May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

211th Sitting 09/03/2017

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.05pm, turned out the light and put the music on...

I fell asleep for about ten minutes.

Liz reported seeing floating shapes moving around the room both with her eyes open or closed.

I got an image of a row of pins sticking in something like a pin cushion and a few seconds later I heard Liz say she felt pin-pricks down the right side of her face and tickles behind her right ear.

About 20 minutes after the opening prayer I started to be controlled and Liz turned down the music...

Liz... 'Welcome friend...'

'Good evening, good evening'

Liz... 'Good evening'

'All good yes, good time to come and speak once again to you for it is as always a pleasure for us to enter your state of existence and experiment for a little while using the voice of the medium we can express ourselves to you. It is an interesting experience and we enjoy the opportunity to come. The words are all in front of us, they come as one package, a package of words all together one by one arranged in the correct order, the correct sequence. When we approach your vibration we feel the pulling, the pulling towards your world, your life experience, for us it is a natural process, a natural blending of consciousness for consciousness is never separated. We share with you the one consciousness, the conscious thoughts, the conscious ideas, the conscious enthusiasm. We wait for the time when you wake up for we can see the light emerging, we can see the thoughts shining like stars. Bright, penetrating beams of light surround you and surround us for we are all connected, we are all receiving the same thoughts when we come close. You do not need to try so very hard to connect with us for we are already very much a part of you, there is little difference between us all. You merely have to adjust the way you think, adjust your perception of yourself. See yourself as a separate entity and you will not feel the closeness of that what surrounds you. Allow your perception to encompass a larger area, a greater expanse of thought and detail for your thoughts need not be vague, thoughts can be precise, focused. Keep your mind clear and allow focused thought to work with you. Think of us as a part of you and see yourself connected with all that you can imagine. Take one piece of yourself and wrap it up with solid thoughts, hold yourself to one side, allow more thoughts to come in, there is nothing stopping those thoughts apart from your own perception and beliefs. Push those beliefs to one side and clear the way, accept the thoughts that come to you as a part of yourself. Do not see us as separate entities, there can never be separation for all is one. The wings of a bird give that bird a choice, a choice to sore through the skies connected with all life or to walk the Earth plane in isolation. You too have your own wings and you can take off and connect with all life. Reach out and touch all that is there and all that is within yourself'

Liz turned up the music then after about 12 minutes turned it down again as another communication started.
It was a bit muddled and incoherent at first...

'Beatle, Beatle... step in time... there was not time... there was not enough time to come through and speak for the verse... the complicated situation was still unable to be explained for it had a very unnecessary occurrence to fade away, to fade away and come back. Now there is an opportunity for us to come and speak and unnecessary to... take away the verse that was not recorded had no explanation... The doorway up... the way up is to come through and speak and engage once again for there is a subject that needs to be explained, there is a subject that needs to be brought up and talked about for all places have their unique feeling, all places are mapped out beforehand and given the vibration that is correct for their positioning. We have seen how each separate part of your world has its own vibration, its own feeling for your world is a combination of different feelings. As you walk your world you will feel the effect of a different vibration. You do not have to travel very far for within this vicinity there are many states of thoughts, states of minds, vibrations will vary dramatically. When you send out your healing energies ask for the vibrations to be smoothed and united for the vibrations will fight each other. You have the opportunity to spread your healing energy throughout all vibrations bringing them closer together. The vibration from this place is a healing vibration and it will mix with the lesser, sharper, ugly vibrations that exist throughout your world and it will help them to bring about their own help for they are indeed in need of help but they will only help themselves and you can help them help themselves. Picture a world full of peaks and troughs, unsettled, rising and falling, see yourself as a calming energy that will help to settle the constant bombardment of negative thoughts with a calming feeling. All life can feel the benefit of the healing vibrations that you can send out throughout your world for all life is tuned in to receive healing, all life is receptive to healing and all life is appreciative of the healing energies that are sent out and received. The power of thought is not understood but you can see the effects of healing and this will show you the power of thought... The doors of heaven are open to everyone and you will find yourself in heaven in your daily life. You will experience the feeling of heaven in your daily life. When you experience this feeling hold onto that feeling and do not allow the darkness to pull you out. The more you can experience this feeling then the more easy it will become for you to experience it. Take it one step at a time for you cannot hold the heavenly vibration within yourself for so very long whilst engaged in your life as a physical form but with practice you will hold that feeling for longer and it will build up within yourselves. Each person has that feeling and each person has the ability to enter the heavenly vibrations whenever they wish for the doors are wide open. Only yourselves can keep yourself from this state, the heavenly vibration. A time will indeed come when the majority of the human spirit in the physical world will enjoy the feeling of the heavenly vibration, thank you... The time has come, our session with you this evening has come to an end and as always we leave with you a piece of our love. Take it out into your world and share with others, let them feel the vibration of our love. May God bless and keep you all, thank you, goodnight'

Liz had drifted off during the communication and woke up after two minutes by which time I was back with it.

We then sat quietly for about ten minutes.

Liz had brought back a dream image of Divina who was Dorothy Maclean from the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, a place Liz has visited several times. She couldn't remember the context of the dream just the name Divina. She also got... graded, ranked, Brenda, a mishmash of islands, downstream, cold-stream.

I had got an image of a young boy, a toddler, with jam and cream on his face like he'd just eaten a cake. He was wandering around the room looking a bit lost then got smaller and turned into a white light the size of a football which then became a big bright blob. Then I saw him as a boy again before he changed into a piece of bright white material on the floor and I saw white robed angelic type people standing around this material which I then noticed was part of their robes and they all started walking towards each other, merging as one and then disappeared.

Liz then did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise...