May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

286th Sitting 30/07/2019

We had the room setup as usual and I was wired up to the Mind Mirror EEG.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.45pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

Liz saw moving shapes in the room at times.

I drifted into sleep for about 10 minutes before being controlled.

Just before I was controlled Liz got a vision of a row of trees. She didn’t say anything at the time so it was interesting that the start of the communication was about trees.

Liz turned down the music when the communication started which was about one hour after the opening prayer...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend and welcome’

‘Thank you, well, once again we have the opportunity to come into your room, an opportunity to speak once again with you for each time we come we try to give you something on which to develop an understanding. We give you a starting point from which you can use your mind, use your mind to build up within yourself some form of understanding which helps you, which gives you the evidence that you seek for you as a physical being are somewhat trapped in this physical world, yet at the same time you have the ability to discover more, to widen your view. Your physical senses are all picking up for you information, but it is for you to decide how to interpret that information, what to do with that information. As a physical being in a physical world you have many choices yet are you truly a physical being, are you in a physical world? What makes you believe you are living a physical lifetime? Each day of your life is full of possibilities, more possibilities than you are aware of. You all tend to play it safe, to work with your world, to become more immersed in your world but what if you turn your back on your physical world for one brief moment of your time, allow that information that comes to you to be interpreted in a different way, in a new way. You look around your physical world and you see a fixed picture and you believe that picture to be true, to be a true representation of where you live. Try to modify that picture, try to see it in a different way. Look at a tree, see the beauty of that tree, touch that tree, take some fruit from that tree and taste the fruit and smell the flowers that grow on that tree. You are using your physical senses but you have more, you have more ways of understanding that tree. Try to understand the tree from the perspective of that tree. Try to understand the feelings that that tree has, try to understand how that tree reacts to your presence. Feel the roots of the tree, feel how they engage with the earth, see how that tree is connected to all trees through the earth. You are aware of what you can see but do you truly understand that what lies beneath your feet, in the earth, in the soil. You can dig and you can see what it is made from but can you understand the feeling of the earth and its connection with the tree and how it connects to you and all of life? Is the earth alive? Is the earth conscious? What makes an artist want to paint a picture of a tree? What is that feeling? What is that connection that brings to the artist’s mind a need to paint, a need to capture on canvas that image, that image that is recognised by many? Is there an underlying feeling that is also recognised, that is also required to be seen, to be felt in places devoid of trees? Take a picture of that tree with your camera, you have once again captured the visual presence of the tree and the life of the tree is within that picture in the same way that it is within that tree. You are connected to that life and you can learn from that life. There is nothing in your world that you cannot learn from, you just need to understand it in a different way beyond your physical senses. Use your imagination to bring to your mind the image of the tree. You all have the power to connect, you all have the power to share your life with all of life in your world’

Liz... ‘I would like to ask a question’

‘Yes you may...’

Liz... ‘Is there a template according to which our evolution is directed or impelled because we often talk of creating a heaven on Earth, of actually evolving in a particular direction towards a more loving and harmonious consciousness. Is this a template according to which the direction of evolution is being impelled or is evolution and our evolution largely experimental in so far as, like a genetic algorithm it has a starting point and then it can take off and it can go in many different directions and the end result is somewhat unknown? Or is there a mixture of both these factors?’

‘Consciousness is always looking for ways to evolve. Each individual unit of consciousness has been created, created to evolve yet at the same time when a piece of consciousness is created it has to be let go of by the larger consciousness, let go of and allowed to develop in its own way with a free will. Before consciousness takes a journey in a physical life there is much planning, there is a template created which will form a foundation for that consciousness while it lives a physical life but once that consciousness has become immersed in the physical world it is free to do that what it may. There is nothing to stop each spark of consciousness in the physical world from straying from the path for you all are working alone in one respect. You are also connected to that what set you free and that connection contains the template or the pathway that was decided as the most beneficial pathway in your physical life. There is a pulling towards that pathway, there is a tendency for you to stay on that pathway but you also are able to venture off of that pathway if you wish. When viewed from the perspective of the consciousness your physical life is a series of choices, a series of situations in which you make those choices and it does not matter what it is that you choose, what matters is that as you make those choices and live your life you raise the quality of your consciousness but if you choose to stray from the path and your choices do not raise your consciousness you may step back, you may slide down but this is out of... this is for you to learn. You cannot increase the quality of your consciousness without first sliding down, making mistakes, taking wrong turns. Your physical world was designed for you to make mistakes, to do what you perceive as wrong and in doing this you will eventually bring yourself back in line’

Liz... ‘What is the quality of consciousness that is being aimed for in our personal template?’

