May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

240th Sitting 08/02/2018

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 7.35pm including the question...

'My question concerns the nature of physical reality and the other planes of reality which we call non-physical because you have said quite often that we create our physical reality and presumably we also create the non-physical reality, but I'd be glad if you could elucidate on how this is, how this works, and what is the physical reality?'

Liz then turned out the light and put the music on...

I drifted in and out of sleep.

At one point Liz felt herself going into a light trance and she got very hot.

45 minutes after the opening prayer I began to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz... 'Good evening friend and welcome'

'Yes once again we come through, once again we come into your room, your physical world, we make our presence known in the world that for you is physical. You have asked for explanations on the physical world and that what you call the non-physical worlds. There is very little difference between that what you call physical and that what you call non-physical. You yourself are consciousness and you as consciousness are wanting to develop, you are wanting to broaden your mind, give yourself something that will help you grow. You have chosen to immerse yourself in this physical world, you have chosen to cut yourself off from your real self, that what is motivating you, that what is experiencing this physical world but because you are totally immersed in this physical world you cannot... you have lost the ability to remember your true self, you have lost the ability to know who you are what you are. You experience your world as a solid world and you share that experience with others, yet your experience differs from that of others. You see your world through your eyes, your consciousness sees your world through your eyes and an interpretation is made. Try to imagine yourself in a new world, a world created by your imagination, forget all that you have learnt, cast that aside and begin to create a new picture, you will soon find how easy it is to create, you will find that your creation becomes real to you and you will begin to understand how you have been fooling yourself since beginning your physical experience, yet that experience is what is helping you to grow, without that experience what would you have left? What would help you grow? Whatever reality you are in is physical to you, yet you can change that reality with your imagination, you can switch realities, you can take yourself into what you would call a non-physical reality and then that will become physical and that what you have left will become non-physical and you do this each time you sleep, each time you lose that consciousness of your physical world. That consciousness continues to experience in your dreams and your dreams for that moment are physical to you. Your physical reality is ever changing, guided by the consciousness that inhabits that reality, every thought produces new ideas which can be perceived. You see yourself as an individual in a physical world and this is understandable for the illusion has been created for you. You spend the majority of your life experiencing one small part of yourself, do you understand where the majority of yourself resides?

Liz... 'Yes'

'Where then do you believe the majority of yourself to reside?'

Liz... 'In a non-physical, in an imagination state, a state of imagining, a mind state'

'Yet that small part of yourself also has imagination and a mind'

Liz... 'The small part? Do you mean the physical part?'

'Yes that what is immersed in this world. You have a physical mind and you have what you would call a spiritual mind, a non-physical mind'

Liz... 'By that would you equate that with our terms of a conscious, a normal consciousness and a super-consciousness or an unconsciousness?'

'There are many ways to describe, we chose to use the simplest words, we wish to make your understanding simple and uncomplicated yet for you to truly understand you need to experience that what you have yet to experience. We can give you an idea, we can give you something to think about, we can suggest for it is you who needs to expand your mind into that what is not physical. You have many experiences as you live your life in your physical world and you are also experiencing beyond that world. Picture yourself standing at the base of a giant tree. Touch the bark, feel the roughness of the bark of that tree, imagine how it feels at the top of the tree. You cannot experience that feeling for you are stuck to the ground at the base of the tree but that what you experience will give you an idea of what the bark will feel like at the top of that tree. As you exist now you can only get ideas of an existence beyond your reach yet the more you allow yourself to think, the more you allow yourself to let your physical experiences explain to you something greater, something larger, you will expand you mind and your experiences within a physical world will encompass experiences beyond a physical world. You will not see, you will not feel, you will not just hear, your sight will be heightened, your touch will go beyond that what you experience, you will hear music beyond what is imaginable for you now, for the physical world is a part of the non-physical world. The non-physical world is there for you to experience, yet your beliefs are holding you to that what you do experience. Shed those beliefs and you will experience so much more, you will find yourself at the top of the tree and you will see how that bark will be smooth to the touch, will react to your touch because it is also life, it is another form of life and as life is all connected you can feel that life within yourself. Never underestimate your own powers, your own thoughts and your own imagination. Do not let your beliefs hold you back'

Liz... 'When we dream are we creating that dream world?'

