the vibrations of your Earthly energies. Your Earthly vibrations can be taken apart, stacked in boxes for they are to us an obstruction. We fight with the vibrations in the physical world yet we understand how they for you are very much a part of your life. You understand, you feel your life unfolding in an atmosphere of physical beauty yet you do not see how that beauty is hiding something far more beautiful from your sight. You have accepted your life in this physical world, you have engaged in the journey yet you look for more, you look for that what is hidden from you yet you can also understand that nothing is hidden from your experience, you can experience whatever you choose, wherever you choose to go. Just relax, do not let the physical world interfere, bridge the gap, imagine a bridge unfolding between you in your physical world and us in the spiritual world. That bridge for you is your entrance into the spiritual reality and beyond. You imagine a reality beyond your own reality yet you also understand that you hold within yourself all realities. Where then do you go? Do you traverse the bridge or do you look inside of yourself? A conundrum for you to explore... There is much for you to experience yet your focus is in your physical world. Do not let that focus go, keep that focus for it is your grounding, it is what holds you together. You can be fluid yet you are also a physical structure. The fluidity of your physical structure is that what seeps over the bridge and soaks into your inner being. You are multitalented yet those of you who walk the physical world choose to remain, choose to use one talent. Keep that one talent engaged in life but also explore, also allow your mind to widen and use the other talents that you possess. Witness what for you would seem to be impossible. Lift the restrictions in your mind. Why do you feel it to be impossible? Nothing is impossible, teach yourself to remove all doubt, teach yourself to free yourself of the imagined impossibilities. Walk freely in a world of illusion. Take your life one step at a time, prepare yourself for surprises and accept those surprises as they come to you for they are triggers, they are keys to unlock the impossibilities. You have throughout your life taught yourself how to live, how to live in the confines of a physical existence. Now is the time to seep out of that physical existence, take a breath of new air, fresh unpolluted air that will fill your lungs with possibilities. Open yourself up to those possibilities, they will intrigue and excite you, you will realise what it is that you have missed, what it is that you have shielded yourself from yet you will always return to the physical world'

Short pause.

'Find your own way, do not rely on the experiences of others for they are their experiences. You must have your own experiences but first you must find your way. There are many techniques, many ways to meditate, many ways to release yourself from the physical. You have your own way, you have your own technique, you will find that technique, you just have to sit, you just have to take your thoughts away from the physical world. Release your dependence on the physical world, become who you truly are not the part you play, you can rejoin that part whenever you wish. The part you play is vital for you to learn, to experience your own world and you all play your part well. Together you create your physical world. Without you all playing your parts your physical world would grind to a halt, would have no life to perpetuate its constant growth'

Another short pause.

'You will always receive help when you show the desire to grow, to become more than the part that you play for you are increasing your awareness, widening your awareness, bringing more experience back to that part that you play. You will become a valuable member of your physical reality knowing that life goes on, that life has many paths, many connections. You will add to your world a new dimension and those who understand will see this dimension within yourself. There is a power within you that will never fade. Allow it to work with you, allow it to grow within yourself and allow it to be seen by those who share your interest, who share your passion for greater understanding, for a wider appreciation of your world and a greater ability to create beauty within your world when your world seems dark and oppressive. You all have the ability to bring beauty into your world. Love one another, help one another, avoid the distractions, do not let those distractions dim the light that shines bright within you. For you have all been given a task and you have all been given the light to help you achieve that task. Be receptive only to light, brush away the darkness, shine your light into the darkness and help those who have not learnt to help themselves. Do not react to negative thoughts, keep your mind bright and positive through the darkest of times and you will see how that light within you is guiding you through your life bringing that power within you up to a new level, seeping out into all dimensions, all realities, becoming one with your greater self and your greater understanding... Thank you'

The control then left me.

I sat for a few more minutes and then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did a closing down exercise.

It was an interesting experiment sitting alone in Liz's séance room. The control was noticeably stronger both in volume and the amount said than when I sit alone at home.

This may be due to the energy that has built up in the room since we started sitting in 2012...