May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

131st Sitting 05/02/2015

The room was set-up as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm then turned out the red light and started the music.

I dropped off and remained unaware for about 40 minutes.

At around the same time that I woke up Liz reported hearing somebody say… ‘Turn off the music’

She turned it off for about five minutes during which time she heard three feint squeaks in the room.
Nothing came out on the recorder which is situated in the cabinet and I don’t recall hearing anything myself.
Liz then put the music back on.

After another 30 minutes a sound came out on the recording.
Neither of us heard it at the time. It sounds like something brushing across the recorder at 12 seconds...

Then after about five minutes I started to become controlled and Liz turned off the music when she heard the lip-smacking noises.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, welcome’

‘Good evening, good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

The communication took a while to settle in.

‘…All help, all help yes, all help the words to form, very gradual forming of words, one by one they come, they come into the atmosphere and are met with sound, sound and voice between them becomes an audible conversation, a transcribing, a transmitting of ideas and thoughts into the mix until a recognisable formation of words can clothe the information that is at the core of the communication. Well, well slowly we settle in, we become a bigger part of the process’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome’

‘Lay all thoughts aside and reach for that what is standing at the entrance of a wonderful creation for all is recognised when the time has come, when the time is reached and the gathering of all knowledge is placed into the acceptance of the mind, yes, take one step forward and the realisation of what has been hidden becomes a part of your mind, of your experience, we all join and experience for we are all motivated by the same interest, this interest which keeps us wanting to get that further step forward. We all want to know what it is that lies just out of reach, it is an intriguing picture that we can draw for until that step has been taken we can only imagine what lies ahead, we can only picture what lies ahead. When we finally take that step we are rewarded with the true picture and we can compare that true picture with what we have drawn, what we have imagined, then we will know, we will know what the truth is and we will ponder on that truth until we realise that another step is waiting, that another truth is just out of our reach once again’

Liz… ‘It sounds like a long journey’

‘There are many steps; there are many truths to be discovered but the pleasure, but the meaning, the meaning of our journey is in the imagining, is in the drawing of the picture that we imagine to be there, the effort that we put into this and what we learn from this is what truly matters in our continued growth for once we know what lies ahead then we have lost the ability to imagine, to draw our picture, to work out for ourselves what truly lies just out of reach and then the realisation that there is always one step ahead, there is always something out of all of our reach for all who have life and who wish, who strive to move forward, we are all facing a step ahead, a truth ahead and we are all using our abilities to understand without knowing exactly what lies ahead’

Liz… ‘Yes the effort involved almost like giving it another dimension, more depth, more colour’

‘It is the effort that achieves growth not the knowing, not necessarily the knowing. Many tasks are never achieved but there are benefits gained from the working at that goal, those tasks which seem within reach once again as you work, as you apply your effort’

Liz… ‘Yes this is difficult to conceive of how this brings things into greater realization; the realization makes it even more real, more vivid. It’s almost, from what you say, it’s almost as if creation is being re-created’

‘There is no end to creation. Creation is always on-going. There is an onwards spark that forces forward for all, for all are creating, all life is creating. By moving to the next step you cannot help but create. The imagination is the first step but imagination is creation, you are creating thought in your mind and that thought is a living thing and that thought will go on to create more always moving forward, always creating…’

Liz… ‘It’s almost like you have a potential reality, a potential that you have to grow into using your imagination until it births. It’s almost like you give birth to reality and it starts with the imagining and then it’s brought into being’

‘Exactly yes, this is seen in many things, yes in all life this can be seen, the pattern of creation, the birth of new life’

Liz… ‘Yes it’s almost like an intellectual agony. Yes there was a book written and I don’t know if it was to do with Michelangelo a great artist, The Agony and Ecstasy which is to do with the work of genius. Childbirth is an agony but an ecstasy also’

‘Many minds have thoughts about this and many minds have put down on paper their own perception of this and they have seen this at work in all things. It is a natural process. This is why when you sit for the development of your psychic and mediumistic abilities it is not wise to try too hard for it is all a natural process, it is all available for all. You have to learn to let it go. Do not think of it as a difficult task to achieve for it is simple, simplicity is the key as we have told you in the past. There is nothing more simple than the connection of mind to mind to mind. All minds are already connected, intertwined and you will, you can so easily slip into contact, just allow yourself to flow with the minds of others, flow with the thoughts of others, flow with the understandings of all who share your interest, share your passion for further understanding and you will find you will fit into the stream of understandings that always come to you and you will recognise them for what they are’

Liz… ‘If it is so easy why is it so few people achieve pure mediumistic ability?’

