May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

86th Sitting 03/03/2014

As requested last week Liz was now to pause the music instead of just turning it down each time a communicator came through. This means the spirit team are now in charge of how long our session lasts and can extend the length of our sittings if they want to. Up till now we’ve sat for the length of the CD each week which was 75mins.

Other than that we sat with everything set up as normal.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz reported a sensation like having a sack put over her head.

Then a few slurping noises started from the cabinet followed by some voice sounds and Liz paused the music.
She encouraged the communication.

Liz… ‘Hello?’

‘Hello, hello, hello… Is it clear, is it clear?’

Liz… ‘It’s very clear, quickly it’s become clear’

‘Okay, hello, hello, good day, good day to you, it all is coming together, coming together, gel together, all gel together, capable, all capable of coming forward in this way… The voice is changing now…’

Liz… ‘Is that because there are different people?’

‘It is only me, only me. I try to get my voice’

Liz… ‘You’re trying to reproduce your own voice?’

‘Yes, exactly how it was, how it was’

Liz… ‘Can you hear yourself?’

‘We can hear the sounds utilizing the hearing of the link. We are tuned into the faculty of the medium and can use the physical body. We can hear, we can hear, we can…’

Liz… ‘You can get feedback through the medium’s own aural circuits?’

‘It all is a mixture, there are many different ways we can use, we have tried many times different ways of impressing our thoughts through and to produce words. We are still experimenting with different ways but we find each week we can, we can get nearer to a way for each of us to speak in this way’

Liz… ‘It’s as if you established the link very quickly this time’

‘Yes, we can come from different angle, we can draw closer or we can step away and transmit from afar, not in distance but vibration. So each week, each week we can come and explore the different channels of communication from our side’

Liz… ‘Have I spoken with you before?’

‘Many times, many times I come through in this way, I come through each week, each week I start the proceedings, I am the first to talk. I have a, I have a voice, I have the voice of the beginning of your session’

Liz… ‘And do you have a name?’

‘I can only say, at this time we are able, we have to have a strong hold on the mind to be able to bring forward this form of information, so, if the opportunity arises we will bring forth a name’

Liz… ‘Okay, sorry to be impatient’

‘It is good for you to ask, we will try to get a name and more information, we just need to settle down, settle the link, bring ourselves further through in this way’

Liz… ‘I’ll recognise you as the announcer’

‘Ah yes, the announcer, that is a good name for now, I like that name thank you. Yes I am the announcer; I introduce the evening’s proceedings, thank you’

Liz… ‘Welcome to you. Shall I switch the music on again?’

‘Yes, I think now you can switch your tunes on again, we will be back’

Liz put the music back on.

After about five minutes Liz reported seeing mottled shapes in the room like marble.
There were nodules in the middle of it like erased spaces as if someone had used a rubber and rubbed out bits of the dark.
Liz’s hair felt very prickly.
It looked like lots of little eyes were looking through the erased spaces as though torch lights were shining through, all lined up.

Liz then saw a column of light and she felt like there was a person in front of her.
She had a breeze from her right and a cool feeling in front of her.
Then she saw two columns of light and felt there were now two people in front of her.

Around about this time I was feeling a lot of stuff around my right ear and side of my face and I felt cool breezes around my lower legs.

Liz said it was looking lighter and she felt a cool breeze around her head.

There were some lip-smacking noises starting up in the cabinet so Liz paused the music again.

Liz said the room had suddenly got very dark.

Liz… ‘Welcome, welcome friend’

The communicator seemed quite excited at first and took a while to stabilize as Liz encouraged them through…

‘Hold the world, the whole world, the whole world in your hand, in your hand the whole world in your hands. In your hands you have the whole world, in your hands. Yes, well, well, we are, we all hold the world in our hands; we are all a part of the world, the world is a part of us. You are the world, we are the world, we are joined, we are joined, we hold hands together. We all are a part of this world in all of its vibrations as it reaches out into the atmosphere beyond your own atmosphere, we can interpenetrate each atmosphere. We can join with you in your world. You in your turn will come to our world. We will all be together, in this way we are now with you, with you in your atmosphere, your vibration’

Liz… ‘Have you come from a physical world or from the spirit world?’

‘It is a word, a word, a physical, physical is a word. We have our own interpretation of our world. It is to us the same as your world is to you but we do not, we do not interpret in the same way. We have our awareness where we are able to perceive our own world in our own way’

Liz… ‘Do you create your body in your world or do you have a fixed body?’

