May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

61st Sitting 26/08/2013

We sat and had the room set up as usual but with the addition of the rose quartz crystal from our Thursday group which now sits next to the glass dome which is next to the cabinet. Liz was inspired in a dream that it will benefit both circles.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.30pm, turned on the music and put out the red light.
I had started to feel light headed about 10 minutes before we sat.

Liz saw a dim flash to her left and a slanting energy in the room.
Then she reported a blue sparkly light in the centre of the room.

Ten minutes after the start and there were noises in the cabinet, a deep voice…

‘All is well… it all go to plan… it all gel together… all people here… we work on the voice towards sound perfection… it all come together in love and harmony…’

The voice then changed…

‘We will break through when we have the energies which we can mix together. It will enable us to come through with more of our personalities. It will eventually bring us forward, each of us individually’

Liz… ‘Can we do anything to increase the energy?’

‘All you have to do is bring your love and harmony to the room. We will do the rest’

Liz… ‘All right, that’s good to know, thank you’

‘Just sit in harmony, with patience and dedication. This is the main ingredient to the cake that we mix’

Liz… ‘Good, ha, ha’

‘We will be able to work with these vibrations’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

I felt a strong pressure pushing down on my head for a while after the communicator had withdrawn.

Liz saw foggy lights moving in front of her, swimming around like wisps of cotton wool.
Then she saw a lot of red light in the room.
She was getting very hot.

Liz noticed a denser darkness to her right.
She felt an entity there.

Liz saw dim lights sweeping through the room.
She had a pressure and a buzzing feeling on the top of her head.
It made her feel a little spaced out.

More noises started from the cabinet…
At first it sounded like singing.

‘Help one another. Help the aged… a phrase you use on your side. Help the aged. Well, who are the aged, what constitutes age? Are we not aged? Have we not been alive for a long time? How do you know how long somebody has been alive? How do you know, where do you start? Where is the starting point? You have to give everything time; you have to compare time with everything. You call your people aged, living a long time. Is all life not continuous? Does it have a beginning or an ending or is it perpetual existence?’

Liz… ‘So are you saying the aged are also the aged that have passed into the spirit world?’

‘It is a good question. We try to explain. We try to give you an understanding of the way time moves forward for you on your side. It is a combination of events and experience built up in your memory. The more you remember the more you have the illusion of having lived a long time. You believe yourself to have become aged. We can see how it can cause a confusion in your time’

Liz… ‘So who are the aged that we should help?’

‘Yes that is the question… Who are the aged? Who are the infirm? The ones who need your help. Those who have not yet experienced all life. All life beyond your life. They have not been able to peer into a new existence beyond their everyday existence. You must help those who have not yet seen beyond their own reality’

Liz… ‘How do we help them if they don’t want to be helped?’

‘Then you cannot force your opinion or your knowledge on everybody but you can suggest. You can give them what you know. Allow them to take it as they will, once they have begun to think about what you can say to them. Then they will be left to their own devises and they will have had a snap shot of possibilities that they can, if they wish, investigate further. That is all they need, just a snap shot of your knowledge which will build if they will build upon it from their own curiosity. It will make them think but only when they feel the time is right for them to think. Do not worry for them if they have not absorbed what you tell them for it may not appear to you on the surface that they have absorbed what you have told them but inside it will ignite their spark’

Liz… ‘Okay, that’s good to know, thank you, yes’

The communicator withdrew and Liz turned up the music.

Liz felt cobwebs all over her head.

The penultimate tune came on and Liz reminded the team it was coming up to time to draw back.

A communicator came forward to close.

‘Thank you for your time once again. We leave you now. We leave you with piece of our love. Go out and give it to all those who need it now, thank you. We look forward to next time we meet’

The music ended and Liz checked I was back with it.
I felt fully back.

As we talked about the evening Liz saw a light go past her.
She put the red light on, did the closing prayer and closing down exercise.


During the week I received an email from someone who thinks the communicator who spoke about working with radio at our 58th sitting could be Nikola Tesla.

She wrote…

‘When I listened to the recording the accent struck me first. I wondered if it was maybe Russian, but there is no one who would have worked with radios. Tesla was a Serb and the accent would be very similar. He was very much a loner and a bit odd spending most of his time in his lab. He knew his stuff and only someone like him would have an interest to come through’

I haven’t heard of Nikola Tesla myself and have resisted looking him up and reading about him on the internet just in case it is him and he returns with some evidence of his identity…