May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

220th Sitting 06/07/2017

We had the room setup as usual and were joined this week by Brian.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

After five minutes I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening'

'Time once again to come through and speak to you and deliver the words of spirit, of the spiritual vibrations, of the world within all worlds, that what reaches out and touches the physical vibrations in all realities, all planes of existence. For you are all connected, you are all part of one true developing evolving consciousness that envelops all, that combines all, that works with all. You feel yourself as one small part yet you are all parts, you are everything. You only perceive yourself as a separate entity, a separate vibrating entity in a physical world surrounded by physical objects. Release your thoughts of the physical world and you will feel very much a part of all that is, all that exists, all that evolves. Picture yourself in one room of a large mansion. You have confined your life within that one room yet beyond that room there are many to discover, many more to experience. Many more minds live within that mansion in the other rooms and within your own room. That mansion is but one small part of one village, that mansion can reach out to all other dwellings within that one village and that one village can reach out beyond itself into the countryside and beyond into other villages. There is no end to the connections that you can perceive if you allow yourself to break free. To allow those connections that you have to become energised by your own thoughts quieten your mind, take a step back and feel the connection, the connection to all. There are no boundaries except for those you build for yourself. Why do you build your own boundaries? What is it that creates in your mind a need for a restricting boundary? As a physical form you have taught yourself to believe that you are an individual and as an individual you have partitioned yourself in your own boundary not wanting to venture beyond. You fear for your own safety for your boundary gives you in your mind protection, keeps you from wandering into unknown territory yet that unknown territory has become known to you and will be recognised by you once you step into it, once you allow yourself to explore. Each individual in the physical world has reached their own stage in their development. Each individual continues to develop at their own speed. There is no rush, there is no final destination, you are all travelling at your own speed on your own pathways. Observe that what surrounds you as you travel your pathway. Learn from each situation that is presented to you and help yourself to develop, help yourself to evolve'


'Separation... separation is one step forward. Separation is the ability to move yourself towards that what you have created for yourself... Stand... stand and observe...'

The communication faded and Liz turned the music up.

15 minutes later another communication started taking a while to settle in.

Liz turned down the music.

Liz... 'Welcome friend, welcome back'

'It all comes down to this... this very word, the radio, the radio yes the radio... the radio is the voice, the voice in your world, the radio is the transmitter of all frequencies within your world and you yourself can hear all that is available on the radio, the radio, I worked with the radio when I was your side and I saw the possibilities, I saw how the radio could become a valuable instrument in the production of mediumship for the radio had that quality that was needed to generate voice, to generate sound, to generate understandable words in a world that was physical, in a world that relied on the human voice, the human vocabulary for all communication. There is... there is a time, there will be a time where there will indeed be coherent messages transmitted via the radio, your radio in your world... step back... there is a voice, there is a voice that is known by many. There is within your group, within your circle, within your greater circle a voice, a personality that works with you, that has spoken, that has come through, that has joined with you in conversation. Your circle is... there is the continuation of the work that was produced within the Mercury Circle. That what you now produce, we have gathered that what has been developed and we have transferred... we can reach out and combine our energies... stabilise the thoughts and produce a variation of our own work through you all... personalities... the personalities that have come before, the personalities that have brought this circle into existence are still very much a part of the work that you do, they all put their own thoughts into the room heightening the vibrations within your circle... describe... when we come through there is a transmission of our thoughts, stepping... Steven, Steven...'

Liz... 'Steven?'

'Steven yes... he has his own set of experiences to relate, Steven has come and spoken before'

Liz... 'Yes, welcome Steven'

'Steven has had a chance, he... we are encouraging him, we are combining our own energies with his to enable him to come through, he will eventually achieve a stronger link, a stronger link with you but he has...'

Liz... 'We look forward to hearing from you Steven'

'He will have the opportunity, he will grasp the opportunity for he feels, he wishes to come through to be a part of your group, to be a part of the conversation'

Liz... 'That would be very welcome'

'Many personalities can combine their energies and create a voice for one'

Liz... 'Can you say anything more about Steven? Do we know Steven?'

'Steven wishes to speak for himself when the time is right. We will encourage him, we will encourage the personality that he possesses, that he remembers, that he is still a part of'

Liz... 'Welcome Steven, you're very welcome'

'Thank you, thank you, it is a way in, there is a way in, it will become easy, I will come through, I will unblock the restrictions, those that harness myself. Working always and indeed trying to understand the mechanics of this work, of this transmission of thought into words, physical words once again. There is much to learn, there is much to experiment with. That I can do, that I have done for I have been, I was very much involved in experimentation. I took myself beyond the possibilities of your world and I succeeded in making an impact on the science of your world'

The control withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

Liz turned it down again 20 minutes later when another communication started...

'Time once again now... time once again, once again we have come to the end of our session this evening and we have enjoyed our time with you and we thank you for your attendance. It has been an interesting evening, an interesting experiment and a further development has been produced for we all join hands with you and we produce a wonderful circle, a wonderful circle of love and within that love is the ability to transmit words into your world and that love will grow and those words will grow, those words will spread amongst you all and build up within yourselves an understanding that will enable you to walk tall within your own world, sample all the possibilities. Visualise the beauty within your world as it comes to you, see your world for what it truly is, a beautiful learning opportunity. Grasp that opportunity, teach yourself how to live, how to live your life, how to love others, how to help others, how to help create a beautiful world that you can all share and you can all live within in harmony with one another. There is nothing negative, nothing complicated. Your world is a simple learning opportunity. Do not forget this, do not forget the importance of your life in a physical world. You have all come here to grow, to blossom, to spread your wings and fly. Take off into the skies, observe your world from above and see how it all fits together, a pattern created by all who live on your world. Master the art of communication within yourselves, take away the fears from yourself, open your eyes to the beautiful pictures that you all produce each day of your life. There is no need to produce an ugly picture for an ugly picture brings you back down to earth. Keep yourself in the sky, in the beautiful scenery that has been produced by you, thank you... Please take from us a piece of our love to share with one another, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you'

Brian... 'Thank you'

I came back and we all sat quietly for a few minutes before Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Brian had drifted off a few times during the session.
At some point he felt he had to look left and saw a strip of light from ceiling to floor as if a door was ajar letting in light.
During the first communication he saw an empty railway track in front of him with words coming down it towards him. They were then going off in different directions. This was interesting to me as I also sometimes see words coming towards me which are then spoken during the communications.
Just before the second communication Brian had got very cold and felt lots of energy going through his right foot then up his arms and back.

I had felt a strong presence of Freddie just before the second communication and half expected he was going to communicate.