May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

157th Sitting 10/09/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned on the music and put the light out.

I lost consciousness for about an hour but came back several times and remember feeling a beat vibrating through me at one point.
I was back and aware before the communication started.

Liz turned off the music when she heard me becoming controlled in the cabinet.
She welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Good evening, good evening’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘The love in all things happens to attract the sight of the hungry mind for it shines, shines and ignites the senses in a way to beautify the thinking of all, all who walk the world, your world of physical matter. Keep an eye open to the good in each situation, keep an ear open to that love, that love which stands behind all creation waiting for recognition, waiting to be seen and heard by those who have worked their way through the problems, the disappointments, the ugly moments of a physical life. Tear down the walls that hide the beauty, the beauty that was created at the beginning. The fabric of the physical world is not an ugly place, is not a fearful place. Recognise the beauty in the smallest of natural objects, natural occurrences. This is all brought to everybody to help them recognise, recognise the meaning to their life. Allow them to see the mistakes they have made, the incorrect turnings they have made, the blind alleys they have walked up. They will all eventually see their true path of enlightenment, walking towards the light, the light that is in all things, all situations. Take the darkness away and see how strong the light can shine. Each step towards the light is a beneficial step for all mankind. You have all been split up into individuals yet you all share that one goal to uncover the light and realise you are all one, one motivated spirit that seeks the power within to be ignited, to be turned on, to be the motivating component in a body of confusion, to take that body out of the confusion and set it free. Many have come into your world with a mission, a mission to help and to teach and to show to many how easy it is to live a life free from confusion. They have come to bring light into your world they wish to share, they wish to set an example, they wish to make people think, give them the courage to think for themselves, to give them the courage to look beyond the obstacles that stand in the way of light. It is easy to sink backwards for it needs courage to step blindly forwards into the unknown, into the unfamiliar but at the same time knowing that much good will come from the exploration’

Liz… ‘Do we have a valid pool of knowledge, a valid mirror that’s been created through the different explorers who’ve investigated these areas, who’ve thought about it and explored and come back with various pieces of evidence, various answers, various impressions and ideas about how it all really is and how it works and what happens to us when we die? Can we trust the information that has been gleaned over the years and is in the archives of humanity and humanity’s consciousness?’

‘The experiences of others in this subject have indeed built up an archive, an archive which can be accessed by all who have the interest to explore themselves but they will build up for themselves their own experiences once their mind has been triggered to search for information which suits their own train of thought. Each individual has their own unique train of thought that began when they became aware in a physical world. That what has been amassed before the awareness in a physical world is kept back, is kept out of sight until a point has been reached in the train of thought of each individual, a point where they have achieved a heightened form of experience equivalent to that what they had achieved before the awareness in a physical world. At that point information will freely flow into their consciousness, it will flow naturally for it will be recognised naturally. Once that point is reached nothing will stop the advancement of the spirit in that individual. There is much information stored in the minds of all who inhabit your world and beyond but a point has to be reached before that information can spill out into that ever expanding mind. It has to work in this way for this was always intended when the physical world was originally created in its most basic form’

Liz… ‘So there was intention behind the creation of this world’

‘It was seen as an opportunity to spread the awareness of the mind, the one mind that is all’

Liz… ‘Who saw this as an opportunity?’

‘The ever expanding awareness of the mind’

Liz… ‘Is that the great I am?’

‘It has been perceived by many, interpreted by many, many names have been given, it cannot be fully understood while you walk the physical world’

Liz… ‘All the names of God, go towards a comprehension, the attempt at comprehension of this being who sees and intends, who’s intent is our reality, who’s intent manifests as our reality?’

‘The intent was made and the reality evolved and the awareness was put into place in the evolving reality when the time was right’

Liz… ‘As you are speaking and the terms you’re using almost suggests an anthropomorphic creative force or at least the idea that we as individuals are mirrored on the creator seems to shine forth in your words’

‘All is one yet perception will confuse. All is evolving, expanding in many directions at the same time’

Liz… ‘In many of the understandings that have been passed down in the archives of our consciousness stemming from hermetic tradition which is, as above so below, is the idea that man has been made in the image of God… with the suggestion that comes through sometimes that there is almost a hierarchy of beings and at each level the entities or the conscious beings are expressions, reflections of their progenitors or that larger reality out of which these stem… is this how it is…? Russian Dolls’

‘As the awareness expands each direction is seen as a singular unit. Each direction is recognised as only the one direction. Each direction cannot comprehend the other directions, it can only work its way back to the central core. It cannot shift direction until it has reached that point where the stored information will come to its mind and it will recognise that what it has achieved before it became aware in whatever reality it finds itself. Allow yourself to fully extend your awareness; do not try to understand that what will become freely given to you once you have attained a level of awareness to become reunited with your own experiences that you have built up over many lifetimes in many realities’   

Liz… ‘Do we need to bring them to conscious awareness?’

‘You merely need to think beyond material thought, think beyond the physical appreciation in a physical world. Let yourself rise above the thoughts of all who enter your world, take yourself into your own thoughts, the thoughts that have inspired you to take your journey in a physical world, the thoughts that planned your journey, the thoughts that were shared by others who also planned to journey with you. You are not alone, you are one of many, a group soul, a collection of mind setting out in an unfamiliar world yet knowing that a point will be reached where all will become clear and all will meet up again and recognise that goal which was set in place’

Liz… ‘So is it a bit like at the moment we’re in a dark room, there’s a large elephant but all we are aware of is the bits that we can perceive through limited senses so we feel maybe part of a leg, some rough skin but the actual appreciation of the elephant in its totality is beyond us. We have little inklings until light is shone in the room and we have perfect vision and then can see the whole animal. Is that how it is with our perception of reality, waiting for the light to be switched on?’

