May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

83rd Sitting 10/02/2014

We had everything set up as usual.

Liz opened in prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put on the tunes.

I had a tickly cough and felt my breathing controlled.
I noticed several touches on the top of my head and on the bottom of my left leg.

Seven minutes after the start a few quiet noises started from the cabinet…

Liz welcomed the communication and turned the music down.

The speech was incoherent at first as if tuning in.

Liz heard some clicks in the room but it was probably the heater cooling down which we unplug just before we start.

‘People, people, people… Hello, hello, hello… Dear friend… Eadie, Eadie… Holy, holy… It all key, key… All in a… Hold the key, forward; create a new vista which will illuminate a pathway for you to negotiate your way towards understanding. It will illuminate a pathway for you to take, to take you to the next step, the next upward step towards a truth, a truth which you are looking for now, we have information, we will pass information to you, it will become apparent. Look for the key, a key, a symbol of a key; this will bring you to information for you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, look for a symbol of a key, it will bring information, illumination for my path, that’s wonderful thank you’

‘Yes, yes… It will come in a dream so keep recording your dreams, make notes and you will find that you will come across this symbol of a key. It will fit into another part of your puzzle. It will become apparent to you that it is a missing link. A missing link to the overall puzzle, just look out for this’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you very much, that’s good news, wonderful, thank you friend’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘All is continued understanding, continued steps, continued knowledge which will be forth coming. It is all just steps away, steps onto the path of understanding. You are close, you are so close, we are by you side. We will not guide you but we will help to ignite your knowledge, we will help you to ignite for yourself your knowledge, your understanding. Just relax, do not try too hard, do not cover this knowledge, do not cause a restriction in the way forward by continued thoughts, continued muffled thoughts which will cover that knowledge. Allow yourself to relax, bring that knowledge through, put your mind, quieten your mind, allow us to help in our way, then you will see more clearly, more defined, a more defined picture’

Liz… ‘Okay, so be open to a new thought, a new way of seeing’

‘Yes, you will find a slow uncovering of that what lays ahead, that which is already there, it is just slightly obscured by your own thoughts, by your own expectations. These can cloud the truth that lies ahead’

Liz… ‘Is it different to what we think then?’

‘Just allow it to come forward into your mind, into your thoughts, expect nothing, try to allow it to impinge on your thoughts in a more natural way. All of this is natural, is normal, it is not paranormal as it is called on your side, it is normal, it is natural. It is a natural order of life which you seek and you will find. Nothing is hidden, everything is available to you, you just need to relax, let it come to you. We will help in this but we need a clear mind, a mind free from expectation of previous thoughts, memories, these are all obstacles which you can get around, you can get over. They will appear as large obstacles, mountains of obstacles ahead but they can be crushed, they can be reduced to dust. Allow the dust to settle then you will walk forwards through the clearing and will perceive what you are looking for’

Liz… ‘So does that mean that some of what we have thought is not quite how things are?’

‘There is a pattern to your thoughts which will help but there is also an underlying thought which all people on your side cling onto. A thought, a belief which they cling to, a safe belief which they feel, you all feel, is guiding you, is a part of you. This is not easy for you to let go but you will find the more you look into the truths of the world that you will not need to hang onto this belief. You will have to discover for yourself what this belief is but we feel you will be able to let it slip away like the mountain before you it will crumble so just relax, relax and allow’

Liz… ‘Allow reality to penetrate’

‘Allow yes, allow yourself to see what is already in front of you. Do not blind yourself, do not create obstacles’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you… There’s a method that’s being taught at the moment called direct pointing, a way of letting go of our self, of the image of ‘I’ as the doer. Is it the ‘I’ that is standing in the way?’

 ‘This is but one of many methods that will lead you to your goal, you, your job is to find the method which you feel most at ease. Some have no method at all. They find it easy to perceive, others need a method, they need a way, a way to allow them to come forward’

Liz… ‘To let go’

‘To let go yes, but it is not always necessary, but it is good to explore each way, each key to your… To unlock the door, to unlock that what is in front of you and allow you to see the true picture in front of you. Do not cling to too many methods; just find the one method which will help you to relax. It may not be a method at all, it may just be that you can relax and let go but that will be, that is once again something for you to find. You have to use your own sense of perception to find the correct way, the best way, the most productive way to your goal’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for that reassurance’

Liz put the music up…

Liz started to see flickering, moving shapes in the room.
They were bluish white and green. Vertical, a bit like trees.
She was getting hot.

Then she felt a cool breeze from her right.
The right side of her head felt cold.

Lip-smacking began in the cabinet and Liz muted the music.

Liz… ‘Hello… hello friend… Welcome’

Liz now felt a breeze in front of her face.

Then what felt to me like a very excited communicator took control…

‘Hello, hello, hello… Good evening, good evening, good evening… This is a good… Hello, hello, hello… Easy, easy to… It is easy, hello, hello… How wonderful to be able to do this like this again… Wonderful, wonderful to be able to speak like this again, again, again… Hello, hello… How do you do…? Good, good…’

Liz… ‘Have you spoken before?’

