May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

291st Sitting 08/10/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep for about 50 minutes then started to be controlled.

Just before the communication began Liz got very cold.

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome friend'

‘Once again we come into your room and begin to bring you words that will help you with your understanding and hopefully ignite within you something that will help you to grow, help you to reach out, to expand, to live a fuller life. A life filled with heightened experience for all the time that you are a part of this world you are also connected to all things, all possibilities. There is a sense within yourself that picks up this larger reality, this continuation from your physical life and as you live your life you also live other lives. Your focus is within the physical world yet beyond that focus there lies a greater reality from which you can draw, from which you can feel that existence, a living existence and you can feel how it supports all that exists within the physical world. A bridge can be built, a bridge that reaches out for you do not work alone, you are a part of a team. Each member of that team has a task, has a purpose. You can feel the impact of that team with you for you are a part of that team and you also live an individual life. Try to feel your life, try to understand the purpose of your life’


‘Time and space, two words that form your world. You feel you are blocked in time and you sense the space that makes up your world yet beyond that there still exists life, there still exists experience and growth. Try to imagine your world with no time. Your life has no beginning and no end yet you are living a life, a life that moves forward, a life that increases knowledge. There is no way to judge yourself, there is only life, continuous life. You decide what you put into that life and you see the results, you feel the results and you begin to learn. Are you asleep or are you awake?’

Liz... ‘I’m awake...’

‘You are always awake for the mind cannot sleep, the mind is constantly searching, searching for answers, searching for lost memories’

Liz... ‘It seems to spend a lot of time mulling over current events and planning for future events... and inventing potential scenarios’

‘You are always looking ahead and expecting, expecting something new to fill your mind. You have forgotten all that you have experienced, you need to remember, you need to go back into your life, reconnect with the team. Each connection that you make helps you to remember, helps you to discover more about yourself. The world is a place of discovery, discovery of past memories and as those memories are brought back to you, you begin to make sense of yourself and the reason you are living in a physical world. There is so much to learn and there is much you can teach. You are all learning from one another and as you learn you build up within yourself recognition of yourself and a recognition of each other. You begin to remember that what went before, that what you have left behind, that what gives you the enthusiasm to live, to look forward and to search for new experience. You are motivated by yourselves and you welcome each day with anticipation in your heart, keep that anticipation burning within you and you will not be disappointed, you will uncover all that there is to learn’

Long pause...

‘Many minds work as one, each supporting the next, working back, working forward, spreading out. Be a part of a wonderful journey in a world designed for open minds, there is nothing out of your reach, do not allow yourself to hold yourself back. Keep moving forward’


‘When you discover new things, new experiences, try to recognise them as memories. You are rediscovering yourself, putting together parts of a picture until you begin to understand your true self and all that you are connected to. Allow yourself to reach out, be joined by many who will help you to live your life... Thank you my dear friend we have once again reached the end of our session this evening, please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it shine, let it grow, let it touch the hearts of all who share your life, all who reach out to you for you are all one living life. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight, thank you’

Liz was in a semi dream thought train and took a few seconds to answer...

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend, thank you’


I was back with it.

Liz then did the closing prayer and sent out healing...