May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

167th Sitting 07/01/2016

We had the room set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, put out the light and turned on the music.

This week I remained mostly awake.
I recall being woken up at one point when my arm moved so I must have dropped off for a few minutes but I remember hearing most of the music.
I also had a sensation of my head turning from side to side but my head was still. It was like I had two heads.

Liz didn’t report anything in the room and about one hour after the start I felt myself being controlled and Liz turned off the music when she heard this.
She welcomed the communication as it became coherent…

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening to you, welcome’                                                                                            

‘Many times we come through and we speak, many times we have come into your room, your atmosphere, your physical vibration and we have been able to talk to you, bring words forward in a recognisable way. Once again we come forward, we feel the excitement each time we realise a link has been made once again. Much has been said over the few years that you have sat, much has been transmitted and once again we move into a new year, a new year for you. Time passes, moments become memories, situations present themselves and the choices are made. New situations present themselves in an orderly fashion for nothing happens by chance; there is a set way forward. Pieces of the puzzle are picked up each time you approach a new situation and the pieces are placed at the root of you mind. You will not notice, you will not be affected by these pieces until a situation is approached, a situation that causes confusion in your mind. At this point the pieces of the jig-saw will begin to join, will begin to fall into place, the correct place. A picture will immerge, a picture which may seem alien to you yet it is a picture designed to help you formulate thoughts; help you to address the situation that has been presented to you. You will feel yourself lifted, you will feel yourself taken out of yourself, the restraints will weaken, the filters will open and a clear passage will make its way into your mind. Thoughts will become a part of you, you will understand the true meaning of thought, the true purpose of thought, thought will become a bigger part of your life’

Liz… ‘What situation are we talking about?’

‘Each situation in your life presents itself at the correct time, you cannot visualise a situation which has not yet been presented to you yet you can gather thoughts in readiness for the future event. You can see beyond that what you refer to as the present, you can see the possibilities that lay before you but you can also get a sense of a situation that is waiting for the correct time to present itself to you. Imagine yourself in a tunnel, making your way through this tunnel built out of rock. You move slowly through this rock tunnel for you know that you will reach the end of the tunnel. This knowledge is part of you yet in that moment you see nothing that would suggest to you in a physical way that this tunnel has an end. For you are plunged into darkness, your sense of sight has been dimmed; you are walking blindly through what seems to be a never ending tunnel... When you do your visualisations, when you experiment, practice visualizing yourself in this tunnel, give your visualisation some detail, understand the feelings inside of this tunnel as you stretch out your hands and touch the walls, as you feel the breezes upon your face, as you feel the rock beneath your feet. Keep walking forwards; notice any changes in the atmosphere, in the way the walls feel to your hands and the floor to your feet. Listen for any sounds. When you do this you will find it will help you... That situation which you know is going to happen is like the light at the end of that tunnel’

Liz… ‘I’m not clear why you’re referring to situations. Is it how we prepare ourselves to be present and to meet a situation in a new way?’

‘Preparation is indeed happening…’

Liz… ‘Preparation?’            

‘You yourself are focused in the physical yet beyond the physical preparations are being made’

Liz… ‘Are you suggesting the physical world is being guided or shoved in a particular direction or moulded, moulded by the world of thought?’

‘You yourself and those who share your physical world are shaping the physical world’

Liz… ‘So the larger spirit part of us is preparing these situations for this physical fragment of our self and you’re suggesting that we expand our self to ready ourselves to meet this situation with the best part of ourselves in a fuller way’

‘The situations were put in place by the larger part of yourself to be recognised by that fragment that journeys through the physical world but that fragment will recognise the situation’

Liz… ‘Okay, this sounds a little bit like the parable of the virgins and the lamps, keep the lamps shining bright and polished so that when the bridegroom comes they’ll be ready, the virgins will be ready because we don’t know when the bridegroom is coming. The wedding is there to take place but the day of the bridegroom’s coming is not fixed yet so the virgins are urged to keep those lamps shining’

‘It is beneficial to know that there is approaching…’

Liz… ‘The bridegroom, the metaphorical bridegroom’

‘…the situation. As you go about your daily life sometimes you will feel… you will get a feeling that something is approaching. Sometimes you will feel excited and you do not understand why. Sometimes you will feel nervous and again you will not understand why. You all have a sense of knowing, you all have the wanting, the wanting to reach out beyond that what you perceive as a comfortable life. You have an urge…’

There was a pause, it felt to me like the energy around me was either dropping or changing. Then the energy started to build up again and the communication continued but the voice sounded different.

‘…two minds, two minds work as one, the bridge of connection can be felt for we put into place a strand of connection that will enable a direct connection with the voice, the vibration which we compose. There is available energies which we can tap into and bring ourselves forward but we have to assimilate a time…’

Communication became incoherent…

‘We all compose ourselves, our thoughts… see how the… all discovery takes place when the mind is relaxed and the pathway is illuminated…’

The voice changed again. Itwas excited and incoherent at first…

Liz… ‘Hello welcome… hello’

‘The correct words all piece together and they will assimilate the voice of the favoured few, they all voice themselves forward. Do not seek where they come, we all have our own memories and we all wish to enjoy re-living the memories that we once had in a physical way. It is for us a privilege to once again stimulate the physical energies of your room and bring to you a new story, a new presentation of our experiences and memories that we once had, that gave us the understanding that we now have’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘There is much that we can tell you, there is much that we can say, we have been allowed, we have been given the opportunity to spread our wings in a vibration that is only available to the few. The few who find themselves given that opportunity, that golden opportunity for it is a precious opportunity to be walking in a world such as yours’

Liz… ‘You said the favoured few’

‘Those who were singled out at the time of creation, those who asked to be given the chance to experience life in a physical form. A life to be enjoyed, a life to be cherished, a life to be remembered. For you too will remember, you will be able to look back on your life, see the mistakes, see the achievements, see  the effects that your life had on your fellow men in this wonderful world. I too have a memory, a memory which is ignited as I walk, as I bring myself into your world once again. I am reminded of the sensations, the physical sensations. I am reminded of the people who I met, people long forgotten yet their impact is still felt’

Liz… ‘Are there particular people you’re referring to?’

‘The people who made up my life, that small portion of the physical world that I made an impression, my friends and family all helped to make up a memory’

Liz… ‘So in your experience as you’re talking it seems you are feeling that this life, the opportunity to live in this particular physical framework is a rare and wonderful opportunity for the favoured few, an opportunity to be grasped and enjoyed. I feel from what you’re saying that’s your perspective now’

‘Only once I had left your world did I realize the true meaning, the true beauty, the true benefit to all, the opportunity to impact your world is indeed a privilege’

Liz… ‘There are some people who feel that the favoured few, us, have actually gone astray, that we’ve confused and messed up our opportunity and we need to go back to the drawing board, we took a wrong turn, that’s the feeling of some people’

‘That is an interesting observation, the way I see it is that there have always been mistakes and wrong turns made, what is perceived as mistakes and wrong turns all the time you are plugged into your physical world and the physical world is the prime focus of your awareness. I have since learnt that these mistakes and wrong turns have helped shape your world into an even more beneficial tool for the advancement of the human race which in turn helps raise the quality of the overall consciousness. As you now feel yourself in your one part of this physical world you will see, you will interpret what you feel, what you see, what you hear. You do not yet have the benefit of a wider understanding yet you can rejoice in that you know that there is a wider understanding for when I walked your Earth I did not understand, I thought that the physical world was all that I was going to experience yet I was still content, content to go about my life. I had no reason to stretch my imagination, to widen my awareness for I was merely experiencing, enjoying each day, each moment for what it was, for what it appeared to be to me. When that time came for the physical light to go out I expected it to be darkness, I was not prepared for what followed. For a time I was restless, I could still see the physical world, I did not understand that it was my memories I was perceiving. I was perceiving past memories with a new interpretation which presented for me pictures, pictures that confused me. Part of me wanted to move on yet another part of me, fuelled by beliefs was telling me life had ended, life would go on no more. I was given a wonderful opportunity for it was a situation similar to what you sit in now where I found myself opening my eyes. I was brought to what you call a rescue circle. A circle of loving people who gathered on a weekly basis for the one reason, to bring into their circle those who were confused, those who had lost their way. I was able to speak to them in the same way as I am speaking now. I asked them questions; they explained to me how beyond the physical world there was limitless opportunities to be found. When the conversation had finished they brought to me my mother who I knew had passed. I did not see her as I knew her but I felt her, I felt her as I knew, as I recognised for my physical senses were dropping away. I was moving into a new vibration, a vibration beyond the physical and I recognised my mother as a part of this vibration and I was drawn into it. My awareness was awakened and I was able to understand that greater reality which I am now a part of. The memories of a physical world slowly left me as I began to function in a new reality and now I have been given the opportunity to join this wonderful circle to connect with you’