‘I know, I know, I know not whether I have spoken quite in this way. I believe, I believe I have contributed to conversations in past times that you sit but this time I come through on my own. I am alone in this communication and it is a good experience for me to try to speak in this way’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

‘Thank you, I believe I am making myself heard’

Liz… ‘Very well, excellent’

‘Good, it is a great pleasure to be able to impact your atmosphere with sound, sound of a voice, a voice from our side penetrating towards you in this way. It is an interesting experiment for us, for me to speak in this way again it is, it is beneficial to me for I am learning how to operate this link, this link for this link from our world to your world in this way it is a learning for me to bring forward words, to bring forward thoughts into the mind of the link which is producing words in this way we all rejoice in being able to make this contact with you in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s very, very clear’

‘Each time, each time we come through we step it up a bit, step up, we can come through in a more positive way each time we come through we come through in a more certain, a certain way, a way where we can bring our worlds forward in this way. It is good, it is good to try, it is good to experiment, it is good to break through in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s very good to hear you and that’s beautifully clear’

‘Yes it is, I need to keep the link, the link, we need to keep the link coming through at this stage. It is a balancing experiment for me and those who are gathered around helping, they hold onto the energy, they allow me to come forward into the energy and impinge my thoughts, my thoughts into words through the link’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘It is a good time, a good exercise’

Liz… ‘Can you tell me about yourself at all?’

‘We are, we are working on bringing this form of information to you at this time. We can only get a slice of our self into this energy so we wish not to give this information at this time for it will be accompanied by thoughts which are not from us. Not pure, not pure thoughts, this is an exercise for us, we are pleased that we can at least get these words through in a clear way. We are working on a way that we come through then when we have established the correct way we will be able to bring more of our memories into your atmosphere. Then you will see, you will hear what we have to say’

Liz… ‘Okay, I can see you’re just working on being able to maintain the link of continuity with the link at the moment and stabilizing that. You’re doing really well, keep that coming through’

‘Yes, yes, it sounds like you know, you know what we do. You have a, you also have knowledge on the way we communicate’

Liz… ‘I can feel it’

‘It is good; it is good we have a joint connection. We are using a part of your energy at the same time so you will find your thoughts will intermingle with ours. You will pick up a slice of our vibration as we draw close. It is very much a joint effort at this time’

Liz… ‘Yes I can feel your presences before you come through’

‘So do not be surprised if you see visions or you hear words or you feel what we are bringing through. A piece of us that will rebound on your thoughts into your mind, this is a good, a good step for us, a good advance for us, this is good… I think I need now to withdraw. I have achieved what I have come to do and I look forward to joining you in conversation once again soon thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you, have a good rest now, well done’

Liz put the music back up…

About 15 minutes later another communicator was heard and Liz muted the music…

‘Thank you, thank you once again, it is our time, it is time for us to go’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s near the end of the session’

‘We have had a good time, a good advancement; we have been able to get a clearer link, a clearer link, we have been able to bring ourselves closer, closer this week and we are pleased, we pleased with the way we have moved forward. So each time we come forward it is exploration, we are explorers like you on your side, you, when you look into our world you are explorers, you are looking into what for you is unknown, unknown and unexplored, you have no stars in the sky to guide you, you have to rely on those who have gone before. They have brought back their own interpretation of the world beyond but you will soon find that your interpretation will not necessarily match those who have gone before. This is a, for you, for you all, for all who tread the pathway, it is possibly a difficulty imposed on you but you will find the more you immerse yourself into our world it will become more familiar to you. You will recognise memories for you are already, in part, in our world, you just need to recognise those memories which you have already built up within yourself, inside yourself. So like you we are explorers of your side, of your physical universe. We come forward step by step. We too have our colleagues who we can ask, we can get their impression of your side, of coming back to your side but again they have different experiences. They are, they have worked in other circles like this. Each circle has its own unique energy which they have worked with. We in turn work with your energies that you create. Each energy is unique and we have to start from scratch. We have to build up our own map, our own stars in the sky that we can follow each time we move close we create the stars. We ignite each star to give us light into your room. This is what we are working on each time we come close. We have a faint recognition of this condition but we also have to build a new picture…’

Liz… ‘…a map?’

‘A new map, you choose the correct word, a map, a map that we can use in future visits. So allow us through each time to create our map and you in turn will create your map of our reality. It will build, it will become more permanent in your mind. A stronger image which for both of us it will help, thank you… We feel now your music has ended. We maybe have over-run but we felt we needed to give you that information at this time’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend and it’s wonderful to know that we’re working in this way together, interlinking, yes and mutually mapping’

‘As always it is a joint partnership. You have invited us into your life and we have accepted your invitation. So we all join as one and we all learn from each other and it will be an interesting, a wonderful journey of discovery. Thank you, we speak to you next time, we look forward to working with you next time. Our love with you and spread it around. Good night to you, thank you’

Liz… ‘Good night friend. Our love to you’

(There’s an unidentified noise on the recording at 7.54)

They withdrew slowly and Liz checked I was okay.
It took a little while for my own voice to come back this week.
I was warm in the cabinet and it looked sparkly.
Liz was cold in the room.

Liz did the closing prayer, healing and closing down exercise by which time I was fully back with it.

As I peered out of the cabinet into the room I noticed a blue/white light near where Liz was sitting which lasted a couple of seconds before disappearing.
It didn’t register with me at first then I remembered we were still in full blackout meaning there was no way a light should be there at that time.

Liz then put the red light on and we talked about the sitting for a while before going upstairs for teacakes and hot chocolate…