May 2012 saw the first sitting of a new mediumship development circle in Eastbourne, East Sussex.

We sit in Liz's fully blacked-out converted garage. I sit as the medium with Liz as sitter and we are sometimes joined by other guest sitters.

We treat each sitting as an experiment with no expectations from us and ask our Spirit Team to work with us in the most efficient way to produce evidential mediumship to help us understand ourselves and the bigger picture.

Each sitting is recorded, I transcribe the recording verbatim and include in the final report of the transcript any additional unrecorded experiences that Liz and myself remembered from the sitting.

I publish these reports to give people the opportunity to read or listen to the communications and hopefully increase their own understandings.

I welcome any comments or questions and my contact email is

It's up to the reader to make up their own mind as to the source of the communications and phenomena reported and hopefully be inspired to set up a development circle to get their own experiences...

...Nick Pettitt

104th Sitting 07/07/2014

We sat and set up the room as usual.

Liz opened at 8.30pm, turned out the red light and put the music on.

Ten minutes later Liz was reporting lots of blotchy shapes in the room, she said it was like being in a field of dandy lions.

As she was seeing this a few noises started up in the cabinet.
Liz turned off the music and welcomed the communication as it settled in…

‘Hello, hello… Good evening…’

Liz… ‘Good evening friend’

‘Yes, yes, well, well, good evening… Good to be able to speak again’

Liz… ‘Good to hear you’

‘Hope to be coming through load and clear’

Liz… ‘Yes you are’

‘Yes, yes, yes, good, good… All around once again the crystal walls are in place. You are surrounded; once again you are in your crystal box... This is a good opportunity for us to talk. We are thinking that we will next week experiment with your light. We will conduct the session in white light, your white light from your electrical lights. We will have them placed in the two far corners of your room and the cabinet will remain open. The link will be forward of the cabinet. We will conduct our evening in this condition as an experiment. We will see how we can communicate in these conditions. We feel that we will still be able to communicate in the same way. This will be just for the one week, then we will return to full black out until we wish to do this again’

Liz… ‘Okay that will be interesting. When we started we were in partial light and we still were able to communicate with you so hopefully that will be successful’

‘Yes, yes we have found that there is not the necessity for darkness if we are to communicate in this way. Darkness is required for the initial build-up of physical phenomena but a trance communication can proceed in most conditions’

Liz… ‘I thought that might be the case… But we enjoy the dark’

‘Yes we know that it allows you to appreciate any visual effects that you see. You will not be able to do this in the lightened conditions but hopefully the subjects that we will talk about will keep your interest and make it an enjoyable, interesting evening for you in this way… Something which we will do in the future once we have attempted this light condition is to bring invited guests into your room and work with them also in lighted conditions. This will allow a greater range of people to feel comfortable in the lighted conditions. It is not always wise to invite people and then subject them to full blackout conditions. Many people feel un at ease when they are subjected to blackout conditions. They wish to know or they wish to see what is happening in the room. They do not understand, like yourself, that a blackout condition enables you to see more in an evidential way but they will enjoy the evening more in their own way if they have light’

Liz… ‘Yes and then there’s also less notions that there could be fraud’

‘Yes many on your side see a blackout condition as an invitation for fraudulent practices but again this will only apply when physical phenomena is happening. When it is just a communication then this will not apply. It is more a case of making them feel at ease. For them to hear a voice coming at them in the dark it will conjure up fears in their mind, so this is why we wish to conduct one evening in lightened conditions to see how we can work and intermingle with you with communication’

Liz… ‘It would be very good if you were able to produce some sort of evidence that we can know couldn’t have come from the medium’s mind. If you were able to give some sort of pre-cognition or something that would clearly show that the communication is coming from another entity, another source through the medium’

‘Yes we understand that you and our link are looking for this evidence, this is understandable for you both have a limited perception of what is possible in these sessions. We feel we have partially accomplished this by what has been perceived in dreams after our sessions. This is the first step towards this form of evidence’

Liz… ‘I understand that yes’

‘We will increase, we will move up another step as our circle develops and we can pass through the mind of the link information which you will be able to verify at a later date. There are several ways in which we can achieve this. We also hope to be able to bring through family members for you. These will bring evidential communications which you will be able to verify in your own way sufficiently to remove all doubt in your mind’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘So as always be patient, we fully understand this need for evidence and we know that all on your side look for this evidence, this is an understandable way for you to operate, for you put a lot of effort into attending these sessions every week and the experiments and even the thinking that you put into your life, these all contribute to the efforts that you put into looking into this wonderful subject and we will reward you with this pure evidence that will give you that extra knowledge, that knowing, that build-up of evidence that will create a knowledge in your mind that will remove doubt’

Liz… ‘That would be wonderful’

‘Now return to your music as we continue with our experimentation from our side, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend’

Liz put the music back on.

About ten minutes later Liz was getting hot.
She was seeing flashes of light and felt something tickling her forehead.