Liz… ‘You are very welcome. Can you tell us anything about how long ago since you died and where you were based and your name, your family. Can you give us any information of that nature? Can you remember those details?’

‘When I was given the opportunity to join this circle I was able to look through the various lives that I had taken upon your physical world. I saw them all as a book, as pages of a book. Each page presented itself to me. I need to choose one page from this book. As I look into this book I can see it settle on one page. I see a picture like a triangle; my awareness is centred at the top of the triangle, at the point. As I move down the triangle my awareness widens for I follow the shape down. There are no words forthcoming, yet I am feeling, a feeling that is developing into a picture, a picture of a large boat, a large wooden boat with several masts. I can feel the effects of a storm, I can feel the movement of the sea, I can see the panic in the faces of those who journey on this ship, this large wooden boat. I sense much hunger and a sense of being lost, lost at sea. Now I see wreckage, pieces of timber strewn across a calm sea, all is quiet, all is still. I recognise this as my last sight, the last picture of my physical existence. I cannot see, I cannot bring to my memory a name or a place or a time… Suggestions I can hear, I can hear words being offered’

Liz… ‘Yes, what are they?’

‘Words of encouragement to look beyond this picture, to turn back the clock. Sentences come, step out of your life force, step out of your… the connection is weakening, we, yes I see there are those who are suggesting that the time has come for us to draw back, yes, good time, I have been told I can return. This has been a marvellous experience for me, yet I appreciate that I am but one part of a larger team, a larger circle’

Liz… ‘Well we look forward to finding out more about you hopefully meeting you again and knowing you and hopefully locating more of your memory’

‘Thank you, thank you for welcoming me into your circle’

Liz… ‘Thank you for being here and for sharing’

‘There will be many more opportunities in the coming weeks’

Liz… ‘We look forward to learning more, thank you for your visit’

The voice changed again…

‘My dear friend we have indeed reached the end of our session this evening. We have experimented with bringing through to you one of the many aspects of the vibration that draws forward into your room each week. We hope it hasn’t caused any confusion for the vibrations were altered in able to bring this singular personality through to you’

Liz… ‘That was very interesting thank you’

‘It has been very interesting to all of us for we are still working on a time when we will indeed be able to present ourselves to you as singular personalities, singular personalities able to be recognised as physical beings yet with the advantage of a wider understanding’

Liz… ‘Thank you yes you did say originally when we first started meeting that you hoped to be able to present yourself individually in a way that was recognisable to us and identifiable but we’ve come to understand that you all exist now in a much more unified group consciousness’  

‘Indeed yet we can and we do look into the book that represents our lives in a physical world… in many physical worlds’

Liz… ‘Yes it will be very interesting for us to be able to follow through the possible pages of the book of an individual, a composite individual’

‘When the time is right and the development has been made there will be endless possibilities in how we present ourselves but for now we give to you that piece of our love that you can take into your world, share with those who you meet. May God bless and keep you all until we meet again, thank you, thank you for your energies and your love, goodnight to you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all’

Liz put the music back on.

I felt back with it after a couple of minutes.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…