May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

143rd Sitting 28/05/2015

We had the room setup as usual.

Liz did the opening prayer at 8.40pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

About ten minutes later Liz felt a strong sense of energy on her right hand side, away from the cabinet.
She felt like she had been divided in two.
It looked light to her right and darker on the left.
It felt like a very powerful energy.

Another ten minutes later some noises started from the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it tuned in…

‘Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening’

‘Good time… now good time to come through, yes, good time to come through now… we all… learning to come… very good…’

Liz… ‘It’s good to hear you, it’s good you came through early…’

The communication seemed to be still tuning in and took a while to become coherent…

‘A combined effort, all of us, we all come through yes… now let us… All communication will surround the central, the pinnacle of all the correct, ask, asking… There is a lady, a lady…’

Liz… ‘A lady?’

‘A lady yes…’

Liz… ‘Is she known to us?’

‘She wishes to communicate with you’

Liz… ‘She’s very welcome’

‘There is a version for her to accept. Now she has come to explain to you how she felt when she brought forward her own spiritual talks, when she was inhabiting a physical body, yes, now she comes close, her mind has come close and it tries to bring forward the words one by one, one by one…’

Liz… ‘Good, it’s very good to hear you’

‘Is a difficult… It is difficult for her to work in this… She is beginning to understand the mechanics of communication from this side to your side, the spiritual vibration is coming down to you and your physical vibration is… Yes it feels to her harmonious and inviting for she had her doubts as to whether a communication would take place in this way’

Liz… ‘I’m very glad she’s able to come forward. I know her don’t I?’

‘Yes you already understand who this is, you have the picture in your mind, she will not speak directly but we can relay her thoughts at this time… There is an ongoing question for her which you have been asked, you have it also on your mind. She would be very pleased to have her… have the spiritual communications that came through her transcribed for all to read, for all to learn from, for the work she did for your world was not meant only for a few, it was meant to be spread around your world to be enjoyed by many, by all who have the interest in the spiritual world, the world of spirit and the words that can be transmitted to your physical vibration, yes it was, she gave much to your world, much was transmitted to your world through her physical, her vocal cords and this work will be appreciated by those who have the interest and the motivation to learn from this. So yes, the answer is yes’

Liz… ‘Good, thank you’

‘Spread the words to all… You will be hearing more from this lady and she will be able to speak directly to you. Listen for her voice, listen for the thoughts that she will impinge onto your own consciousness both when you sit like this in your circles and when you sit alone. When you reach out be aware that she is very close, she will stand by your side’

Liz… ‘Can she tell us something of the space she finds herself in now, what it’s like?’

‘She has been guided by the information that she brought through. She herself had learnt from the teachings that she gave and this helped her to settle and understand the vibration she found herself a part of, for she understood it was only a small part of herself which walked the Earth plane. She had this understanding so it was not such a great step to join the world of spirit and the conditions that awaited her when she left the plane of physical matter for she recognised where she was going. She had already seen, she had already felt, she had already understood the condition that was waiting for her, for at times when she was engaged in speaking in her circle her mind was taken to the conditions that were being prepared for her, even though at the time she did not have a physical recognition of this. It was introduced into her mind when she broke free from the physical restrictions this memory came instantly back to her mind, it filled her mind and she felt comfortable in the conditions that she now dwells. She is not dependent on meeting physical recognisable friends, relatives and loved ones. She has passed beyond this stage for she understands, she understands the fleeting life of the characters that are played by the larger consciousness that motivates all the living characters in your world’

Liz… ‘So she is now at a higher vibrational level, at a more refined vibrational level?’

‘You could say she is at one with her true self’

Liz… ‘Does she still have a separate body, an individual body?’

‘She has no body, she…’

Liz… ‘No energy body?’

‘She has gone beyond, she no longer needs to associate with an individual body, an individuality, there is no need, she understands the condition of pure consciousness, the condition of emotion. When you think of yourself as a physical individual you see yourself in your physical body and you associate all understanding with your physical body. You place your emotions in that part of your physical body which you most associate with your emotions. If you did not have a physical body, if you was not experiencing a physical world but the emotion was still there, where would you place it?’

Liz… ‘Umm, where…? it doesn’t have a locality’

‘You would understand that there is no need for localities, no need for the building blocks of a physical reality, of a physical body. These are merely fleeting tools of experience. The real you is without this, just one fragment of your full self is immersed in this physical atmosphere and for many that fragment is the full self, that is all they can understand’

Liz… ‘What is it that is drawing her back to communicate? Does she still feel an affinity or a link with this physical plane that she was part of?’

