May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

206th Sitting 26/01/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm including our intention to sit in silence for a while after the end of the session. Then she turned off the light and put the music on.

After about one minute Liz sensed the room was filling up with people.

Then after another two minutes I started to be controlled.
Liz turned down the music.

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend'

'Time once again to come through and speak to you, speak to your world yes and we all enjoy our time with you for we can exercise our own ways of thinking, we can compare our thoughts with that what we feel as we approach the vibration of your physical atmosphere. Now then lets begin, lets start to unravel those mysteries that surround you, that hold you, hold your attention. For we too experience mysteries, we too have discoveries to make. There is so much to learn, so much to experience for all life, all life has an opportunity to experience...'

There was a pause, it felt to me like I'd lost the connection, then it slowly came back with a slightly different voice and feeling...

'sending, sending, sending a thought... sending a thought through... well now... come through and see the fire that burns within for it has never extinguished, it is a very strong connection, that fire that brings us through can only exist by the power of your thoughts. There is no distinguishing between the two, between the two states of existence for they exist side by side, nothing can separate them, nothing can stop them working as one, one strong force for the good of all. There is in place a barrier, a barrier that is provided for your own protection. You do not want to spread too far until you are able to accept the responsibilities that go with understanding. Each and every one of you can feel the closeness of our world, of our existence'

Liz... 'So is the barrier in a sense a cocoon state that's keeping us until we've actually developed internal organs of thought or understanding to actually survive as it were as an integral entity? Is that the purpose of the barrier?'

'The barrier has been put in place for your own protection against your unrestricted travels. You have set yourself a task whilst in the physical form, you have placed yourself in a cocoon that holds you fast, holds you into the physical world, stops your mind from travelling enabling you to experience all that is life for you have put yourself in a container and that container will hold you to your physical world. As your mind builds up day by day, as you experience your world day by day your mind begins to question, to question your own experiences, to question the quality of your experiences for your mind is beginning to feel the impacts of the surrounding world'

Liz... 'Is there some particular task or development that we hope to achieve or that we have intended to achieve by incarnating into this physical world?'

'You have seen the possibilities of your life, the possibilities of your physical life before you incarnated. You have seen how you can develop whilst restricted in the physical world, you have seen the way, you have created the way out of your world for yourself before you came into your world. Your task whilst immersed in physical matter is to remember that what you created for yourself. During your life you will feel pulling towards situations, you will feel yourself pushed. You can choose to go with this or reject it'

Liz... 'As a group of people, humanity as a whole, is there a purpose for humanity in incarnating into this physical dimension, into this dense physical containment vehicle?'

'You as a... you all as a race, as a combined mind, you all have the opportunity to grow. You all are placed into this world, your world, with each other, with the abilities to react with each other, to engage with each other in a physical way, in a way that for all of you feels real, feels important. You all feel that you are an important part of a physical world yet the physical world is not so important. What you contribute to the growth of yourself and the growth of others is important. You have stepped out of a world that has not the opportunities for the spiritual world is a world of thought, a world of reflection, a world of quiet thought. Place yourself in a physical atmosphere and the opportunities to grow are bombarded towards you every day of your life. You have no time to stand still for all around is movement, is bombardment, yet through it all you thread, you weave a thread of love and you all create a matrix which holds you all together with love and your purpose is to spread that love, take it with you wherever you walk'

Liz... 'So that love is like the light that brings to life, enlivens, lights up this dense physical reality and presumably as we learn the lessons and develop, that light will increase and permeate a physical world so it becomes alive in the spiritual sense, in the sense of conscious. Is that the purpose of humanity to make the physical world conscious, to increase the consciousness of the physical, to increase the light?'

'To restore balance in a dark world requires the injection of light. All areas in a physical world respond to light. Take light away and you have nothing left, nothing on which to tread your path. Consciousness evolves, becomes brighter as the light is spread, as the light touches the minds of all who inhabit your world. Take that light from within yourself and illuminate your world. You will see how this can affect the growth of consciousness as a whole, consciousness as one, one huge evolving entity looking for balance, looking for order, wiping out confusion and frustrations. Stand alone and your efforts will not be felt. Join hands with all who you meet and your efforts will spread. There is so much love in all your hearts, give it that chance to open up, take yourself out of yourself and see how you have progressed, see how you have made your way to a shining star and touch that star with the face of God'

There was a pause and Liz turned the music back up.

Liz got the sense of someone with her holding her hands.

After about 15 minutes I started to be controlled again and Liz turned down the music.
It sounded like different entities were experimenting with the communication...

'Safe to come through... time to come through...'

Liz... 'Welcome friend'

'Thank you, thank you, safe to come through and have a look and see, see what is possible for it is all possible in the end but we have to take it one stage at a time, one stage at a time until we can get the correct mixture of thoughts, thoughts and vibrations, sounds that help you to understand, sounds that help you to focus yourself on that what is important in your life for there is much to learn, much to be achieved, much to be ignored for not all is the correct way, not every way, not... Each time you come through and experiment you need to face yourself and explore. Now let me try to unravel myself. It is so important to create a backdrop on which to place your mind, your experiences... We are experimenting, we are trying different ways, different ways to bring ourselves through. It is for us an experiment, a time to allow the production of words into your room. There are many ways of...'

The communication broke up, faded out then came back...

'testing, testing... pleased to come through, say a few words for we all have our time to come through and speak a little while, say what we can, see what we can do, see how we can affect your world in our own way for we all have our own ways of impressing ourselves through and beginning a conversation with you... It is attuning to you, it all comes through in the end, it all comes together, it all forms a fixed state of mind'

Liz... 'It's good to hear you'

'Thank you, thank you we are all having a go, working away. It is an opportunity to relax and feel yourself free, free to explore, free to enter, a time of discovery. Words are necessary in your world. Words are what you all rely on for you have all fixed thoughts, fixed ideas, yet you do not see the true picture that is presented to you...'

The communication faded out again then came back...

'James, James... take a step, work your way through... no, no, it isn't your time now...'

Liz... 'James?'

'We will come back... James yes James'

Liz... 'Welcome James'

'Well now, congratulations for it is a long time, a long time for, each time, each time, come through, all good...'

Communication faded out.

Liz put the music back up again.
Then after 10 minutes she turned it down as another communication started...

'Well now...'

Liz... 'Welcome friend, hello again'

'Thank you, once again we have come to the end of our session this evening. Now there is time to continue your experiments but first we will say to you take a piece of our love out into your world and spread it around, shine it in the faces of those who refuse to smile and uplift them. We wish to see your world full of smiling faces and an upliftment in all who live in a physical world. Now we say to you, goodnight, God bless you all, thank you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'

'We will remain with you whilst you sit in quietness for as long as you wish to do so, it is up to you, thank you'

Liz... 'Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you'

We then sat in silence for 20 minutes.

Liz could hear music faintly in her left ear.

I got the feeling I was getting bigger or the room was getting smaller. I expanded out of the room and found myself in space with the moon. Then the moon got smaller and disappeared and I was just floating in space. My body seemed to turn to glass and then it disappeared. I was then just floating in nothingness which was a nice feeling.

Liz had a strong sense of people around her, some she recognized. She also felt she was just floating.

We were both surprised to find we had been sitting for 20 minutes.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did the closing down exercise...