May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 30/10/2018 and 01/11/2018

Liz is away for a while so I have had some Solo Sits at home.

First was Tuesday afternoon 30/10/2018.

I had no particular question but asked for something that would be helpful to me and anybody else who reads the report as I did the opening prayer.
I felt myself being controlled soon after the opening prayer and communication began...

‘Good afternoon, good afternoon, well yes, once again we thank you for allowing us to come through, allowing us to bring forward a few words, words of encouragement, words to help you take those doubts from your mind, words to help you to understand the mechanism of communication, the way that we work with you and the way that you can help us. Now as we sit in this room using your physical body, that what you would understand as physical yet you also understand that you are consciousness, you are not your body, you do understand this and we will explain a little more about the situation for the physical world is indeed an illusion but a very important illusion for without that illusion of a physical world you would not be able to achieve the growth that your consciousness needs, for consciousness unconnected to a physical world...’

There was a pause...

‘Let me rephrase... Your consciousness is constantly looking for ways in which it can achieve growth, ways that it can develop. There are many options available. You have chosen the option of living a life in a physical world, a world you now understand as an illusion. From our perspective we also understand your physical world as an illusion and we are also living a life in an illusion, a different illusion, an illusion that contains your illusion of a physical world for the physical world is contained within another physical world. You yourself live in both physical worlds, one compliments the other. The world you understand as the physical world is where you do your work, is where you meet with opportunities, situations, your consciousness is required to work at those situations in a positive way, in a way that enables your consciousness to free itself from restrictions, restrictions that have built up over many years, many visits into the physical world. They have built up because the... because your consciousness was unable to resist, your consciousness was weak and it picked up the fears unaware of the damage they can cause but as you live your life your consciousness is strengthening and you are able to drop those fears but it is a slow process until you come to that understanding, the understanding of how your physical world is an illusion and how it is a creation for the development of your consciousness. We too are existing and developing and growing in another physical world. A physical world that has an interest in your physical world. A physical world where those who live within that world understand, understand the meaning, the purpose of a physical world. From your perspective our world would appear to be non-physical and to us your world is also non-physical. Only when the consciousness is plugged in to a physical world will it appear to be physical for you will become immersed in that world and that world will become your world’

‘From our physical world we can observe your physical world, we can alter your physical world for we have an interest in your world, your world is seen as a wonderful opportunity for consciousness to grow. It would not be wise to allow your world to extinguish itself. There are many who watch your world and when the time is appropriate, they will guide those who inhabit your world to keep it operating at full potential. A physical world is created and shaped by those who inhabit that world yet there are also those who watch over that world. Left alone that world could cease to exist but when two worlds work as one a greater world is created, a world that has more opportunities for growth. As those who inhabit your world begin to understand in their own way the purpose of your world you will begin to see an increase in harmony and peace, you will begin to see people working together, working as one, helping each other. Each time we touch your world we do so for the benefit of your world for we wish your world to be understood, we wish each person who inhabits your world to understand themselves, understand their purpose, understand the part that they play’

‘Our world is not unlike your world, we too are faced with opportunities and obstacles but we understand the purpose of these obstacles and opportunities and we work with them. We use them to help our consciousness to grow and we share that development with each other. Many from your world have seen our world and they have interpreted our world. They have seen wonderful buildings which they have interpreted as halls of learning for they have felt the help given to one another and the understanding of life, the understanding of the purpose of life. They have seen the colours that emanate from these buildings and they have felt the love that holds our worlds together. Many have understood this as a vision of the future and indeed your own world will also become like ours as you all play your important parts, building up within yourself a solid understanding of the purpose of life. We watch you as you watch us, it is constant flow of energy between worlds, helping one another as you help yourselves. Allow your mind to expand and see all that is before you, you may only catch a glimpse of our world but you can feel the love. Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it help your world to become stronger, to become more positive, to become more open to development and you will indeed see that the future is bright, the future is light, the future is love, thank you. May God bless and keep you, thank you for this opportunity to speak to you and we look forward to another opportunity in the future, thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...


I sat again on Thursday evening 01/11/2018

After last Tuesday’s sit I had a question which I asked during the opening prayer...

‘Thank you for talking about your world. Can you tell me a bit more about it and what you do there please?’

I soon felt myself controlled and the communication began...

‘Good evening, good evening, well now let us see, let us try to answer your question in a way that will benefit you for it is unnecessary to give you details that go against that what you understand now, that what you have built up within yourself, within your understanding. We can share with you a feeling, we can share with you a taste of our world and we can bring back to your memory, we can build up inside your memory something that will trigger off within yourself a knowing, a recognition, for you are not so far away from our world, you reside in our word yet you are fixed within your own world. You are so fixated within your world that you do not allow yourself to see your true self and your true place of residence. Our world and your world work as one, you live in a reflection yet that reflection is shaped by how you... it is shaped by you according to your state of mind, your state of being, that what you have become. We in our world share your world yet we can predict that what you see. We are one step ahead of you. There are times when you will recognise a situation as something you feel you have done before, you will recognise a place as a place you have visited before, you will recognise the feeling, you will recognise the affect it has on you for you are connecting to our world momentarily, you are picking up that what lays before you in your time, you are reaching out into your future and that is giving you a memory. We can feel this, it is for us a natural part of our lives’

‘Our world is made up of many memories, many memories of past events, yet our world also contains that what you understand as future events. Our minds are not fixed on the here and now, our minds are multitasking. Picture a scene, picture yourself sitting beside a flowing river. You see the water approach you, you see it pass you and you see it flow away from you. Imagine experiencing all this at one time and imagine experiencing it as the water experiences it for the water is also connected to that what you create, that picture in your mind, the water is a part of that picture and you are observing that picture, you are bringing that picture into your memory’

‘It is always advisable to listen to that what guides you. You are in a world that is there to help you. We can only give you a partial image of that what lies beyond your world for we wish not to confuse, we wish not to bring you out of your world for your world is giving you all that you need at this point in time. We can give you ideas, we can give you ideas to make you think, ideas to make you build up your own impression of something that is just out of your reach. Sit quietly and try to imagine a world within your world, do not think of us as far away surrounding your world for that is missing the point. You have all the capabilities within yourself to discover yourself and to discover that what lies within yourself. All that you need is in your world, use your world, appreciate your world and know that you are being loved from within. There is nothing we can say to give you a solid impression of a world just out of your reach but you can give yourself a picture of our world by looking at your world, by understanding your world and by understanding the part that you play. See the love, see the love in your world and you will see us, you will see our world. Try not to complicate something that is so simple, something that has existed for as long as you are able to imagine’

‘Make the most of your time in your physical world. Be happy, be joyous, try not to let that what is negative affect yourself and you will create more love in your world. See beyond that what distorts your world, see beyond darkness and look only at the light and you will help in raising the vibration of your world and you will be closer to our world, thank you. Please take a piece of our love, shine it in every corner of your world for that is where we live, that is where you will feel us, that is where you will feel our love for you, thank you goodnight to you may God bless and keep you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Then I did a closing prayer and sent out healing...