May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

255th Sitting 17/07/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

This week we sat without music as an experiment.

Liz did the opening prayer then forgot to turn out the red light.

I felt myself being controlled as she was saying the prayer and the communication started as she finished...

‘Good evening, good evening...’

Liz... ‘Good evening friend...’

‘Once again we come in to your room... would you extinguish the light please?’

Liz... ‘Oh thank you, sorry I forgot about that’

‘That is fine, it was causing a distraction... now, we come through and we speak with you in this experimental environment. We welcome all experimentation in the study of the spiritual world for you are learning, you are the pupils of your world and of our world. It is a constant learning process and the ability to learn is heightened by your interest. We can only go so far in that what we say until a time when an opening of the mind allows full flow, full flow of spiritual information. As the weeks pass that mind is beginning to blossom, slowly opening, slowly widening for each week is another step forward, another step in the right direction. I stand by your side yet I am everywhere. You see yourself as an inhabitant of your world yet you are also everywhere. Keep your mind open, allow the daily physical thoughts to stand back and see your true potential. Everywhere is opportunity, opportunity to learn and you can grasp that opportunity when your mind is open and you have stepped out of the restrictions of the physical world. Time passes by, experiences mount up. Your own picture of your world is developing, getting stronger. Take time to listen, there is more to be heard than what you can imagine, you are tuned in to more than you can imagine. Do not block out what comes to you for it will help you to understand your place in your world. It will help you understand the affect you have on your world and on those who share your world and the effect they have on you. Feel the emotions, the emotions that are felt as information comes to you. Feel how you react, try to understand yourself, try to understand why you react with certain emotions to different situations then imagine yourself reacting with a different emotion and you will see how that situation will be presented to you in a different way for you are affecting the situations that are presented to you. You all live in this way and you all believe it to be the correct way yet you are only seeing it from one viewpoint, you own viewpoint, you own unique viewpoint that you have created as you have lived your life. Try to change that viewpoint and your understanding will widen... Do you have any questions on your mind?’

Liz... ‘Ah yes, there are lots of questions, I'll have to think and bring one forward... yes I would like to know whether we are equally effective as a small group with just the two of us sitting like this and whether you can work with us to good effect the same as if there were more of us present?’

‘The size of the group is unimportant, what is important is the motivation and the love that you have for us, for your world, for all of life. You need to want to learn, you need to want to pry into uncharted territory. We will always respond. Increasing the size of the group can have advantages and disadvantages’

Liz... ‘Does having a dedicated room make a difference to the calibre of our work’

‘It has a difference to you, it gives you a place to focus your intent. You will feel as you enter your room and begin your session a stronger link with the larger reality for you have given yourself the belief that you can use your room as a place of development and that belief will strengthen your connection’

Liz... ‘Is it important for us to do exercises and work during the week and if so what sort of exercises to help us link in more strongly with spirit and to prepare ourselves to be better mediums for communication with spirit’

‘You merely need to make the most of your life in your physical world, take care in every decision and choice that you make, take care not to hurt one another, take care to help one another. Living a life with positivity and love in your heart will raise your vibration and will strengthen your link to the outer realities, the greater realities. You need to look at yourself, see what needs to be improved in how you live your life and work on those improvements. You are in a world that is best suited for improving yourself. You have every opportunity presented to you and when it is seen that you are trying your best to improve yourself, further opportunities will be presented to you and you will see how your world improves as you improve yourself. This is the most important thing that you can do, it is why you are where you are’

Liz... ‘When we do our healing at the end of the session, are there spirit doctors who are working with us?’

‘You can see yourself as a spirit doctor by the very act of healing. You yourself are directing that healing. You yourself are initiating the healing to take place. You are consciousness as we are consciousness. Consciousness works through consciousness. It is so simple yet the physical human being requires to see spiritual acts in a physical way. You see yourself sending out healing and you see spirit doctors. You make for yourself, you create for yourself a picture that helps you to understand how your healing can travel to those who need your healing yet there is no need to travel, there is no space, there is only consciousness. Keep all your thoughts simple and you will begin to understand the complications of the physical world do not exist in the larger realities, the spiritual world. All is one, all is connected. It merely takes a thought to change the world. Is this understandable to you?’

Liz... ‘Yes, yes friend thank you’

‘There are many ways to understand. Sometimes you need to paint a physical picture to help you understand, yet you can also simplify that picture, remove any physical reference and see the simplicity of life’


The communication restarted but was incoherent at times...

‘All the great people of your world have been admired and they have set a trend, a trend that has been followed by others. These people have set down roots into your world that will hold strong. There is always a person who is admired in every generation. This person will come forward and produce works of art, beautiful music, words of encouragement. They will enlighten the minds of those who follow them for they have been blessed with a greater sight, a further sight, a widened mind. They can see beyond the physical world, they have touched that what lies beyond and they will inspire all who follow them. Many will be inspired to do great works, many will be inspired to make their mark on your world and your world will benefit. It will provide an opening, an opening to discover more, to see life as it truly is. Look out for these people, they have their own agenda pre-planned that they will follow and they are there to help’

‘There is a place where the people of your world will meet and will gather. There is a place where there will be an outpouring of energy that will benefit your world. See your world as a living being and you will understand how it needs to refresh itself. How it needs to purge out the old...’

‘Peace on Earth, patience, we all need patience, we all need to wait. The very idea of peace on Earth has been in the minds of all men since time began. You are all motivated by that idea, yet you confuse yourself by the way you think, by the way you act with one another. Look at yourself, see what you are all doing wrong. Try to improve the way you react. Be positive in your thoughts, do not allow negativity to cause you distress’

Liz... ‘When you speak of peace on Earth as a deep-rooted desire in humanity it seems that there is the animal tendency in humans for being territorial and fighting over resources. You see it in the animal world where there is conflict over a crust of bread and conflict over a territory when there is plenty of space. You see birds and other creatures fighting each other in order to mate and propagate the species. Is this aggressive side of human beings connected with the evolutionary animal body that they inhabit?’

‘It is all driven by fear, you all see yourself as an individual fearing for your life, fearing for your ability to survive. If you can change that viewpoint and see yourselves as one evolving race, see yourselves as one part of an evolving race, each part helping the other part which will help the whole, this will help. It will take time for the human race to lose that fear of individual death, fighting to survive, fighting to live when life is really so freely available to all, not restricted to the individual physical form. The individual physical form is but one part of that life. You are here to learn and you will fight one another until you realise that death is not the end, that life is so much greater than a physical world, and a physical body. Life is all that you can imagine and all that you can imagine will grow, will shine brighter, will develop, will join with all other life. There is a stronger existence within you that is driving you forward, that is pushing you towards peace on Earth. You cannot see this driving force, you can only feel it in occasional situations. Take yourself out of your own way and allow your true self to be yourself... Thank you my dear friend we have said all that we wish to say this evening. We thank you for your questions, please take from us a piece of our love, take it out into your world, let it shine, let it shine in every person you meet helping them to understand their true self, that self that is urging them towards peace on Earth. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you, thank you’

Liz... ‘Goodnight friend, God bless you and thank you’

I felt back with it after about 30 seconds.


We then sat in silence for a few minutes...

Liz got the name Peter May which neither of us recognised.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

It was interesting sitting without music. It didn't hinder the communication which seemed to be the same as when we use music apart from coming through earlier but we both felt it didn't feel right without the music. This confirmed what was said last week about the music providing a continuous repetitive backdrop that is repeated each week and that a part of us connects with that music...