'You are creating it up to a point, you can create so much more'

Liz... 'Is there parts of the dream world that are independent of us? When I dream is the world that I find myself in sometimes just a creation of my mind or does it exist independently of me?'

'Your dreams are a combination of past memory and also that what the larger consciousness brings to your mind, yet you have to allow the larger consciousness to bring pictures and situations to your mind, you need to interpret that what comes forward, you need to learn to interpret that what is given to you'

Liz... 'Sometimes in dreams I experience myself in a place that I know I've been in in dreams before as though it's an actual place but different. I'm aware that it's not in my daytime, my normal waking consciousness world but it seems to perpetuate itself'

'Allow yourself to explore that place as you would a place in the physical world. It is a place that has been brought to you, given to you, yet it is up to you how you use that place, how you perceive that place. It is now a part of your memory but it can be modified. You do not need to dream to visit that place, for you can think of it now... you can hold that thought in your mind and you can see how real that place is to you. Think how you benefit from visiting that place, how can that place help you with your own development of your mind, if it is useful to you then you can visit it often, all experience will help you to grow, will help you to understand the next experience. There is no need to label realities as physical and non-physical for they are all experiences in which you can grow, in which you can mingle with others. Use your intelligence, try to understand how experiences help you to grow and evolve'


Liz... 'I'd like to ask another question if you're able to bear with me'


Liz... 'From what level does the actual fabric or pattern that underlies all the created, all the manifest realities, universes, the shapes and form of things including our own physical bodies, including our non-physical parts, at what level of consciousness does this proceed, what is the primary level for these forms to begin to be brought into reality, to be realised?'

'The foundations of life are drawn upon from all, by all. There is only one consciousness, one evolving consciousness that reaches out into all realities. You are a part of that consciousness, you are that consciousness, that consciousness reaches out into all of life. There is nothing to separate you as a physical being and all that is consciousness'

Liz... 'I can understand that but I as an entity have individuated, I'm part of many but at what level of my total being because there are obviously levels of individuated consciousness and it seems to me that there must be some that are operating at a higher level, at a higher creative level, a higher level of consciousness, of awareness and if our reality is close to an imagined reality that we create there must be individuated beings, individuated units of consciousness that are at a much more executive level for manifesting for bringing into reality further individuated beings, further individuated universes, structures'

'The larger consciousness has indeed created individual consciousness, individual parts of the one consciousness, those individuals are working as individuals and are growing at their own rate, they are reaching their own level, they can be on many different levels yet at the same time they all work as one. Think of the consciousness as the roots of the tree and the individualised consciousnesses make up that tree yet they connect to the root, they are set free on their own to travel through their own experiences, making their own choices, making good choices and bad choices, evolving and devolving, putting themselves at a higher or lower level yet at the same time they are all one. There is an average level that is created, there is no right or wrong there is the ability to evolve or devolve, there is the ability to love and the ability to fear. Those who have reached the higher levels will want to help those who remain at the lower levels. By helping one another you are increasing the average level of all, all of life'

Liz... 'Are there beings that we call angels and archangels'

'If you were to perceive an individualised consciousness that had evolved way beyond your own evolution, that would appear to you as an angel, a being of light, a loving vibration'

Liz... 'Can such a being actually act as a progenitor of new individuated consciousness systems'

'What you would perceive as an angelic being would only wish to help those who exist at a lower level'

Liz... 'But has that lower level being been spawned by higher beings? What I'm asking is are we the creatures of higher level creators?'

'You have been created by consciousness, you have been individualised by consciousness'

Liz... 'Have we been individualised by individualised consciousness?'

