May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

82nd Sitting 03/02/2014

We had the room set-up as usual and Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm.
She turned off the red light and put on the tunes.

I felt the spirit team move in close as soon as I sat in the cabinet.
My breathing felt controlled and I started to cough.

Five minutes after the start Liz reported the room was looking darker.
She felt something pulling her hair and a few touches around her head.
She said it had suddenly got very cold.
At the same time a few quiet whistling/sucking noises were starting from the cabinet.

Liz muted the music and welcomed the communication which got louder.
There was a lot of incoherent speaking and tuning in with a few recognisable words including…

‘Easy, easy, easy…’

‘Good, good… Good evening to you… All is good; it all is good again…’

‘Hello, hello, hello… Dear friend hello…’

The communication faded and Liz put the music up.

I felt they were still with me, controlling me.

After two minutes Liz could hear more noises and muted the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend, have you got something you wanted to say? …take your time’

Liz encouraged the communication forward.
They seemed to be practising with and adjusting the voice.
There was a long period of random words and sounds before some coherent speaking came forward...

‘Welcome, welcome, happy to be able to come through in this way. It all take time a time for us to… able to do this in this way. We have to try hard for it is not simple for to get correct… same type of…’

Liz… ‘Correct alignment?’

‘It work, it work… Enable us to come…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing very well’

(Sounds like a change of communicator)

‘Hello, hello… How do you do, how do you do, oh it is a privilege to be able to come in this way again’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Each of the team has a time to come through’

Liz… ‘Are there many of you trying?’

‘A circle is formed around you and another circle forms around that circle and another circle…’

Liz… ‘So there are many circles around us’

‘These circles reach out; reach out connecting to the worlds that we inhabit. We are all able to bring a piece of our self through to your room. We are all able to bring a part of our thoughts, a part of our mind into your room and blend the mind, the part of the mind with the energies that you have created. It is a delicate balance which we have learnt slowly to adjust until we can clearly impinge our thoughts on the mind of the link so then we will be heard again’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful that you are able to do this. We’re very grateful’

‘All is experimentation from our side. We learn as we go. We practice more each time and we are getting slowly to our goal. It will be achieved. We have many ways to come through and we have tried many as we go. Some more successful from your point of view with what is received. It will build, it will build each week and we will achieve a clear, pure link from our world to your world. Do not think that it is not clear, not close, we are always close. We can bring our thoughts into the room each time we come close. These thoughts will build on each other’

Liz… ‘Please let us know if there’s any way that we can help to make this easier, any work that we can do to improve the link’

‘All it needs is the desire to learn, the desire to gain knowledge. This is the most important aspect that we need. You already have the interest, that interest is igniting you to look into your dreams, to look into the ways you have been… The information you have received, you will look into this information, you will build up an archive of information from the information we have given to you in whichever way it has come through. This is a good example of how your interest, your passion for this subject, it will, it will bear fruit, it will build each time more information will come through it will build on the previous information we have given. Continue to look into whatever you perceive or hear, feel or see. You will build up a picture which will be added to each week. A jig-saw puzzle, a jig-saw puzzle is what you are receiving a piece at a time. Some pieces may not seem to fit in but do not cast aside for in a time, in a few weeks, a few months you will build more pieces which will, you will find they do match what you have already received’

Liz… ‘That sounds good, sounds an interesting way to work’

‘It is the best way I can describe it at this time. As long as you keep your interest, your desire to learn, to gain knowledge, this will come to you. Not as you maybe expect to receive, you will find many things which will be a surprise, unexpected, but keep a note, keep these things in your mind as memories and further experience will ignite those memories again and further piece of the jig-saw will be in place’

Liz… ‘Is this one way in which we are going to get evidence of working with spirit?’