‘Very, very few people are inspired with the interest to go out and develop themselves in this way but at the same time they are still connected, they are still using what you call mediumship throughout their physical life without really knowing what is happening, it is just a part of their life’

Liz… ‘Yes they don’t recognise it’

‘They do not understand when a thought comes to their mind that it is not just them’

Liz… ‘Yes generated by themselves’

‘Yes but if they do not have the interest then why should they look into this. Their interests are elsewhere. There are many, there is much in your world to interest everybody who walks upon it. There is enough to give everybody a different interest, a different motivating interest so imagine if everybody was interested in developing mediumistic abilities, your world would not work in the same way, as a school, as a school for learning, learning and mingling with each other, developing other skills until that point is reached after many lifetimes that the deeper questions are sort to be answered in whatever way suits the characteristics of the individual. So do not worry that mediumship is not freely available, for it is but until that spark of interest has been sufficiently ignited to want to tread that pathway then that ability will lay dormant but still a part of the minds of all’

Liz… ‘Why is it that for some people it happens very quickly, that they develop and become a very pure channel but for others it takes a long time?’

‘Everybody is of a different makeup; everybody faces challenges in a different way. Some will go at it with all their energies and possibly miss the point, the whole point that they are trying to achieve. Some will take a more casual step into the mediumship that they are now interested in, they will not put all of their effort at once into this, they will slowly build up a picture for themselves in a calm way, so yes there are so many different minds that will work on this and so many different ways of achieving this. Sometimes a person will have built up an ability from previous visits to your Earth plane, yes a combined… they will put together all that has been achieved in previous lives and using all they will have a strong ability and an inner knowing as to how to reconnect to their greater self. This is another reason why, but do not dwell on this for you will feel this will not help you, you have already achieved a link, an evidential link with a friend, with someone whom you did not know at the time had passed from your Earth yet you still got that link. (Mercury Experiment last Tuesday) You allowed yourself to relax and become respondent to the effects of another mind, effecting your mind and giving out speech in a controlled environment. This is your achievement for yourself and you will build on this knowing you have achieved a clear uncluttered link. You have been able to remove the clutter of your mind and allow in what you seek to receive and give out’

Liz… ‘Is the environment very important for this, having established a dedicated place here, is that a great help in achieving this end?’

‘The environment will help those who wish to draw close. You yourself do not need the environment to practise and to develop. This environment that has been built up by yourselves is what we use, is our doorway into your thoughts but you alone can sit and will receive for you will be drawing yourself closer to us whereas in this environment we are stepping down to you… is this understandable?’  

Liz… ‘This is understandable, yes, thank you an important point’

‘That is why sometimes in these conditions you will feel, you will almost sense a bombardment of people for they are all using this environment. They are coming close, closer than they would when you sit alone but they are always there, they are always aware of what you are achieving, what you are striving to achieve and they will help in any way they can’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know, yes thank you’

‘Thank you, now we finally have used up all of our energies, that environment is beginning to become misty, it is fading away but we are able to give you the piece of our love that we always give to you at the end of our session to take out into your world, spread it around to all that you meet. (The voice was changing) We wish you to be blessed by the love of your God, the love of that loving God that seeps within your very being in each breath you take for all are a part of this one true loving God that creates all, that allows each segment to further create and further spread love to all that surround’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

(The voice was fading out now)

‘We say goodnight, thank you, please replay your music we will withdraw thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, goodnight and God bless you all, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on and I was back with it in about two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…