‘The atmosphere, the atmosphere of each vibration creates the body. The vibration of the atmosphere creates what we perceive. We have what you would understand as a body but it does not, it is not used in the same way. It is not used as a physical body, it is an energy, an energy body which we use when we need to be individual, when we need to bring ourselves into your atmosphere we use an energy body which we can cloth, we can cloth in the atmosphere that you reside. We can, we can attune to your vibration in our energy body which will attract physical matter, physical vibration which we use to communicate in sound, in vision, in feeling, in all the physical senses we can use’

Liz… ‘When you are in your own dimension, in your own vibrational state, are you part of a larger whole, do you not maintain an individual body, an individual sense of self?’

‘We are the total accumulation of our own experience… experiences which we keep for ourselves to remind, to bring us back into…’

Liz… ‘Into an individual state… entity?’

‘…into a recognizable, individual state for you. When we are, when we are in our own atmosphere the individuality is not necessary. We can merge with one another, we can share our experiences, we can join our experiences to the greater, to the greater entity, the greater consciousness. We can adjoin and we can add our experiences to help it grow. We are all contributing to the growth of the greater reality, the greater consciousness, whatever you can, whatever words you can use to describe’

Liz… ‘That is not a state that we normally are aware of in our earth plane at the moment’

‘Yes, yes but you are still a part of this. It is all a part of you… the worlds all are one energy, one’

Liz… ‘I guess people who have a more mystical, enlightened or spiritual experience can experience that state?’

‘It is not necessarily those but all on your side. They have moments where they will experience this connection that we all have. They will feel joy, they will use artistic talents, musical talents which will uplift to the vibrations which we, where we reside’

Liz… ‘So these are where we have shared experiences’

‘There is always this connection, always you are all connected to the greater reality. You just need to see beyond yourself. Take yourself away and you will become… this will become available to you’

Liz… ‘Yes, thank you for that’

Liz put the music back on.

Five minutes later more voice sounds came from the cabinet and Liz paused the music again.

‘Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful… Which one, which one, which one do I use? Lots of different aspects to choose, choose, choose… (Singing?) Tuning, tuning, choosing the correct aspect that will fit… (More singing?)’    

Liz… ‘Choosing the correct aspect?’

‘Yes, I come in different sizes, different colour, different texture, each one, each one a perfect aspect of myself. I have come, I have spoken many times, many times…’

Liz… ‘You’ve spoken many times here?’

‘Not here, not here…’

Liz… ‘In other circles?’

‘Other times, other circles, other circles…’

Liz… ‘You’re very welcome here’

‘I have been a part of the overall circle, the over all circle, the circle that commenced this circle, this circle…’

Liz… ‘The original Mercury Circle’

‘Well yes, you are learning fast, you are getting there, you are getting there. So yes, doo, doo, doo… joo, joo, joo… jar, jar, jar… la, la, la… le, le, le… radio, radio, radio, radio…’

Liz… ‘Radio… You’re singing ha, ha’

‘Up, up, up and away in a beautiful balloon, I can see from afar, I can drop in when I need to, when I find the correct fit, the correct fit’

Liz… ‘Welcome, you’re very welcome’

‘This circle, this circle which I am a part, I am a part and I will join in with the party, with the party that you all have with your team. It is a part of me, I have been speaking, I have been performing all my life. I can adjust; I can choose the correct part of me that will slot into place and be a part of your team’

Liz… ‘That would be very good’

‘I tune in, I tune in like a harp, like the harp, I can pluck each string and feel the vibration. One of those strings is the correct one for this link and I will, I will find, I will find it’

Liz… ‘Okay, you’re still trying’

‘It is, it is adjusting, it is getting there, getting finer, finer, so I will be able to grip the vibration, hold it tight, slowly, slowly, slowly come through’

Liz… ‘Right, Okay friend that’s good’

‘Yes, yes, yes, yes…’

Liz… ‘Is that someone else coming through now?’

‘No, no, no, nay, nay, little time, little time, slowly come through, slowly come through… Tune, tune’

Liz… ‘Shall I put more music on?’

‘Yes, yes, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

15 minutes later another communication came through so Liz paused the music again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend… welcome to you’

‘Please, please, so pleased, so pleased to have been able to come through… So good, thank you, thank you, thank you for sitting. Thank you for the work you do, thank you for, thank you for sitting in this way, in this way, in this way…’

Liz… ‘Have you been with us before friend?’