Another communicator began to come through and Liz turned the music off again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Easy to be… to hold… hold onto your words for they have within them a true meaning that will enlighten your way. They will encompass that what you seek and learn from, enable a special link to that what lies in front, always in front, always one step ahead, always slightly out of reach, always there and knowing it is there gives that wanting to explore. There are so many ways in which you can reach but finding that pure way forward is part of the challenge laid before you. So when you feel close, when you feel you have that answer so close to your grasp then find that extra energy to surge forward into the mist, into the unseen, that next word which separates you from this… Let it, let it settle, let it settle until the curtains are opened then you will see, then you will see that we are only an extension of all of your experiences. We are a part of you, that part that is that motivating force pushing you, pushing you on further, giving you that enthusiasm, that interest, that wanting to move forward. We all join when you feel that connection, that spreading out, that moving forward, that…’

Liz… ‘I guess we’re all linked at a deeper level aren’t we’

‘That is the link, there is no separation. We have that link but until you can hold onto that link you will still feel separated, an individual, for you are a part of this physical life. The link has been partially hidden from your view but you are still a part of it. Separate yourself from your surroundings and the link will become a clearer part of you. Let go for a brief period to be reunited with the greater part of yourself’

Liz… ‘Does this happen in dreams during sleep?’

‘When you lose that consciousness of physical reality your own awareness is free to explore but you as a physical being have to be able to recognise and recall those journeys beyond your physical existence’

Liz… ‘Yes that’s what we’re trying to do’

‘This is a… It is not impossible but there are so many filters in place for your own protection to help with your physical experiencing, you physical learning, for this is where your awareness is now, it is where you are supposed to be now but at the same time you have an opportunity to spread your wings, reach out to the greater existence. Keep doing as you do and you will penetrate into that greater existence and bring back the memory’

Liz… ‘That’s good… And the knowledge, thank you’

‘You will eventually realise that it is yourself that is holding you to your physical existence. You have built your own attraction to your physical existence. All on your side as they exist in a physical existence they build up an attraction like a magnetic force holding them to their physical reality. This is a natural force for you and for everybody but once you have worked at releasing yourself then you will discover more’

Liz… ‘Yes I guess the trap we’ve woven for our self is to believe that this physical existence is all that there is, so it becomes limiting, a limiting experience’

At this point I felt a strong energy shift. The shaking/buzzing energy that I usually get when controlled suddenly left me. I thought the communication had finished but it continued and I was held still.

‘We all help you when you do your exercises we know that it is an important part of your growth. We can see the benefit to all when you attempt these exercises. We have been watching you for many of your years and we wish to help, we want you to succeed because we know that it will benefit many on your side. There are others who also work in a similar way from your side, these too have the cooperation from us to help, to inspire and to guide but we are limited, we can only assist, we cannot give you all answers, you will work these answers out for yourself which in turn will help you grow, expand, increase the quality of your consciousness and this will help so many more in all dimensions. So keep working, keep trying and know that we are helping as much as we are allowed, thank you’

Liz… ‘Thank you friend, thank you for that, shall I put the music back on now?’

‘Return to your music, thank you’

Liz put the music back on.

After about 25 minutes there was lip-smacking from the cabinet and Liz turned the music off again…

Liz… ‘Hello friend’

‘Tick-tock, tick-tock, the time come once again, the time has reached the point where we have to draw back, our session has come to an end. We have had a good time with you, we appreciate the time you have spent with us, the time you make available for us and we use it well. We look forward to our session next week in the light. We are undecided as to what music or whether to play the music but we will, we suggest that you play the music as always to start the session then we will guide you as to whether to continue or to take the music out of the situation. So now we draw back and we leave you with a piece of our love to spread around in your world. We will join you next week and we will as always enjoy our experimental session with you. Thank you, our energy has come to an end, goodnight’

Liz… ‘Good night friend, our love and blessings with you, thank you for all your communication, I’m going to play one last tune’

‘Yes one tune and we will withdraw’

Liz put one more tune on.
I felt fine and back with it when it finished.
The session had lasted 1 hour 50 minutes this week.

Liz did the closing prayer, sent out healing and did our closing down exercise.

At some point between the second and last communications I had felt a strange sensation like an upward pulling force on my face. Then it felt like I had floated up to the top of the cabinet. I had full awareness at that point so decided to see if I could float out of the cabinet and into the room. I managed to get as far as the empty chair to the left of the cabinet then I lost my awareness but went into a dream state and remember continuing to float around the room until I got to where Liz was sitting. I was then blinded by a bright light which seemed to be coming from where the glass dome sits next to the cabinet. It looked like the light was behind two curtains that were opening making it more intense.  This caused me to shoot back into the cabinet and wake up back in my seat.
When I told this to Liz she recalled experiencing a blinding light several times from her left where the dome was. At the time she had thought it was just an internal phenomenon…