May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

266th Sitting 13/11/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I started to be controlled after about five minutes.
Liz turned down the music...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend’

‘Yes well, once again we have come back to our room, this is a wonderful place to bring together all the different vibrations, all the different situations. There are many, many vibrations to which one can attune for you have for yourself this physical universe in which you find you are permanently plugged into and yet at the same time you are also receiving information from other vibrations. The physical universe is your primary source of information whilst you live out your life in this physical world, for the physical vibrations are stronger, produce a higher volume, produce a higher intensity of sight to your eyes. If you wish to explore, if you wish to go out of your body you need to turn down the volume, allow the subtle murmurs from a new world to become recognised to your consciousness. The physical senses need to be dimmed, need to be turned down allowing the consciousness to enter into new states of mind, new states of being for a short period. Your mind will be filled with new sensory perception, you mind will be filled with images, sounds, images that may seem alien to you yet you as a physical human being will put those images into something which makes sense, something which is recognised. You are also doing this in your physical world for you are receiving information and you are putting it into something which fits, something which you understand for you are interpreting this information. Your interpretation is what gives you an idea of what it is you are perceiving when you take yourself out of the physical world, when you turn down those physical senses, for consciousness is allowed to pick up that what is already a part of your life. A form of recognition will come to you and you will begin to build up in your mind a picture and you will become a part of that picture, you will take part in the experience for that experience is real, it is real to you at that point in time and you will bring that experience back to you when you return to your physical world as a memory, a very important memory because it will help you to understand... understand life beyond the physical world, or what you understand as life beyond the physical world. You may also see it as life within the physical world’

Liz... ‘So, can I ask a question?’

‘Yes, you may’

Liz... ‘Some people believe or think or have seen more subtle bodies within our physical body, we have a physical body and then it’s hypothesised, people have seen an etheric body, a more subtle vibrational body that basically withdraws when we die and then an astral body, an emotional body and a mental body, various levels of vibrational energy which interpenetrates the physical body that we have but can exist when the physical body dies, those bodies separate the energy that constitutes them, goes elsewhere, is reabsorbed or reconstituted and some people actually experience this alternative body in a dream state or in an out of body experience. They experience themselves in a body but it’s more like a blue body. Can you enlarge on that or discuss that with us?’

‘The physical world contains within it more information than that what is sensed by your physical senses. There is a wider field of information that can be picked up by your physical mind. When you observe another person, your physical mind relies on the physical senses to pick up what you would understand as a true picture yet behind those physical senses is another layer of senses, a more subtle layer of senses which are also picking up information, information which you may not be aware of until the time is right for you to experience that information and you will see it, you will understand it as something physical so you will paint a picture, you will see a second body extending from the physical body, you will understand this as the etheric body. This has been understood in the past as the etheric body. Information comes to you in many forms, the physical mind has to unravel that information and make sense of that information. The physical mind will make physical sense of information that is not physical. You have a belief to overcome, a belief in the physical world. See your world as an illusion, see yourself as not your body, see yourself as consciousness receiving information and you will begin to understand the truth. You will begin to understand the purpose of the subtle energies that exist within your world and you will create for yourself a truer picture of that what you perceive’

Liz... ‘I think some people have great difficulty nowadays with the concept that this world, the universes were created, that we were created. They feel that evolution or the theory of evolution does away with the idea of anything being created. But it seems that at some level creation is going on and that evolution is part of a creative process but the notion of a creator is not absurd, the notion of a creative principle, or ourselves as creator, an inherent creative principle operating which one could personalise or characterise as a creator which is an anthropomorphic image maybe’

‘You are all modifiers of a creation. An initial creation has taken place and that creation has been allowed to evolve. You yourself have been invited to join that creation, to become a part of that creation and to add to that creation, to give that creation life and in that life a child is born and that child will also create more life. Creation is an ongoing process, each consciousness adds to that process, helps that creation to evolve, to become a place of learning, of growth, of development. You are all playing your part in the greatest of creations. You are guiding that creation into something more valuable than when it was first created which in turn is helping the initial creator to grow’

Liz... ‘What’s hard to understand sometimes is why the initial creator would want or need to grow, where that impulse for growth and development comes from?’

‘All of life, all of consciousness needs to grow’

Liz... ‘Why should there be a need?’

