May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

67th Sitting 07/10/2013

All three of us were there this week.

Liz has still got various instruments from her experimental bio-electromagnetics research days and has been thinking about setting up her magnetometer in the séance room for some time. We wouldn’t be able to do this without first asking the spirit team but this week she was inspired to set it up in the room upstairs positioning the sensor directly above the cabinet. No part of the instrumentation was in the séance room so Liz set it up and switched it on just before we went downstairs to sit.

The room was set up as normal.
Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

After about ten minutes Liz reported mottled, marbled shapes in the room.
Then a few minutes later a few noises started from the cabinet.

Dan felt a tickling sensation on the top of his head.

Liz and Dan welcomed and encouraged the communication which gradually developed into coherent speaking…

‘Hello… all here… easy, easy… it all come together… welcome… all because we love you all to come forward in this way, we are building a bridge between ourselves… each time we come together we reach out towards your side. We can almost touch you now’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, it’s getting easier’

‘Easier each time’

Liz… ‘Are you around us at other times as well?’

‘We are, we are a thought away, you have to… you only have to think of us then we are attracted to your thoughts. Each time you ask we answer’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know’

‘When you do not perceive us in a recognisable way you will know we are responding in a way that we are allowed at that time. We cannot fix all of your earthly problems for these are for you to address in your own way but we are there to help, to nudge you in the right direction when you give us the chance, when you still your mind, when you allow us to penetrate your own thoughts. Allow yourself to relax in times when you feel you have an earthly problem to get around. Allow yourself to become relaxed, we will penetrate your thoughts and add inspiration to your thinking’

Liz… ‘When we are not all together as a group, when one of us is in a distant place, does the energy from that person, is that still able to be used as part of the experimentation process?’

‘If that person… if that distant person allows with intent their energy to be used then we are able to use it in the circle. The initial intent has to be from the person. This allows us to intervene and extract whatever we need to the group session’

Liz… ‘Okay that’s good to know. With healing do we always have to have permission from the person who we put on our healing list before we put them on the list or can we ask for healing even if that person doesn’t know that we’re asking for healing for them?’

(Voice changed, possibly another communicator who was more involved in the healing work we do?)

‘The permission is from the healer. The healer sends out the thought, initiates the thought of healing. The patient does not need to be involved. The patient will receive the healing instigated by the healer if it is correct for them at that time. Sometimes the patient will need to go through whatever they are perceiving as suffering for this is a learning for them and you will not be able to effect healing on them at that time but all healing that you instigate will reach the person, the patient’

Liz… ‘Okay that’s good to know thank you’

Liz felt the communicator was withdrawing so she put the music up…

Liz had the sensation of slanting dark energy coming from Dan’s side of the cabinet over to her side.
It looked like dark streaks surrounded by light.

Liz then saw shuddering white shapes going past.

Liz’s eyes were dazzled by flickering light in front of her.
Dan was seeing a few pin-pricks.

Then both Liz and Dan reported what looked like light outlining the cabinet.

Liz had a fuzzy feeling all around her and she saw a white cloud in front of her.

Lip smacking/whistling noises started from the cabinet and then a communication came through…

‘Do you hear… do you hear the birds… hear the birds all around…?’

Liz… ‘Have you got birds around you?’

‘I was in… people, people… I was listening to the birds and they say come here and experience once again the physical. I have not had this experience quite like this. It’s quite different to what I thought I would experience for it reminds me of my time here. I try to remember…’

Liz… ‘Was it a long time ago?’

‘No not a long time ago. A different kind of experience, difficult to come through in this way’

Liz… ‘So this is something new for you?’

‘Yes, I can see your room; it is a turning point for all of us’

Liz… ‘That’s good, so you can actually hear and you can see?’

‘I have physical sensation’

Liz… ‘You’re actually getting physical sensations that remind you of how it was?’