‘There will be evidence presented but it is your job to recognise what is evidence, what is not evidence. It is a… we do not wish to give you an easy time in building your puzzle, we wish you to think. We wish you to develop the way you think about these things, the way you piece the puzzle together’

Liz… ‘It sounds like a training’

‘It is a training, a learning from all, from all dimensions. We have our learning to do, our training to do. You in your turn will have yours by the way that we present. We cannot give you easy answers; we can only give you inspiration to the next question. It is an ongoing, an ongoing experiment, an ongoing training, an ongoing learning. This is life, this is what you are here to experience, this is what you are able to experience’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you it’s interesting’

Liz put the music up as the communicator withdrew…

Liz said it had been very dark in the room during the communications. Two minutes later Liz reported seeing shadowy blue shapes moving around, a bit like looking at reflections in water.
She was getting very cold

Liz saw lots of blotches of light.
She felt like the room was fizzy all over.
There were lots of moving lights, larger waves and small pin-pricks.
It looked chaotic, a bit like looking into a kaleidoscope.

Liz noticed a lot of concentric loops towards the cabinet.
There was quite a strong flowing field, like a force field around the cabinet, bluish in colour.

Then Liz got a large blue blob in front of her.
There were some quiet lip-smacking noises from the cabinet.
Liz suddenly got very cold around her legs.

The noises from the cabinet got louder and Liz muted the music…

Liz… ‘Hello? …Hello friend, welcome…’

‘Music is a big part of your earth, a balancing element. Music brings all life together as one. Music is appreciated in different ways by different people from different parts of your world. They each appreciate their own interpretation based on a memory which has been triggered by music in their life. It has illuminated their way of thinking. It bring happiness when they hear the tunes again. Each piece of music has purpose throughout your world… Imagine a picture; imagine your world in front of you like a ball, a sphere. Hold out your hands around your earth, feel the vibration given off from your earth. Can you put that vibration, can you imagine that vibration as music, as a tune... A tune of your earth reaching out into the universe. Calling out into the universe, into all universes. All dimensions of life, of consciousness. Your world reaches out and touches each conscious, each dimension of consciousness and we hear, we understand and this draws us, it draws us to your world. It give us, it makes us want to bring our healing to your world. Your world is a place of confusion. Many different ways of thinking are not harmonious with each other. They create waves, waves of confusion, a piece of music with no melody, with no rhythm. It is not, it is not something which causes a beliefment, which causes harmony so we are constantly bringing our own form of harmony to your world and we are inspiring each individual to bring their own harmony into their own world. All of these circles when you meet, you are able to send out a light, a harmonious light, which we can use. We can deflect that light back into your world impinging thought onto every person, every living creature and bring forth harmonious music once again into your world. It is a slow process but piece by piece we will encourage, we will inspire each form of life in your world to be more harmonious, to work and live together, to love one another, to join hands around your world in peace and harmony. This is our goal. This is what we are achieving. This is what you are achieving, all of you in your world, you are reaching out; you are saying, no more, no more of this. You wish, you all wish for harmony once again within your world, you have had enough of confusion, of disharmony. Now is the time where everybody is joining hands as one, as one spirit, as one life force reaching out to us. We can see, we can feel the confusion. We can feel the disharmony but we can also feel the harmony that is building within your world and we thank you all for this creation’

Liz… ‘Thank you for this confirmation and affirmation. That’s wonderful to know we’re working together for this goal’

Liz put the music back up.

This had felt a very strong communication to me. I got a strong feeling of love, I felt light and it almost felt like I was lifted up in a giant pair of hands!!!

As the communicator withdrew Liz reported feeling like she was hit by a wind, a bit like a sheet flapping against her.

Liz then got an impression of curtains opening and closing in the room.
Interestingly this was at the same time that I also was getting an impression of curtains closing and it came out with the next communication.

Liz reminded the team it was getting near the time for them to withdraw as the penultimate tune began.

Then the last communicator came through to close…

‘Thank you once again. We reach the time, the time the curtain comes down once again but it is a thin curtain, we are still not far away. We can reach you through the curtain… So we say thank you once again and we leave with you a piece of our love. Take it, take it out into your world, spread it around, give a piece to each person, each person you meet, each person you see. Visualize a piece of our love bridging across to the people that you see, that you meet. They will appreciate; they will appreciate this precious gift that you can give them. Just a thought is all that’s needed to give them a piece of our love’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, our love to you too’

‘We go now; we withdraw and we look forward to our next meeting together, thank you’

The music had ended.
Liz waited then checked I was okay before giving the closing prayer, sending out healing and doing our closing down exercise...