May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

88th Sitting 17/03/2014

We sat and set up the room as usual.
Liz was feeling a bit under the weather with a tickly cough but felt well enough to sit.

At 8.30pm Liz opened in prayer, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Eight minutes later Liz reported dim lights flitting past her.

After another ten minutes she felt a tickle on her ear and at the same time a few noises started from the cabinet.
They got louder and Liz paused the music.

Liz… ‘Hello, welcome…’

The communicator was tuning in.

‘Hello, hello, hello… Good, good, good evening, it all coming together once again…’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘…good, good energy, free, freer vibration, freer vibration… Hello, hello, hello… Good evening… Work, work in our way’

Liz… ‘Are you working the same way as last time?’

‘It is another, another step, so we all come…to world, to you…’

Liz… ‘You are tuning into our world?’

It all…’

It sounds like a different communicator takes over, louder and stronger.

‘Aye, aye, ear, ear, hello…’

Liz… ‘Hello, is that someone else coming through?’

‘All, all, tune… Hello, hello… Ah… Hold it, hold it in place, in the place, we can go… Each step is our, is our accomplishment, is an accomplishment, is an accomplishment for us, each step of the way, each step forward, each step closer, each step in our work we will be able to come so close, so near, so all… Hello, hello, hello, oh… Each step of the way, each step of the way…’

Liz… ‘You’re establishing the link more firmly’

‘Towards our goal… The vehicle of communication, a vehicle of communication has been found and we will make good use of the vehicle, we will fine tune each component of the vehicle so that clear, pure voice will emerge. It will build as we come closer; we will be able to penetrate your atmosphere in a more stable, a more refined way. We will be able to get our messages across in a more, a more balanced way. We are developing, we are progressing…’

Liz… ‘Yes, you’re coming through beautifully clearly now’

‘We are establishing a clear link, a clear pathway through to your side’

Liz… ‘That’s very good news’

‘We appreciate the opportunity to use it in this way. We use the vehicle and direct our energy to this one goal, this one goal of expression, expressing ourselves in a clear, understandable way’

Liz… ‘Good, because I’m sure you’ve got a lot to communicate to us’

‘There is, there is much to say but first we wish to get a clear path through. We do not wish to mix our words; we wish our words that we transmit to be received in a clear understandable way. We do not want to lose the meaning, the meaning that we put on our transmission. We want it to come in the way it is transmitted’

Liz… ‘Yes, without being influenced by our preconceptions’

‘There are many, many obstacles that can cloud our message. There are many thoughts that can interfere with our message but all will become clear. We have seen, we have been able to bring already, we have already been able to bring through parts of ourselves. We know we have the correct, the correct direction, we just need to clear the way’

Liz… ‘Is there anything that we can do to help?’

‘You are already doing all that is necessary. You have the passion, you have the interest, you are already looking into possibilities, you are looking for answers, you are raising your own vibration. This all helps, it all helps to clear the way, to give us a light that we can focus on. We can see your light ahead and we can direct ourselves towards that light, that light of interest, that light of passion, that light which will illuminate our way through’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you for that’

‘Yes, keep looking, keep looking into other possibilities, other areas of interest within this communication process, look through, look at the books, the books that will become available to you. You will find yourself directed towards the correct, the correct writings from the past. Those which have laid on shelves, in books that are to be rediscovered once again, these will help, these will show that you are on the correct path already but it is a… so much effort is required but if it is done with love and passion you will not find it a task, not a chore but a, a…’

Liz… ‘…wonderful opportunity’

‘Yes, you will see the opportunity and you will with the love in your heart reach out, grasp that opportunity which is so close and it will build each time you will see these small synchronicities which align your thinking together. Build on that, build on that alignment; the things that you find match the pattern of your thoughts. They will so easily fall into place, complete another part of the jigsaw puzzle and it will create for you the picture that you have been looking for’

Liz… ‘Thank you for that, that’s helpful’

‘All is in hand, all is within reach, all is already at your fingertips just waiting for the alignment to fall into place. Its exciting times for you, for all in this circle, we are a part of your circle, we too see the exciting times ahead, we look forward, we with joy contribute to the progress of the circle and we see, and we see how it grows’

Liz put the music back on.

Around about this time I felt my head being moved from side to side in a kind of sideways figure of eight way.

All was quiet from the cabinet for about 20 minutes and Liz reported no phenomena.

Then Liz heard… ‘Turn the music off…’ so she paused the music.
She thought it came from me but I was silent at the time.
She later told me she’d heard it very clearly in a firm, loud voice.

Liz… ‘Hello? Is that somebody there? Did somebody ask me to turn the music off?’

