May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

Solo sit 19/06/2019

I had a solo sit at home.

I did the opening prayer and included a question...

‘What is a good way to explain what happens when we die to someone who is afraid of dying?’

After about two minutes I began to be controlled and the communication started...

‘Good evening, good evening... thank you once again for allowing us to come through and for giving us a question, a question on which we can give you some form of answer that will help you for it is always difficult to know just what to say for everybody has within them some form of belief. Much is said in your world about death yet so little is truly understood, so little is understood about the part that you play in your world for it is indeed one small part, one episode of your life. Your life is full of so much more and will continue to be full of so much more. When looked from the perspective of your physical world it does indeed seem as though you do die, it seems as though you no longer live. Life is taken from your physical body and for you that physical body is indeed you. When you believe this you will find it hard to visualise anything different than an end to your life. Try to explain to these people that life is greater than the perceived physical existence. Life is going on beyond the physical existence throughout your physical life and that what is beyond will continue when your physical body dies. Free from the physical body you will begin to understand your true self, you will begin to understand what motivates you to live, you will begin to understand the process of life and the process of playing a physical part in that life, many physical parts’

‘When the physical body dies you will be presented with many choices. That what held you to the physical world is no longer a primary part of you. The physical world will be remembered but only as a place to play a temporary part. You will be joined by those you remember who have passed on for in your mind you will see yourself in a similar situation to that what you left behind. You will be joined by friends and family and they will help you, they will take you by the hand and they will introduce you to yourself for after the physical life you find yourself in a new world not dissimilar to that what you have left, for your mind needs time to adjust, your mind needs time to realise that you are not dreaming, that you are still alive and you will be given time, all the time that you need to choose what you wish to do. 

‘The purpose of a physical life is to grow up, is to become a more productive part of life. When you look back on your physical life you will begin to see the progress you made and the mistakes you made. You will see traits in your character that caused you to move backwards and you will see that what gave you the courage to move forwards. You will understand what traits in your character need to be put to the test, need to be put in situations which will allow them to grow, allow them to move forward and you may decide that the time has come to journey back into that physical world. You will be guided to a life that will be suited to you, a life that will cause your character to make full use of its time. A physical life is a series of steps, each life forms one step. You may accomplish that step in that lifetime or you may remain where you are. You may take a step back. All this is recorded and all this is available to you and you will be helped to find a place, to find a life in the physical world to return to, become physical once again’

‘In answer to your question, when you wish to comfort one who is nearing the end of their physical life you can help them by giving them an idea, putting an idea into their minds. Explain to them that they need have no fear of death, death is the release of pain and suffering, death is the release of confused thinking for death clears the mind, takes away the pains, the physical pains and death opens up a new way of thinking. Try to explain that they will indeed be reunited with those who they loved and that there is so much more beyond that situation. Let them know that where they find themselves will be a place with which they are truly familiar for they have been there many times before. It is a safe place, a familiar place, a place full of friends, a place free of pain and worry and confusion. A place where they can truly live as they truly are, a place full of opportunities, a place where for them time stands still, the mind totally relaxes. They can stay in a state of rest for as long as they wish, nobody is there to tell them what to do, they will be in charge of themselves and will only do what they want to do when the time is right. Nobody is being judged, nobody is in competition with one another, everybody is so full of love that they do not even think of these things. The physical world is a temporary place where you put yourself knowing that if everything falls into place you will return to the spiritual world one step further on and those steps go on forever, there is no need to be afraid of death for death is waking up to your true self and to those who love you... Thank you, may God bless and keep you, goodnight’


I felt back with it after a few seconds then did a closing prayer and sent out healing...