May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

109th Sitting 11/08/2014

We set the room up as usual and went back to stopping the music as each communication came through putting the timing of the session in the hands of the spirit team.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Five minutes later Liz reported lights in the room, looking like a Ferris wheel.

I was feeling sensations around my right ear again and saw flashes and pin-pricks from that area.
I didn’t experience the sound I had last week but later in the sitting I had a few pops in my ear like you get on an airplane.

Liz had the sense of a green/blue light in the room.

Ten minutes after the start a few noises began from the cabinet. Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication.

Liz… ‘Hello, hello, welcome…’

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

There followed a period of random words and incoherent communication.

Liz… ‘That voice is sounding very resonant’

Eventually the communication became a bit more understandable…

‘Each time, each time… Work… Go through… Joe, Joe, Joe… Eadie, Eadie, Eadie… Yes, yes, yes… Paul, Paul, Paul… Go now, we all go, we all come through and we share the voice, yes, now can we separate, it all creates a… hold it all together…’

There were more random words and at one point it sounds like my surname ‘Pettitt’ is said.

‘…we work, we work, we’ll work more on this, would you please put your music on again thank you and we will come back, thank you, thank you for your patience’

Liz put the music back on.

About 20 minutes later Liz reported touches in her hair and had a strange sensation as if her face was melting.

Then two minutes later Liz turned off the music as a communication was starting to come through.
Interestingly there had been no noises from me to suggest a communication but afterwards Liz said she had sensed a communication was starting so turned off the music.

Liz… ‘Hello friend, hello…’

‘Adjust, adjust, adjust…’

Liz… ‘You’re adjusting?’

‘Circle, circle, circle… Love alone, love alone, love alone can recreate the circle, the circle, the circle of light is a circle of love, love and light forever, forever in touch throughout all dimensions. We feel the love when you sit in this way and we, like the bee to the flower, are attracted to your love, for we can feel and understand the language of love, for it is, it is the way to reach out. The love that you give us is a way in, it gives us a way in to you, we can connect to your minds by the recognition that we find in the love that you spread out to us’

Liz… ‘That’s good, that’s wonderful, it’s like a magnet’

‘A magnet yes, attraction, an attraction, a pulling, a irresistible urge to investigate that when we feel, we feel we have a connection, a shared interest and it is all directed by love and the more we can sense this love coming from you all here…’

Liz… ‘You know that you’re truly welcome’

‘We know, we can feel the familiar, the familiar vibrations and we can connect to those thoughts that you send to us. The inspiration that you get, that we can… we also get inspiration from your thoughts, it is a two way, a two way connection. Do not think of us as a highly evolved entity for we are just like you, we have the same feelings, the same interest, the same longing for that knowledge to gather and grow and become a greater part of all that is. We can gather to ourselves information that helps us on our own path. Like you we are walking a journey and we are observing, we are feeling our way through what for us is a mysterious, a mysterious pattern emerging as we walk. As we walk we look out, we observe the passing of experience upon experience and we increase our memory piece by piece as we observe, as we listen, as we pick up on all those around us, all those who join us on our journey, walk by our side for we are a chain, a long chain of pieces, of conscious thought, chunks of conscious thought connected by a shared interest, a shared loving appreciation of what we walk towards. We have seen part of what we are looking for and our combined interest gives us that urge, that wanting to gather more to create a glowing picture of… a glowing picture of combined experiences which we wish to share, for only by sharing experience will we gather more on this path to join us. We see your interest beaming out in the love that you share with us and we connect, and we all form a chain of thought, a chain of chunks of communicating thought, of consciousness and further consciousness. A wave of conscious vibrations that come together and form this wonderful light, this love of light, this circle of light. For a circle can create a ripple and a ripple will reach out until it touches the thing that it most requires to rebound and gather and further, further tread that path’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, that’s good to have the confirmation that sharing our conscious experience, our own conscious experience of that which we love, and love seems to be essential. Essential to joining with spirit and to joining with each other, the sharing of conscious experience, conscious experience of love…’

‘Yes, keep doing as you do and the ripples will grow and spread out to all. You will find, you will find you will attract those who share your interest, your passion, but keep your love abounding, keep your love, do all with love and you will grow, you will increase the quality of your consciousness, your spiritual growth, all these words mean one thing… love is the answer and that is all. There is nothing more important than love and the ability to observe love at work in all you perceive. There is love in everything for it was created with love and the love was put in place. Only time has allowed that what is negative to creep into your physical world’

Liz… ‘Yes, and why time?’

