May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

207th Sitting 02/02/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I remained in a kind of half asleep, half awake state. I was aware of the music playing but also having dreams. At times I feel asleep and then jumped as if I'd been prodded to bring me back. One dream I remember is of being a radio announcer in a tall tower looking down on traffic below while doing a traffic report.

After about 30 minutes I started to be controlled and at the same time Liz got a sense of strands of light stretching out between us.
She turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'Good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening to you'

'Yes good evening indeed, now then, we combine ourselves once again... To come through in this way is a great opportunity for us and we all treat this work with a serious mind, a serious intention, for we have accumulated in our minds sufficient information to bring through for you. Each time we come through we prepare a slice of information that we can bring through, that we can translate into your words and your way of understanding for if we were to transmit direct our thoughts it would not for you be an understandable sentence, a collection of words that would not make for you sense in your Earthly minds. As we approach the vibration of your world, as we enter your reality we attune to your way of thinking. We can do no more for you have to understand that what we say, that what we transmit. There is no point in us taking situations from our world and bringing them to your world for your world has not the experience to comprehend yet we can and we do bring forward ideas for you to place in your own mind and work with those ideas in your own way. We cannot tell you how to understand, you have to teach yourself how to understand and you need to experience situations, you need to build up experience for yourself. Each person in your world has their own unique way of interpreting and of thinking and each person has their own experiences on which to judge the words that come to them. You have all taken yourselves so far, you have created for yourself a memory that stretches back, that will take you back to your first experience. We also have our own way of understanding but we have the benefit of observing how you react to the information that we can bring through. We have taken the time to walk your world, walk your world in your shoes for we can bring ourselves to you and experience that what you experience in your physical world. You do not experience alone for you have multiple personalities with you experiencing what you experience each day. You have built up within yourself a structure on which many minds can connect. Take your thoughts out of the physical world and try to understand this from a non-physical perspective that is merely observing'

Liz... 'Are our experiences like food for other beings?'

'You can indeed describe it as that if it helps you to understand for you are now thinking in your own unique way, you are trying to understand. We can help you with this for we understand your way of thinking. Build up those thoughts in your mind, let them react in whatever situation you find yourself. The world of physical matter was created for the purpose of experiencing with others, attracting others, others who look on, who find an interest in that what interests you. They are attracted to your way of thinking and they will connect with you. You will not be aware of their presence until you release you grasp from the physical world and you can do this whilst still living within your physical world. You can feel the energies with you and you can feel the harmony that that creates, for these energies are attuned to you, they are benefitting from your experiences. You never walk alone, you are taking with you an audience for you are performing for that audience. You have sparked the interest of that audience and they will stay with you for as long as is required for each member of that audience'

Liz... 'So is that true for everyone?'

'Each physical mind that operates within the physical world attracts its own audience yes but each will be different. Each will have its own interests and individual way of processing thought. You cannot attract that what repels your own thoughts, you can only attract that what is interested and in harmony with your own way of thinking'

There was a pause in the communication then it slowly began again with a different voice...

'Sharing our words with you is our way of showing our love for you all. You have once again been very patient and allowed us into your atmosphere'

Liz... 'You're very welcome'

'There are many who find themselves a part of your group, a part of your circle for your circle is forever expanding out into all vibrations of existence, allowing a great depth to the words. For each time that you sit you build up a resistance to interference, you allow a clearer link, you clear the way, you bring forward fresh words of inspiration, fresh ideas that seep into your minds and build up within you an understanding, a picture, a picture which for you represents the worlds within the worlds that you perceive for there is so much that relies on the movement of the physical world, the movement, the vibration. The love that is created within your world gives us an opportunity to spread our wings, to tread the path in the sand. Take from us the words that give you a simple understanding, yet simplicity is not so very straight forward for there are complications, there are steps to take that will help you yet you need to find those steps yourself, ask yourself what are those steps for you now know that you are more than one, you have this audience of minds that is willing to help you for by helping you they are helping themselves and by helping themselves that help is spreading further than you can imagine. There is no limit, there are no boarders, you are open, all life is open, nothing is restricted when working in total harmony with one another. Feel that harmony within yourself and you will find yourself reaching out beyond what for you is possible. There is nothing beyond your reach'

Liz turn the music back up then down again ten minutes later as another communication began...

Liz... 'Welcome back friend'

'Welcome back indeed, well it is time once again now, we have reached the end of our session with you. We have, we understand the frustrations that you have when working in this way and we appreciate the patience and the commitment that you have for this work'

Liz... 'Thank you'

'It is a long journey and the journey has just begun but the journey is becoming more exciting for you and for us. It will develop into a wonderful journey shared by many and it will affect many for it will reach out to many minds, many other people in your world and beyond for all work that is done for spirit will benefit all. You may find it hard to understand the benefits at first yet as the journey progresses you will appreciate how it is impacting on others, on all life, for all life is one life and one life has it's degree of advancement towards that loving vibration. We once again thank you for the work that you do, for the experiments you do, we are very interested in your remote viewing experiments and we will help as much as we can'

Liz... 'Thank you'

'Please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, shine it brightly and it will be seen throughout your world and throughout all worlds for all worlds are one world. Thank you my dear friend may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'

Liz put the music back on as I came back then we sat for 15 minutes in silence...

I got a vision of something spinning in the centre of the room a bit like an umbrella and it was getting bigger and bigger. It was as if a dark liquid was flowing up from the centre and becoming part of the umbrella, making it bigger.

Liz got an image of a hair brush and saw it as an analogy for untangling all the knots and smoothing. She had a memory of empathising with a school friend and sharing experiences and love with groups of friends. Then the hair brush became a prickly hedgehog and Liz thought of herself curling up in a ball, protecting and isolating herself from those around her, not trusting somehow whereas in fact she didn't need to and should instead learn to trust more. It was a strong message for her and Liz thought it would be useful in our work.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...