May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

246th Sitting 29/03/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

After about 45 minutes Liz reported a granular streaked pattern of energy in the room a bit like looking at the patterns in wood, striations, knots and grain. A gold and black colour slanting in different ways like the yin and yang, gold to her left and dark to her right.

Then Liz sensed someone in the room standing next to her.
As she mentioned this I was starting to be controlled and when the communication started Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend and welcome'

'Once again, once again we all come through into your room, into your world, your physical world, share with you that wonderful world of experience, of learning, of making the most of a physical life, a physical life that you have brought about yourself. You have come into this world, you have connected to this world to experience and to make choices. Your world is a part of you, a reflection of you and you can make that reflection a pleasing reflection or an ugly reflection, it is up to you. Do not allow that what happens in your world to stop you living with love in your heart. There is much that happens in your world and it must not affect the way you live your life, for the way you live your life can affect that what happens. The purpose of a physical world is to give you the chance to express yourself in a way that creates a better environment. You are creating your environment by the way that you act, the way that you respond to the many difficulties that arise. You can allow those difficulties to change you, to change the way you live or you can face those difficulties with love in your heart and see those difficulties dissolve, become simple, become manageable. Step out of the confusion of your world, see it for what it really is... opportunities... opportunities to grow, opportunities to develop, opportunities to allow that true you to work its way through life, touching the hearts of all who you meet'

Liz... 'How does this apply to a Syrian civilian who's caught up in the bombing, in the destruction, who's maybe even imprisoned and tortured?'

'Whatever happens in your world does not have to have an effect on you, you are stronger than that what can happen in your world. You have a choice, you can allow the negativities of your world to turn you... to reduce your ability to choose. You will show your strength when faced with the difficulties of your world, your strengths will not allow the difficulties to reduce your choices for your choices are many, you have the power to change by your choices'

Liz... 'I guess that's harder to see how that's done when circumstances like wars limit those choices, maybe restrict you to choosing what you would rather not'

'You limit yourself. You see the world with tunnel vision yet you also have the ability to open yourself up to a wider vision. You will understand why these things happen, you will see the pain and sorrow in the minds of those who create these problems, you will understand why and you will do your best to help'

Liz... 'These circumstances, these adverse and vicious and destructive circumstances that arise can leave deep scars. How does a person who has such deep scars that affect their ability choose, affect their ability to live their life fully. How does a person manage to fulfil their life when they've received such scars from adverse circumstances, trauma?'

'By understanding what caused those scars, by understanding what caused those individuals to do the things that resulted in those scars. The strength of each person is sufficient to eliminate those scars. Each person reacts in a different way. Each person has an inborn ability to react to negative forces. They can be allowed to leave their mark and this will indeed affect the way life is led, but with time and with dedication a point will be reached where life will be seen for what it is. There is nothing negative that can affect you if you have the strength to understand what causes the negativity. You are all individuals working with each other, all playing your part, your important part, in a relationship with one another. Try to understand the parts that others play, try to understand why they play those parts. Have they too been scarred, have they been unable to eradicate that scar from their minds?'

Liz... 'There seems to be a deep unfairness sometimes when you look at the terrible injuries and the terrible traumas that some people have to endure in their life compared with others who have a relatively easy and luxurious time'

'Your world is a place of learning. Some individuals are able to learn more when faced with negative situations. You all have a choice to join this world and there is an element of choice that allows you to experience situations that will benefit your own growth'

Liz... 'I can't see how the loss of your children and your partner and your larger family and friends in terrible circumstances can actually help your growth and development'

'We can understand how you feel, we can see how your world appears to you. You have an understanding of the continuation of life beyond the physical yet you are immersed in the physical at this time, at this point in time. You look at your world and you see the suffering and you try to understand that suffering from your viewpoint at this point in time. There will be a time when you can look back and you will understand, you will see how the suffering has helped, has helped build a new segment to a character that will go on to achieve more, that will be able to look beyond the situations that are thrown at that person, will be able to make the most of the most horrible situations in a physical world'

Liz... 'So what happens to the person who is not able to do that, who becomes so scarred that perhaps they behave in a very negative way themselves and in the process cause harm to others amplifying the effects of that negativity that's been thrown at them'