‘The elephant is you in your totality waiting for that recognition as the light shines and your eyes are opened and you truly recognise who you are and what you are a part of, what you connect too and the benefit you give to that connection as you work your way through the physical life’

Liz… ‘This is where patience is needed because to be aware of the possibility of that light switching on that illumination and that sudden revelation, to be aware of that possibility but not to be there yet can be quiet an agony. One can be impatient for the light switch to be switched on and that moment and that’s where I suppose patience and faith that this will happen in the fullness of time to go through the evolutionary process to put in place everything that’s needed up until the point of the light switch’

‘Yes and remember that that point is but one step further and many more steps lay ahead. There is no limit put on the ability to expand the awareness. There is no limit put on the breadth of thought as it reaches out through the universe’

Liz… ‘I guess in our understanding of our mythology and our stories and the characters who reached too high and became burnt, Icarus who tries to fly to the sun and was burnt, and the idea that the light, the fullness of light would blind us, it’s so dazzling that we can’t see in it so it’s the idea that readiness  is all, that we have to be ready, so it’s as if we are going through a preparation process to be able to receive this full consciousness that’s dawning but to be able to contain that’

‘Rejoice that you are always moving forward and do not despair when you feel you have not reached that point you aspire towards for you will know when you have reached that point. Enjoy the journey; do not rush into that what will blind you’

Liz… ‘I guess it’s the growing pains isn’t it. We spoke last time of the necessary confusion…’

‘That confusion which will hold you back is there for a reason’

Liz… ‘And trying to extricate one’s self from the confusion or clarifying, this is all part of the growing process and what we call growing pains and it’s like that with consciousness as it develops it suffers with growing pains’

‘As you grow then the confusion will not be seen as confusion’              

Liz… ‘I suppose it’s a bit like the nymph body of the dragonfly or the snake skin that’s cast off. For a while it’s supple and it contains the living organism which could be consciousness but as the living organism grows and develops it splits and becomes outmoded and draws away and a new skin grows, a containment vessel’

‘There is much in your physical world which represents for you the expanding of awareness and the falling away of confusion. Observe the beauty in your world, observe it evolve, watch each sunrise, see the beauty in the colours that reflect into your mind and recognise how you are gently evolving your own train of thought for you will slowly step out of the physical matter, you will not be so dependent on the physical forces of your world’

Liz… ‘Our current containment vessel… As we progress beyond our current containment vessel into our new and larger group entity fully conscious, do we develop a new body as it were or vehicle? Is that the next stage that will develop, a greater being with a defined containment vehicle of consciousness’

‘The body is purely physical yet your thought can create further vehicles of containment if you feel you need a body to focus your thinking, your awareness. You may find that you can shed all thought of containment and your awareness will become free and able to encompass that from where it was conceived. Do not try to limit yourself in containers. Do not build for yourself a wall or a box. You do not need containment, why would you wish to restrict yourself when you are moving towards thought that is set free, thought that can truly recognise that which is all. Take yourself out of your body, take yourself out of the physical senses, take yourself out of the limits of physical sight…

Liz… ‘I suppose I’m referring to something you eluded to last time we spoke when you said that you would although now you’re at a stage beyond that open ended existence, you would immerse yourself again, you would come back through the confusion containment process, part of the evolutionary spiral, repeat at another level and that’s what I’m referring to, new containment vehicles. Is this part of our evolutionary process, we come in and out of these vehicles, these containment vehicles, we come into an augmented state of consciousness where we are once again aware of the whole of our reality but then choose to for some reason to come back into a containment vehicle at another turn of the spiral. I guess that is what I’m referring to’

‘But remember this is a small part of…’

Liz… ‘Reality?’

‘It is a small part of yourself’

Liz… ‘Are you saying that this evolutionary cycle is a small part of our self?’

‘You, yourself have evolved over many experiencing lives yet you yourself have done this by separating one part of yourself and allowing that one part to once again take itself into that reality which is suited for its growth. It is only one part of the whole, one part that is connected to the whole like the leaf on the tree it can be immersed into a physical world but it is still a part of that tree, giving the tree the nourishment through its experiences, through its growing and expanding until it has recognised itself once again as that one glorious tree. There are many leaves on the tree; each is contributing to the whole. There is no repetition, there is only growth, there is no returning to a previous state for each experiencing life can be started at a point suitable to the experiences that have been made… We hope this has been understandable to you and we will continue on this subject when we return for the link is becoming weak as the physical time has ticked by and we will now draw back. We thank you once again for your interesting mind opening questions and we will leave you with a piece of our love to take out into your world and lighten up all those darkened places, help each spirit to shine the light within. Thank you my dear friend, may God bless you all, good night…’  

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, God bless you too, good night…’

Liz put the music back on as I came back.

Liz had felt someone with her, touching her hair during the last part of the communication.

My stomach was gurgling during the last part of the communication and a noise sounding like an extra voice came out on the recording. It could be independent voice development or it may just be the sound of my stomach. Here’s the clip…

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…