May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

66th Sitting 30/09/2013

Dan was away this week but Liz was back from her holiday.
I haven’t put the trumpet out for the last three weeks but did this week.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, put the music on and the red light out.

There was some coughing from me in the cabinet then some voice noises.
Liz turned down the music.
She welcomed and encouraged the communication.
It was mainly incoherent words as they seemed to be tuning in before becoming clearer…

‘Two worlds come as one, all come together in the end… All the time we have with you is a benefit to all worlds. All worlds benefit from vibration that we all create together. We have an impact on vibration, a healing vibration throughout your earth so each time we meet in this way we can penetrate and we can impact on healing for all of your mankind on your side’

Liz… ‘That’s very good to know’

‘It is a great pleasure for us to be able to do this. To have the opportunity to come forward in this way. This is building a bridge of connection of all circles in your world, all the circles, they all bring with them… they all build into your atmosphere a network of vibration which is of a benefit to you all’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, we’re in much need of healing’

Liz put the music back up.

Liz reported mottled, flitting shapes in the room and dim lights moving around.
Up to that point it had been dense and dark in the room.

Liz saw energy around the trumpet.

She got a metallic smell like gun metal.

The atmosphere was dense but appeared to be slanting.
Energy was streaming from the cabinet to the back of the room.

Liz saw a large blob of white energy in front of her as well as smaller blobs moving round the room.
She was cold and felt like she was in a cloud.
There was a feeling of distortion in the room.

Liz smelt beetroot cooking!!!

It looked lighter in front of her like a light mist.
Then Liz felt someone with a strong energy approach her very fast entering into her energy with a force.

There were lip smacking noises from the cabinet.
Liz welcomed the communication and turned down the music.
It was a high pitched excited voice but incoherent.
Liz encouraged communication but no clear words were produced.
It seemed to be experimentation.
Liz put the music back up as the communicator withdrew.

Liz was feeling cold currents around her.
Then she felt like she had a handkerchief on her head.

More noises came from the cabinet and Liz turned down the music.
After some encouragement from Liz some understandable words eventually came through…

‘Dear friend… it all good…’

Liz… ‘You’re doing a lot of practicing tonight’

‘Adjusting, adjusting…’

Liz… ‘You’re adjusting… Is it more difficult to adjust tonight?’

‘It always is a… Each week we have a slight change in the way we come forward and it can cause a difficulty for us to speak to you. It all comes into the circle in the same way but we have to use a different technique for communication sometimes. It is all good practice for us because we are all coming closer each time’

Liz… ‘Are you experimenting?’

‘It is all experimentation for us. We are learning, in our way, our craft which we use so each time we can adjust a slight difference to the frequency. It will… Eventually we will be able to come through on a clear channel. We are using a different technique at the moment for we will be mixing energies in a slightly different way. It all come together in the end as we have told you in the past, we all come together in the end. It is a slow process. It will feel a slow process for you to perceive. We wish to build a good foundation for us to use in the future’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know. I can feel the difference’

‘I think you have felt more in the room this evening?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘…and this is all a part of our experimentation. Each time we try a different approach it will result in waves throughout your room which you in turn will pick up and recognise in the way that you are used to perceiving this sort of phenomena… I think now we have come to a close. Once again thank you for all you do for us’

Liz… ‘Thank you for experimenting and for being here’

‘We would like you to continue once more with sending out healing at the end of our session but we wish you to direct some of this healing to those who have passed over but are still on your side in their thoughts. They need you. We need your light to use to help them. Do you understand?’

Liz… ‘Yes’

‘It is a thought we have been trying to get through. It will help them. There are at this time an abundance of spiritual energy which needs to move forward more towards us. They have not had the knowledge on your side that you have’

Liz… ‘Does it matter if we can’t name them?’

‘No… name not important at this stage. Just send healing. Send light to us that we can utilize and use to help them. In the future it is possible that we will send individuals into your room which you can help in this way. This is something which we hope to achieve in the future’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, thank you’

‘Thank you and we go now we go’

Liz… ‘Our love with you’

‘Our love with you too, thank you’

The music had ended and I slowly returned to normality.
I was feeling disconnected, floaty and shaky and it took a good five minutes before I was fully back.

Liz then gave the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing exercise.

It had been very busy in the cabinet; I had felt there were people working with me throughout the evening.
I’d felt cool breezes and pressure on the top of my head.
I felt aware but controlled throughout.
The last communicator had felt different to me.

I’d received a message for Liz during the sitting.
She had brought back a stone from the Isle of Iona and the message was for her to place it next to the healing book in the room…