'They will indeed become a part of the negativity of your world and if they remain in that state they will take that state with them into the next world, the next experience when the physical body dies. They will take that negativity with them and they will be given time. Given time to look into them self, given time to see what they have done. They will be joined by those who wish to help and if they choose they will begin to understand for themselves why they have caused themselves to see with a tunnel vision, see only darkness, see no way out. They will be helped, they will be shown visions of a new world, a world full of love and peace and they will be allowed to think for themselves until they reach a point in time when they will want to better themselves, they will want to be given a situation in which they can reverse the pain that they have caused upon themselves. All negativity when seen from the bigger picture, the larger picture, can be seen as a learning opportunity yet whilst in the smaller picture in the physical reality sometimes there is no way out, no way of seeing the love within yourself for that light has grown dim yet the dim light will always have the potential to shine bright. Send your love and healing to all those who dwell in the darker areas of your world, you can help, you are not restricted to the confines of the physical world, you can help from beyond your world'

Liz... 'So when we send out healing thoughts to those areas, does that in time help to alleviate suffering, lighten the spirit of those who are caught in those traumatic circumstances'

'Your healing thoughts will be received, they will be felt and if the time is right they will enable the love within that individual to shine brighter. A realisation will come and a wider picture will be seen and a way out will be found'

Liz... 'That's good to know'

'All healing thoughts are used, all healing energy is beneficial to your world, to the individuals of your world. Send your love with a focused intent, let it join with the love of others, let it light up your world, see the affect in your own mind on those who are so caught up in their own negativity that they believe there is only darkness in your world. See your love penetrating that darkness causing a spark of light within their minds, see it spread wider, opening up for them a pathway to positivity. Your world is a world of love and love is available to everyone. Negativity is a temporary state of mind that will always pass. Your help will speed up the process'

Liz... 'Thank you friend that's good to know... Are you able to give us some information that will be evidential, some information concerning our future, our lives, our current lives. Something that will be evidential'

'Your life is unfolding one step at a time, you and only you can direct that unfoldment. You have lived your life and you will live your life in the future, your future. We can sense events in your future but the sight, the interpretation of those events is up to you. If we were to give you a situation in your future it would change your interpretation. All experience is for you to discover in your own way'

Liz... 'That's true but it would also show, it would also help to convince that the you that is speaking, the group entity is in a larger consciousness system and not part of our physical system. It would help to demonstrate the origin of all the information and philosophy that you're bringing through. In that way it would be evidential of the survival of consciousness or the existence of consciousness independent of the physical vehicle'

'There is a time approaching when you will discover a new way of recognising the truth of your reality. You have been working, you have been questioning and you are working towards an answer, an answer for yourself. You are working towards a recognition of the makeup of your world. You feel right now that you are being swept along as if floating on a fast-moving stream but a time is coming towards you where you will stand still. You will see how you are the master of your world. You will see how that what happens in your world is not so important. You will see your place in your world and you will understand your place in your world. You have much to learn and one step at a time you will come to this understanding. A bridge has been built and it is for you to use. Look up to the sky, reach for those clouds, see beyond the clouds, see the love in your world that has created the pictures you see in the sky and recognise how those pictures affect your life'

Liz... 'Friend I understand what you're saying but it hasn't answered my question about evidence and the wanting evidence. It's true that we want understanding and we want philosophy to uplift and encourage and to make sense of the problems of our world but I'm also asking if you can provide evidence of the reality that this voice, this information is coming from a source that is beyond our current physical framework. It may be that is not what is on offer from this source'

'There is nothing we can say that will alter, that can affect your way of thinking at this point in time. We only wish to give you information that will help you build up for yourself a truer picture of reality, a more understandable picture of reality. we wish to help but we do not wish to confuse. You are asking for evidence yet your world is full of evidence, your life is full of evidence. You can produce that evidence for yourself. You have to make up your own mind from that what you experience. You have to use your intelligence and your ability to perceive to build up for yourself a personal truth that you can build upon for nothing is fixed, nothing is set in stone, reality is blending with your own thoughts as you think. Take your thoughts out of the physical world, try to think spiritual thoughts, non-physical thoughts. Understand that reality is not fixed, reality is your own creation... Thank you my dear friend, we have exhausted our time with you this evening. Thank you for your questions. Please take from us a piece of our love. Take it out into your world, shine it on those dark areas bringing love to those who live in the darker areas of your world bringing a smile to their face and a realisation that the world is a wonderful world, a beautiful world. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you too and thank you'


I felt back with it after about one minute.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

Just before we started Liz had been getting an image of an empty photo frame, it was just blue where the photo should be...