May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

177th Sitting 18/03/2016

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the light and put the music on.

Liz noticed a few dim shapes moving around the room.

I lost consciousness just after the opening prayer then woke up about 50 minutes later.
After another ten minutes I began to be controlled and Liz turned off the music.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening to you…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Time now once again to come through and speak the words of spirit to you and we all join hands for we all form a circle of love that joins with you and helps to penetrate the Earthly vibrations of your world. You try to picture us, you try to perceive the way that we look, the images in your head come through and give you an idea of the conditions that we form a part of. It is not easy for you to totally understand…’

Liz… ‘Not even partially… are you always the same group, the same people, the same entities that come through, that join with us?’

‘Each week the guiding influence is made up of the same entities yet we have what you would call a following, interested parties who sense our vibration will adjoin to us, they will have an interest and they will want to help, they will want to help to add to our energies. They will give us ideas, they will present to us thoughts and ideas that they feel will benefit you on your side but the core energy of our circle remains the same each week. We have worked with you since the beginning, we saw in you an opportunity to get our message through. Your own circle works in the same way for you too attract the attention of others who also wish to give you questions, give you ideas that you can put forward to us. There is much that is similar for we are not so far apart. We share your interest in wanting to discover more for we too are learning each week, learning how we can affect the energies of your world and how we can reach more minds that think alike, that have that spark of interest, that want to learn, want to understand that greater understanding’

Liz… ‘I have a question for you… is it a good time to ask?’

‘Yes you may, whatever you have we will try to answer for you’

Liz… ‘We were talking about thought and thinking last time and original thinking, the fact that many people don’t think for themselves but is it possible for someone to have truly original thoughts or are all our thoughts in a way influenced or shadows of thinking from a more refined area, from a spirit area of our personality, of our being?’

‘All thought is inspired by all other thoughts whether part of your physical world or beyond in other realities for all thought is a creating matrix, a connected matrix, yet each individual will work on the inspirations in their own way to create new thought, to create new ideas, to create original ideas. You all have the ability to create original ideas but you are guided by the thoughts of others. There is an underlying thought that spreads through all life, that underlying thought is constantly being modified by the original thoughts of each sentient being in whatever atmosphere it finds itself. Use your thoughts wisely, make your thoughts responsible for the raising of the underlying thought and play your part in heightening that thought so that the inspirations felt by others will lift them rather than drag them down…  Does this answer your question?’

Liz… ‘I’m not sure, in part perhaps yes; it sounds as though thought exists independent of our physical world’

‘The physical world is but one part of the larger picture and the thoughts are not constrained into that one part. Each part plays its part in the creation of the underlying thought’

Liz… ‘When a human has original thoughts or is actually thinking creatively in a particular way at a heightened level of awareness do spiritual entities feel attracted or drawn towards that thinker?’

‘This is a natural process yes, it does indeed happen, each entity can be drawn to that what interests’

Liz… ‘So thought is quite a powerful signal or flag’

‘Thought can be felt by all’

Liz… ‘And I suppose the more coherent and powerful and more focused thoughts are the easier they are to pick up and perceive’

‘The strong connection is the connection of interest. As you develop an interest in your world, as you take up a hobby, something which you will put all of your energies into whether it be in music or art or in exploring your world, these interests will attract those who have similar interests in whatever reality they reside’

Liz… ‘So I guess the more intense and focused and passionate that interest is the brighter the thoughts are connected with it and the more perceptible they are to other interested parties’

‘The thoughts will shine brighter as the attractions join with them’

Liz… ‘Beacons’

‘The attractions will be felt and the interest will grow’

Liz… ‘Another question that has been posed is that some people have a very strong feeling that they have incarnated with a particular task with particular work to do and yet the opportunities to engage specifically in that work sometimes are bypassed. Does that person by still holding onto the feeling of wanting to do that particular work draw further opportunities towards them? How do they get back on the path or will those opportunities arise?’

‘The opportunities are never lost, the opportunities remain in place and they will be felt, they will be faced once again. There is the possibility that an entity who has setup opportunities on the physical plane, there is the possibility that they will lose their way for the physical world is a world with much influence, with much that causes interests…’

Liz… ‘…a distraction’

‘Distractions yes, these will affect the entity that has entered into your world yet there will still be that underlying feeling of why, of the purpose of its incarnation. The realisation will come that it has work to do, that it has a set path to follow. You are never alone when you have setup opportunities, when you have put in place signposts for you will have reached the point, you will have developed your mind in such a way that you will have attracted others to journey with you, to help you stay on track yet they cannot think for you, your job is to think for yourself. To recognise the guiding thoughts that surround you and put yourself back on track. Only you can help yourself, only you can recognise that you have indeed lost your way. Recognition of this is the first step, rejoice that you have made that first step and then allow yourself to realign with your true purpose in this physical world’

Liz… ‘I guess opportunities that arise in unexpected ways sometimes it seems as if there’s only one way of fulfilling a particular work or drive but I guess sometimes a path may be circuitous, not necessarily a direct path’

‘The physical world is a wonderful place full of opportunity, full of opportunity for learning and the best way to learn is to make a mistake and recognise your mistake. Bring yourself back into line with the original thinkings that you had before you incarnated into this world, before you exposed yourself to the complications, to the irritations, to the negativities, to all the forces that will push you from pillar to post’

Liz… ‘So lost opportunity isn’t necessarily a final closed door on that possibility’

‘There are no final closed doors, doors will always open but only you can open those doors, only you can want to open those doors. There is nothing wrong with wandering off your pathway, your chosen pathway, sometimes additional opportunities will be found beyond that familiar pathway’