‘Time has… time is a necessary ingredient in your physical world, your physical universe, it is, it gives each individual the opportunity to express themselves with love or with negativity. These are the choices they have at the passage of time. The passage of time accumulates; the passage of time gives you all ability to think things through, to weigh up situations based on your state of mind at that time, so based on your state of mind you will, you will chose, you will make decisions. Only when you return to true unconditional love will you be able to perceive what is truly, what was truly created for you to experience. The negativities that are, that are used in choices are what taints the apparent perception that you all see, that you all feel. Once those, once that what taints your perception has been lifted by eliminating negativity in the physical universe then the true picture will emerge, but only each person is able to do this for themselves. They will observe others but they will not be directed by others. They all have their own thoughts…’

Liz… ‘Everyone has to find their own pathway, accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative’

‘Only by experiencing the results of their actions, their words, and thoughts will they learn. It can take many lifetimes to learn for not only do they learn they need to recognise. They need to recognise that they... they need to recognise what they are doing but experience will tell them, they all have memory and they all use memory and eventually they will not continue to re-enact previous negative choices’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

‘Thank you, time now for more music, thank you for listening’

Liz… ‘Thank you for your words’

Liz went to put the music back on but accidently hit the wrong button and it wouldn’t play. When she eventually got it playing it kept repeating Queen’s ‘Crazy little thing called love’
After it played a third time she managed to get the machine to move on to the next track.    

I sensed Freddie about during this time. He was laughing and I thought he might want to communicate through me but instead I found myself talking to him telepathically. I can’t remember all that was said but I recall asking if it really is him in the room and he answered it was his earthly personality in the room and it was up to me to decide exactly what that meant. 

Liz reported a strong sense of a presence to her left. It felt like a dark wave of energy.

Some lip-smacking sounds started from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off again and welcomed the communication…

‘Dear, dear… Well, well, well… Once again we have reached end of our session tonight…’

Liz… ‘Have we?’

‘We have come to the point where the energies are drawing to a close, for we have been using much energy once again on the production of a voice box’

Liz… ‘Oh, good’

‘So much energy has been used for this, so now we will draw back. We have all enjoyed our time with you. One of our team has particularly enjoyed and laughed at the music, as you say it was on a loop, a loop of that music which he has been a part of in your time on your earthly vibration’

Liz… ‘A, ha!’

‘He is always a part of our extended team that work with you. His personality is amongst us and that personality still retains the humour that it has when it is on, in your earthly vibration. We will allow his personality to express itself once again and explain this to you at another time’

Liz… ‘Good, look forward to that’

‘He has been very much amongst you this evening… But now we will draw tonight’s session to a close. We leave with you that piece of our love which you will take out into your world and spread amongst your friends, your friends and acquaintances that you meet. They will benefit from the power that that love will give them, the inspiration that that love will give them. So allow our love to reach all who you meet… Yes, now we will draw back, play your music, play your music until you are aware that your medium is with you again, thank you and goodnight…’

Liz… ‘Okay, thank you friend, thank you for all your wonderful communication and our love and blessing with you, goodnight’

Liz put the music back on.

This week the session had lasted 1 hour 45 minutes.

I came back after about three minutes.
Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Afterwards Liz told me that the second communication had tied up with some things she had been thinking about during the day and had helped her understanding. This has happened before and is good evidence to us that our invisible friends are with us at all times.

Then the following day Liz was listening to a radio programme and the subject came up about music loops and the word 'loop' kept getting repeated as if to make a point...