'An individualised consciousness is consciousness'

Liz... 'I understand that but I'm asking whether this hierarchy of beings, whether there is a hierarchy of beings that exists that causes further emanations from themselves to emerge as new entities that are developing'

'New entities are created when it can be seen that this will help the total system'

Liz... 'Are there waves of development?'

'Development is constantly ongoing'

Liz... 'I'm thinking like in the physical where you get offspring generated, generations. This is in the physical realm but does that happen also at other levels, higher more evolved consciousness, but there are generative episodes'

'What is important is the evolution of each individual, the level that that individual is operating is not so important. A lower level of consciousness has more potential to grow and that growth will feed back to the consciousness system'

Liz... 'I'm understanding that but it could work both ways, could angels be a generation of the creative impulses of humans, or does it work the other way round that humans are a generation of the creative impulses of angels?'

'The angels can set the standards to which the lower level forms of consciousness can aim towards. They will see how the angelic energies benefit all of life, they will want to emulate those angelic forms. When you rise the quality of your consciousness you no longer see yourself as an individual, you see how you can help, you see how you can lend a hand to those who still find themselves trapped in physical life'

Liz... 'Is it... I've heard from those who have seen things further that there are beings that we call divas, entities associated with the actual creation of the fabric of physical reality, the mountains, the trees, the stones, that they actually have a creative ability to manifest these particular forms, might call them thought forms that have become what we call physical. Can you comment on that?'

'This ability is shared by all'

Liz... 'I can't create a stone'

'That is your belief. Your belief is stopping you'

Liz... 'You mean if I believed I could create a stone I would create a stone'

'You need to let go of the belief that you cannot create a stone but to do this you have to truly let go, let go of that what you belief to be physical. You are holding yourself in a world that you believe to be real. You are holding yourself to the belief that you are an individual'

Liz... 'Well it's said that some practitioners of yoga and of esoteric arts are able to manifest or create physical objects out of air as it were. Is that what you're implying that that ability should be native to all of us were we to decondition ourselves from our beliefs'

'They have that ability because they understand the physical world as it really is'

Liz... 'Ah ha'

'You will also have that understanding but it will take time'

Liz... 'It will certainly take time because my awareness is that I am a strictly limited being as I operate in the world. Perhaps in other realities after death I might be able to be a lot more creative but as I am in my physical reality my ability to create is limited and yet without even understanding I can give birth to a living child and have given birth to a living child and I did nothing to develop that child, that child grew without any work on my part, without any effort on my part'

'You are seeing, you are perceiving only the physical part of that child, so much more is happening, so much more is developing beyond your senses. Take yourself from the physical world and experience the life force behind all that is physical. Rejoice that you have so much more to learn, so much more to discover, rejoice that you are a part of this wonderful physical world'

Liz... 'Intelligent physical world...'

'You bring your intelligence into your world'

Liz... 'I guess my intelligence is a function of the primary consciousness, it's an innate property'

'You retain all that you are connected to, nothing is hidden from you, you merely create your own walls, your own distractions and your own limitations, but you are growing, you are blossoming, you will indeed reach out beyond the physical'

Liz... 'I see this larger consciousness is operating through me with intelligence, creating me, and that me is the larger... is that consciousness so if I look at it like that I am my own creator and I am the creator of everything around me but that's the paradox that we suffer from feeling separate but the truth is we are not separate. So I see the truth of what you are saying and I can feel that at times but for a lot of the time the conditioning that we receive in our education, our learning, our upbringing works against that realisation. It's almost as if we have to let go of that education in order to perceive the truth. So I can understand when you say that we create this world and we can create this world, that that is true and the extent to which I don't always feel that is a function of the conditioning, is a part of what we suffer from the blind leading the blind in this world. Those who don't know imposing their ignorance on others and calling it teaching, calling it education... Thank you friend'

'I think we have reached the end of our session this evening. Take a piece of our love, take it out into your world, share it with all who you meet. Thank you my dear friend, we have enjoyed giving you once again something to think about. May God bless and keep you all, goodnight to you'

Liz... 'Goodnight friend and God bless you all'


I came back after about one minute then Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing don exercise...