‘She has heard your words. All consciousness is one and when a question is directed to what you understand as an individual then the consciousness which motivated that individual will hear the question and will respond. Always questions put out into a non-physical atmosphere will be answered. Whether the answer is heard or not is your responsibility’

Liz… ‘Is it easier for those in spirit to hear when we send out our thoughts and intentions than it is for us to receive the reply?’

‘Yes because the spiritual realms are devoid of the limitations of physical existence. We hear your every thought, we are aware of your every thought, your every emotion. When a question is directed we will respond’

Liz… ‘When you say you are aware of our every thought and emotion, presumably that’s only those that are strongly directed towards you’

‘Those that are directed to us are what we respond to but we are still aware of all your thoughts’

Liz… ‘But presumably that’s by choice because presumably you have some way of closing off your awareness to chaotic and negative thoughts that are around’

‘Picture yourself walking along a busy street. All the noises, all that is happening around you. Are you aware of all of this at the same time or is it just a distant drone?’

Liz… ‘A distant drone mostly without focusing on a particular conversation’

‘That is how we hear your thoughts but our attention is drawn like yours would be if somebody on the other side of your road shouted your name. You would instantly stop your thinking and direct your thoughts to that source of information’

Liz… ‘Okay so when I specifically asked Sheila to respond to the question about whether she wanted her communications, her readings to be published, to be transcribed and published, when I asked that, as that was a question directed towards you and that was of interest to Caroline as well she felt, she heard that’

‘Yes and you did this in this room, you did this the last time that you sat and she was drawn, she was drawn to you at that point’

Liz… ‘And was she present when Caroline was here, was she trying to make her presence felt then through some of the things that came through then?’

‘There is a connection and when there is a connection there is a stronger link, an interest is sparked. She sought out a way to speak to the physical world when she gave up her physical form and she knew she had the connection to yourself, the strand of connection was there and she could feel that you were engaged in spiritual communications, she saw her opportunity to communicate. She knew that you would be sufficiently interested to investigate the source of the communication and you made a phone call, you were able to confirm for yourself the evidence that was brought forward. Since this time she has been aware of each time that you sit and when the opportunity was made for her she has transmitted her thoughts though to you’

Liz… ‘Thank her very much, I very much appreciate the link with her, I think it’s wonderful and I look forward to it developing further and for further insights coming through from herself and from the group that she is part of’

‘Allow yourself to receive but do not put too much effort, do not expect, clear your mind but when you feel you have that link then relax and allow what is transmitted to come to you’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘Open your eyes, open your mind and it will come through to you… Thank you we will now withdraw’

Liz… ‘Okay and thank you to Sheila’

‘Continue with your music and we will return, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

About 10 minutes later Liz reported feeling a strong energy on the left side of her head pulling towards the cabinet and she perceived rays of energy going towards the cabinet.
At the same time my head had been twisted left so the right side was in line with Liz’s left side and I was aware of energy on the right side of my head.

Liz had the feeling she had been divided in two again.
This time it was dark on her right and light on her left.

After another 20 minutes some more noises started from the cabinet and Liz turned off the music…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Thank you, thank you… Always remember all is not always how it seems, all is not how it appears, all is not how it is presented. You will come up against confusing ideas, you will be presented by confusing ideas, those generated from a mind far from your understanding but you will be given the opportunity to accept the ideas as they are brought forward to you. Remember when you observe the elderly man walking with difficulty in his frail body he may be perceived as an old man yet the child who walks, who skips by his side may have, may be motivated by a spirit far advanced in its understanding to that of the elderly man. You all have your times, your periods of existence in your physical world. You have many times travelled the world of physical matter and you have built up, you as a spirit have built up an understanding and that understanding slowly seeps through to the physical body, the physical make-up of you the character that walks the physical Earth plane, but do not assume all are alike, that all have built up their own understandings from their visits, from their Earthly journeys. There is so much to learn, so much to understand’

Liz… ‘So are you saying that people are at different levels of understanding and it’s not always apparent that they’re at very different levels?’

‘Yes you need to learn to look beyond the physical. When you are engaged in this physical life you all have learnt to use your physical senses to perceive the sights, the sounds around you but you have a much greater sense at your disposal and that sense will penetrate beyond the physical and it will recognise the height of awareness that has been achieved by each individual spirit. You will be able to perceive…’

Liz… ‘So is it the case that some people who are teachers are actually not at such an advanced state of awareness, consciousness as some who are pupils or students?’

