May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

224th Sitting 07/09/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Brian joined us this week.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.10pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

For the next 50 minutes I drifted in and out of sleep.
When I was awake I felt like I couldn't move and my head was held up.

Liz reported seeing white shapes in the room, a bit like a jig-saw puzzle.
Then they became blotchy and she also noticed pin-prick lights.
Liz then reported fizzy swirling shapes dropping down like a changing pattern with lights within it.

Liz noticed that the phenomena seemed to get brighter as she reported it as if it was acknowledging what she was saying.

Brian was seeing lighter areas around the room and a few white lights.

Liz saw what looked like a pair of bright eyes to her right. She could see them with her eyes open or shut.
Then she saw a light near where I was sitting.

Brian was now seeing lots of white light. He could still see it when he closed his eyes but thought it looked brighter with eyes open.
He was seeing purple as well.

Liz was seeing misty light at the top of the room.

Brian thought the room had now got darker.

When 'A Whiter Shade of Pale' was playing Brian was thinking about how he used to be able to play some of it on the keyboard, then he suddenly saw part of a keyboard lit up in orangey red.

Brian now had lots of light above him getting brighter and brighter, just above his eyes.
Liz thought the room looked lighter where Brian was sitting.

Brian was seeing lots of yellow and purple colours drifting about in the room and coming up to his eyes.
Liz had a dark shape in front of her, it felt like it was pressing on her.

I started to be controlled and Liz turned off the music...

'Good evening, good evening...'

Liz/Brian... 'Good evening friend'

'Good time to come through and speak once again'

Liz... 'Welcome, welcome friend'

'There's a good atmosphere in the room this evening, we have all enjoyed working in the atmosphere that you provide for us, we can stimulate the way you perceive, we can stimulate the way you experience, we can in the energy stir up a multitude of visions, of visible phenomena that for you will trigger off in your mind shapes, colours, images'

Liz... 'Is that what you were doing?'

'We were helping you to find for yourself a way to perceive colour in darkness, a way to perceive pictures when the light has been taken from your room. You understand light in your world that comes to you, that brings your world to life yet your world also contains within it energies that can be perceived by yourself, energies that will trigger off in your mind visions'

Liz... 'This is energy that is not dependent on the eyes?'

'The eyes are not necessary for sight, the eyes are not necessary for experiencing colour, experiencing shape. You all believe that your physical senses are feeding you with information yet you also are being fed information beyond your physical senses and in the séance conditions it is possible to bring experience to you. It is you that is triggering off these experiences. We can provide the energy that will manifest the experiences'

Liz... 'Are there many of you doing this in the room tonight?'

'We work as one yet we are made up of many. Each mind that connects to your room works in harmony, works as a team. There are many who give their energies, there are many who are interested in the work that you do and there are many who are interested in you. Your thoughts are of others and your thoughts connect to others. The connections pull those energies towards you. When you sit in a physical séance you ignite within yourself the ability to perceive. We are attracted to that light that you shine, we will move close, we will become a part of your energy. You will feel us, you will experience sudden memories, memories that will spark off further memories as if you are with that person that is connected with you. When you feel yourself thinking of a friend allow that thought to develop and that thought will become a two-way communication. When a physical séance has been developed then the thoughts become words and you will physically hear the words of those who you love. Thoughts precede words. Share your thoughts with those you love and you will receive memories in words and in pictures. You will feel the character of those who have gone before. Recognition is the key. Accept what you recognise and the experience will grow. Words are not always necessary for recognition comes in many ways. Keep your mind open, allow the thoughts to reach back to you. You play an important part in your séances. We can only help, we can assist yet the work is done by you. You can create, everybody can create, there is no limit to what you can create... Do you have further questions?'

Liz... 'Are you able to bring forward relatives, people we know who have died recently to communicate with us and to let us know how it is for them? Is that going to be possible? Is that something you would wish to do?'

'Anything is possible and we wish only to allow you to experience everything that is possible'

Liz... 'That is a wish of many people to be able to communicate with those who've past into spirit, who've died. To find out how it was for them, their experience and the sort of experience they are having right now and some sort of evidence that it really is a deceased person who is talking, a personality that is still experiencing as a personality'

'You are already in contact with those who have passed, allow yourself to recognise this, look for the clues, look for the evidence'

Liz... 'It's clear communication I think that is most evidential'

'That will come, you will find bit by bit clues popping up in your life, do not dismiss these clues. As they gather energy they will grow, you will find yourself connecting, receiving. We can work with this when we sit. It is good to question yet your mind is fragile. There are times to question and there are times to accept. Keep your mind alert to the possibility of communication with your loved ones and bit by bit communication will come'

Liz... 'Is it likely to come through this mediumship and through this medium?'

'As the medium develops, barriers will break down. The flow of spiritual vibrations will quicken and you will indeed receive a voice of those who have passed'

Liz... 'That's good to know thank you'

'The purpose of a physical séance is to allow physical words to be spoken, to allow physical objects to be created. The mind of the medium needs to be fully engaged with the combined minds of those who work with you all. This is a development circle and each time you sit further development occurs. Over the years the development has altered the way we work with you, the way we work with you all and the way that we work with the medium and slowly the purity of the spoken word becomes alive within your room'

There was a pause then the communication started again but sounded different and was incoherent for a while. It sounded like different communicators were trying to get through. The names Steven and Julie were mentioned.
Liz encouraged the communication which became more coherent and continued...

'Once it all settles down then the words will come. Each time that we come through there is for us a question to be answered. Each time that we come through we will bring answers to those questions, to those thoughts that come to us. There is... Each verse of the song builds up, each verse adds to the song and the song is remembered. There are no songs that do not touch the hearts of those in your world for songs can be remembered and can affect the way you think and the way you feel. Music fills your world. Each day of your life you are filled with music in your mind. As you walk through your world you take with you a song, a song of experience, a song of feeling. Sometimes that song is sad and sometimes that song is uplifting and happy. You create that song for yourself. Try to sing in tune with your world, make it a happy song, share it with others. Listen to their song and enjoy all music in your world. Sing from the heart, fill your heart with the loving energies of music. Music bridges the gap, takes you to our world, releases you from your physical life. Music is the bridge that connects you to us. We sing to you; do you hear our songs? Recognise that song in your mind and question yourself, who is singing for you? Thank you my dear friends, we have once again reached the end of our session. We will draw back and you will return to your physical lives uplifted with a smile on your face. Take from us a piece of our love, spread it amongst your world giving everybody that smile, giving everybody a happy song to sing to themselves in their minds as they go about their daily duties in a physical world. Thank you, may God bless and keep you all, good night to you'

Liz... 'Good night friend and God bless you, thank you'

Brian... 'Thank you'

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...