I was a time for me when I was a physical… A pulling away, for we cannot sustain…’

Liz… ‘Is it difficult to sustain this? You’re doing very well’

(Sounds like a different communicator coming through)

‘Hello, hello… almost here it is easy I can find myself here all closing, people, people…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing well… That’s it, take it easy’

‘It is so cold; it is so cold here as we approach we have the sensation of coldness. It is first sensation we become again, it triggers off a physical. It becomes the first sensation, a physical sensation that we can experience as we approach. It triggers off the chain reaction of further physical sensations for us each time we come closer we find the coldness subsides for we remember how you live like you do now we need initially a reminder. It can wake us up this coldness that we feel and we can assimilate it with our own thoughts, our memories they come back and we can utilise what we know, what we have learned since we have come through in this way’

Liz… ‘That’s good, so it helps you to orientate, focus... We sometimes experience your presence with cold’

‘This is an interesting comparison though this is how you feel us. It is a bit of what we feel, the cold’

Liz… ‘Sometimes we feel cold breezes’

‘Then you know that we are close. It is a kind of, it is not a true cold physical feeling. It is what we can provide that you interpret as a cold feeling not a physical cold feeling’

Liz… ‘You mean that if we had a thermometer we wouldn’t register it?’

‘It would not register on your instrument. This is a difficult thing to understand. It is through improvised physical sensation for we are no longer attached to physical body but we can… every sensation is available to us if we choose’

Dan… ‘Interesting’

Liz put the music back up.
Then about five minutes later she turns it down again as another communicator comes through to close.

Dan… ‘Hello friend, do you wish to speak?’

‘Thank you for continued commitment, we come to close’

Liz… ‘Yes we’re near the end now’

‘So once again yes, we hope you have enjoyed again this evening. It has been a good evening for us, a good sitting for us. We have learned and we have moved forward. So we leave with you our love to take this week. Come back refreshed and ready for next time. We have seen your instrument in the room upstairs, it has attracted some people into the circle, they are all, they join us and they will work with us for we congratulate you for receiving the guidance to put your instrument in the place where you have put it. It is the best place for now. We hope that a result will become apparent in future’

Liz… ‘Good, I hope so, ha, ha. I hope it will be of some use’

‘It is all part of the bigger experiment. We all join hands together from our side and you in turn join your hands with us and together it will produce results, thank you’

Dan/Liz… ‘Thank you very much’

The music had ended.

Liz checked if I was back and asked the team to withdraw.

I felt like I was back but unlike previous weeks I didn’t attempt to speak or bring myself back at that point. I just remained quiet and relaxed until I felt they had totally withdrawn.

(I’d mentioned to another medium at the weekend that I was still feeling wobbly sometimes when bringing myself back after a strong communication and she had advised giving it a bit longer for them to totally withdraw)

I still felt them with me and a few garbled words were coming through then suddenly it felt like they left with a whoosh up and out the top of my head!!! I’ve never felt anything like that before…
When I opened my eyes I could see a light on the floor in front of me but it turned out to be luminosity from the trumpet getting in through a crack in the curtains.
I now felt fine and opened the curtains while Liz put the red light on dimly before doing the closing/healing prayer and closing down exercise.

Liz felt that the communicators were better aligned and better attuned tonight.

I was surprised when Liz and Dan told me there had been a lot of communication as I didn’t feel there had been so much.
I still felt I had remained aware throughout the sitting. I’d heard the music and Liz and Dan’s comments and I could hear the communicators speaking through me.
I didn’t feel I had gone unconscious or out of my body as some mediums report, I still felt my awareness was centred in my body but it felt like there were other entities with me and I certainly noticed the difference when they left at the end.
I was also aware of touches, pressures, fuzzy feelings, lights and cold breezes in the cabinet.

I’ve been going through a lot of the early Mercury Circle recordings recently and I can now understand and appreciate some of the things Joan used to say about her experiences in the cabinet after each sitting. A lot of what she reported then now happens to me…

Liz will be going through the data recorded from the magnetometer and will let me know if she finds any abnormalities which I will add to the report each week…