We had the room setup as usual.
Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned on the music
and extinguished the light.
I remained awake for the first three tunes then drifted off
to be woken by what felt like something touching my foot which made me wake up
with a jump. Soon after I drifted off again and woke after about one hour.
I started to be controlled and Liz turned off the music when
she heard this.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…
‘Good evening, good
Liz… ‘Good evening
‘Love… all love and
understanding comes to the one mind when a chance is grasped to seek the
mysteries, the answers to the mysteries which are held in the depths of the
understanding yet those who wait will wait too long. Those who grasp the
opportunities, those who take from that what is presented to them and create a
valuable step forward in their own understanding will discover that it is all a
very simple outlook, a simple presentation and they will recognise the
necessity to keep all understandings simple. It is easy to complicate,
complicate simple understandings. Take each step with caution, bring yourself
into each pocket of awareness but do not complicate. Watch your own world unfold;
watch how the nature of your world takes only that what is necessary, necessary
for the function of life. Each evolving part of your world has for itself an
organised structure to follow. You too have structure in your world, in your
life, a simple structure, this structure uncluttered by the complications you
put on yourself’
Liz… ‘When you are
saying that it’s very simple, the structure is simple, that almost seems like a
contradiction from our science and our learning which shows the incredible
complexity of the web of creation and yet I suppose it happens without our
actually understanding it or doing anything without all our science and all our
knowing, we’re born and we grow and the world manifests itself around us and
what we learn about it our knowledge is something else, it doesn’t affect it in
any way, it happens despite us. So when you say it’s simple is that what you
mean, that it’s happening without all the knowledge and the learning and
everything that we put in to trying to understand it, it’s there happening
anyway and we complicate it by imposing so much of our mental structure on the
structure that’s working anyway. Is that what you mean?’
‘Yes the mind, the
mind of man has a tendency to look for complications to see something which is
very simple, very organised, something which is working in its own way. Yet the
human mind wishes to break down the mechanical structure, wishes to look into
something which is not completely there. The human mind is a creative mind and
it will create for itself something more, something further, something beyond
what is initially perceived’
Liz… ‘Yes that seems
true that we try to break it down to understand it in order to reassemble it
which is not strictly necessary because it’s already there’
‘It is difficult for
you to accept, it is difficult for you to leave alone. A time will come when a
realisation will come to the mind of man, a realisation that his place is part
of the simple structure of the physical world, an acceptance of the workings of
the physical world. This will be the point where man will become truly in
harmony with the world where he lives’
Liz… ‘Accepting the
workings of the physical world as it is rather than trying to change it’
‘This will allow a
true understanding as to the makeup of your world and the purpose of your world
and a glimpse into the future of your world. There is much poetry in the mind
of men, poetry has the effect of breaking down confusion, poetry allows the
mind to express itself in a more natural way, a way that works in harmony with
the nature of your world. Feel the effects and the understandings from the
poems of your world, understand what inspired that poetry, look at the
simplicity of poetry and compare it to the confusions of a scientific mind
looking for answers that are really staring it in the face’
Liz… ‘Is that because
science has formulated so many conceptual frameworks that then the thinking
becomes trapped in those frameworks and actually stops seeing things as the
whole, as they are, but has to fit them
more and more into these frameworks that are artificial constructs based on
limited understanding. Is that part of the problem?’
‘The brain is a
delicate instrument, an instrument which needs balance. Two halves of the
brain, each fighting for supremacy, yet there needs to be no fighting in the
brain of man, each half has an equal purpose. A balance will come… There are
those who use their brain, there are those who wake up to the realization that
the brain wants to take charge of the body. The brain wishes to balance the
body, no one side of the brain should be dominant; each side has an equal part
to play in the evolution of a human form. A bridge must be built to connect
those two halves, a bridge of friendship, a bridge of harmony. The artist and
the scientist will connect, will work as one, will tear down the barrier
between themselves. Fluctuation between one and the other will occur until a
balance is met and a greater understanding will be seen’
Liz… ‘We have an
education system which often forces children to choose between science and the
arts, to focus on one or the other, that’s been very much a traditional
educational pathway’
‘Two sides drifting
further apart creating disharmony. Join the two, create one brain, one total
functioning organ, the best and the simplest, no longer a fight between the two
but a complete unit working as one’
Liz… ‘So how did it
come about that the two sides of the brain specialised, and took on different
roles, and one dominated’
‘One mind works
through many brains, one mind can attach. The instrument that is the brain can
be played, can create a beautiful cord resonating through your world yet
equally discord will raise its head in a world of physical matter. When the
mind was inserted into the physical world the instruments were there. A period
of settling in was started. The mind became curious as to the conditions it had
drawn itself into for this was an early time. The conditions were set up before
the mind was introduced. The mind was given the opportunity, cut off from the
greater mind yet connected by a thin thread. Once immersed in physical
existence questions came to the mind, experiences had to be understood and a
way to understand was developed. Each individual in a physical world looked for
individual answers to those questions that it perceived. The greater mind
looked on for the greater mind could see the answers, could understand the
answers but it allowed that part to explore, to experience, to go whichever way
it desired in its understanding. There was no right or wrong way to go, there
was only exploration until a build-up of experiences shaped the physical form,
shaped the physical structure of your world. The physical world was left to
evolve in its own way; interference was seen as detrimental to the growth of
the physical part of the mind. The physical brain developed. There is an
emerging picture throughout the history of the physical world. Each individual
plays its part in the creation of that picture. Where that picture goes is up
to the individuals, how that picture presents itself is up to each individual.
