May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

15th Sitting 03/09/2012

This week Liz was back from her holiday and Syann was with us again.

Syann sat to the right of the cabinet, Dan was opposite and Liz was to the left.
Liz opened at 8.30pm and as she said the prayer she was aware of a light between her and Dan. The red light was on at this point.
Dan turned off the red light and put the music on.

Syann drifted off immediately and remained ‘out of it’ for about 50 minutes!!!
Dan was drifting in and out of it throughout the evening.
Liz managed to stay awake throughout and it was a good job she has a loud singing voice as she was singing solo most of the time!!!

Liz could see ultra violet light around the base of the trumpet… she reported seeing this several times during the evening.
Seven minutes after opening a few voices started in the cabinet…

‘All of us here, all in room’

Liz… ‘We can feel you’

‘We have come close tonight. We are getting nearer to your vibration in your existence. It is easier each week for us to penetrate your atmosphere. All are near in room with you all. We mingle with you all and we are walking around room with all of you. Let us know if you can feel our presence.’

Liz saw a light which really got her attention as it was the size and the height of a head and was moving towards the cabinet then disappeared.
A few minutes later she saw another light moving up in front of the cabinet followed by sparkles and flashes all around the room.  

Liz had a strong feeling there was someone to her left and Dan also felt there was someone between Liz and him.
Dan saw a lot of light around the cabinet.

More voices started in the cabinet. At first they were random words but then settled down to some understandable speaking.

‘We need to stabilize all energy in room so we can use voice in more understandable way. We are working on stabilizing the energy. We have built up energy so it is strong but we do need a stabilization of energy so that it can be worked in this way. It will become stronger as we learn more from our side the mechanics of the way it is produced’

Liz… ‘Is there anything we can do to make it easier?’

‘You are doing what we wish so just keep doing what you do. Keep harmony with one another and blend your energies with one another so we can more easily bring ourselves into your energies. It is already working in this way so you have nothing to worry about just keep doing as you are and we will be able to work with what you produce from our side and use it efficiently to bring our own knowledge through to you in this way…’

Liz… ‘Wonderful thank you’

Something was tickling Liz’s face and hair.

Dan had now gone completely out of it and was making a few grunts, groans and sighs.
Syann came back but was still drifting in the energy which had now become very strong.
Dan came back.

There were more voice noises from the cabinet.
Syann was very cold.
A mixture of voices were coming through including an interesting and funny new communicator.

‘… ‘ello, ‘ello… oi, what are we doing in ‘ere? …I know what you’re doing, you’re talking to dead people aren’t you… I’ve come to ‘ave a look. I’ve not been in one of these things for a long time. I used to come along to these things when I was on your side. I used to talk to the dead as well. We were all thought of as completely mad… We continued because we knew the truth. We knew where we were going so when we went we were not surprised…’

(later when we were talking about this communicator, Syann got an image of the picture on the Mercury Circle home page of a séance in Worthing… maybe he was one of the sitters there? Let’s hope he returns with more info...)

Other communicators tried to get through. It seemed like they were queuing up for a go!!!
Syann thought it was looking different. More uniformly blobby and less sparkly. Liz agreed and Dan said the luminosity on the trumpet had disappeared.
Another communicator…

‘Hello, hello’

Liz… ‘Who’s that trying to get through?’

‘I don’t know, we are all together. We all come through together so we do not have a name to give ourselves. We have been given the opportunity to visit momentarily so we can enjoy the wonderful atmosphere that you have created. It is a privilege for us to be able to come back to your atmosphere especially when it has been tended so lovingly by all of you. Do not feel surprised if you have been taken over this evening by some of us. We do like coming close to each of you. Sometimes we come a bit too close and it will draw you away from the focus of the evening but this is okay because it can add to the energies that we are looking for so it is all part of the mix. You are all involved in this. It is not a one man show it is a joint effort, a circle of friends, a circle of light that shines out to us and we have been able to come into your circle and come close to each and every one of you…’

Syann said it had become darker in the room.
Both Liz and Syann felt the room was slanting and changing direction.
Syann thought someone had walked between her and Dan and was now behind them.

Liz felt she was being pushed through a cloud, then had the impression she was in rock strata.
Syann was getting similar impressions then felt herself swaying and lost in a sea of energy!!!

Syann became aware of sparkly lights around her hands, then a few minutes later she went off again and this time she was controlled as Little One popped in to say hello…

By the time the last tune ended I was fully back and feeling fine.

Syann and Dan were still a bit woozy but felt better after Liz had done the closing prayer.

The energies had felt very powerful for all of us.
Syann said it had been a smoother energy but also thick and strong.

The energy in the cabinet had been very strong and I had felt myself being shaken quite violently at times. I had remained more or less aware throughout the evening. 

During most of the sitting Liz had experienced the sensation of having the top half of her body lifted up while still remaining on her seat as if she had been stretched upwards. When she said that both Dan and Syann said they had felt the same thing during the evening.

It had been a strange but interesting sitting, giving us all plenty to talk about as we headed upstairs for tea and cake…