‘Consciousness is the creator of life and life would not exist if consciousness were not to grow. Consciousness is constantly moving into a new state of being, a greater state of being, a more perfect state of being. Left alone consciousness would dissolve, would cease to be, would not be able to support life. For consciousness is an evolving system, an information system, something which needs to be... needs to produce patterns, understandable patterns, patterns within patterns, something which is not merely random for randomness is unable to support life, life needs structure, patterns of structure to support itself’

Liz... ‘But I suppose the underlying question, maybe it’s just a human trait, is to ask why, why consciousness, why?’

‘To understand consciousness, you need to look at your own world. You need to look at physical objects, physical constructions, buildings. See how they decay over time, see how they fall down, become dust, return to the earth no longer able to support that what dwells within them. Work is required throughout the existence of a physical building to keep it alive, keep it functioning, to rid it of decay’

Liz... ‘This is how it is I guess but there is something in us, in me, that understands this is how it is and yet still asks but why is it? That question why is a very emotivating and dominating enquiry formed in the human mind’

‘Sometimes you need to accept that some questions are unanswerable to you and to your consciousness yet at the same time you feel you know the answer but your physical mind is telling you, you need to know more. Sometimes there is no more. Sometimes there is just a simple answer which lies at the back of your mind. That answer will grow stronger within you as you live your life, as you experience your life, as you gain knowledge, as you build up a stronger picture of the reality that you live within. Do not compare your life with the life of others for you are unique, you are all unique and you are all finding your own way to a greater understanding. There is no rush, there is no urgency, there is only the need to grow, to go from one state of existence to another, bring more understanding into your heart and allow the love within that heart to impact on your life and the life of others bringing together many people, many beings who share your love, who share your ideas, who share your question of why. Together you will all build an understanding and you will also discover that there are more questions beyond the question of why’

Liz... ‘Shall I play some music for a while?’

‘Yes, please replay your music for a while’

Liz turned up the music.

After about 15 minutes I started whispering incoherently and I then noticed I wasn’t shaking.
The voice got louder and Liz turned down the music when she heard it...

‘...separate, separate... it all, it is all very good, it’s not necessary... separate, separate the expectation of that what occurs, it can be achieved, there is a possibility that the words can come, can make up that... there is a very good idea... we are working now at eliminating shaking, we are eliminating the shaking, we are bringing forward words without the need to vibrate the body’

Liz... ‘That’s good’

‘Yes, there is still an underlying need, so let us relax, let us relax the body, now there is no movement, no physical movement, it is as if there is natural connection’

Liz... ‘Good’

‘Something which enables us to bring our words through in a constructive way... there’s no necessity for extra movement, vibration or reaction. There can be a relaxation of the body and yet still the words will come through’

Liz... ‘That’s wonderful’

‘It is building stronger, for we have no need now to cause physical disturbance to the body for we can gain contact, we can bring through our words... movement of the arms can be controlled for we are merely using that what you recognise as a physical form in the same way as you also use a physical form. You understand that you are not within your own physical form in the same way as we are not within this physical form. There are so many beliefs to work through and as we do this, we will strengthen the connection. Now as we come towards the end of our session we will remain in this condition, we will keep the body in a relaxed state and allow the words to come through. There is always an underlying feeling of conformity to a situation previously experienced and yet as development continues old ideas can and will fall away, become a part of the past. We are moving forward, we are getting ready to bring more complete understandings through into your room. You all have enquiring minds and you all wish to understand more and we wish to help in this. Each step further forward creates an opportunity to expand on that what has gone before. Creation of a stronger link can bring with it new challenges, new obstacles but as the weeks go by those obstacles will be removed and a clarity will come through that will help you to understand what is said, the meaning of what is said. A purpose to our words underlies the meaning... once again we are reaching the end of our session this evening, we wish to give to you a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, shine it, shine it into those areas of your world, those dark areas bringing light to those who dwell within those areas. Stand in those areas yourself, feel the effect of the love within yourself. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’


I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...

Afterwards Liz told me that just before the second communication came through, she had been asking for spirit to link with me strongly which was very interesting and responsive.

During the healing Liz was aware of a high-pitched bell sound in her ear and then saw a ball of light in front of her. She even saw it in front of her when she turned her head. She felt the strong presence of a Buddhist friend who had recently died.