‘I wish to thank you for coming in this way to sit with the boy. We, yes I have been before, I have been’

Liz… ‘Yes, I think I recognise you’

‘I have been before… I called Joan, I called Joan, I called Joan and I thank you for continue the work, for continuing the work that I started, I started the work and I now continue from my place in the spirit, the wonderful…’

Liz… ‘Welcome Joan, it’s good to meet you’

‘…the wonderful world of spirit and I ask that you continue and keep looking for elephants, and look out for the lady in the blue dress and you will, you will be able to speak to the lady in the blue dress. I will come to you in your dreams and I will try to communicate, to get through some of the experiences which I know you wish to learn and I will work with you and I am always with this group’

Liz… ‘That’s good to know Joan’

‘I came with that singing, that singer, that singer just now. I was a part of the communication. It is difficult to explain but we are all joined at the moment, we are all joined’

Liz… ‘All joined, you and Freddie, ha, ha’

‘Yes, yes that’s the man. Don’t let him, don’t let him misbehave. I kept him in check when I worked in this way. He will take advantage if you let him break free, you let him spread his wings he will fly but you will soon learn. You will learn how to communicate and he will in turn learn his own way to come through this link, this link which we always, we always knew that it would continue in this way. I learnt myself when I passed, it was at first a confusion for me, I felt, I felt I hadn’t completed the work I had set out to do…’

Liz… ‘Yes, you died young’

‘…but I then realized that my work was to continue on this, in this circle, in this place, this place you have provided. It is a wonderful; a wonderful atmosphere that you have built in this place and it is perfect for continuation of the Mercury Circle’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful Joan’

‘I look forward to joining again and I will be able to bring more personality through. I now withdraw and I ask that you continue with your music in this way’

Liz… ‘Thank you for coming through, that’s very good to hear you, to meet you like this, wonderful’

Liz put the music back on.

15 Minutes later and Liz was pausing the music again as our final communicator of the evening came through…

‘Time, time once again, time for us to go, time, time… We happy with developments this week. Another step, another step on the way, another step forward. There are many steps on the journey, there is no end to the journey, there is no beginning to the journey, it is just a one continuous journey forward. Each week we will go one more step, we will, with you we all journey forward’

Liz… ‘Progressing together’

‘Each in our own way, also we as a team go forward together’

Liz… ‘That’s wonderful’

‘So, so yes we have been able to introduce some people, some, some…’

Liz… ‘Old friends’

‘…some old friends yes which they will be able to build their own character weekly as they come close. They have been waiting and we have allowed them to make themselves known, but they always have been a part of this group’

Liz… ‘Yes we’ve felt their presence’

‘Yes, they say they are pleased with the way that it is coming together. We now draw back, leave you with a piece of our love for you to take and share. Spread it with a smile to all you meet and we look forward to our next time with you. We feel we have been successful in the tunes, the way the tunes are paused we hope this will continue in this way it is a benefit to us and to you’

Liz… ‘Good, if that makes it easier for you that’s good’

‘It allows us to choose the time when we come through, when we have the correct connection. It is important that we can, we can join the connection, make the connection and use that connection to come forward at the correct time when everything is in place. So we say goodnight, blessings, thank you, we see you next time’

Liz… ‘Goodnight to you and thank you very much. Thank you for your presences and the communication. Our love and blessings with you’

Liz put the music back on.

‘If you play one tune, one tune and when this tune ends you can come back into your room. Okay one tune, thank you, this will allow us to withdraw and for you all to come back…’

Liz turned off the music when the tune ended.
I was back and feeling fine.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.    

The new method of pausing the music had worked well. The sitting lasted two hours this week, that’s 45 mins longer than usual!!!
When the last communicator came through, after the first few words were said it felt like the energy and the connection dropped for about five seconds and then came back and continued till the end.
I remember once sitting in a séance where a communicator wanted to answer a question at the end as the energies were fading and he was able to draw on energies stored in the room as a boost so that could have happened in this case.
Apart from that they seemed to have plenty of energy for the communicators for the two hours and even produced some phenomena in the room.
It was a pleasant surprise for both of us when Freddie and Joan came through. I thought they did very well with what was said although their voices are not yet as they should be. I look forward to them joining us again for more communications and for them to further develop their voices and personalities.