My breathing was being controlled and a communicator was starting to come through. I’d felt Freddie about and think he was contributing to some of the following communications…

‘Dear, dear, dear friend, dear friend. Yes you are correct, you are correct we did say turn the music off. We can reach you in our own way, not verbal, not verbalized, a sound, a message from the atmosphere can get through, can get through to you’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting because I thought I heard a voice’

‘It was not a voice in the usual sense but it was a message, it was recognised, it was recognised from us to you. We achieved, we achieved a communication in a different way’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘Yes, you will, you will find that you can tune into us in this way. In this way we can transmit to you. In this way we can give instruction, we can transmit instruction to you in this way but we are pleased, we are pleased that we have got through’

Liz… ‘Yes, it’s like clairaudience’

‘Yes, yes you put a name to it, clairaudience, clear hearing, whatever, these are words that you can use but the message has come across, so, keep your radio tuned into our thoughts for we now will bombard you with words, with messages. Some will be picked up by your antenna, some will miss but each time you receive a word in this way verbalize it into the room so we know that we have succeeded in transmitting our radio signal to you. This is a benefit to the circle, to the group. We will combine the way in which we communicate; we will use whatever method we find works for you and works for us’

Liz… ‘That’s good’

‘Just relax, relax, allow your mind to open, allow your energy to expand and we will continue to transmit. If you find, if you receive words then allow us to know, yes… Hold the door, hold the door ajar; allow us to enter in our way. So now play your tunes and we will continue thank you, thank you…’

Liz put the music back on.

20 minutes later another communicator came through and Liz paused the music again…

‘Wonderful words that you have in the tunes that you play. We listen to the words, you have wonderful selection, wonderful words, wonderful meanings which we can relate to. There is a feeling in the words of your songs that we do acclimatize to; we can connect to the meaning of your songs’

Liz… ‘That’s interesting’

‘They were inspired when they were chosen some time ago, some time ago they were chosen, the tunes, the setting for a gathering such as this and they work. Each works in its own way bringing an upliftment to the evening, to the sitting, yes, and we enjoy, we enjoy’

Liz… ‘That’s good you can tune into the tunes and the words… Can you tune into our thoughts as well?’

‘We see your thoughts; we see your thoughts as colour. We can perceive the motivating force behind each thought as a colour, as a colour which illuminates the darkness of your room. Each thought is preceded by a directing energy which we perceive as colour, a colour so bright, so radiant that it illuminates all the darkness. It builds a picture which we can see, which we can look into and see a thought that it has produced. A colour is a wonderful part of your physical universe. It is not just a physical thing, it is something which can be felt as well as seen. If you were to ask a scientist to describe colour it would be a different description to the description you would get from a poet who also could describe the colour. Each way of, each description would be correct. Each person’s perception would be correct but we all perceive in our own way. There is no correct, there is no right or wrong way to perceive. Perception is a personal, a personal experience which is, which helps, which builds consciousness. It builds with experience upon experience, builds a network of consciousness within each individual then it can be shared as you all communicate together, as you all mingle together, you explore each other’s experience, their way of explaining their experience is perceived once again by each individual as they hear, as they compare, as they compare their own memories, their own experiences with that which is portrayed from others. A constant building of a network of interwoven threads throughout your physical world is forever building, forever intertwining with each other. That is consciousness. That is experience. That is thought. That is all life intermingling together as one, as one unit of consciousness which will rise up, which will blend with the next level of consciousness which lies within its reach, within its sight, within its touch... So, so, so let us now, let us now, we have reached a point, a point, the end point of our sitting once again. We have enjoyed sitting in this way once again. We have explored, we have experienced and we have enjoyed our time with you but as always the time has to reach an end for this week and we have to leave. We leave you with a piece of our love. We leave you with your memory of this experience and we allow that memory to build and to enrich your life as you go and mingle with your friends spreading our love, spreading you experience, spreading your knowledge to the next person. They will see your light, they will ask you questions. It will encourage them to look into their own experiences, their own perceptions… So we now leave and we say goodbye and we look forward to the next time that we meet in this way and the time in-between when we will continue to build our relationships… thank you…’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for your words and your communications’

‘…and we would like you to play one tune, one tune, we will listen to the words and we will enjoy and we will withdraw as the tune plays, so thank you once again’

Liz… ‘Thank you for being with us and our love and blessings with you’

Liz played one more tune.
I was back and feeling fine when it ended.
Liz was cold in the room but I felt quite warm in the cabinet. I had got hot each time a communicator came through but I wasn’t shaking as much as last week.

The sitting had lasted 1 hour, 45 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.