‘You will soon be able to understand and recognise for yourself where the experience lies in each individual. You will feel for yourself, you will understand for yourself the level of achievement in each physical form. You will know who to listen to and who to encourage for all are setting out on their path of discovery. Nobody is superior to another yet they can coexist’

Liz… ‘But there are some people who feel they are on a superior plane, who feel that they have achieved a level of understanding that is greater than others and they’ve put themselves in a position of authority’

‘You will be able to see them for what they are but do not think badly of them, send them your love, send them your encouragement, send them your healing so that they will recognise for themselves the stage that they are at. They are building up for themselves a platform. They are using their fears; they are trying to cover their fears by raising themselves beyond their own understandings, feeding their ego. But it is a temporary situation for them for they will not have built the foundations of knowledge to place themselves upon. They have merely built a physical structure to stand upon, a temporary structure, one which will crumble after they have seen for themselves the errors in their journeys, in their needs, their needs to succeed. They will step back and they will accept a slower pace, they will settle into their correct state of mind’

Liz… ‘There are a lot of people who are on a spiritual journey and they gain quite a feeling of success and prestige from following a particular path in accordance with those around them and it gives them a sense of security but they feel often that they’ve progressed further than they really have in understanding without realising that there’s a much larger picture and it’s difficult sometimes when people are like that to communicate freely because they feel that they have all the knowledge already and that is as they perceive it’

‘Yes this is what will always happen in your world. Some will… It is always wise to step back and understand that there is so much more to learn. It is not wise to believe that you have understood all. This is an unsafe structure you are building for yourself. The patience of man is a contributing factor to the infirm structures that are built and stood upon. Some feel they are in a race to achieve a greater understanding. They will not accept a slow step by step pathway. They will leap ahead missing the real truths that lie by your side as you make your way slowly forward. There is nothing to be gained on a quick instant pathway except to learn to take that step back. It can take many lifetimes to learn this, there is no urgency. This is what is not so well understood in the many understandings of your world. The thoughts of your world often come together and look for that easy pathway, that easy route, for it is believed that it is an urgent, it has to be achieved at speed’   

Liz… ‘And in this lifetime’

‘Whereas you have all the time in your world and whatever world you find yourself in. Keep doing as you do and you will continue to build a strong foundation, a foundation that will also be used by others, others that share your pathway. Continue to question yourself, question what you do, do not believe all that is told to you wherever it may come from. Question, question, question and you will know when the answers are correct when they satisfy and create in you a new understanding, an understanding that can go against all that you previously thought. For you are entering into a stage where you need to let go of some of the beliefs that you still cling to. This is very difficult and needs to be taken one step at a time. Do not lose sight of the light, the diamond light that shines in front of you, keep yourself, stay in charge of your thoughts but allow new thoughts to enter your mind before you cast them aside. Allow them to enter into the beliefs that you have gathered and see how they affect those beliefs. See if those beliefs still hold true. If they do not, question yourself as to whether those beliefs should be held onto or discarded but always take it slowly for there are many mistakes to be made. All who inspire you wish you to succeed but you yourself can spoil an opportunity by those beliefs that are attached and are part of your makeup’

Liz… ‘Do some of these beliefs concern our own idea of our self?’

‘You need to understand for yourself what these beliefs are; they all have been created by yourself in your physical lifetime. Only you can let them go. Be guided by the new thoughts as they enter your mind. Understand that all is not how it seems. Keep that thought in your mind’

Liz… ‘Thank you, yes’

‘Now we have come to our end but we wish to tell you that the two circles are progressing well. You are sitting in the correct way. You do not need to change your Tuesday group, your Tuesday session is benefitting at the moment from a lack of music but you must sit again next week with no music and allow your feelings to tell you how to sit the next week’

Liz… ‘Okay thank you yes’

‘We cannot advise you on this at this stage for you are developing an understanding as you sit and we do not wish to interfere. You are developing as the circle develops and the less we interfere the more you will benefit from this. So yes sit as you do and decide where you are going with the music and the apparatus you set up for yourself. Thank you now we have to withdraw from you this evening, we have used up our energies. As always we leave with you a piece of our love to help you understand and to open up your eyes to the future understandings that will be presented to you. Goodnight my dear friend’

Liz… ‘Goodnight friend and thank you very much and God bless you’

‘May God bless you all. Please replay your music and we will withdraw’

Liz put the music back on.

I was back with it after two minutes.

The session had lasted two hours this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise…

I had remained aware throughout the session this week.
At the start I had a pressure on my head like a finger pressing on it.

Liz had had a clear picture of Sheila suddenly come to her at the beginning of the session. She didn’t verbalise this at the time which made the communication more evidential and even more so when it included… ‘you already understand who this is, you have the picture in your mind’
Sheila has been making herself known since the 03/02/2015 sitting in our Tuesday session through Liz’s mediumship.
I wasn’t expecting her to do so through me and was very surprised when she did…