Each individual has the chance to paint their stroke, add their colour,
increase or decrease the beauty each individual has created for them self’
Liz… ‘You were talking
earlier about the split in the brain, that the brain was intended to be
bridged, that the two halves of the brain were intended to work as one, the
more imaginative side and the more scientific side, but you are suggesting that
a free evolution somehow took a wrong turn, or took a detrimental turn. Can you
elucidate what happened to cause this disconnection between the two operating
sides of the brain… or the psyche?’
‘When a picture is
presented, when a picture is perceived, when a chance is given to an individual
mind placed in a world where mistakes can be made there will be a sway in the
direction of evolution. Evolution will take on its own path; will create a new
path, a path which was not envisaged by the original mind of man’
Liz… ‘From what you
are saying it sounds as if there was a blueprint, there was an innate structure
that was there, a potential to follow, but there was the freedom to go in a
different direction and somehow mistakes were made, there was a diversion from
the original blueprint what was originally visaged or imagined’
‘The original blueprint
was indeed put in place’
Liz… ‘And presumably
it’s still there’
‘It was understood
that the blue print would deviate from its original structure. It was known
that when the mind was allowed to individualise then no solid hold could be put
onto that blueprint, it would become fluid, it would spread out in all
directions for each individual mind working as a free will can see and is
exposed to all possibilities’
Liz… ‘So from your
perspective does it seem as though an evolutionary path evolved which hasn’t
been completely beneficial to the harmonious development of the human race but it’s
led to an imbalance in the two halves of the psyche. The physical structure of
the brain contains a bridge, although it is two halves there is a bridge’
‘The physical form
which includes the physical brain is a result of the wanderings of the
individual minds, the exploration of the individual minds and the answers to
the questions that each individual is faced with as a physical life is lived.
The benefits of the physical world are felt by all that is beyond the physical
world and continue to do so yet with a wider understanding we can see how the
physical world can be fine-tuned to create greater benefits to evolve and
create a human form that will truly be at ease with all that it is a part of’
Liz… ‘I understand yes…
and developing both sides of the psyche, the animus and the anima, the male and
the female side, the logical and the imaginative side, however you construed
them, bringing those together, fusing them, integrating them, achieving a state
of integration in the functions of the brain will benefit the harmonious evolution
of the human form enabling the human being to live more comfortably and
harmoniously in the physical world, on Earth… Is that what you’re saying?’
‘This is the true
balance of the human form, and when balance is achieved’
Liz… ‘So an education
system which helps children and young people to integrate both those areas of
the psyche, imaginative and the scientific, logical, analytical is actually
going to help to improve the human race and to make life more comfortable for
‘This will indeed
Liz… ‘Okay, because
there are educators who do promote that approach and there are others that
favour the more traditional approach’
‘Inspirations are
coming to your world, are being felt by those of a sensitive nature. They are
seeing how to correct the imbalance, how to bring the two sides into full
function, working as one, working as one wonderful unit, one beneficial unit,
one unit that can understand the simplicity, the harmony. Spread your wings,
spread your wings into all the corners of your world and the light will shine,
for the light is there. Do not cloud your world, do not clutter the thoughts of
man with unnecessary dark thoughts, sweep them aside, open your eyes, wake up,
wake up and allow the subtle influences into your world… Thank you my dear friend
we have come to that point where we will once again withdraw from you this
evening. We hope we have built up for you a picture of understanding, a picture
to think about, a picture to put into practice as you live your life, as you
share your life with all those who you meet, all those who are already a part
of your life. Help them to understand, help them to open their eyes and we give
you a piece of our love to help you to understand how best you can help your
physical world to regain that balance… May God keep and bless you all,
goodnight to you’
Liz… ‘Thank you
friend, goodnight and God bless you all’
Liz put the music back on and I felt back with it after a
couple of minutes.
Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did
our closing down exercise…