Liz… ‘I guess the important thing is to remain open because our thinking once we are in the physical world is often so conditioned and contaminated that our sense of our purpose can be quite confused and that what we think, the reasons that we’re doing things for, may not be the whole picture at all, we may be doing the right thing but not for the reason that we think we are doing it so I guess being open to realignment from spirit, to be inspired, to ask for help, is probably a good thing isn’t it? To be open to help and direction from that part of us that maybe sees the whole picture’

‘Always be aware of your feelings with each thought that you make, see how it makes you feel. You will know when you make an erroneous thought; you will know when you are wandering off the path. Always look for the good, always see each day as a beautiful day, do not let the confusions and negativities cloud your day before your day has happened. Recognise how you create your day from the moment you wake and create it in the most beautiful way. See the wonderful opportunities in each situation before it happens’

Liz… ‘Is it possible for us to get guidance in our dreams if we feel a little bit lost and confused and need some help with direction, some help to sort things out or to see the clearer picture. If we ask for our dreams to give us some guidance can we get guidance from spirit through our dreams in this way?’

‘Ask with a clear focused intent before the effects of sleep come over you and you will indeed connect with the guiding forces which will impact in your dreams, which will allow you to recognise from your physical mind, recognise those ideas that form the makeup of your dreams, recognise them in such a way that they can indeed help you. There is much help given to you in your dreams’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess it’s knowing how to access that’

‘You need to teach yourself to remember in an understandable way the important dreams that you have. Dreams are a valuable way of connecting with your greater self and with the other entities that share your interests’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know’

‘Do not expect to receive your answers straight away for it will take time for the physical mind to unravel the meanings. Dreams are remembered according to the impact they have on the interests that push you forwards. Much is lost in trying to recall yet all is available’

Liz… ‘Why is it that some people are born and very early on they realise that they have a particular attitude and passion and they develop it and exercise it in a focused way right through their life and lead a very happy and fulfilled life doing exactly what they feel they were meant to do yet other people feel they’re meant to do something but they never seem to engage with it fully, it seems to evade them, things get in the way, it’s not straight forward, they have a feeling about wanting to do something but their path is not a clear-cut or linear path, there seems to be many conflicting interests and duties. Is that just chance, the way things are, is that just part of the nature of circumstance?’

‘A strong mind has the ability to stay focused no matter what is presented in the form of confusion and negativity whilst engaged in a physical life. The weaker minds are taken by the waves of confusion into other areas. Each incarnating entity has a degree of strength, strength of mind, strength of mind which has been built up over countless incarnations. After a time that mind will become familiar with the working of your physical world, will recognise the impacts, will become resistant to the impacts, will be able to carve its way through the frustrations and negativities unaffected by the frustrations and negativities. Such a mind will be an inspiration to all on your side for such a mind has entered your world to heal, to touch the minds of many, to uplift the vibrations of your world. Many will be inspired and want to follow this example’

Liz… ‘What about in the situation that some people have a strong feeling that they want to do something, that they’re meant to do something in their life but the people around them or the circumstances around them make it very difficult, are obstructive in different ways. The needs of those people around them or the particular dynamics of those around them may make it difficult for them to engage with the work or particular task that they feel they have to do, so that a sense of concern for those people around them and to meet their expectations may cause them to lose or to shift their focus from their own particular need to those of others. Is that a bad thing or is that a good thing or is that just how things are?’

‘A strong mind will find no difficulties in a physical world for difficulties will be seen as opportunities, opportunities to inspire others. Those attracted to the stronger mind will feel the benefit, will feel the love, will in turn feel uplifted for only good can come from a strong focused mind in any situation. A weaker mind will become affected by the frustrations of a physical world but this also will create opportunities. There is no right or wrong, there is no confusion when a mind works in a positive loving way, when a mind is setup to operate in a kind loving way in each situation it finds itself, for the heightened vibration it brings eliminates pain and suffering, eliminates darkened thoughts and those who are attracted will also become heightened in their thinking, heightened in their observations for they too will see the good in all things, they will be encouraged to walk the spiritual path helping others, working with others to create more heightened understandings to benefit your world. The positive effects of a heightened mind outweigh all negativities that exist. Nothing can distract, all is seen as harmony throughout your world for the heightened mind can only create with love. Try to live your life in this way and you too will build for yourself a heightened understanding in a heightened mind’

Liz… ‘So from what you’re saying it seems as if a heightened mind and focused mind that is focused on positive things and positive intent can outshine all problems and impediments to be a clear path and in the course will inspire other people as well’

‘The heightened mind cannot perceive negativity, cannot perceive complications’

Liz… ‘So the task then for an individual would be to elevate, heighten their mind and their thinking to a level where their path becomes clear and the doubts and negativities have fallen away’

‘And you have many opportunities in which to do this as you live your daily life for there is much there to distract you but only you will allow yourself to become distracted. See the distractions as wonderful opportunities and you will not become distracted you will become more focused. You will strengthen your own mind; you will forge your way through your physical existence in a positive way uplifting all who you meet. The more light you shine out you will create for yourself a wonderful vibration unaffected by the darkness of your world but realise that this is an ongoing process. You will still find yourself dragged down at times but each time recognise this, see what has dragged you down and send your love, send your love to the situation that has caused you to lose your grip and you will soon find yourself back on track… Thank you my dear friend for we have once again reached the point where we will withdraw from you once again. We hope our answers have given you a wider picture’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend yes’

‘Give our words some thought and recognise how you live your life now and see the opportunities that you have in modifying the way you think and the way you react to the difficulties that are presented to you each day of your life. Take from us a piece of our love to help you with this and you will slowly develop within yourself an ability to see through all obstructions, all difficulties and surge forward with a wonderful bright light shining as a beautiful reflection of what you truly are. May God bless and keep and guide you all, thank you goodnight’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you’

Liz put the music back on.
I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…