‘You all have a starting point in your physical life and at that point you have brought with you... you have brought into your world that what you have actually in previous incarnations... you have brought a level of consciousness, you have brought a level of ability to love, you have brought a level of ability to think of others, you have brought a level of ability to receive love. These levels will be increased as you live your physical life, as you approach situations, as you take on tasks, as you mingle with others, as you understand your feelings. You take yourself from a state of disorganisation to a state of organisation and you can feel this happening within yourself, you can feel the frustration within yourself and you want to improve, you want to get rid of that frustration and you want to bring harmony to your mind. You don’t want to react in a negative way each time you receive information from somebody else. That what you brought with you contains elements of fear. By working on yourself you can reduce that fear and you will reduce the negativity that you feel when faced with difficult situations, confusing situations, situations that build frustration within yourself. The more you try to better yourself the more you will be helped. Those who remain living with frustration are left alone for they must find their own way out of a frustrating life. Look back and remember how you felt ten, twenty years ago and compare it to how you feel now. Do you feel you have improved the quality of your consciousness by how you feel each day of your life?’

Liz... ‘I think that’s hard to gauge because you can have days when your consciousness is very refined or up lifted and feels in touch with a greater sense of harmony and a deeper connection with the whole and there are other days when you lose that, when you feel in a cloud of confusion or a dim cloud where your consciousness is more clouded and you’ve lost that sense of connection, a little bit as if the light bulb has gone out and that seems that can happen throughout your life’

‘You are always growing and you will notice that the bright days will increase over the darker days. You all have much to learn, there is no limit to evolution. Each small step adds to your quality of consciousness and the quality of all consciousness’

Liz... ‘Can the quality of consciousness improve without a discipline, a technique, an effort to stabilise that state of lucidity?’

‘Effort is not required; you merely need to be natural. You merely need to live your life free from effects that you put upon yourself. You have grown up to a point and you will continue to grow. There is nothing stopping you in your development’

Liz... ‘Are you suggesting that this development just happens naturally without us doing anything at all, this progression of consciousness, you were saying it requires no effort on our part but it just happens?’

‘You have within yourself a motivating force. If you allow yourself to be natural, allow that what is within you to help you. As you live your physical life you are creating blockages, you are creating walls and boundaries within yourself with your frustrations. Learn to relax, learn to accept all situations for what they are without trying to change those situations, learn to accept all people as they are without trying to change those people’

Liz... ‘In a sense that may require an effort of not doing, that may actually require a certain technique or discipline, a disinhibition or rather an inhibition of the tendencies to complicate’

‘There is indeed an initial effort involved in the dissolving of all that lies within you, all that hinders your life but as you begin to break down those barriers, those walls, you will feel the natural you working with you. Allow yourself to be yourself, do not create something which you are not, do not act out something which you are not, you do not need to disguise your true self for your true self is a perfect self, perfectly designed to work in a physical world. You look at others, you compare yourself with others and you believe you have faults, you believe you are not living your life as it should be lived and you build up within yourself beliefs of how you should life, of how you should react to others, these are false beliefs. As easily as they are created they can be dissolved, they can be let go of’

Liz... ‘That requires a certain amount of vigilance which requires effort in a sense of maintaining an awareness of one’s motivation and a self-reflectiveness'

‘There is always great benefit in looking back at yourself at the end of each day, see how you have lived that day and pay particular attention to the negative feelings you have felt throughout that day. They are the clues as to where you have not lived your life in a natural way’

Liz... ‘So you are saying that the natural way is the template, our original template?’

‘That is a good way to understand yes, you came into your life as a natural being and as you lived your life you built up the barriers, the walls, those things which you now need to let go of. Life is really so very simple but the physical world has much that will complicate. It was created to cause complications so that you have a chance to develop. Work on yourself, look at yourself and see the improvements each day of your life. Thank you, thank you my dear friend we have reached the end of our session this evening. Please take from us a piece of our love. We appreciate all of your questions and we look forward to more but for now may God bless and keep you, goodnight, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight and God bless you friend and thank you’


I felt back with it after about a minute.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...